#AfricaSummit Our World #RepublicOfCongo See this report at worldfolio.co.uk Monday, August 4, 2014 Republic ofU.S.-Africa C Leadersongo Summit 2014 Washington, DC This supplement to USA TODAY was produced by United World Ltd., Suite 179, 34 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0RH – Tel: +44 20 7409 3106 – [email protected] – www.unitedworld-usa.com H.E. Denis Sassou nguesso, President of the Republic of the Congo The way forward, an agenda in motion ince gaining full inde- Since then however the Re- pendence from France Under the leadership of H.E. President Denis Sassou Nguesso – one public of Congo has enjoyed in 1960, the Republic of of Africa’s longest serving leaders – the Republic of Congo is all set for steadier progress under Mr. Congo, also known as Nguesso’s rule, which has sub- Congo-Brazzaville, has expe- an economic boom, as new oil, mining, agriculture and infrastructure sequently helped to increase Srienced both political and so- projects are expected to come on-stream in the coming year confidence and the flow of for- cial upheaval. Today however eign investment. Natural re- it is emerging as one of Cen- sources are key to the country’s tral Africa’s leading nations, Cameroon, the Central Afri- “TODAY, IT WOULD prospects, with abundant sup- with governmental reforms can Republic, the Democratic BE WRONG NOT plies of timber, iron ore, potash improving living standards Republic of the Congo, and TO BELIEVE IN and zinc all helping to propel and providing new opportu- the oil-rich Angolan exclave growth. Exports of uranium, nities for both local businesses of Cabinda. Natural resources AFRICA. FOR THE phosphates, natural gas and and international investors. also abound in the republic, PAST 10 YEARS, hydropower have also helped These changes have been with many of the country’s THE CONTINENT to diversify the economy, but largely driven forward under major exporting firms basing HAS SEEN STRONG it is petroleum that is by far the leadership of H.E. Presi- themselves in the territory’s GROWTH. THE and away the country’s main dent Denis Sassou Nguesso, federal capital Brazzaville, PRIMARY RESOURCE breadwinner, representing whose Parti Congolais du which with a population of OF AFRICA IS an estimated 88.5% of export Travail has dominated the 1.2 million people is the larg- ITS YOUNG earnings. country’s multi-party political est conurbation in the nation AND DYNAMIC Other industries include scene since the early 1990s. Mr. and houses nearly a third of its POPULATION” farming, with agricultural Nguesso rose to power follow- populace. products such as manioc, sug- ing the demise of the country’s This concentration of popu- ar, rice, corn, peanuts, vegeta- Communist regime, which lation is one reason why the H.E. DEniS SASSOU ngUESSO, bles, coffee and cocoa all pro- had ruled over the territory city is so vital to the country’s President of the duced in reasonable quantities. between 1970 and 1991. It had wider prospects, while its po- Republic of Congo However imported foodstuffs come to power itself after the sition on the Congo River, an are vital for the country’s pop- French colony of Equatorial important inland waterway, ulation, with products from Africa gained independence has been an important factor abroad making up around 80% from its colonial masters in in its growth. north are virtually uninhab- of citizens’ daily diet. This fig- 1960. Similarly, its proximity to ited. The result is a territory ure partly explains Mr. Ngues- During this turbulent time Kinshasa, the capital of the that is one of the most urban- so’s current plans to expand the in its history, the Republic of Democratic Republic of the ized in Africa, with 70% of its country’s agricultural industry, Congo formed economic re- Congo, has helped interna- total population actually living improving both infrastructure lationships with other Com- tional trade develop. Lying on in Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, or and efficiency. munist regimes, including the the opposite side of the river along the railway line that con- Capital equipment is an- People’s Republic of China, and within sight of each other, include Dolisie and the coastal majority of whom belong to nects the cities. other major import, with large the former Soviet Union and this is the only place in the city of Pointe-Noire – Congo’s various Bantu ethnic groups, This has both helped and amounts of heavy machinery North Vietnam. Today, the world where two capital cities economic capital. Both have although local dialects such as hindered economic progress, brought in to assist with build- Republic of Congo is seeking are situated in such proximity. developed into smaller busi- Lingala and Munukutuba are which was also stifled by the ing projects and extracting to forge new international rela- In addition to its role as ness hubs, with the territory’s also widely used. civil wars that hit the country the country’s rich natural re- tionships to enable the country the country’s political capital, former colonial past reflected Brazzaville and the country’s in the late 1990s. During this sources. to attract foreign investment, Brazzaville is also a financial in some of the French business other major cities are all locat- time, many businesses found This is set to increase fur- develop its various emerg- and administrative hub. Its interests that remain there. ed in the southwestern portion themselves having to reduce ther, as Mr. Nguesso’s strategy ing industries, and make the name is sometimes used in the French is also the Republic of the country, meaning the their operations, while some to propel growth through a se- most of the wealth of natural country’s title to differentiate it of Congo’s national language vast areas of tropical jungle were forced to cease trading ries of infrastructure projects resources that exists across its from the neighboring Demo- amongst its population, the that cover huge swathes of the completely. Predictably, this gather pace. Major develop- landmass. cratic Republic of the Congo, hit the growth prospects of ments are also planned for the The Central African nation known from 1971 to 1997 as A UNITED WORLD SUPPLEMENT PRODUCED BY: the emerging nation, with the country’s oil and mining sec- has only a short coastline in the Zaire, which is often known as Gonzalo Llaryora, Andrew Machaj and economy taking several years tors, further proof of the Re- southwest of the country, and Congo-Kinshasa. Gemma Gutierrez to recover during the early public of Congo’s increasingly shares its borders with Gabon, Other major settlements years of the 21st century. ambitious outlook. Our World Insert is produced by United World. USA Today did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content 4 Monday, August 4, 2014 Distributed by USA TODAY REPUBLIC OF CONGO Thirty years of vision and leadership Having first come to power three decades ago, H.E. President Denis Sassou Nguesso gained his latest seven-year term after elections in July 2009. In an exclusive interview with United World, Congo-Brazzaville’s celebrated figurehead talks about the achievements of his longstanding tenure and his exciting plans for the future of the country Denis Sassou nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo, will be among the 50 African heads of state at the White House in August at the first U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit n August 4-6, That said, we as Africans cussed are the need to based on the principles of tions of the population can and sons are forging today. President are also very conscious of boost economic relations peaceful coexistence, non- only be met in proportion The ambitions for to- Barack Obama our limitations. Much re- between Africa and the intervention in internal to the progress of the real morrow’s Congo, oncex will host the mains to be done to ensure United States; the ques- affairs and the promotion economy. they are achieved, will give first U.S.-Africa Leaders truly inclusive economic tion of peace, security, and of sub-regional integra- it added value on its jour- OSummit in Washington. growth, one that creates stability in Africa; the fight tion, particularly regarding On what areas do you fo- ney towards emergence. Fifty African chiefs of jobs and leads to the eradi- against terrorism and mar- neighboring states. cus your action and pub- We firmly believe that no states have been invited. cation of poverty and mis- itime piracy; and climate The Republic of Congo lic spending? strategy for development According to the White ery. change. is convinced that the pro- One of our priorities at and prosperity is justified if House, “discussions will The path to growth for Other topics of interest cess of integration will save the moment is the devel- it does not match the deep center on how to encour- development is long and are those related to multi- African states. No African opment of basic infrastruc- aspirations of the people. age progress in key areas fraught with difficulties, lateralism, and particularly state will find happiness ture across the country The ambitious project in that Africans define as and Africa needs the sup- the support that Africa in a balkanized, disunited because it is the basis for which we have enrolled the critical for the future of port of all its partners, needs to qualify for perma- Africa. This is why Congo, development. No coun- driving forces of the coun- the continent: expand- among them the United nent member seats at the like other African coun- try in the world has been try in recent years is pre- ing trade and investment States of America, in order United Nations Security tries, is working for a unit- able to grow without viable cisely to take our people ties, engaging young Af- to continue on this path Council.
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