INSTITUTUM HISTORICUM ORDINIS FRATRUM PRAEDICATORUM DOMINICAN HISTORY NEWSLETTER VI 1997 BULLETIN D'HISTOIRE DOMINICAINE BOLLETTINO DI STORIA DOMENICANA ROMAE 1997 INSTITUTUM HISTORICUM ORDINIS FRATRUM PRAEDICATORUM DOMINICAN HISTORY NEWSLETTER VI 1997 BULLETIN D'HISTOIRE DOMINICAINE BOLLETTINO DI STORIA DOMENICANA ROMAE 1997 ABBREVIATURAE Ad perspicuitatem bibliographiarum servandam abbreviaturas quam maxime vitandas censuit redactor. His tamen uti quae sequuntur visum est, ne eadem saepius piene citata paginam inutiliter gravent: AFP Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum AGOP Archivum Generale OP (Convento S.Sabina, Piazza P. d'Illiria I, 00153 Roma, Italia) ASOP Analecta Sacri Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum BG Bibliographia generalis in hoc volumine edita Comp. Compendia dissertationum in hoc volumine edita CP R.Coulon & A.Papillon OP, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum 1701-1750 (Roma & Paris in pluribus fascicu1is 1909-1934, denuo in duobus voluminibus apud Bibl. SJ, Heverlee 1961) DHN Dominican History Newsletter Diss. Tabula dissertationum in hoc volumine edita Documents Documents pour servir à l'Histoire de l'Ordre de Saint­ Dominique en France KP Thomas Kaeppeli OP - Emilio Panella OP, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi (S.Sabina, Roma 1970-94) MOPH Monumenta Ordinis Praedicatorum Historica Not. Var. Notitiae variae in hoc volumine editae QE J.Quétif & J.Échard OP, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum (Paris 1719-1721) 2 voll. QF Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominika­ nerordens (in Deutsch/and) RP Repertorium peritorum in hoc vo1umine editum In omnibus bibliographiis scripta recentius edita (1993-1997) asterisco (*) notantur. PAYMENT ** REGLEMENT ** PAGAMENTO Cheques are welcome in most currencies, but we regret that postai orders are not acceptable. Les chèques bancaires dans la plupart des monnaies ne posent pas de prob1èmes, mais nous regrettons que les mandats de poste ne puissent etre acceptés. I pagamenti possono essere effettuati facilmente con assegni bancari nella maggioranza delle valute; ci è invece impossibile accettare vaglia sia interna­ zionali che nazionali. DOMINICAN IDSTORY NEWSLETTER ADDRESS •• ADRESSE ** INDIRIZZO R.P.Prof. Arturo Bema) Palacios OP Istituto Storico Domenicano Largo Angelicum I 00184 Roma Italia. 5 PRAEFATIO REDACTORIS With this number of the Newsletter I must take my leave. Failing health has obliged me to resign as president of the Dominican Historical Institute, and my successor, Father Arturo Bema! Palacios OP, will henceforth also be the editor of the Newsletter. Please send him your news, your information and your offprints (always welcome) and maintain with him the contacts which have been such a pleasure to me. For this number I have gone through one periodica!, Angelicum, noting ali articles of interest except for book reviews and pieces conceming St Thomas Aquinas. * Avec ce numéro du Bulletin je dois prendre congé. La santé défaillante m'a contraint de me démettre de la présidence de l'Institut Historique Dominicain, et mon successeur, le P. Arturo Bema! Palacios OP sera dorénavant rédacteur du Bulletin. Je vous prie de lui envoyer vos nouvelles, vos renseignements et vos tirés-à-part (qui sont toujours !es bienvenus), et de continuer avec lui ]es contacts qui m'ont donné tant de plaisir. Pour ce numéro j'ai dépouillé la revue Angelicum; vous y trouverez signalés tous les articles qui concement l'histoire dominicaine, sauf ceux qui traitent de S. Thomas d' Aquin; je n'ai pourtant pas noté !es comptes rendus des livres. * Con questo numero del Bollettino devo congedarmi. La salute cagionevole mi ha costretto a dimettermi dalla presidenza dell'Istituto Storico Domenicano, e d'ora in poi il nuovo presidente, il P. Arturo Bema! Palacios OP, s'impegnerà anche alla redazione del Bollettino. Vi prego di spedire a lui le vostre notizie e informazioni e i vostri estratti (che sono sempre graditi), e di continuare con lui i contatti che sono stati un piacere particolare per me. Per questo numero ho fatto lo spoglio della rivista Angelicum. Vengono segnalati tutti gli articoli che riguardano la storia domenicana, salvo quelli che trattano di S.Tommaso d'Aquino nonché le recensioni di libri. Simon Tugwell OP 7 NECROLOGIUM Antonien Hendrik Thomas OP. Bom at Merchtem on 28 March 1915, he received a classica! education and then entered the Dorninican order in Gent on 20 Sept. 1934. In 1938 he went to the Dominican studium in Leuven, where he was to spend most of the rest of his life, apart from a year and a half in Brussels as provincia! secretary (1969-1970). Solemnly professed on 21 Sept. 1940, he was ordained priest on 2 Aug. 1942. After completing his studies in the order, he studied history in the university of Leuven, acquiring a licentiate and, in 1965, a doctorate. His thesis was published as De oudste Constituties van de Dominicanen, which remains the fundamental study of the earliest Dorninican constitutions. At various times he taught dogmatic theology, Latin, patristics and the history of the Order. He was adrninistrator of Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense from 1954-1995, provincia! historian and then archivist from 1954-1966, and librarian at Louvain from 1971 unti! ill­ health forced him to retire. In 1995 he moved to the Dominican community in the nursing home of Sint Gabriel, Antwerp, where he died 22 Sept. 1996. Apart from his edition of the primitive Dominican constitutions and other publications already noted in DHN, he published articles in AFP 39 (1969) and 48 (1978) and a series of articles on the Praemonstratensian statuta in Analecta Praemonstratensia 55 (1979), 56 (1980) and 60 (1984). He also edited, with PI.F.Lefèvre O.Praem., Le coutumier de l'abbaye d'Oigny en Bourgogne au Xlf' siècle (Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense, Leuven 1976). On a persona! note, I must record that, in spite of our disagreement on the earliest form of Dominican profession, he was always perfectly charming when we met, and he was a generous and effcctive helper. S.T. Raymond Miche! Creytens OP. Bom at St-Andries, Bruges, 21 June 1911, he entered the Dominican Order in Gent in 1931, and was professed 24 September 1932. After his ordination on 7 August 1938 and the completion of his studies in Louvain the following year, he was assigned to the Dominican Historical Institute at Santa Sabina, Rome, in 1939. He devoted the rest of his working life to the Institute, producing a stream of interesting and useful articles, mostly published in AFP. In the wake of Vatican II, he served on the Order's Commission for the Revision of the Constitutions. He was the last prior of Santa Sabina, from 1970 unti! the Institute was moved to the Angelicum in 1975. Although he neither took nor received credit for it, the publication of volume III of the Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii A evi in 1980 was to a great extent 8 due to his collaboration with Father Kaeppeli. He was president of the Institute from 1977 unti! ili health forced him to retire in 1986, when he retumed to his province and was assigned to Ostende. A deterioration in his health in 1993 necessitated his removal to the nursing home of Sint­ Gabriel, Antwerp, where he spent his last years. He died there on 6 February 1997. As a tribute to his scholarship, we may quote Katherine Gill's comment that two articles of his 'are the best generai presentations I know of for the legai and institutional situation of women's religious communities in the Tridentine period' (in S.L.Waugh & P.D.Diehl, edd., Christendom and its Discontents, Cambridge 1996, 178). For many years Fr Creytens collected materiai for a study of the monasteries of Dominican women in particular, but he was unable to complete it. He also wanted to write a work on Dominican historiography, on which he had extensive notes. His failure to achieve his persona] research projects is a testimony to his utter fidelity to the demands of his work for the Historical Institute. S.T. Adolfo Robles Sierra OP. El 19 de febrero de 1997 fallecfa subitamente, a causa de una crisis cardfaca, e! P. Adolfo Robles, prior del Real Convento de Predicadores de Valencia. Habfa nacido el 5 de septiembre de 1934 en Santa Colomba de Curuefio (Le6n). Ingres6 en e! noviciado de la Provincia de Arag6n, sito en Valencia, e! 10 de octubre de 1951. Tenfa 18 afios cuando, e! 12 de octubre de 1952, hizo su profesi6n religiosa. Curs6 tres afios de filosofia en e! Estudio Generai de Filosofia de Cardedeu (Barcelona) y cuatro afios de teologfa en e! Estudio Generai de Teologfa de Valencia. Fue ordenado sacerdote en esta ultima ciudad e! 1 de marzo de 1959. En octubre de este afio se traslad6 al Angelicum de Roma, donde obtuvo e! Lectorado y la Licencia en Teologfa (1960), siguiendo a continuaci6n (1960-1961) los cursos de doctorado en e! mismo centro y atendiendo simultaneamente a diversos cursos de paleografia y archivfstica en e! Vaticano, cuyo Diploma obtuvo el 10 de junio de 1961. En este afio comenz6 su labor docente en Cardedeu, pero solamente durante un curso, puesto que en 1962 se traslad6 a Le Saulchoir para prepararse e integrarse en la Comisi6n Leonina. En 1963 obtiene e! doctorado en teologfa en el Angelicum. En 1964 es nombrado cronista y archivero de la provincia (cargos que desempefiara de por vida) y sera destinado al Estudio Generai de la Provincia de Arag6n, acabado de trasladar al recién fundado convento de Sto. Domingo de Torrente (Valencia) corno profesor de patrologfa, historia de la teologfa, historia de los dogmas e introducci6n a Sto. Tomas. En 1966 es nombrado miembro de la Comisi6n Leonina y en 1967 presidente de la secci6n espafiola de la misma, cargo que ocup6 hasta su clausura en 1972. Su docencia continuarli hasta e! momento de su muerte, tanto en el Estudio Generai, 9 luego Instituto Pontificio de Teologfa de Torrente y mas tarde Facultad de Teologfa S.Vicente Ferrer de Valencia.
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