Chess Canada May 2014 Chess Canada 2 Next Month... 2014.05 Features 2014 Edmonton International Sunningdale Sequel ............................ 11 Vladimir Pechenkin report, games by Richard Wang 26th Canadian Chess Challenge ......... 19 & Raja Panjwani Club Champions #3: RACC .................. 25 Studies by Nadareishvili ..................... 86 NAYCC 2014 report by Victoria Doknjas, games by the players! Canadian Events Toronto Open ...................................... 42 Ontario Open ...................................... 57 2014 World Open Sherbrooke ....................................... 65 games by Bindi Cheng and Razvan Preotu TORO ................................................ 68 Columns Cover: Josh Sommers, soundtrack album cover for News and Events ................................... 3 “Bobby Fischer Against the World” Critical Positions ..................................... 8 anada The PDF has bookmarks. C Chess Canada (CCN) is the monthly newsletter of the Submissions Deadlines Suggestions Chess Federation of Canada. Opin- The CCN is, of course, looking for Currently on a case-by-case ar- If you have an idea for a story you 2014 ions expressed in it are those of the contributions: tournament re- rangement with each contributor. would like to write, email me: credited authors and/or editor, and ports, photos, annotated games. But chess games aren’t bananas: do not necessarily reflect those of For examples, see this issue or read good articles can be shelved with- [email protected] hess the CFC, its Governors, agents or the June Appendix for other ideas. out going bad. May employees, living or dead. - John Upper C editor CCN News in Brief Upcoming Events 3 Sambuev tops Trois-Rivieres U8: Nameer Issani, 2nd, CM title. July 11-13 August 8-10 The Mauricie Open in Trois-Rivières U8: Aahil Noor Ali 3rd, CM title. 2014 New Brunswick Open Draggin’ them out of da Wood- attracted 196 players, huge by na- A full report by NAYCC HoD Victo- Super 8 Motel, Campbellton, NB work Open tional standards but inexplicably ria Jung-Doknjas, and games an- http://reallyhightech.ca/chess/nbop14. Memorial University, Nfld. the lowest since 1992. GM Bator notated by the players (!) will ap- html Fr: 7; Sat: 10, 1; Sun: 10, 1. Sambuev won with 4½/5. Maili- pear in the next CCN. TC: 60m+5s Jade Ouellet won the U2000 sec- Chris White tion with a perfect 5/5. Edmonton Chess Festival July 15-18 [email protected] http://www.clubechecs3r.com/com/ The Edmonton Chess Festival took CYCC ListeSection.php place June 20-29. The main event Montreal August 15-17 PEI Open 2014 NAYCC ― a 10-player RR featuring inter- national GMs Ivanchuk, So, Bru- UPEI, Charlottetown The 2014 North American Youth July 19-26 Schedule: choice of two (!?) Chess Championship was contest- zon and Krush, against Canadians Kovalyov, Panjwani, Wang, Pech- Canadian Open/CoQ TC: depends on schedule chosen ed in Tarrytown, New York, June Montreal http://reallyhightech.com/chess/peiop14. 12–16, 2014. enkin Haessel ― was won by Vas- html Two Canadians won their sec- ily Ivanchuk, with 8/9, ½ a point tions: Kylie Tan (U10g) Julia Kule- ahead of Wesley So. August 16 shova (U8g). A full tournament-diary-style re- Campbellville Summer Active In total, 53 Canadians played, port by FM Vladimir Pechenkin, Mohawk Inn & Convention Centre with 13 returning home with tro- and annotated games by IMs Pan- Sat: 10, 11:15, 1:30, 2:45, 4pm jwani and Wang will appear in the July 30 - Aug. 4. phies for top 5 finishes: Kitchener Chess Festival TC: G/25 nd next CCN. CFC Membership not required U18g: Qiyu Zhou 2 , WFM title. http://edmonton-international.com/ Walper Terrace Hotel, Kitchener th http://www.miltonchess.ca anada U18: FM Jason Cao 5 . Includes: U16: John Doknjas 3rd, CM title. Preotu Scores GM Norm Canadian Amateur, Canadian C U14: Richard Chen 3rd, CM title. FM Razvan Preotu played 8 GMs Senior, and North American th August 23-24 U14: Kevin Wan 5 . at the World Open and notched a Junior (U20) Championship Hamilton Summer Open U12g: Lily Zhou 3rd, WCM title. GM norm! 24 Canadians played, in- NA Junior U20 Ch: 9 Rounds, FIDE st Emmanuel United Church 2014 U10g: Kylie Tan 1 , WCM title. cluding GM Anton Kovalyov (15th), IM titles and GM norms guaran- nd Sat: 9:30, 2:00, 6:30; Sun 11, 4. U10: Nicholas Vettese 2 , CM. IM Bindi Cheng (32nd) and IM Rich- teed. http://www.chesstalk.info/forum/ U10: Kevin Low 5th . ard Wang (40th). showthread.php?11417-Hamilton- U8g: Julia Kuleshova 1st, WCM. http://www.chessfest.ca/najunior.html Summer-Open-Aug-23-24 hess Report with games by Raz and U8g: WCM Mysha Gilani 2nd. Bindi in the next CCN. May C 4 August 29-31 Tournoi Fetes du Travail Centre Noël-Brûlart, Québec Ven: 19h; Sam: 10, 16; Dim:9, 15:30h TC: 30m/75m + 30s; apres: G/40m + 30s http://www.fqechecs. qc.ca/cms/activite/ tournoi-de-la-fete-du-travail-2014 August 30-Sept 1 Paul Hake Labour Day Open Mount Saint Vincent University CHOMwww.echecsmontreal.ca Sat-Sun-Mon: 10, 4. 2014 TC: 120m + 30s Brebeuf College - september 5, 6, 7 http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/ Recreation/NSChess/upcoming.html August 30 - Sept.1 Langley Open Brookswood Senior Centre, Langley B.C. Montreal Open Chess Championship Sat: 10, 4; Sun:10, 4; Mon: 9, 2. anada TC: G/90 + 30 http://langleychess.com/events/ langley-open/ C Club September 5-7 Montreal Open d'échecs 2014 College Jean-de-Brébeuf Ahuntsic V: 19; S: 10:30, 16; D: 10, 15:30 http://echecsmontreal.ca/chom/ index_en.html hess May C Canadian Open CANADIAN YOUTH Chess Championship CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS July 19 to 26, 2014 July 15 to 18, 2014 Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel Sections U18 Open + Girls 900 René-Lévesque West Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel Montréal, Canada U16 Open + Girls 900 René-Lévesque West U14 Open + Girls Canadian Open 2014 Montréal, Canada U12 Open + Girls Projected Prizes : $ 25 000 U10 Open + Girls $ 20 000 guaranteed Free entry for U8 Open + Girls 9 rounds swiss sys. CYCC players Schedule to the Rounds 1 - 2 : July 15, 10am - 3pm Canadian Open Rounds 3 - 4 : July 16, 10am - 3pm Schedule : Round 1 - 1pm Five Sections Rounds 5 - 6 : July 17, 10am - 3pm (July 19); Rounds 2-3 - 11am R A 2400+ B -2400 C -2000 D -1700 E -1300+U Round 7 : July 18, 9am and 6pm (July 20) ; Rounds 4 Tie breaks and Simul : July 18, 2pm st to 8 - 6pm (July 21-25) ; Round 1 $4000 $1500 $1000 $750 $600 Closing ceremony : July 18, 4pm 9 - 11am (July 26). nd 2 $2000 $900 $600 $500 $400 How to qualify - Qualifier Time control : 40/90+30 KO 3rd $1200 $600 $300 $250 $200 with 30 sec incr. Consider running a qualifier! Check the CFC web site (chess. 4th $700 $500 $200 $100 $100 ca) for a list of CYCC qualifying events and players qualified to the CYCC! Accomodation : Queen Eliza- th beth Hotel special rate $135/ 5 $400 $400 night. 6th $300 $200 CYCC 2014 in Montreal Accomodation Info : 1-800-441-1414 Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel, 900 René-Lévesque West th 7 $200 $100 (site of the tournament) - Other events : Simul on July Class 1st <2200: $300 <1900: $250 <1600: $150 <1200: $100 Special rates: $135/night. 18; Bughouse tournament More info : http://echecsmontreal.ca/co/lieu_en.html on July 18; Mini-CO on July Class 2nd <2100: $225 <1800: $150 <1500: $100 <1100: $75 19-20 ; SS 4 rounds open to Unrated: $50 Prizes* (Trophies to the 3 first places) all with 600 $ in prizes. Blitz First: Official representative for the World Youth Championships st tournament on July 26. 1 Junior $125 $125 $125 $125 in South Africa (Accomodation + travel stipend). st Second: Official representative for the Pan-American Cham- Possibility of 3 byes (½ 1 Women $125 $125 $125 $125 Byes : pionships (Accomodation). point) in the first 4 rounds. st 1 Senior $125 $125 $125 $125 Third: Official representative for the North American Youth 1st Cadet $75 $75 $75 $75 Championships (Accomodation). *Important note : Players can decline their prize and have access to Gowlings $1500 Mini-CO : $300, 200, 100 Winners will represent Canada at the 2014 the next one (i.e., the second place could decide to be the represen- Registration fees ($20 discount for juniors in all sections) World Youth Chess Championships in tative for the NAYCC and leave the Pan-American Championships to the third place. Subject to CFC approval; There is also a special prize Regular 2400 - Fide $105 $90 $80 $70 for the best score combined for those who plays both the CYCC and Durban, South Africa. the Canadian Open. <June 1st 2400 - Fide $120 $110 $100 $90 On site $135 $125 $115 $105 Entry fee + info : http://echecsmontreal.ca/co/index_en.html / [email protected] / 514-252-3034 Before June 10 : $225 / After June 10 : $250 Players who register before June 10, 2014 will also benefit from a free registration for the 2014 Canadian Open in Montreal (July 19-26, 2014) if they play in their respective section. $150 per registration will go to the Chess Federation of Cana- da, in order to cover the expenses for the travel to the WYCC. Info : 514-252-3034 / http://echecsmontreal.ca/cycc/index_en.html Other activities during the CYCC and Canadian Open Canadian Open Accomodation GM SIMUL Date : Friday July 18, 2014 at the tournament site CYCC 2014 Schedule : At the end of the CYCC How to qualify Fee : $15 ; Free for CYCC players All players must be qualified. The direct MINI CO way to qualify is to participate in a qualifi- (Mini Canadian Open) cation tournament. Other qualified players Date : July 19-20, 2014 are : Site : Hotel Fairmont Queen Elizabeth, Montreal 900 Boul.
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