worms destroy this body, yet in my we believe the testimony of Christ and transferred the responsibility of flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall and his disciples. We learn of Life Jesus's blood to the blood-thirsty !lee for myself, and mine eyes shall and the Resurrection because Jesus, crowd and their religious leaders. behold, and not another; though my the Son of God, was the firstfruits Again we hear of the purple robe reins be oonsumed in me." These of the resurrection. We remember and the soourging and the weary words we read in the oldest boolt he said, "I am the resurrection ,and trek up the hill of execution. We in the Bible, Job 19:23-27. Here we the life" and, "Because I live ye read once more of the cruel hands learn that God's servants have al- shall live also." that nailed Him to the cross and the ways had a hope of lik 'be)"Ondthe Once in the life time of Elijah spear that thrust His side. We read grave. Job, the perfect man; knew the pTophetof God, a dead child was of Jesus's last words on the cross, that some day he would go the way resurrected by the prayers of this "It Is Finished" and we bow and of all flesh. He knew that some day prophet. -,Once in the life-time of thank- the living God that He loved the grave would receive his remains; Elisha a similar occasion occured. mankind so much that He willed he knew his body would decay; but We also read about the time a dead for His Only-Begotten to die in our he also knew of something greater man was hurriedly laid on the bones stead. Truly the work of redemp- than the grave and corruption. God of the departed prophet Elisha. tion was finished when Jesus gave had revealed a mysterious secret to When _the dead body touched the up the ghost and died. him that the apostle explained nearly bones of the prophet he was resur- Oh yes, we knaw! We know that s,ixteen hundred years afterward in rected. These wonderful things hap- Judas could not have found the Lord First Corinthians chapter fifteen: pened at the command and works of to betray Him; The soldiers could not '!"BeholdI show you a mystery; We Men of God. Even during the min- have arrested Him; The angry priests shall not all sleep, but we shall all istry of Jesus the dead were raised could not have stirred the violent be changed. In a moment, in the at His Command. In the ninth chap- mob against Him; Pilate could not twinkling of an eye, at the last ter of Acts we read that through have committed Him to the soliders; trump: for the trumpet shall sound, Peter's prayers Dorcas was raised _ They C'Ouldnot have forced Him to ~d the dead shall be raised incor- from the dead. These are wonder- 'drag the cross up Calvary; They ruptible, and we shall be changed. ful events. Any event that would could not have nailed Him to the For this corruptible must put on in- rob death of its victim would be tree; They could not have pierced oorruption, and this mortal must put wonderful! But these wonderful His side; and Christ Jesus would not on immortality. So when this cor- events were few and far between, have died but for the Will of the ruptible shall have put on incorrup- one might say. Each of these won- heavenly Father. God Willed it So tion, and this mortal shall have put derful ev'ents in the lifetime of the for Mankind! on immortality, then shall be brought prophets; of Jesus; and also of the But this is not the complete story t6 pass the saying that is written, apostles; each of these resurrections we hear at Easter time. We hear of Death is swallowed up in victory. occurred at the commandof someone the resurrection of our Lord and o death, where is thy sting? 0 grave, in God's divine command. God is the Master after he had spent three days where is thy victory? giver of life and all good things. God and three nights in the sealed tomb. -In our time we can have the same is the author and finisher of every- God not only willed that His Son faith and assurances that the serv- thing. The resurrection from the should die but that He should also be ants of God had in ages past. We dead comes from Him. We can at- the victor 'over death, hell and the aT'e like Job about the matter of life tain to it only through Jesus Christ grave. Praise His Holy Name for- and death in this respect: Yes, we the Son of God! So God has or- ever! know we are alive today and may dained it. Jesus wanted His disciplesto know be dead tomoTl'awbecause just as At Easter time each year we are that He would raise from the dead. surely as we are alive we know that reminded of the resurrection of our He tried to tell them so but they death is appointed to us. We know Lord. The story of His last days could not believe it because they not when death will come but we with the disciplesis retold again and could not understand it. I fear that know that it is coming. How do we again. We hear afresh and anew many people today cannot believe know it? Do we learn about death how Jesus our Lord prayed in the the children of God will also be 1;hroughfaith? No! We learn about garden of Gethsamane and how-He raised from the dead because they do .death by observation. We see our willingly surrendered His all to God not understand it. kind dieing around us every day. when He said, "0 my Father, if it be Lazarus was dead. Jesus was no- But how do we learn about life here- possible, let this cup pass from me; tified. When He arrived at the home alter and about the resurrection from nevertheless not as I will but as of Mary and Martha, rour days had J;he dead? We learn about life and thou wilt." We hear again how he passed since his death. Let us read ·resurrection through the Word of was betrayed by an unfaithful dis- a few words of this account in John God. We learn of it through Faith ciple. We are reminded of the cruel H:21-23, "Then said Martha unto in the Lord Jesus 'Christ. We learn mockery that he faced in the judg~ Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, that Christ was the Word that be- ment hall. We learn again that my brother had not died. But I came flesh and dwelt among men perjured evidence condemned Him know, that even now, whatsoever and men beheld Him as the Only Be- to die. We remember again how-that thou wilt ask of God, God will give gotten of the Father. We learn about Pilate could have spared the Son of it thee. Jesus saith unto her, Thy ;.Ufe and the Resurrection because God but washed"his hands in water brotQer shall rise again. Martha ~ailh unto Him, I know that he shall GALENA,KANSAS- rise again in the resurrection at the The Lord has been great in pour- OBITUARY last day. Jesus said unto her, I am ing out his blessings upon us. Re- Charles L. Holden the resurrection, and the life: he that cent::," there has been four saved in Charles L. Holden of Flagler, believeth in me, though he were the ~egular services. Our hearts Colo., was born Sept. 26, 1878 in dead, yet shall he live:" ovcflow with praise and thanksgiv- Iowa County, Iowa. He departed this life on Jan. 1, 1958, at the age Martha already believed in the ing unto Him each time a soul is born resurrection in the last day. Jesus of 79 years, 3 months, and 5 days into the kingdom of God. He es- at the home of his daughter, Mrs. must have taught her this when she pecially meets with us in Sunday Mildred Crain in Kit Carson, Colo. sat at His feet as a scholar. But morning services, where it is not a His wife and daughter had aared Jesus said, "I am the resurrection bit unusual to hear shouts ring forth for him during his illness since and the life". Jesus is the resurrec- as His presence is felt in the hearts April, 1957. tion! Jesus is the Life! Jesus wants of His people. We are expecting a He was united in marriage to us also to kno,w that we obtain the great day on Easter. The Sunday Iva Van Syoc on March 8, 1911, promise of the resurrection through School will conduct a special Easter at Arriba, Colo. The couple made their home on her homestead Jesus. When the stone was rolled program that morning. Then there north of Flagler. He was engaged away from the tomb of Lazarus, will be a basket dinner. That night in farming and made this his Jesus said, "Lazarus, come forth." will be the beginning of a revival home the rest of his life. To this It was as Jesus commanded, Lazarus conducted by Bro. Jack Barker and union was 'born nine children, five came forth. Jesus is the resurrec- party.
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