1 Introduction In this chapter we revisit one of the “classical”topics of atmospheric dynamics: the maintenance of the zonal ‡ow relative to the rotating Earth. The literature on this topic, discussed at length in the monograph of Lorenz (1967), dates back over 300 years and includes work of Edmund Halley (of Halley’scomet), George Hadley (of the Hadley cell), and William Ferrell (of the Ferrell cell). Most of the early work on this topic was restricted to consideration of the role of mean meridional circulations in the transport of angular momentum within the atmosphere, a line of inquiry that proved inconclusive because mean meridional circulations are not the only component of the atmospheric circulation that plays a role in the transport. It was not until the mid-20th century that the role of synoptic and planetary- scale eddies in the transport of atmospheric angular momentum was fully appreciated, and upper air data became available for making quantitative estimates of the eddy transports. The …rst estimates of the poleward eddy ‡uxes of westerly momentum were made using the formalism [uv] = [u][v] + [uv] + u0v0 which is derived in Appendix 1. Estimates of time-averaged terms u, v, and 1 u0v0 derived from time series of station data and subsequently zonally averaged [( )]. In these estimates, u0v0 was interpreted as the transient eddy term, under the assumption that the term [u]0 [v]0 is negligibly small. This formalism was popular before the days of gridded datasets because it was much less labor intensive than the other decompositions, in which the laborious zonal averaging must performed multiple times before the time averaging. Over an interval of about 25 years, beginning in the 1960s, diagnostics based on the atmospheric angular momentum balance provided more reliable estimates of the structure and intensity of the mean meridional circulation than direct es- timates of [v]. With the advent of increasingly sophisticated data assimilation schemes, that situation has changed: the dynamical consistency and overall reliability of gridded datasets such as the NCEP, ERA-40 and JMA reanaly- ses is good enough to provide useful direct estimates the time-varying mean meridional circulations. Calculation of the eddy ‡uxes from these datasets is straightforward and does not require neglecting small terms. Another relatively recent innovation is the use of precise measurements of length of day which reveal short term changes in the angular momentum of the solid Earth due to exchanges with the atmosphere. Because the zonally symmetric ‡ow in the oceans is largely restricted to the mass ‡ux through the Drake Passage, the storange of angular momentum in the oceans plays only a minor role in the Earth’sangular momentum budget.To …rst order, the exchange of angular momentum between the atmosphere and oceans is balanced by the exchange between the oceans and the solid Earth due to the pressure di¤erences 1 interpolated onto a regular grid using either hand-drawn analyses or, later on, univariate objective analysis. 1 between the east and west coasts of the continents. For example, the easterly tradewinds along the equator in the Atlantic and Paci…c basins exert a westward torque on their respective oceans, causing sea-level to slope upward toward the west. Under steady state conditions the eastward pressure gradient force within the ocean balances the westward torque at the surface. Hence, sea-level is higher along the east coast of tropical South and Central America than along the west coast. The resulting pressure di¤erence across the continent exerts an easterly torque on the solid Earth, slowing the Earth’s rotation. These changes can occur without necessarily a¤ecting the storage of angular momentum in the oceans. To a …rst approximation, the ocean serves as a conduit for the passage of angular momentum between the atmosphere and the solid Earth. [Check for papers relating changes in the strength of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to changes in global angular momentum.] 2 Angular momentum conservation for the "Earth system" The angular momentum per unit mass of an air parcel is given by m = RE cos [ RE cos + u] (2.1) 6 where RE is the radius of the Earth (6.37 x 10 m), is the latitude, is 5 1 the angular rotation rate of the Earth (7.29 10 s ), and u is the zonal wind. By de…nition, m is positive where the relative angular momentum is in the same sense as the Earth’srotation: in regions of westerlies the atmosphere is rotating slightly faster than the solid Earth and in regions of easterlies it isn’t rotating quite as fast. The …rst term in (2.1) may be recognized as the angular momentum associated with the Earth’srotation and the second as the angular momentum of the air parcel relative to the rotating Earth. Since RE = 465 m 1 s , it is evident that the …rst term is dominant, except at very high latitudes. The total atmospheric angular momentum M is obtained by integrating (2.1) over the mass of the atmosphere, which can be performed in three steps: a vertical integration mRE cos d = 2RE cos [m] I a vertical integration 2R cos p0 E [m]dp g Z0 and, …nally, a pole-to-pole integration, which yields 2R2 +=2 [ps] M = E [m] cos ddp (2.2) g =2 0 Z Z where [ps] is zonally averaged pressure at the Earth’ssurface. Combining (2.1) and (2.2), we obtain 2 4 +=2 3 +=2 [ps] 2RE 3 2RE 2 M = [ps] cos ddp + [u] cos ddp (2.3) g =2 g =2 0 Z Z Z 2 1 Atmospheric angular momentum is expressed in units of kg m s . For the atmosphere, oceans and solid earth as a single system, total angular momentum is conserved, but for tidal interactions with the moon, which are conspicuous because they are quasi-periodic and predictable on the basis of theory. The angular momentum of the solid earth can be monitored by taking precise measurements of the length of the day (l.o.d.). Rosen and Salstein (1983) have shown that if the angular momentum of the molten core of the earth is assumed to be constant on time-scales of a year or less, and if the exchange of angular momentum with the oceans is neglected, changes in length of day and angular momentum of the solid earth obey the linear relation 29 lod = 1:68 10 M (2.4) where lod is expressed in units of seconds. The mean length of the day has var- ied by several milliseconds on the decadal time scale over the course of the past century which, according to the above relation, imply gains and losses in angu- lar momentum an order of magnitude larger than the atmosphere could have possibly experienced on these time-scales. These gradual changes are believed to be due to core-mantle coupling (Lambeck, 1980). The strong correspondence between atmospheric angular momrntum and length of day is documented in a separate series of …gures based on work of David Salstein, Richard Rosen and collaborators. - Questions (2.1) Why are we justi…ed in ignoring time variations in the earth’srotation rate in evaluating M in (2.2)? (2.2) Show that for a zonally symmetric ring of air, angular momentum per unit mass and circulation are linearly related. 3 The climatological mean distribution of zonal wind Figure 2.1 shows pole-to-pole cross-sections of the climatological mean zonal wind [u] based upon the ERA-40 Reanalysis from 1979 through 2001. Pressure is plotted on a logarithmic scale so that distance above the baseline is nearly proportional to geometric height. It should be kept in mind that the den- sity drops o¤ by about three orders of magnitude from the bottom to the top of these sections. Hence, the mass-weighted angular momentum is dominated by the features at the lower levels. Cross-sections are shown for December- February and June-August (DJF and JJA) which correspond to the summer 3 and winter seasons in the respective hemispheres. The dominant features in the cross-sections are the westerly jetstreams at the tropopause level. The jet is stronger and located at lower latitudes in the winter hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere tropospheric jet jet exhibits a much stronger annual cycle, which dominates the annual march of mass-weighted global atmospheric angular mo- mentum. Easterlies are largely restricted to the tropics: only in the subtropical 1 lower troposphere of the summer hemisphere do they exceed 5 m s . Fig. 2.2 shows climatological mean wind speed at the 250 hPa level In the regions of strong winds, scalar wind speed is virtually identical to the distribu- tion of the zonal wind component , since jetstreams tend to be zonally oriented. Note the strong jet extending from the subtropical Atlantic across the Sahara, the middle East, and the Himalayas to a maximum over Japan, where wind 1 speeds reach 70 m s . A second, much weaker jet extends east-northeastward from Baja California to a maximum over Washington DC. These jets occur at the longitudes of the longwave troughs in the climatological mean 250 hPa height …eld. - Questions 2.1 For what vertical coordinate is the vertical spacing between levels pro- portional to the fraction of the mass of the atmosphere contained within the layer. What would be the disadvantage of using this coordinate for plots such as Fig. 2.2? 2.2 For what horizontal coordinate would equal increments on the x axis cor- respond to equal areas on the earth’ssurface? What latitude would lie halfway between equator and pole in the diagram? 2.3 For what pair of x; y coordinates would the contribution of an element of area A in the section be proportional to the relative angular momentum of the atmosphere is equal to [u]A , regardless of its position on the sections? What latitude would lie halfway between equator and pole in the diagram? 4 Sources and sinks of atmospheric angular mo- mentum The atmosphere exerts a torque (i.e., a force acting at a distance RE cos from the Earth’saxis) on the solid earth or ocean beneath it (or vice versa) through three processes: (1) the torques associated with zonal pressure di¤erences across mountain ranges, (2) the frictional torques associated with zonal wind stresses at the Earth’s surface, and (3) the torques associated with the breaking of orographically-induced gravity waves within the atmosphere.
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