Ženska kolesarska ekipa BTC City LJUBLJANA Women’s cycling team BTC City LJUBLJANA SRČNOST NAS DELA SVETOVNE Sezona 2019 Season 2019 BRAVERY MAKES US GLOBAL KAZALO Zoran Janković 2 Župan Mestne občine Ljubljana INDEX Mayor of the City Municipality of Ljubljana Jože Mermal 3 Predsednik uprave družbe BTC President of the BTC Management Board and CEO Najboljše uvrstitve 2018 6 Best Results 2018 Predstavitev ekipe 8 Presentation of the Team Oprema ekipe 16 Team’s Equipment Kolesarsko društvo Rog 20 Cycling Association KD Rog BTC City Ljubljana 26 BTC City Ljubljana Ljubljansko Barje 30 Ljubljana Marshes Ljubljana 32 Ljubljana Koledar dirk 2019 36 Race Calendar 2019 2 | Zoran Janković Ljubljana je šport Ljubljana is sports Foto / Photo: Uroš Hočevar Zoran Janković Župan Mestne občine Ljubljana Ljubljana is very proud of its top male Mayor of the City Municipality and female athletes who proudly rep- of Ljubljana V Ljubljani smo izjemno ponosni na vse resent the colours of our city across naše vrhunske športnice in športnike, ki the world. A few years ago, when I got ponosno zastopajo barve našega mesta to know the BTC City Ljubljana team, po svetu. Pred leti, ko sem spoznal ekipo the first professional women’s cycling BTC City Ljubljana, prvo profesionalno team in Slovenia, led with bold goals by žensko kolesarsko ekipo pri nas, ki jo je Gorazd Penko in the scope of KD Rog, I s smelimi načrti zasnoval Gorazd Penko knew that the team will write a fascinat- v okviru KD Rog, sem vedel, da bodo ing story. And they have. Commitment, kolesarke spisale izjemno zgodbo. In professionalism, and teamwork have res, predano, strokovno in ekipno delo brought magnificent results and I am daje izjemne rezultate in prepričan sem, sure that we will relish in top achieve- da se bomo tudi letos veselili vrhunskih ments of our cyclists also in this year. dosežkov naših kolesark. Ljubljana is a city full of sports spirit Ljubljana je športno mesto, v katerem na where on the one hand physical activities eni strani spodbujamo telesno aktivnost of all generations of citizens are encour- vseh generacij meščank in meščanov, aged, since we are aware that this repre- saj se zavedamo, da je to ena od osnov sents one of the basic aspects for a quali- kakovostnega in izpolnjenega življenja. ty and fulfilled life. On the other hand, we Na drugi strani pa posebno pozornost pay special attention to professional ath- posvečamo tudi vrhunskim športnikom, letes by constantly upgrading the sports zato nenehno dopolnjujemo športno in- infrastructure, thereby providing quality frastrukturo in s tem zagotavljamo ka- conditions for training and the develop- kovostne pogoje za vadbo in razvoj raz- ment of different sports disciplines. ličnih športnih panog. We know that successful athletes are our Zavedamo se, da so uspešni športniki best role models! They point young gen- naši najboljši vzorniki! Mladim genera- erations into the direction of a healthy, cijam kažejo pot v zdravo, zadovoljno in satisfying, and fulfilling life, while at the izpolnjeno življenje, hkrati pa Ljubljano same time they position Ljubljana in the na najlepši način umeščajo na svetovni most beautiful way possible on the glob- zemljevid športnih velesil. al athletic map of top participants. Kolesarska sezona je pred vrati. Vsem The cycling season is just around the članicam ekipe BTC City Ljubljana želim corner. I wish all the members of the izpolnitev zastavljenih ciljev ter odlične BTC City Ljubljana team fulfil their set rezultate! goals and achieve excellent results! Foto / Photo: Jani Zalaznik Srečno! Good luck! Jože Mermal | 3 Trdno bomo stiskali pesti! We will cheer with all our hearts! I have been leading and living with the BTC Company long enough that my view of the stories I write together with my colleagues can be somewhat “pa- Dovolj dolgo že vodim in živim z druž- ternal”. Just as parents need to help Jože Mermal bo BTC, da je moj pogled na zgodbe, their children make sense of the world Predsednik uprave družbe BTC ki jih pišem skupaj s svojimi sodelavci, as soon as they stop looking into their President of the BTC Management lahko nekoliko »očetovski«, kajti tako mother’s eyes, so too those of us work- Board and CEO kot morajo starši otroku v trenutku, ko ing at BTC have to give meaning, a role, ta ne zre več v materine oči, pomagati and significance befitting a future time osmisliti svet, moramo tudi zaposleni v and space to the ideas we first nurture družbi BTC zamislim, ki jih sprva pestu- and then help see the light of day. jemo, nato pa jim pomagamo ugledati luč sveta, dati pomen, vlogo in smisel v Among the stories I am particularly prihodnjem času in prostoru. proud of is the birth and the first few years of life of the first and still only Med zgodbami, na katere sem še pose- Slovenian women’s professional cycling bej ponosen, sta zato tudi rojstvo in prva team, team BTC City Ljubljana. The idea leta življenja prve in še vedno edine slo- for it emerged spontaneously from the venske ženske profesionalne kolesarske foundation of the increasing popularity ekipe BTC City Ljubljana. Zamisel zanjo of cycling, which is associated with BTC je prišla spontano in je zrasla na temelju by way of Marathon Franja. Five years vedno večje priljubljenosti kolesarskega ago, when we were choosing the best športa, ki ga je z družbo BTC povezal Slovenian and foreign cyclists for the Maraton Franja. Kot njenim botrom so team, we were spared the initial “paren- nam bile pred petimi leti, ko smo izbi- tal” predicaments since all the cyclists rali vrsto najboljših domačih in tujih ko- were already established competitors, lesark, prihranjene začetne »starševske« despite not having any experience com- zadrege, saj so bile kolesarke že uveljav- peting against the world’s elite. However, ljene tekmovalke, vendar brez izkušenj the care and the worry, just like with chil- na tekmovanjih najvišjega svetovnega dren growing up, remained – care, worry, nivoja. A skrb je, tako kot pri odrašča- and especially the ardent wish for them jočem otroku, ostala; skrb, predvsem pa to make a name for themselves as soon želja, da se kar najhitreje uveljavijo, naj- as possible, find their place under the dejo svoj prostor pod soncem, na cestnih sun, on steep roads, on the podium. And strminah in na zmagovalnih stopničkah. there was no shortage of those! In ni jih bilo malo! Our care for our proteges has already Naša skrb za naše varovanke se je do paid off. The girls – there are a dozen danes že obrestovala. Dekleta, ducat of them in our cycling team – are reach- jih šteje naša kolesarska vrsta, da- ing for the highest spots in the World- nes osvajajo najvišja mesta na tekmah Tour events, and at BTC, just as all over WorldToura in v družbi BTC smo, tako Slovenia, we are proud of them! kot vsa Slovenija, ponosni nanje. Girls, thank you! We will once again Dekleta, hvala vam! Tudi to sezono cheer for you with all our heart through- bomo za vas trdno stiskali pesti. Srečno! out this season. Good luck! 4 | Maja Oven in Gorazd Penko Vztrajnost, drznost in zaupanje! Maja Oven Mnogi verjamejo, da je za vrhunske Direktorica ekipe športne zmage dovolj le dobra psiho- Team manager fizična pripravljenost tekmovalca, nad katero bedijo trenerji in številni stro- kovnjaki, sama pa vem, da je za prema- govanje dolgih in strmih cestnih vzpo- nov, podeželskih cest, pogosto prekritih s kockami, ali razbeljenih mestnih ulic potrebno nekaj več: strast, ki v dekletih budi željo po samopremagovanju in upe po novih zmagah, ter »zavezništvo«, ki ga zmoremo le ženske. Kolesarjenje nas je naučilo, da je sledi- ti strasti pomembnejše od strasti same, zato je vrtenje pedal postalo del naših življenj in pooseblja vrednote profesio- nalne ženske kolesarske ekipe BTC City Ljubljana in njenega podmladka. Vztraj- nost, drznost pa tudi zaupanje, dopol- njevanje in spoštovanje sokolesark so v naši ekipi stkali posebne vezi, dovolj žlahtne, da v tekmi s časom in kilometri podprejo posameznikov boj, in dovolj trdne, da nas povezujejo takrat, ko gre za skupne cilje. Želim, da se nam v tem duhu in viziji pridružijo tudi letošnje novinke. Skupaj bomo močnejše in še bolj pripravljene na nove zmage. Veter v hrbet in srečno! Gorazd Penko Persistence, courage, and trust! Športni direktor in trener poklicne ženske kolesarske ekipe BTC City Ljubljana Many believe that for achieving top Sports director and coach of the professional women’s cycling team BTC City Ljubljana sports victories a great psychological and physical condition of an athlete, 44 let 44 years watched over by their coaches and oth- Ne poznam človeka, ki bi tri četrtine svo- I don’t know anyone who has spent three er professionals, is enough; yet, I believe jega življenja preživel tako ali drugače quarters of their life involved in cycling – that for tackling and overcoming long vpleten v kolesarstvo in povezan z njim. in one way or another. 44 years on a bike and steep roads, gravel roads, often 44 let na kolesu in v kolesarstvu … Člo- and in cycling. Some might say I either covered with cobblestone, or sun-baked vek bi rekel, da sem brez domišljije, dol- have no imagination, am boring, or crazy. city streets a cyclist needs something gočasen ali pa nor. Sam menim, da je za I believe that there is only one thing that extra: a passion, which awakens the tako dolgo pripadnost nekomu ali neče- drives such strong feelings of affection urge in girls to push themselves to the mu potrebna zgolj neizmerna ljubezen. for someone or something – infinite love. limit and beyond and raises hopes of Tako dolga ljubezen skorajda ni mogoča Such love is almost impossible when it scoring new victories, and an “alliance” med ljudmi, saj pridejo vmes obdobja, comes to people, since there are periods that can be formed only among women.
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