Kooperationswerke Beck - Hart - Nomos European Constitutions Compared Bearbeitet von By Prof. Dr. Albrecht Weber 1. Auflage 2019. Buch. XVII, 221 S. In Leinen ISBN 978 3 406 72923 2 Format (B x L): 16,0 x 24,0 cm Gewicht: 628 g Recht > Europarecht , Internationales Recht, Recht des Auslands > Rechtsvergleichung Zu Leseprobe und Inhaltsverzeichnis schnell und portofrei erhältlich bei Die Online-Fachbuchhandlung beck-shop.de ist spezialisiert auf Fachbücher, insbesondere Recht, Steuern und Wirtschaft. Im Sortiment finden Sie alle Medien (Bücher, Zeitschriften, CDs, eBooks, etc.) aller Verlage. Ergänzt wird das Programm durch Services wie Neuerscheinungsdienst oder Zusammenstellungen von Büchern zu Sonderpreisen. Der Shop führt mehr als 8 Millionen Produkte. Index A – regional 698, 702, 710 et seq., 719 et seq. a posteriori control 644 et seq. – Standing Order(s) 309, 311, 350, 356 et seq., a priori control 648 373 et seq., 388, 430 et seq., 452 et seq. abrogative referendum 192 – statutes of 492, 608, 499, 533, 536 et seq., 5497 absolute monarchy 279 – territories 155, 694, 701, 723 abstract judicial review 644 autorité judiciaire 614, 621 Act of Parliament 284 Act of Settlement 32, 155, 524 B Act of Union 52, 630 Bacon, Francis 24 allocation of functions 255, 268, 271 Bagehot 270, 524, 585 amending power 73–75, 77, 81 Basic Law (Grundgesetz) 23, 108, 195, 217, 557 actio popularis 657 basic rights 41, 229 action for annulment (EU) 669 Belgian Senate 180 Acts of Parliament 51, 270, 298 Bill of Rights 31, 40, 51, 81, 169, 284, 337, 489, 630 administrative decentralisation 591 bloc de constitutionnalité 289–290, 804 administrative jurisdiction 612, 615, 617 Bodin, Jean 150, 157 administrative regions 145 bonum commune 123 administrative regulation 309 Brexit referendum 200, 201 administrative structure 592 British Constitution 31, 39–40, 81 administrative tribunals 619, 622 British government 585 Advocates-General 671 British Nationality Act 1981 51 agencies 278 British parliamentarism 203 Agreement of the People 24, 35, 630 Bryce, James 39 Allgemeines Preußisches Landrecht 123 budget 335–336, 338, 344, 346, 515 allocation of functions 255, 268, 271 – budgetary statutes 294 amending power 73 et seq. – law 342 American Constitution 39 – proposals 367, 573 American Federalists 630 budgetary sovereignty 336 anti-constitutional parties 108 Bundesaufsicht 732 Aquino, Thomas of 150 Bundesexekution 751 Aristotle 2, 24, 150 Bundesfinanzgericht 619 Assemblée Nationale 76 Bundesrat 180, 451, 729, 736 assumed confidence 385 Bundesversammlung 382, 530 asymmetrical model 708, 762 Bundesverwaltung 735 asymmetrical regionalism 712 Bundesverwaltungsgericht 619 Austrian Federal Constitution 558, 609 Burke, Edmund 169 Austrian Federal Council 359, 451 byelaws 281 authentic interpreters 68 C autonomous communities 291, 331, 354, 391, 451, 603, 655, 710 et seq. cabinet 568, 573, 578 autonomous law-making 53, 62 Camera dei Deputati 448, 723 autonomous regions 700, 719 cantonal constitutional law 750 autonomy 54, 107, 155, 291, 433, 452, 454 et seq., cantonal courts 620 511, 554, 592 et seq., 602, 604, 686 et seq., 701 cardinal laws 293 – cantonal 731, 741, 762 case law 51, 61 – constitutional 109, 249, 254–255, 261–262, 265, Cases – Bonham (1610) 35, 630 269 – – cultural 687 Costa v ENEL 674, 784 – – Entick v Carrington (1765) 219 financial 727, 736, 847, 755, 765 – – judicial 613 Foto Frost 675 – – Marbury v Madison (1803) 35, 630 law making 54, 63, 683, 686 et seq., 690, 695, – 701 Prohibitions del Roy (1607) 613 – local 592 et seq. Chambre des Pairs 441 – Chancellor 420, 567 nationalities and regions 41 – – parliamentary 433, 455 Austria 569, 583 – German Reich 388, 369 209 Index – Germany 397, 398, 400, 423, 568, 581–582 Conseil Supérieur de la Justice 625 – of the Exchequer 337 Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature 268, 621 Charte Constitutionelle 81 Consejo General del Poder Judicial 268, 624, 634 Charte de l’environnement 137 Consiglio di Stato 622 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU 33 Consiglio Regionale 720 checks and balances 233, 271, 275 Consiglio Superiore dela Magistratura 269, 448, Cicero 24, 150 623 Citizens’ Commissioners 507 constitucâo 23 civil jurisdiction 626 constitución 23 civil liberty 216 constituent act 687 civil service 590, 601 constituent assembly 112, 162, 283, 711 CJEU 275, 668, 675, 790 constituent laws 34 co-decision 276–277, 509, 514 constituent power 26, 42, 49, 73–79, 93, 115, 122, cohabitation 544 126, 133, 158, 161–163, 687, 703, 711, 719, 750 Coke, Sir Edward 613, 630 constitution 23 collective self-defence 809 – factual 24 collective systems of security 129, 811 – flexible 39, 74 collectivités territoriales 595 – formal 40 collegial principle 568, 578–580, 584, 587, 589 – formal sources 44 commissions permanentes 472 – France (1789) 139 Committee of Ministers 677 – France (1946) 49–50, 289, 768, 794 committees 53, 279, 360, 364, 366, 377–378, – France (1958) 49 423–424, 435–440, 441, 462, 469–473, 512, 519 – functions 41 common constitutional tradition 72, 797 – Great Britain 31, 40, 81 common good 122, 150, 278 – integrating function 41 common law 35, 43, 67, 111, 613, 630, 818 – mixed 24, 94 common welfare 152 – non-formal sources 44 Commoners 169 – normative 1, 23–24, 32, 40, 50, 134–135, 208, communautés 725 258, 264, 267, 271, 275, 291, 293, 300, 532, 612, Communautés /Gemeenschappen / 682, 769, 809 et seq. Gemeinschaften 760 – normative foundation 75 communist regimes 209, 249, 631 – primacy 222, 235–236, 632–633, 676–677, 689, comparative constitutional law 74, 108, 809 727, 732, 741, 751–752, 763, 785–786, 788 et compensation for expenditure 476–477, 495, 498 seq., 803, 811, 827 compétence négative 312 – Poland 42, 77, 106, 271–272 competence-competence 1 – Prussia (1850) 173 competences – St Paul’s Church 729 – concurring 277, 721, 734, 738, 753, 763 – stabilising function 42 – divided 714 – substantial sense 41–42, 233 – exclusive 277, 734 – unwritten sources 45, 47, 57, 72 et seq. – executive 278 – USA 26, 563 – legislative 306 – Weimar 39, 77, 81, 88, 92, 110, 132, 139, 151, – residual 753, 760 161, 173, 188, 195, 216, 309, 387, 396, 437, 555, – supplementary 277 568, 582, 606, 729, 811 – supporting 277 – written sources 47 et seq., 71 et seq. competential norm 136 constitutional amendment 80, 84, 89, 92–93, 232, comunidades autónomas 283, 292, 355, 366, 445, 622, 724, 740, 781–782 see autonomous communities constitutional complaints 135, 268, 759, 800, 804 concentrated constitutional review 631, 643 constitutional conventions 44, 65, 66 Conciliation Committee 513 Constitutional Council 94, 95, 108, 118, 119, 228, conciliation conference 630 251 conditions essentielles d’exercice de la souverai- Constitutional Court 17, 42, 44–45, 50, 52, 68, neté 776, 794 103, 108, 135, 174, 221, 228–229, 242, 246 et Condorcet 138 seq., 254, 257, 260, 262, 268 et seq., 271, 285, Confederation of the Rhine (Rheinbund) 1803) 291, 305–306, 309, 319, 330–331, 380, 392, 398 728 et seq., 530 et seq., 607, 615–616, 618, 619 et Conference of European Committees (COSAC) seq., 631, 634, 642, 675, 687, 700, 713, 723, 730, 519 741, 759, 773, 787, 791, 793, 800, 804, 812, 820 Conseil Constitutionnel 36, 50, 63, 154, 218, 246, constitutional directive principles 121 614, 635, 776, 794, 802 constitutional interpretation 16, 45, 49, 818 Conseil d’Etat 63, 68, 218, 314–315, 350, 625, 802 constitutional judges 292, 392, 632, 635, 641 Conseil des ministres 350 constitutional jurisdiction 95, 392, 624, 628, 738 210 Index constitutional jurisprudence 43, 806 Court of Appeal 620–621, 626 constitutional mandates 52, 121, 130, 136, 141, Court of Justice of the European Union 275, 666, 143, 710 668, 790 constitutional monarchy 41, 203, 279, 296, 347, Crisis Powers 539 420, 476, 482, 522–523, 532–533, 555, 562, 582, Cromwell, Oliver 24, 35, 630 661 Crown 151, 155–156, 169, 221, 298, 338, 503, 524, constitutional norms 47–49, 51, 68, 103, 128, 178, 585, 601, 613, 626, 696, 701, 704 217, 227, 234, 682, 783, 789 Crown Court 626 constitutional principle 14–15, 37–38, 40, 44, 57, Crown Proceedings Act 1947 51, 284 64, 72, 149, 217, 222, 224, 229, 232, 259, 267, Cultural Communities 760 491, 789, 793 cultural freedoms 142 constitutional reforms 41, 81, 185, 734, 739 cultural heritage 136, 138, 140–141, 148 constitutional review 218, 614, 628–629, 631, 633, culture 138, 140–142, 148, 736, 753 643, 645, 657, 669 customary law 42, 44, 51, 58–59, 60–62, 71, 236, constitutional sources 43 816, 818–819, 819 – legal cognition 43 – legal validity 43 D constitutional state 138, 285, 299, 305, 482, 817 Daseinsvorsorge 131 constitutional status of parties 205 decentralisation 4, 106, 154, 594–597, 603–604, constitutional theory 4, 28, 43, 74 682, 686, 693–695, 719 Constitutional Treaty for Europe 94, 185, 200 decentralised state 603, 682, 684, 686, 695 constitutionalisation 4, 33, 70, 108, 111, 118–119, decentralised unitary state 597, 689, 696 134, 436, 761, 797 decisions 44–45, 156, 185, 263, 267, 360, 377, 422, constitutionalism 4, 6, 24, 26, 36, 41, 77, 151, 173 447, 514, 521, 573, 575, 580–581, 583, 589, 598, constructive vote of no confidence 393, 397–298, 618–619, 649–650, 652, 676, 707 418–420, 590 Déclaration de politique générale 389 consultative referendum 195, 199–200 Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme 26, 36, 117, Contrat Social 26 158, 289 contreseing 586 déclaration sur la politique générale 403 control function 279, 380, 435, 446, 518, 566 declarations of war 540–542 control of the government 280, 393, 429 deconcentrated administration
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