P! |5f i, QUOTE V ''History improvises; ft 25* does not repeat itself." per 'ropy . „•• —Alexander Herzen, Q^E^UNPRED-FQURTKNJHXEMr-NQi.40- CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1984 16 Pages This Week President, Three Trustees Will Be Chosen Monday In Annual Village Election Chelsea voters will go to, the polls next Monday to elect a new village president (mayor) and three members of the board of trustees (council). Balloting will take place in the Sylvan Township HaU, 112 W. Middle St. Voting hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Anyone in line at closing time will be allowed to vote. Village clerk Evelyn Rosen­ treter said there are 2,310 persons registered to vote in the village election. A separate registration from that required,for state and national elections is necessary. Mrs. Rosentreter declined to make a prediction on the size of :¾ SITE FOR PROFESSIONAL BUILDING: tion are located on the site of proposed new the voter turn-out but said she These two houses located on the east side of S, medical-dental profesisonal office building. They hoped it would be higher than in Main St. between the Chelsea Community will be either moved or razed if the project goes recent past elections. driveway and the Union 76 gasoline sta­ ahead. ': Last year, when four candi­ dates ran for three council seats, only 193 ballots were cast. In 1082, when the village presidency was open, the voter total was 350.. There was no contest for the of­ fice, however. "I think the fact that there is a or PS*of essional Building contest for president may bring^ ^ The village planning commis- "There really isn't much I can land was rezoned for offices in out some more people," Mrs. sion will consider a site plan for a tell you at this point except that 1978 at Dr. Krausse's request, but Rosentreter said, "but I wouldn't proposed medical, dental and the plan calls for a one-story nothing more has happened until want to guess how many." professional office building on building of about 7,100 square fee now. Loren Keezer and Jerry J. Sat- lots at 513 and 521 S. Main St. with three or four suites of of­ The planning commission can terthwaite, who are both present­ VILLAGE CLERK Evelyn Rosentreter is in members of the board of trustees (council). Mrs. When it meets at 7:30 p.m. Tues­ fices," Farrand said; give final approval to the plan ly on the council, are the can­ charge of Monday's election at which Chelsea Rosentreter's name is not on the ballot this year. day, March 13, in the village hall. He declined to estimate costs or without sending it on to the didates for president to succeed voters will elect a village president and three She was reelected for a two-year term a year ago. •2 The property is on the east side predict when construction might village council, because no rezon- Jack Merkel, who decided not to <# Main St. between the Union 76 start. "Except for the blueprint ing request is involved. However, seek re-election after serving one [gas station and the north en­ for the site, we have done no sket­ Winans pointed out; any resident two-year term in the past. trance to Chelsea Community ches or drawings," Farrand said. hospital and is owned by Dr. who lives within 300 feet of the Keezer's council term is expir­ Candidates Seeking "Once the sjte plan is approved, site may request a public hearing ing, while Satterthwaite's has •Charles F. Krausse who has of­ we will get into that phase of the on the proposal, which would fices at 116 Park St. Dr: Krausse project:"' - another year to run. If Satter- lives at 8345 Jackson Rd., Ann Ar­ delay approval by a month or thwalte wins, his council seat will ; The two lots nave a combined more. become vacant and will be filled Three Village Trustee Posts bor. '.•••. • •' > ,; area of about 35,000 square feet "I don't know of anyone who William P. Farrand of the Ann and are presently occupied by by appointment. If he loses, he Three persons will be elected Boylan said, "and that's why I'm James K. Finch, 42, of 533 objects to the idea of having a can serve his remaining year on next Monday from among five running for the council. I think #$l jrjHtpctijrftl firm of Far- two older houses which would professipQal .office buUdlnj Chandler St. is employed in the i^^oV^^ '^^^^i^'^^S'^^il ^iaid fefetVl ' W^^^^-t^&^k^*fdS fandsa^id. V comments I have heard have . The five candidates for the (council). laboratory at Chrysler Proving* details b^ the projeqt, foclucujig a Charles Winans, II, assistant been favorable/but you never three b^eh positions on the coun­ "During the 10 years since I Grounds. A resident of Chelsea timetable, are still tentative. village administrator, said the know." Here is a rundown on the can- was last on the council, there cil are, in alphabetical order, didat.esi including their hasn't been much change in the for 21 years, he is married and Keith L. Boylan, James K. Finch, backgrounds and statements of village, not nearly enough. I see a has three children attending the Efnmett M. Hankerd, Fred Har­ opinion. All were asked the same lot of apathy. We need to get Chelsea schools. ris and Joseph M. Merkel. questions. They are listed here in more public involvement, a more He was born in Clare and Candidates for President alphabetical order, and tliey will graduated from high school Merkel is an incumbent. The positive approach so there can be there. An Army veteran, he is a other four are newcomers, al­ appear on the ballot that way. some progress. 1¾ UJ*-*Tk -WW* member of the First United r though Boylan -served two terms Village trustees are paid $15 for "I'm not in favor of growth just Methodist church, the American un& ui B ubisn,Z*i (/iff£i4&2 **^1n)i €9 on the council beginning in 1970. each, of the 25 or so council for the sake of growth. There has meetings scheduled during the to be some purpose to it, some ad­ Legion and the Veterans of There are more similarities They are not in it for the two children attending the Also to be elected Monday are a year that they attend. There is no vantage to be gained. I wonder Foreign Wars. He served on the than differences between the two money. The president gets $300 a Chelsea public schools. He is village treasurer, assessor and other financial compensation. about the industrial park. It's go­ Washtenaw County Council of men—Loren'Keezer and Jerry year plus $15 for each of the 25 or employed in the receiving depart­ two members of the McKune Keith Boylan, 62, lives at 245 ing to cost a lot of money to Veterans for three years. ' $atterthwaite-who are running so council meetings held annually ment of Chelsea Milling Co. Memorial Library boad of Park St., is married and the develop. Finch started the Chelsea for village president (mayor) in that he attends. Both say they are A lifelong village resident, he is trustees. father of five children. A native of "With the tax write-offs that Recreation Wrestling Club and is next Monday'selection, running because they love the a graduate of Chelsea High Ann Arbor and a graduate of Ann are being granted to new enter- currently its assistant coach. He Bothare 42 years old, life-long". community and want to continue school and attended Michigan Incumbents Mary M. Harris has been and remains active in and Charles B. Winans, II, are Arbor High school, he has been a prises, I think there is a question area residents, presently mem- serving it as elected officials. State University for two years. Chelsea resident for 35 years. He whether the village can afford coaching kids' baseball from bers of the village* council. Both Both acknowledge that the of- He is a U. S. Navy veteran, at­ unopposed for the positions of T-ball through the Pony League. treasurer and assessor, respec­ is an Army veteran, a member of them. Are we going to get our say they would not have run if fice of village president carries tends the Congregational church St. Mary's Catholic church, the money back?" "This is my first try at election president Jack Merkel had very little legal clout beyond and is a member of Inverness tively. Incumbent E. Anne Belser to public office, " Finch said. is seeking one of the library Knights of Columbus and the "If the decision is that the "I've always sought to be active iSgught re-election, and both are what they presently exercise as Country Club. American Legion. A printer by village should grow, it must ex­ jconpmitted to continuing projects members of the council, but both Keezer has served four years board posts, but no one filed a in some way in the community nominating petition for the other. trade, he retired from the Ann pand its boundaries. There isn't where I live, because I believe lfj$ programs that Merkel began, see possibilities to lead through on the village council and, before Arbor News last year, and much room for growth within the ^/Neither is campaigning hard.. persuasijon and guidance. that, almost two years as village If there are any write-in votes for that is everyone's responsibility.
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