TATARICA: PERSONALIA SADRI MAKSUDI: CREATING A NATIONAL GOVERNMENT – THE MILLI IDARE Aidar Yuryevich Khabutdinov, Kazan Branch of the Russian Academy of Justice, 7A Vtoraya Azinskaya Str., Kazan, 420088, Russian Federation, а[email protected]. Maksudov (Maksudi) Sadri Максудов (Максуди) Садри Максудов (Максуди) Садри (Sadretdin) Nizamutdinovich (Садретдин) Низаметдин улы (Садретдин) Низамутдинович (в (known as Sadri Maksudi Arsal in (Төркиядə Садри Максуди Арсал Турции известен как Садри Мак- Turkey) (1878–1957) was a public буларак билгеле) (1878–1957) – суди Арсал) (1878–1957) – обще- figure, the Chairman of the Gov- җəмəгать эшлеклесе, ственный деятель, председатель ernment (the Milli Idare) and Par- татарларның милли-мəдəни правительства (Милли Идарэ) и liament (the Milllet Mejlis) of the автономиясе хөкүмəте (Милли парламента (Миллет Меджлисе) National-Cultural Autonomy of the Идарə) һəм парламенты (Миллəт национально-культурной автоно- Tatars, a Turkish statesman, Мəҗлесе) рəисе, Төркиянең мии татар, государственный дея- turkologist, and lawyer. He came дəүлəт эшлеклесе, тюрколог, тель Турции, тюрколог, юрист. Из from the family of Tatar Murzas, the хокук белгече. Сөендеков татар рода татарских мурз Сююндюко- Syuyundyukovs. Sadri Maksudi was морзалары нəселеннəн. Садри вых. Садри Максуди родился в born to the family of the Imam in Максуди Казан өязе (хəзерге деревне Таш-су Казанского уезда the village of Tash-su of the Kazan Татарстанның Биектау районы) (ныне Высокогорского района Та- Uezd (currently the Vysokogorsky Ташсу авылында имам тарстана) в семье имама. Началь- region in Tatarstan). He got a prima- гаилəсендə дөньяга килə. ное образование получил в мекте- ry education in his father's mektebe, Башлангыч белемне əтисе бе отца, затем обучался в Апана- later, he went to the Apanaevsky мəктəбендə ала, аннары евском медресе Казани. В 1895– madrasah of Kazan. In the years Казанның Апанай мəдəрəсəсендə 1896 гг. Садри Максуди учился в 1895–1896, Sadri Maksudi studied укый. 1895–1896 елларда медресе «Зинджирлы» в Бахчиса- at the “Zinjirly” Madrasa in Bakh- С. Максуди Бакчасарайдагы рае, в 1897–1901 гг. – в Казанской chisarai, from 1897 to 1901 he at- «Зынҗырлы» мəдрəсəсендə татарской учительской школе. tended the Kazan Tatar Teacher белем ала, 1897–1901 елларда Вместе с Г. Исхаки, Х. Ямашевым Training School. Together with Казан татар укытучылар был одним из создателей первого G. Iskhaki and Kh. Yamashev, he мəктəбендə укый. Г. Исхакый, татарского политического кружка. was one of the founders of the first Х. Ямашевлар белəн бергə В 1902–1906 гг. Садри Максуди Tatar political society. In the years беренче татар сəяси түгəрəген получил образование на юриди- 1902–1906, Sadri Maksudi was ed- оештыручыларның берсе була. ческом факультете Сорбонны. ucated at the Sorbonne School of 1902–1906 елларда Садри В 1906 г. вернулся на родину и Law. Максуди Сорбоннаның юридик стал членом ЦК мусульманской In 1906, he returned to his home- факультетында белем ала. либеральной партии «Иттифак land and became a member of the 1906 елда ватанына кайта һəм аль-муслимин». В 1907–1912 гг. – Central Committee of the Muslim «Иттифакъ əл-мөслимин» секретарь мусульманской фрак- Liberal Party “Ittifaq al-muslimin”. мөселман либераль партиясе ции во II и III Государственной 191 A.YU.KHABUTDINOV In 1907–1912, he was the Secretary үзəк комитеты əгъзасы була. Думах. of the Muslim faction in the Second 1907–1912 елларда II һəм III В 1913–1917 гг. – помощник and Third State Dumas. Дəүлəт Думаларындагы присяжного поверенного в г. Ка- In the years 1913–1917, Sadri мөселман фракциялəре зани. Maksudi performed the duties of an сəркатибе. 22 июля 1917 г. на II Всерос- Assistant Attorney in Kazan. 1913–1917 елларда Казан сийском мусульманском съезде On July 22, 1917, at the Second мəхкəмə палатасында антлы был избран председателем Вакы- All-Russian Muslim Congress, he вəкил ярдəмчесе. тлы (Временного) Милли Идарэ, was elected Chairman of the Vakıtli 1917 елның 22 июлендə II 22 ноября 1917 г. – председателем (Provisional) Milli Idare. On No- Бөтенроссия мөселман Миллет Меджлисе, а 5 января vember 22, 1917, he became Chair- корылтаенда Вакытлы Милли 1918 г. – председателем Милли man of the Millat Majlis, and on Идарə, 1917 елның 22 ноябрендə Идарэ. January 5, 1918 – Chairman of the Миллəт Мəҗлесе, ə 1918 елның 5 В 1919 г. эмигрировал через Milli Idare. гыйнварында Милли Идарə Финляндию во Францию. Был со- In 1919, he emigrated to France рəисе итеп сайлана. здателем истории тюркских госу- via Finland. He was the creator of 1919 елда, Финляндия аша дарств, тюркского права. В 1923– the History of the Turkic states and чыгып, Франциягə күчеп китə. 1924 гг. – профессор Парижского Turkic law. In 1923–1924, he was Төрки дəүлəтлəр тарихын, төрки университета, в 1925–1943 г. – Professor at the University of Paris, хокукны нигезлəүче. 1923–1924 профессор юридической школы in 1925–1943, he became Professor елларда Париж университеты Анкарского университета, в 1943– of the Law School at the University профессоры, 1925–1943 елларда 1950 гг. – профессор Стамбуль- of Ankara, in 1943–1950, he worked Əнкара университетының ского университета. В 1931–1939, as Professor of Istanbul University. юридик мəктəбе профессоры, 1950–1955 гг. – депутат турецкого In 1931–1939, 1950–1955, Sadri 1943–1950 елларда Истанбул парламента. Maksudi was a Member of the Turk- университеты профессоры ish Parliament. гыйльми вазифаларын башкара. 1931–1939, 1950–1955 елларда төрек парламенты депутаты. Sadri Maksudi (1879-1957) was a creator of In that case, he saw eye to eye with his friend the “Turkic-Tatar Muslims of Inner Russia and Yusuf Akchura [Maxudi, 1914]. Siberia” autonomy and its government. He raised Maksudi entered the Russian politics in August the cause of the Tatars unity to unattainable heights 1906, at the Third All-Russian Muslim Congress. and for the first time – so far, for the last time – Along with the State Duma, he proposed to create united the nation within the framework of a single a State Council in Russia, following the example autonomy. He gave it a name, draw up its of the Swiss Council of cantons. Moreover, the Constitution and created its Milli Idare equal number of deputies would be elected from (government), and the Millat Mejlis (parliament). each nation. National and religious issues would be April 25, 1918 – the day when the Milli Idare suf- submitted to this chamber. fered its defeat – is comparable in its tragic out- On May 7, 1911, in his, perhaps, the most come to October 2, 1552. But Maksudi went frank speech in the State Duma, Maksudi defined undefeated – he was destined to live a long life and the nation as a cultural community with the right to to struggle for individual freedom in Turkey. free cultural self-determination, being, at the same In 1906, Maksudi was the first of the Tatars to time, a member of a single state organism. In that graduate from Paris-Sorbonne where he under- way, the rights and interests of nations other than stood the essence of various European political re- Russian nation would be protected. gimes. [Maksudi, 1999], [Gaffarova, 1997]. For On December 25, 1909, Maksudi bluntly stat- him and his friend Yusuf Akchura, the UK became ed: “We long for a free, enlightened, rich, and bril- an example to follow. In a few years, Sadri would liant future for Russia” in response to the accusa- write that the British created schools, universities, tions of a number of right-wing deputies about the theaters, banks, factories, and plantations in Aus- foreign-oriented policy of Muslims in Russia. tralia, Africa, and Canada. It was in this civilizing For several years Sadri Maksudi was ousted activity that he saw the very meaning of the exist- from big politics, however, the year of 1917 be- ence of the Empire, and that was precisely what he came the high point in his career. On March 4, failed to see in Russia, while Britain opened uni- 1917, Sadri Maksudi urged: Despite all the differ- versities for Hindus. The experience of England ences among twenty-five million Russian Muslims, made Maksudi give up the ideals of the revolution. it was necessary to abandon party feuds and tribal 192 TATARICA: PERSONALIA differences in the name of national unity. In April traditional community. The real authorities were 1917, the socialist leaders launched a campaign of the Vaktylı Milli Idare (the Provisional National slander against Maksudi. As a result, in May 1917, Government) and the Milli Shuro (the National in Moscow, Turkic unity was dealt a double blow Councils) of the provinces as well as local commit- at the First All-Russian Muslim Congress, the tees. movement centered at the level of certain ethnic S. Maksudi’s speech has not lost its relevance groups. today, it has something our contemporaries should By July, Maksudi had returned again to the is- think about: “Approximately 370 years ago, when sue of convening Muslim congresses in Kazan. He Kazan was captured by Ivan the Terrible, Kazan could not allow a split within the Tatar nation. As a Muslims were forbidden to remain on the territory result, on July 22, 1917, the joint meeting of the of Kazan (he meant the Kazan Kremlin – MH). Kazan Muslim Congresses included the muftiate They had to either accept Christianity, or, in order into the autonomy government as one of the to preserve their religion, flee from Kazan. Mean- nazarats (ministries). The three ministries of the while, we are currently holding our congresses in autonomy, forming the Vaktylı Milli Idare (the Kazan (Strong applause). One of the European Provisional National Government), were the three travelers who arrived in Kazan described us in the most powerful professional corporations in the Ta- following way: “Now the Tatars have nothing to tar world: Megarif (Education) – teachers, Malia show, except for a few mosques and a few shops (Finances) – bourgeoisie, and Diniya (Religion) – … This is a nation – on the verge of extinction”. clergy. This is what Europeans think about us! However, The Diniya Nazarat completely retained its there are things inaccessible to human reason.
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