
We wish all readers of Baku Guide a happy year of 2016 and hope that it will be a year of happiness, good health and success for all of them! TOURIST MAGAZINE JANUARY 2016 Ministry of Culture and Tourism Republic of Azerbaijan MONTHLY SUPPLEMENT OF CULTURE NEWSPAPER BAKU GUIDE TOURIST MAGAZINE PROJECT STAFF PROJECT CHIEF ABULFAS GARAYEV EDITOR IN CHIEF INTIGAM HUMBATOV PROJECT COORDINATOR SADIG MUSA TEXT EDITOR VUGAR ALIYEV ART DIRECTOR ELNARA HEYBATOVA FOR ADS (+994 12) 431 28 79 (+994 55) 743 44 47 E-mail: [email protected] Baku Guide tourist magazine is paged and printed by CBS Publishing House DEAR TOURIST! Baku Guide Tourist Magazine is only edition supported by Ministry of Culture and Tourism that offers variety of choices through your trip to Baku. You can find here nearly every information you will need. Furthermore, you can send us your photos taken in Baku or regions and impressions about our capital city. We will publish them all with great pleasure. E-mail: [email protected] Republic of Azerbaijan is the largest country in the South Caucasus region located at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, western shore of the Caspian Àçåðáàéäæàíñêàÿ Ðåñïóáëèêà - ñàìàÿ áîëüøàÿ ñòðàíà Þæíîãî Sea. It is bounded by Russian Êàâêàçà, íàõîäèòñÿ íà ïåðåñå÷åíèè Àçèè è Åâðîïû, íà çàïàäíîì Federation to the north, Georgia to the ïîáåðåæüå Êàñïèéñêîãî ìîðÿ. Íà ñåâåðå ñòðàíà ãðàíè÷èò ñ Ðîñ- northwest, Armenia to the west, Islamic ñèéñêîé Ôåäåðàöèåé, íà ñåâåðî-çàïàäå - ñ Ãðóçèåé, íà çàïàäå - ñ Republic of Iran to the south and Àðìåíèåé, íà þãå - ñ Èñëàìñêîé Ðåñïóáëèêîé Èðàí, íà þãî-çàïàäå - ñ Òóðöèåé. Ïðîòÿæåííîñòü áåðåãîâîé ëèíèè ïî Êàñïèþ ñîñòàâëÿ- Turkey to the southwest. The coastline åò 713 êèëîìåòðîâ. Òåððèòîðèÿ ñòðàíû òàêæå âêëþ÷àåò íåñêîëüêî of the Caspian Sea is 713 km in length. íåáîëüøèõ îñòðîâîâ â àçåðáàéäæàíñêîì ñåêòîðå Êàñïèéñêîãî In addition to mainland it included a few ìîðÿ (Àáøåðîíñêèé àðõèïåëàã). Òåððèòîðèÿ - 86,6 òûñÿ÷ small islands (Absheron archipelago) êâàäðàòíûõ êèëîìåòðîâ, íàñåëåíèå - 9,6 ìèëëèîíîâ ÷åëîâåê. located water area of the Caspian Sea belonging to Azerbaijan. Its area is 86.6 Azяrbaycan Respublikasы Cяnubi Qafqaz regionunun яn thousand square kilometers, population bюyцk юlkяsidir, Asiya vя Avropanыn kяsiшmяsindя, Xяzяr is 9,6 million people. dяnizinин qяrb sahilindя yerlяшir. Юlkя шimaldan Rusiya Federasiyasы, шimal-qяrbdяn Gцrcцstan, qяrbdяn Ermяnistan, cяnubdan Иran Иslam Respublikasы, cяnub-qяrbdяn Tцrkiyя ilя hяmsяrhяddir. Xяzяr dяnizi boyunca sahil xяttinin uzunluьu 713 kilometrdir. Xяzяr dяnizinin Azяrbaycan akvatoriyasыnda (Abшeron arxipelaqы) olan bir neчя kiчik ada da юlkяnin яrazisinя daxildir. Яrazisi 86,6 min kvadrat kilometr, яhalisi 9,6 milyon nяfяrdir. 4 Welcome to Azerbaijan ÄÎÁÐÎ ÏÎÆÀËÎÂÀÒÜ Â ÀÇÅÐÁÀÉÄÆÀÍ / ÀÇßÐÁÀÉÚÀÍÀ ÕÎØ ÝßËÌÈÑÈÍÈÇ Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was established in 1918 and first time recognized women's voting rights in the mus- lim-East. Unfortunately, in 1920, in Azerbaijan was declared soviet authority. Since 1922 was the part of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). On 18 October 1991, Republic of Azerbaijan restored its independence.  1918 ãîäó áûëà Ñ 1922 ãîäà Àçåðáàéäæàí ïðîâîçãëàøåíà âõîäèë â ñîñòàâ Àçåðáàéäæàíñêàÿ Äåìîêðà- Ñîþçà Ñîâåòñêèõ òè÷åñêàÿ Ðåñïóáëèêà, Ñîöèàëèñòè÷åñêèõ âïåðâûå íà Âîñòîêå Ðåñïóáëèê (ÑÑÑÐ). ïðåäîñòàâèâøàÿ æåíùèíàì 18 îêòÿáðÿ 1991 ãîäà èçáèðàòåëüíûå ïðàâà.  Àçåðáàéäæàíñêàÿ 1920 ãîäó â Àçåðáàéäæàíå Ðåñïóáëèêà âîññòàíîâèëà áûëà óñòàíîâëåíà ãîñóäàðñòâåííóþ ñîâåòñêàÿ âëàñòü. íåçàâèñèìîñòü. Azяrbaycan Demokratik Respublikasы 1918-ci ildя qurulub vя bu respublika mцsяlman Шяrqindя ilk dяfя qadыnlara sяsvermя hцququ verib. 1920-ci ildя Azяrbaycanда sovet щаkимиййяти елан olunub. 1922-ci ildяn Azяrbaycan Sovet Sosialist Respublikalarы Иttifaqыnыn (SSRИ) bir hissяsi olub. 1991-ci il oktyabrыn 18-dя Azяrbaycan Respublikasы dюvlяt mцstяqilliyini bяrpa edib. 5 Welcome to Azerbaijan ÄÎÁÐÎ ÏÎÆÀËÎÂÀÒÜ Â ÀÇÅÐÁÀÉÄÆÀÍ / ÀÇßÐÁÀÉÚÀÍÀ ÕÎØ ÝßËÌÈÑÈÍÈÇ The landscape of Azerbaijan territory consists of mountains, lowlands and plains. In the north of country rises the Greater Caucasus Mountains, Lesser Caucasus in the south-west. The highest point of the republic is Bazarduzu (4466m, The Greater Caucasus range). The cen- tral part of the country covers the Kura-Araz, south-east - Lankaran lowlands. Mountain lakes like Batabat, Maralgol and Goygol have unique beauty. There are many mineral springs have been revealed in Azerbaijan and the most famous are - "Badamly" and "Sirab". The fauna and flora of Azerbaijan is also rich and diverse. 9 out of 11 climate zones existing in the world are observed in Azerbaijan. Ðåëüåô òåððèòîðèè Àçåðáàéäæàíà ñîñòîèò èç ãîð, Azяrbaycan яrazisinin relyefi daьlar, ovalыqlar íèçìåííîñòåé è ðàâíèí. Íà ñåâåðå âîçâûøàþòñÿ vя dцzяnliklяrdяn ibarяtdir. Шimalda Bюyцk ãîðû Áîëüøîãî Êàâêàçà, íà þãî-çàïàäå - ãîðíûå Qafqaz, cяnub-qяrbdя Kiчik Qafqaz sыra daьlarы õðåáòû Ìàëîãî Êàâêàçà. Ñàìàÿ âûñîêàÿ òî÷êà - ucalыr. Яn yцksяk nюqtяsi Bazardцzц zirvяsidir âåðøèíà Áàçàðäþçþ (4466 ìåòðîâ, Áîëüøîé Êàâêàç) (4466 m, Bюyцk Qafqaz silsilяsi). Юlkяnin íàõîäèòñÿ íà ñåâåðå ñòðàíû.  öåíòðàëüíîé ÷àñòè mяrkяzi hissяsindя Kцr-Araz ovalыьы, cяnub- ñòðàíû ðàñïîëîæåíà Êóðà-Àðàçñêàÿ, íà þãî-âîñòîêå шяrqindя isя Lяnkяran ovalыьы yerlяшir. Batabat, - Ëÿíêÿðàíñêàÿ íèçìåííîñòü. Íåïîâòîðèìûì Maralgюl, Gюygюl kimi daь gюllяri bяnzяrsiz î÷àðîâàíèåì îòëè÷àþòñÿ ãîðíûå îçåðà Áàòàáàò, gюzяlliyя malikdir. Юlkяdя чoxlu mineral qay- Ìàðàëãåëü, Ãåéãåëü.  ñòðàíå îáíàðóæåíî ìíîæåñòâî ìèíåðàëüíûõ naqlar aшkar edilmiшdir, onlardan яn mяшhurlarы èñòî÷íèêîâ, ñàìûå èçâåñòíûå èç íèõ "Áàäàìëû" - "Badamlы" вя "Sirab" sularыdыr. è "Ñèðàá". Áîãàòà è ðàçíîîáðàçíà òàêæå ôëîðà è Azяrbaycanыn fauna vя florasы da zяngin vя ôàóíà Àçåðáàéäæàíà. 9 èç ñóùåñòâóþùèõ â ìèðå mцxtяlifdir. Dцnyada mюvcud olan 11 iqlim 11 êëèìàòè÷åñêèõ ïîÿñîâ íàáëþäàþòñÿ íà qurшaьыndan 9-u respublika яrazisindя òåððèòîðèè ñòðàíû. mцшahidя olunur. 6 Republic of Azerbaijan includes these territorial-administrative division - Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, 65 districts, 69 cities, 14 city districts, (12 in Baku, 2 in Ganja), 130 settlements and 4354 villages. The reason of eternal Azerbaijan territo- ry - Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic being of out of the mainland is because of border changes implemented in 1920 by soviet authority. In the same year Zangazur region of Azerbaijan is granted to Armenian SSR, consequently Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic separated from rest of the country. Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan Republic and seven surrounding districts has been occupied by Armenian armed forces in early 90s.  àäìèíèñòðàòèâíî-òåððèòî-  òîò ïåðèîä Çàíãåçóðñêàÿ ðèàëüíîå äåëåíèå îáëàñòü Àçåðáàéäæàíà Àçåðáàéäæàíà âõîäÿò áûëà âêëþ÷åíà â ñîñòàâ Íàõ÷ûâàíñêàÿ Àâòîíîìíàÿ Àðìÿíñêîé ÑÑÐ, â Ðåñïóáëèêà, 65 ðàéîíîâ, 69 ðåçóëüòàòå ÷åãî ãîðîäîâ, 14 ãîðîäñêèõ Íàõ÷ûâàíñêàÿ ðàéîíîâ (12 â Áàêó, 2 â Àâòîíîìíàÿ Ðåñïóáëèêà Ãÿíäæå), 130 ïîñåëêîâ îêàçàëàñü îòäåëåííîé îò ãîðîäñêîãî òèïà è 4354 ñåë. îñòàëüíîé ÷àñòè Îòîðâàííîñòü èñêîííîé Àçåðáàéäæàíà. òåððèòîðèè Àçåðáàéäæàíà -  íà÷àëå 90-õ ãîäîâ Íàõ÷ûâàíñêîé Àâòîíîìíîé Íàãîðíî-êàðàáàõñêèé Ðåñïóáëèêè îò îñíîâíîé ðåãèîí Àçåðáàéäæàíñêîé ÷àñòè ñòðàíû ÿâëÿåòñÿ Ðåñïóáëèêè ñëåäñòâèåì ïîëèòèêè è ñåìü ïðèëåãàþùèõ ïåðåêðàèâàíèÿ ãðàíèö, ðàéîíîâ îêêóïèðîâàíû îñóùåñòâëåííîé ñîâåòñêèì âîîðóæåííûìè ñèëàìè ïðàâèòåëüñòâîì â 1920 ãîäó. Àðìåíèè. Azяrbaycan Respublikasыnыn tяrkibinя bir muxtar qurum - Nax- чыvan Muxtar Respublikasы, 65 rayon, 69 шяhяr, 14 шяhяr rayo- nu (12-si Bakыda, 2-si Gяncяdя), 130 qяsяbя vя 4354 kяnd daxildir. Azяrbaycanыn яzяli bюlgяsi olan Naxчыvan Muxtar Respublikasыnыn юlkяnin яsas hissяsindяn ayrы olmasы 1920-ci ildя sovet hakimiyyяti tяrяfindяn hяyata keчirilяn sяrhяdlяrin dяyiшdirilmяsi ilя baьlыdыr. Hяmin ildя Azяrbaycanыn Zяngяzur bюlgяsi Ermяnistan SSR-я verilmiш, nяticяdя Naxчыvan Muxtar Respublikasы Azяrbaycanын qalan hissяsindяn aralы dцшmцшdцr. 90-жы иллярин яввялиндя Azяrbaycan Respublikasыnыn 7 Daьlыq Qarabaь bюlgяsi vя яtrafыndakы yeddi rayon Ermяnistan silahlы qцvvяlяri tяrяfindяn iшьal olunub. HAPPY NEW YEAR! or centuries, similar to many coun- The tradition to mark the night of tries of the Middle East and Central 1 January as the New Year goes back F Asia, the coming of the New Year in to the Soviet era, precisely to the 1920s. Azerbaijan has been marked, according to Nevertheless, for many years, it remained solar calendar, in March. The day of an ordinary working day. It was not until spring equinox, March 20 or 21, is still an 1 January 1948 that the Soviet govern- important holiday in our country. Along ment announced the New Year's Day an with this, it has been over a century that official holiday. the new Gregorian year has also been After our country regained its indepen- marked in Azerbaijan. The history of this dence in 1991, the celebration of the holiday goes back to the nineteenth new calendar year became a double holi- century. At the time, Azerbaijan was day for us, with 31 December marking part of the Russian Empire when the World Azerbaijanis' Solidarity Day Christian communities that had then and 1 January marking the New Year. In established themselves in our country 2006, 2 January was also proclaimed a celebrated Christmas. bank holiday. Therefore, the New 8 YENÈ ÈLÈNÈZ MÖBARßK! ñïîêîí âåêîâ íàñòóï- Òðàäèöèÿ ïðàçäíîâàíèÿ ñîá- srlяrdяn bяri, Yaxыn ëåíèå íîâîãî ãîäà ïî ñòâåííî Íîâîãî ãîäà - â íî÷ü ñ Шяrqin vя Orta Asiyanыn È ñîëíå÷íîìó êàëåí- 31 äåêàáðÿ íà 1 ÿíâàðÿ - Я bir чox юlkяlяrindя äàðþ â Àçåðáàéäæàíå, êàê è áûëà çàëîæåíà
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