PITTWATER PRESS BE RESPECTFUL ASPIRE BE RESPONSIBLE Gearing up with Homework Jane Ferris: Principal’s Report. 7 May 2019 Homework is an important aspect of learning in high children during homework tasks, then positive school. Although there has been some research that correlations were found throughout the literature, suggests that homework is of limited value, this is in in particular when parents support the child's the context of primary schools. High school home- understanding of homework. work has been found to be increasingly positive, particularly as students get older and move into their Homework and home-study at Pittwater High senior years of high school. At this time, I particularly School encourage Year 10 students to review their home- Firstly, when specific homework is set by teachers, work and study patterns to ensure that good habits our expectation is that it is always done with a are in place for the senior school. serious effort and completed on time – that is not a rushed last minute effort. Secondly, it should be The Department of Education has provided a noted that some homework is linked to a long research summary in regards to homework and term assignment. This needs careful planning to below are some of the comments/findings from the ensure the assignment is worked on systematically various studies: over the weeks, ensuring that when class time is As students grow older, homework has a growing available the student is in a position to seek help effect on achievement outcomes. and clarification. Such work should not mean a Homework effort and conscientiousness were late night the day before it is due with the inevita- systematically related over time (Grade 5 to ble unnecessary stress. Some homework is linked to Grade 8). Most importantly, students who invest- the ‘flipped’ classroom; the simpler background or ed more effort in their homework showed more introductory work is done at home before the positive development in conscientiousness. more difficult aspect is taught in class. All set One study shows a positive relationship between homework is essential in order to keep up with and homework and a range of self-regulation skills understand classwork. that facilitates academic achievement and performance. It reveals that homework assign- Even when no specific homework has been set, ments can enhance the development of self- there is always home-study that should take place regulation processes and self-efficacy beliefs, as each day to maintain good learning habits and well as goal setting, time management, build up skills. For example, work from each managing the environment, and maintaining at- subject for the day should be reviewed and tention. checked for accurate completion and to ensure Homework helps students develop good study understanding. In English, students are expected habits, such as goal setting, following directions, to read regularly each day, and a reading list has organising materials, planning ahead, and budg- been included in this newsletter. This builds up eting time, as well as strategies for dealing with fluency, comprehension and vocabulary develop- mistakes, difficulties and distractions. ment. Additionally, in Years 7 to 10 students can Homework fosters student initiative and log into Wordflyers to assist with grammar, spelling independence. and vocabulary. In Maths, as well as set home- Homework helps students develop positive work, students can access MathsOnline in the attitudes toward school and a sense of personal junior school for additional work at their responsibility. competency level. For seniors in all subjects, Homework promotes greater parental apprecia- regularly reviewing content, note taking, tion of and involvement in schooling. summaries, memorising and practice responses Middle school students doing less than 90 are essential to learning. For many subjects seniors minutes of homework per night did better can also access online Edrolo for tutorials and academically than students who did no home- practice questions. work. At Pittwater High School the Homework Club runs When parents are not actively involved in in the library from Monday to Thursday with an ad- assisting in homework tasks, then the literature ditional teacher as well as Mr Kovacs. This service is indicates indecisive or negative results. However, available from 8.15, and the Library itself is open when parents are directly involved in assisting their from 8.00pm. Principal: Jane Ferris Website: www.pittwater-h.schools.nsw.edu Deputy Principals: Rachel Fleming, Sharon Behringer , Martin Hardy (rel) Email: [email protected] Rachel Fleming, Sharon Behringer, Martin Hardy and Carol Roulston Issues raised in the newsletter are No one needs to be exposed to constantly reinforced by the staff, unacceptable and offensive language including at our Monday assembly and at and there are clear consequences for weekly year meetings. We would swearing at a teacher or in a disciplinary appreciate it if you could discuss some of meeting with a head teacher, deputy or these issues with your child this week. the principal. Such language is aggressive behaviour and will result in a Level or a This is a learning area suspension. OFF AND AWAY Mobile Phone Use Mobile phones are to be off and away during class time and we would appreci- ate it if you do not call or text your child during class time. Please phone the office if there is an urgent need to contact your It’s Cool to be Kind child. Mrs Ferris spoke at last Monday’s assembly about the importance of being kind to a If a student has their phone out in class, friend or to a student you might not know, the teacher may contact the Deputy including helping new students navigate Principal to confiscate the phone for the their way around the school, saying hi in remainder of the school day. Repeat of- the corridor or assisting with learning. She fenders will have to hand in their phone spoke about what a difference it can before school each day. Phones will be make to a person’s day and the value of secured in a locked cabinet for this thinking less about ourselves and focusing purpose in the Deputies' Offices. on someone else. Student Services A student who is feeling unwell should ask their class teacher for a green note to go to Student Services. Students should not contact parents and ask to go home before going to Student Services. It is imperative that, as a duty of care require- Keep it Clean ment, we know where students are at all In 2018 we had a focus on “Keep it times. Student Services will contact parents Clean” which made a difference to the to determine whether the student can language that was used in the classroom, return to class or needs to go home. It is canteen, corridors and the playground. important that contact details are kept up Students responded positively to this to date. campaign and there were light hearted moments, especially on the playground, where they reminded their friends to keep it clean! Rachel Fleming, Sharon Behringer, Martin Hardy and Carol Roulston Senior Boys Senior Girls Junior Boys Junior Girls Sport Uniform Notes must be presented before school Ms Gudmunson sent out a message to all and green notes will only be issued for a parents in the last week of term and as we short time. We appreciate your support in are monitoring uniform I felt it relevant to ensuring that all students are in the correct discuss the requirements for all students so school uniform. they are in correct uniform, every day. As the weather becomes colder there is an Consequences increase in students wearing the wrong Students who are out of uniform will be jumper. It is expected that all students placed on a Lunch One uniform wear the school maroon sloppy joe or blue detention. Pittwater High jacket. Students are to attend punctually in A8 at the beginning of Lunch One. Students are allowed to wear a long Students who do not attend will be sleeve white t-shirt under their usual shirt for placed on an after school detention. extra warmth, however no writing is Failure to attend the original detention allowed on the sleeves. and the after school detention will result in the student being placed on Students must wear sports uniform on Level 2. Wednesdays and girls cannot wear skimpy black shorts as an alternative. If this is the Thank you to all of the parents and only alternative girls should bring a note students who attended the Embracing the and wear their school uniform for sport. HSC evening on Thursday night. I have received some excellent feedback about Jumpers or jackets can be ordered from the night and it seems many students and the uniform shop and paid for online parents went away having learnt some- at https://phsshop.com/ to pick up on thing. An email went out with the Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.15am - information attached for those who could 11.15am. not attend. A reminder also that black leather shoes Last week's Year 8 and 9 parent teacher (not boots) are the only approved foot- night went very smoothly and thank you to wear for school (except PE) and that only all the parents who attended and kept to white and grey socks should be worn, not the 5 minutes. If however, a teacher was black socks. It is understandable that on not present and you intended to speak occasion students will be out of uniform them perhaps you could contact them by and the correct procedure is to send a email and then have the teacher call you note with your child to see Mrs Roulston in for a 5 minute conversation.
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