Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04164-6 - Old Saint Peter’s, Rome Edited by Rosamond Mckitterick, John Osborne, Carol M. Richardson and Joanna Story Index More information Index Aachen, 257, 259 oratory at Saint Peter’s basilica, 154 inscription, 259 alms, 32 Abgar, king of Edessa, 244, 254 altar cloth, 268–9 acheiropoieta, 230–1, 237, 246 Amalarius of Metz, 160 in Saint Peter’s basilica, 237 Ammianus Marcellinus, 21, 24, 27, 138 Lateran, 232 Fig. 12.3, 233, 237, 239, 241 Anacletus II (1130–8), pope, 6, 313 see also icons; Mandylion; Venice, Bibl. Anastasia, Roman matron, 85 Marciana, MS gr. 573 Anastasia, wife of Marinianus, 149 Achilleus, bishop of Spoleto, 148 Anastasius I (399–401), pope, 145 Acta Cyriaci, 186 Anastasius III (911–13), pope, 327 Acts of Pilate, 243 Anastasius Bibliothecarius, 104, 237, 305 Acts of the Apostles, 33 destruction of icon at Saint Peter’s, 237 ad sanctos, burial, 327 Ancona, Ciriaco d’, 368–70 Adelheid, daughter of Charlemagne, 271 Andaloro, Maria, 190, 247, 248 Adriatic Sea, 28 Andrew, saint, brother of Saint Peter, 261, 264 adventus, 28, 30, 33, 185 relic of the head of, 343 Agapetus, saint, 228 rotunda, 262, 264, 283 Agatho (678–81), pope, 159 Anicii, Roman family, 28, 124n. 18, 130, 143 Agaune, martyrs of, 376 annona,27 Agnes, empress, 5 Annunciation of the Lord (Adnuntiatio Agnes, saint, 2, 228 Domini, 25 March), 13 Akathistos hymn, 200, 202–3 mass for feast at Saint Peter’s, 177–8, Alaric the Goth, 96, 146 179–84 Alberti, Leon Battista, 338 anointing/anointment, 378, 379, 380, 382 Albertini, Francesco, 332 Anonymous Florentine, plan of, 122 Opusculum de Mirabilibus Novae et Veteris Anonymus Valesianus, 26–7, 30 Urbis Romae, 390–2 Anthemius, emperor, 32 Albina, sister of Lampadius, 24 Antioch, 339 Alcuin, 229, 259 Apollo, temple of, 391 Alexander II (1061–73), pope, 327 Vatican cult of, 179 Alexander III (1159–81), pope, Lateran Apostoleion, Constantinople, 125, 129 acheiropoieta, 241 Apostolic succession, 265, 326, 337, 339, 345 Dedication of Petrus Mallius, Descriptio Aquileia cathedral, 63, 88 Basilicae Vaticanae, 242 Arabs, 185 Alexander VI (1492–1503), pope, 196, 279, 327 Arator, 33 Alexandria, 228, 339 Arbeiter, Achim, 92 Alfarano, Tiberio, 51, 196, 263, 312, 403 Arcadius, emperor, 30, 128 and Liber Pontificalis,87 Arch of Arcadius, Honorius and Theodosius plan of Saint Peter’s basilica, 10, 12, 18–20, II, 30–1 183, 196, 263, 376, 383 mausoleum, 129, 141–2 position of baptistery, 85–6, 88, 89, 91, 92, archicantator, 153, 159 93, 94 see also John the Archcantor/Archchanter All Saints, 14, 266, 346, 347 Ariadne ivory (Florence, Bargello Museum), cult at Saint Peter’s basilica, 177, 188–9 199 467 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04164-6 - Old Saint Peter’s, Rome Edited by Rosamond Mckitterick, John Osborne, Carol M. Richardson and Joanna Story Index More information 468 Index aristocracy, Christian, 120 Benedictus Canonicus, Ordo of 1143, 242 see also Anicii family benefaction, Roman imperial, 132–3 Arles mint, 48 Bertelli, Carlo, 203 Arn, archbishop of Salzburg, 261 Bethlehem, relics of, at Rome, 178 Asella, daughter of Albina, 24 biography, serial, 96 Athalaric, king of the Goths, 32 Biondo, Flavio, 362–3, 368 Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, 63 Roma Instaurata, 401 Athaulf, Gothic ruler, 31, 116 Blaauw, Sible de, 151, 203, 216, 219, 225, Attalus, prefect of Rome, 146 332 Augustine, bishop of Hippo, 144 Blachernae Sanctuary, 198 Augustus, Roman emperor, mausoleum, 115 Blachernitissa iconography, 199, 202 Aurelian, Roman emperor, 27 Black Death, 8 walls of, 2 black marble see marble Aurelius Victor, 96 Bolgia, Claudia, 15, 226–8, 237 authority, papal, 225, 227–8 Bologna, Nello de, 334 Autun, Saint-Martin, 316n. 43 Bonifacio, Natale, 20 Averlino, Antonio see Filarete Boniface II (530–2), pope, 97 Avignon, 328, 329, 337, 338, 339, 380n. 36 Boniface IV (608–15), pope, 276, 328 exile in, 328, 329, 338–9 Boniface VI (896), pope, 327 popes, 8 Boniface VIII (1294–1303), pope, 327, 328 Boniface IX (1389–1404), pope, 327, 329 Ballardini, Antonella, xx, 14 Boniface, saint, 170 baptism, 265, 269, 271 Bordi, Guilia, 213 baptistery, 263, 266–7 Borgo, 28, 33, 329, 331 Barbo, Cardinal Marco, 342, 345 English, 100 Barbo, Cardinal Pietro, 326, 334, 335, 340, 341, Borgo, Francesco de, 334 342, 343, 345, 346–7 Borgolte, Michael, 105 see also Pope Paul II Boron, Robert de, 242 Baronio, Cesare, 42–3, 403 Bosman, Lex, xx, 11, Basel, Council of (1431), 352 Botarea, 102 Basilica Constantiniana see San Giovanni in Bowersock, Glen, 23n. 5, 36, 42 Laterano Bracciolini, Poggio, 355, 381, 382 Basilica Eudoxiana see San Pietro in Vincoli Bramante, Donato, 9–10, 283, 325, 386–7, 393 Bassus, Anicius Auschenius, consul in Rome, corridio, 391 147n. 49 drawings of plans for rebuilding Saint Bassus, Junius, prefect of Rome, 112, 130, Peter’s basilica, 386, 394–9 and 139–40, 144 Figs. 20.1–3, 401–2 burial of, 3, 130 intentions, 388 Baths of Agrippa, 321, 321 medallion of Julius II, 399–400 Fig. 20.5 Bede, 143, 159 Zentralbau, 386 Belisarius, 100 Brandenburg, Hugo, 82, 85, 87 Bell, Catherine, 375 Brandt, Olof, xx, 12 Beltramo di Martino da Varese, 331 Brenk, Beat, 73 Benedict Biscop, 183 brick stamps, 42–4, 284 Benedict III (855–8), pope, 94, 104 Brown, Peter, 21 Benedict IV (900–3), pope, 327 building material, 73–5, 77–8 Benedict VI (973–4), pope, 327 laws concerning, 77 Benedict VIII (1012–24), pope, 327 bulla, 121 Benedict of Sant’Andrea in Monte Soratte, burial, ad sanctos,4 Chronicle, 243, 245 imperial, at Saint Peter’s basilica, 125–6, Benedict, saint, 168 129, 131 Benedictine monks, 347 papal, 3, 98, 105–17, 130–1, 134, 326–8 Rule, 158 politics of, 10, 16 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04164-6 - Old Saint Peter’s, Rome Edited by Rosamond Mckitterick, John Osborne, Carol M. Richardson and Joanna Story Index More information Index 469 practices in Rome, 110 Charlemagne, king of the Franks and Roman elite at Saint Peter’s, 131 Lombards, emperor, 5, 7, 30, 181, Burroughs, Charles, 330, 334, 339 253n. 69, 254, 258–60, 266, 266–71, Byzantine emperors, coronation of, 337 312, 376, 381 conquers Lombard kingdom, 270–1 Caecina Basilius, patrician, 124, 151 coronation in Rome, 7, 101, 179, Calandrini, Cardinal Filippo, 335 272 Fig. 13.3, 273, 311 Calendar of 354, 140 magnus epithet, 271–3 Caligula, emperor, 281–2 monogram, 259 Callixtus I (217–22), pope, 108, 114, 117 promises to pope, 270 cemetery of, 111 Charles the Bald, king of the Franks, 6, 376 Callixtus II (1119–24), pope, 379, 380 Charles the Younger, son of Charlemagne, 270, Callixtus III (1455–8), pope, 327 272 Campus Martius, 33 baptism, 271 Cannell, Fenella, 375 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, coronation canons of Saint Peter’s, 403 of, 8 Capella Magna, Vatican, 326 Chavasse, Antoine, 181, 186 Caracalla baths, 70 child-emperors, 127–9 cardinal archpriests of papal basilicas, 340, Christ (Saviour), dedication to, 216, 220 343–4, 346 Fig. 17.7 Christ, images of images of, 215, 230–1, 234, dress, 334 237, 241–56 and Figs. 12.9–10 cardinal nephews (nipote), 335, 340, 342 Clipeate, 250–2 Carloman, brother of Charlemagne, 270 Hadrian I and, 234, 246–7, 249–50, 252, Carloman, brother of Pippin III, Frankish 253–4 mayor of the palace, 101 Paul I and, 221–2 Carolingians, 257–8, 269–70, 273 Porta Argentea in, 350, 357–9 Figs. 18.6–7, Carpiceci, Alberto, 35, 45, 54 360–1, 366 Marco, 191 in Saint Peter’s, 233, 234, 237, 246, 247, 249, Cascioli, Giuseppe, 306, 313 256 Castel Sant’ Angelo, 275, 278, 353, 369 in San Marco, 227 Castiglione, Baldasare, 66 in San Paolo fuori le mura, 247, 249 Cathedra Petri, 7, 32, 376, 382, 385 in Santa Maria Antiqua, 248, 249 Fig. 12.8 feast of (22 February), 134, 140, 145, in Santa Maria Maggiore, 248, 250, 252 148 in Santa Prassede, 224 Cecchelli, Margherita, 85 see also icons; Lateran acheiropoieta; Cecilia, saint, 103, 301, 302 Mandylion; Veronica (image) Ceionii Rufii, Roman family, 24 Fig. 1.2 Christ, liturgical celebration of Incarnation, Ceionius Rufius Volusianus, son of Lampadius, 178, 180 24 Incarnation and Passion on, 25 March, 180, Celestine III (1191–8), pope, 206 181, 182, 183 ciborium of, 229 Fig. 12.1, 237–9 tomb of, 58–60 Celestine IV (1241), pope, 327 Christern, Jurgen,¨ 90 Cellini, Cristo Blanco, 314 Christmas (25 December) celebration, 178, 179 cemetery ad catacumbas see Via Appia Chrysopolis, battle of (324), 38, 40, 57, 62 Ceolfrid, abbot of Wearmouth, 183 ciborium, 237–8 Fig. 12.6, 333 Fig. 17.4 ceometeria, 146 of Pope Celestine III 191, 206 Cerdano, Antonio, 338 Cimitile, Basilica dei Santi Martiri, 316 ceremony of the burning flax (caeremonia Circus of Nero, 326 combustionis stipulae), 337 Claudian, 33 Cesarini, Cardinal Giuliano, 342 Clement I (92–9), pope, 108 Chadwick, Henry, 111 Clement VIII (1592–1605), pope, 52 Chalke Gate see Constantinople Cletus (c. 79–c. 92), pope, 105 chancery, papal, 97n. 8 Clipeate see Christ, images © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04164-6 - Old Saint Peter’s, Rome Edited by Rosamond Mckitterick, John Osborne, Carol M. Richardson and Joanna Story Index More information 470 Index Clovis king of the Franks, 100 Constantine, Arch of see Constantine I Codex Theodosianus, 77, 110 Constantinople, 13, 177, 178, 180, 215, collectae, 150–1 219–20, 339 Colonna, Roman family, 9, 329 Chalke Gate, 31 Colonna Santa, 217 Hagia Sophia in, 219–20 Columbanus, saint, 168 patriarch of, 216, 223 columns, 331 Rome’s competition with, 126, 129 base, 69 templon of, 219–20 black marble, 198–9 Constantius I, emperor, 41, 125n.
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