Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1975 Daily Egyptian 1975 12-12-1975 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 12, 1975 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_December1975 Volume 57, Issue 75 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, December 12, 1975." (Dec 1975). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1975 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1975 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Revised attorney program approved By KeD Tem... promise program. shaJJ be appoiDted by the president of esc Pftsidenl ...... DOl completely o.uy Ecpdu IkaIf Writer The statement ,..,ad :· . the Graduate Student Couneil. with .the sa\llfted with the compromile. A modified version of the SIU-C "There is a larger issue here. And advice ~ ........t of the Graduate DiaJe said. "1IIIIIIII we eu lin witb made students' attorney p~ was ap. that is the student.' control of student Sudent CouneiI; IIIId four of which will the com • wtiic:b _ oroved Thursday afternoon in Car· programs: Sudents should be able to be· appointed by the president of bec:a_ =::the JII'OII'am is aoinI bondale by the SIU Board oC Trustees. have their voices helan! through their Southern DUnois University at Car· to benefit an the studenta. The revised program, draned along own election p~ Sudents should . bondale." "As I have said an ..... this is one the lines oC a compromise worked out be listened to and not dictated to. We The new section of the ,..",.,lution of the best inIurance policies money by Vice ~sident Cor Student Affairs are going to try and continue working makes no mention of an appeal process can by" be said. Bruce Swinburne calls for a board oC Cor student control oC student to the office of the president. That Schanzle-Haskins said she was not directors to the program comprised oC programs." procedure had been ~ncorporated in completely satisfied witb the cir· Cour student appointees and Cour ad· Although most other portions oC the several other compromise proposals. cumstances Wlderwhich she lent her ministrative appointees. program remain the same the con· But Swinburne said aner the board support to the compromise. but she said No appeal process Crom decisions oC tested issue oC who should retain control meeting that the lack of an appeal she would recommend that an students the board oC directors to the office oC oC ttie board oC directors Corced a com· process would present no problems in participate in the attomey program the president is provided Cor in the ap­ plete revision oC the section pertaining the eyes oC the administration. "and just see bow it works out." proved program. to composition oC the board oC direc· Swinburne said the administration Shanzle-Haskins" received her fmal The compromise was relutantly tors : . was not completely satisfied with the ggreed upon by both constituency heads That section now reads in part : compromise but that the~ would be ~~:'~~\:~~:'~ed~:e and administrative personnel. "The board oC directors shall consist taking a positive attitude towards what maUer. Graduate Student Council (GSC ) oC eight members. three oC which shall Swinburne termed " a most poSitive Board Olairman Ivan A. Elliott Jr. executive officials released a statement be appointed by the student body pro~ram . " said at a news conference after the following the board meeting in response residenl. with the advice and consent Likewise. Student President Doug (Continued .0" _ 2) to the board's approval oC the com· oC the Student Senate: one oC which Diggle and Ellen Schanzle·Haskins. flus 'Bode 'Daily 'Egyptian Gus says the administratiOn copped Friday, Decembef'" 12, 1975-Vot. 57, No 7S Southern Illinois University a plea on the student attorney. House OKs funds for SIU coal center The House of Representatives Thur- Chicago who chairs the interior sub- sday gave its final approval on a commi.ttee of the House ApP!"Opria~ions $1.5 million request Cor Cunds Cor th. CommIttee. and Lt. Gov. Nel l HartIgan SIU Coal Research Center. deserve special thanks Cor their work Rep. Paul Simon . D-Carbondale and on behalf oC the center. Simon said. sponsor of the bill . said. " As soon as the Simon said the interior Department Senate acts on the Department oC In· bill should receive Cormal approval by lerior appropriations bill. the money for the Senate prior to Congress' ad- the research center will be on its way to joumment for Christmas. President Ford for his approval as part In a n!fated announcement. Simon of the Departm ent's annual ap· said he plans 10 atlempt to amend the propriation. black lung bill approved this week by '1'he center would study both Ihe ex· the House commillee when it reaches traction and use of high sulfur coal we the noor. mine in Southern Illinois," Simon said. As draned. the bill discriminates " We hope the cent er's work can lead to against son coal miners, he said. ne w markets fo r this important Under its provisions. hard' coal resource," miners are assumed to have contracted Funding Cor the center. iC apporved black lung iC they have worked in the by the Senate and the President. will mines for 2S years before 1971 when come fr om th e Bureau of Mines, Depar· federal health regulations were im· l~ent of the Interior, posed. Soft coal miners. however. must Cramberry season SIU officials have said that the have worked Cor JO years beCore they Bureau oC Mines center will are presumed eligible Cor black lung Craig Hall. junior in accounting. library all week trying to cram "cooperate" with the new state·funded benefits. hits the books in /IIIorris Library. the right answers into their heads coal research center to be located in Simon said he also plans to support With finals coming up next week. before the moment of truth. (Staff Parkinson Hall. an amendment extending black lung students have been jamming the photo 'by Chuck Fishman) Congressmen Sidney Yates, D· payments to surface miners. Tweedy named to ad~inistrative p~st By Leno... Sobota raculty and administration and see Andrew Kochman. vice president and Dally Egyptian Staff Writer what they want. 1 will be working very provost Cor SIU·E , said the lllinois closely with Dr. Horton." Tweedy said. Board oC Higher Education IlBHE ) . James A. Tweedy. 36. assistant dean The new assistant vice president has should be ready for "a street fight" on oC the School of Agriculture. has been v..'Orked in administration for the past tuition waivers and tuition rates. selected as assistant vice president for year and a halC and said he enjoys IIoard member Harris Rowe. SIU's academic affairs and research in working with Caculty. representative to the IBHE, received charge of administration. effective Jan. "This new positi.on will give me a diC. applause. when he said. "The fighting is I. C • d ' 11 just about to begin." erent expenence ' an WI provide a Rowe was commended by Kochman. Frank E. Horton. vice p~sident for academic affairs and research. made challenge." he said. SlU President Warren W. Brandt ancj the announcement at Thursday's Tweedy joined the SI.U Caculty in 1966. SlU.E Slud..ent ~sident Robin Roberts He has a bacllelor's degree from SlU-C Cor his attack on the MP .. tuition meeting oC the SJU Board oC Trustees in and maSter's and doctoral degrees Carbondale. Tweedy's salary will be from Michigan State University. recommendations last month in $29.000. His appointment subject to Cor· Olicago. mal approval at the board's January The board also heard a report on the " We have the option and the meeting. status oC Master Plan-Phase Four obligation to carry this fight through on Tweedy was chosen Crom over 60 ap: (MP"). the lllinois Board oC Higher tuition:' Rowe said. adding. " I don't .. pJicants on the Carbondale campus. He Education's outline Cor the Cuture oC suppose the world will end no matter will be responsible Cor report planni~. postsecondary education in Illinois. , at they adopt." minonty recruitment. review of Civil . The.l>aord virtually declared all-out 0 . Brlilldt said, '''!be Board of Higher Service appointments and will serve as 'wllt on MP.. • .. recommendatioils to in· Education ' purposely pasud these " a ~ person on appointments. crease tuition to one·tttird of in- tuition recommendations over the~ tenure. pro~OIi"l' . and OIber !~c ulty structionaJ costs ana Iiniit..institutional wtanimous action of every system matters. tuition waivers tq.two per cent.,( aciual board in the state." Tweedy said he has no defmite plans enrollment. SlU·E was designated as He'saidlbe fBHE'. failure to listen to for the position at this time. the . coordinator of SIU's campaign to the goverlling boards' recom. " I have gOl a 101 to learn and have to . defeat the MP-4 recommendations mendalions has "worrisome over- do some listening. 1 have to talk to the during public hearings next month. tones." . Donow r'aps"board News 'Roundup -f or bargaining 'stall' V~-:· :-:"'«'<'·:<·:·:",,":,,',:;!,!~:.:· :<:~:·~: ·:· ::-:<..:·>:-x·;· '.:':.:.»:":.:.:0:0" .. :.;·:·:!o:-::X'x.,:·;·;«·:o-;·; :·:·:.:vx.;·:·:«~x.;,,,:·::-"·:~:'\.":-:::x.-::·;,.~-.;;~;o!\o"· . BI IAtIIre ....... Elliotl said Donow Is "entitled 10 lit. New SptJRi,h cobinf" repor'f'fI'.r Jormf'fl DUly E&JpUU 1M-" Wriler opinion, but ~iOUSIY I don't agree with MADRID, Spain (AP l-J>r.mler carlos Arl .. Navarro .... removed 17 of lit. 111m , If we nled to stall. we would 19 cabinet ministers and lormed lhe mOSI liberal Spanish ....ernmenl In ye..
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