Appendix D – Maps and appraisal tables of proposed waste management facilities Page Map legend D2 Breckland site maps D3 WS1 Land at Summer Lane, Carbrooke D3 WS2 Former mineral working at Heath Road, Snetterton D4 Broadland site maps D5 WS3 Land at Atlas Works, Norwich Road, Lenwade D5 WS4 Land off Long Lane, Ludham D6 King’s Lynn and West Norfolk site maps D7 WS5 – Land off Mill Drove, at Blackborough End landfill site D7 WS6 – Land north of Main Road, Crimplesham D8 Appraisal tables WS1 Land at Summer Lane, Carbrooke D9 WS2 Former mineral working at Heath Road, Snetterton D13 WS3 Land at Atlas Works, Norwich Road, Lenwade D17 WS4 Land off Long Lane, Ludham D22 WS5 Land off Mill Drove, at Blackborough End landfill site D26 WS6 Land north of Main Road, Crimplesham D30 Please note that there are no proposed sites located within the following Local Planning Authority Areas: Great Yarmouth, North Norfolk, South Norfolk. D1 D2 WS1 - Land at Summer Lane, Carbrooke D3 WS2 Former mineral working at Heath Road, Snetterton D4 WS3 Land at Atlas Works, Norwich Road, Lenwade D5 WS4 Land off Long Lane, Ludham D6 WS5 – Land east of Mill Drove, at Blackborough End landfill site D7 WS6 – Land at Main Road, Crimplesham D8 Appraisal tables of proposed waste management sites WS1 Land at Summer Lane, Carbrooke, IP25 6TJ Proposal: screening, separating and bulking of waste materials, composting and soil treatment. The site is proposed to take hazardous, non-hazardous and inert waste. Estimated throughput: 100,000 to 120,000 tonnes per annum Size of site: 9.3 ha SA Objective Comments Assessment of Waste Management Uses SA1: To adapt to The site is 0.27km from Watton and + and mitigate the 10km from Dereham, which are the The proposed waste management effects of climate nearest towns. uses require energy and therefore change by emit CO2. There would also be CO2 reducing emissions from road transportation contributions to to/from the nearest towns as a climate change minimum, and the nearest town is 0.27km away. SA2: To improve The site is not within an AQMA. The - air quality in line proposed development is likely to result Vehicle movements are likely to with the National in the number of vehicle movements increase, so would be likely to affect Air Quality increasing. air quality due to vehicle emissions. Standards SA3: To The nearest residential property is 130m - minimise noise, from the site boundary, there are 13 The proposed waste management vibration and sensitive receptors within 250m of the uses are not expected to cause visual intrusion site boundary. The settlement of vibration. It is considered that noise Carbrooke is 130m away. and dust can be mitigated to The effect on visual intrusion is assessed acceptable levels within 250m of the under objective SA8. source; the greatest impacts will be within 100m, if uncontrolled. Noise and dust assessments, and mitigation measures to appropriately control any amenity impacts, must form part of any planning application for waste management uses. SA4: To improve Waste management sites are unlikely to 0 accessibility to provide improved accessibility to services No effects expected jobs, services and facilities and reduce social exclusion. and facilities and The effect on employment is assessed reduce social under objective SA13. exclusion SA5: To -- maintain and The nearest Listed building is 140m A Heritage Statement would be enhance the away and is the Grade II Mill House. required to support any future character of the There are 28 Listed Buildings within 2km planning application. The heritage townscape and of the site. statement should identify potential historic impacts to heritage assets and environment suggest appropriate mitigation. The nearest Scheduled Monument is 0.54km from the site and is the Site of No effects expected due to the Commandry of St John of Jerusalem; it is location of the Scheduled Monument the only Scheduled Monument within north of housing in Carbrooke. 2km of the site. D9 SA Objective Comments Assessment of Waste Management Uses Carbrooke Conservation Area is 1km from the site and is the only Conservation Area within 2km of the site. No effects expected There are no Registered Historic Parks and Gardens within 2km of the site. No adverse effects The site is a current mineral extraction site which has been largely extracted, No adverse effects and archaeology was addressed through the mineral extraction planning permission. SA6: To protect There are no Ramsar sites within 10km 0 and enhance of the site boundary. Norfolk’s Breckland SAC is 4.3km from the site biodiversity and boundary. The proposed site is located outside geodiversity Breckland SPA is 5.1km from the site the 2km Impact Risk Zone for boundary. composting, mechanical and Thompson Water Carr and Common biological waste treatment for all SSSI (part of Norfolk Valley Fens SAC) is SSSIs, SPAs, SACs and Ramsar 4.3km from the site boundary. sites. Due to distance, there would Wayland Wood, Watton SSSI is 2.4km be no impacts on SSSIs, SPAs, from the site boundary. SACs or Ramsar sites. Scoulton Mere SSSI is 3.1km from the site boundary. Potter’s Bar Cranworth SSSI is 3.8km from the site boundary. The nearest County Wildlife Site is CWS Due to this distance, no impacts on 2091 ‘Watton Airfield-Army Training this CWS are expected. Area’ which is 0.52km from the site boundary. The nearest ancient woodland site is Due to this distance, no impacts on Wayland Wood which is an Ancient and this ancient woodland are expected. Semi-Natural Woodland; it is 2.4km from the site boundary. Geodiversity would have been This site is an active mineral working. addressed as part of the mineral planning permission. SA7: To The site is an active mineral site nearing -- promote the end of its operational life. An The approved restoration scheme innovative approved restoration scheme forms part would provide biodiversity gains. solutions for the of the mineral permission. The Therefore, the proposed permanent restoration and restoration is due to be completed by waste management use would result after use of 2025. The restoration is to be mainly to in the loss of these gains. waste agricultural land with the northern area management restored to trees, scrub and wildflower sites meadow, to provide biodiversity gains. As such, when restored the site will be classified as countryside. D10 SA Objective Comments Assessment of Waste Management Uses SA8: To protect The site is not located within the AONB, -- and enhance the a Core River Valley or any other The mineral site would on restoration quality and designated landscape feature. by classified as countryside, and distinctiveness The site is a current mineral extraction such sites are specifically excluded of the site bordered to the east by Mill Lane, to from the definition of ‘previously countryside and the west by Summer Lane, with an developed land’. Permanent waste landscape existing mineral processing site to the management uses are not generally south. To the north, there is a small suitable within the open countryside. agricultural field with an isolated A screening scheme would need to woodland block separating the site from be in place to address any gaps to the settlement of Carbrooke. Hedges, the boundary hedges. including along Mill Lane and Summer Lane provide site screening; SA9: To There is a Public Right of Way adjacent - contribute to to the most northern boundary of the site, it is considered that appropriate improved health Carbrooke FP3, which runs between mitigation measures to ensure no and amenity of Summer Lane and Mill Lane. unacceptable impacts could be local conditioned. communities in The nearest residential property is 130m Norfolk from the site boundary, and there are 13 sensitive receptors within 250m of the site boundary. SA10: To The site is located over a Major aquifer -/- protect and with intermediate vulnerability. The A planning application for waste enhance water south-west corner of the site is within management uses at this site would and soil quality groundwater Source Protection Zone 1 need to include a Hydrogeological in Norfolk (SPZ1) whilst the rest of the site is within Risk Assessment to identify any groundwater SPZ2. potential impacts to groundwater and appropriate mitigation measures. The Agricultural Land Classification The land is not in agricultural use, scheme classifies the land as being and the approved restoration Grade 3, although it has not been scheme would restore a proportion agricultural land for a number of years of the site to agricultural land. The and is currently a mineral extraction site. proposed permanent waste management use would result in the permanent loss of agricultural land. SA11: To The site is 0.27km from Watton and ++ promote 10km from Dereham. These are the Due to distance to nearest sustainable use nearest settlements allocated for settlement allocated for significant of waste significant growth in the adopted Local growth, and the potential to move management Plan. waste up the hierarchy which is resources The proposed waste management uses more sustainable. would increase waste management capacity and could potentially move waste up the waste hierarchy. SA12: To reduce The site is in Flood Zone 1 (lowest risk) ++ the risk of for flooding from rivers. The site has a The site is at low risk of being current and low risk of surface water flooding with affected by flooding from either future flooding at three locations of surface water pooling rivers; the sea or surface water. new and existing in a 1 in 30-year rainfall event, three Non-hazardous waste management development more locations in a 1 in 100-year rainfall uses are a ‘less vulnerable’ land use D11 SA Objective Comments Assessment of Waste Management Uses event, and a further location in a 1 in which is suitable in this flood zone.
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