LIST 245 1. A’BRAKEL, The Christian’s Reasonable Service. S.D.G.-1992. d.w’s. 4 £ 45.00 Wilhelmus volumes. ills. 2. ADAMS, J. E. The Time is at Hand. Prophecy and the Book of Revelation. £ 3.95 Timeless Texts-2000. lfpb. 16+138pp. 3. ADAMS, J. E. A Theology of Christian Counselling More than Redemption. £ 4.95 Zon.-1979 lfpb. 338pp. 4. ADAMS, J. E/FISHER The Time of the End. Daniel’s Prophecy Reclaimed. Timeless £ 3.95 Text-2000. lfpb. 120pp. Frwd. by R. C. Sproul. 5. ADAMS, J. G. The Big Umbrella. (Christian Counselling) BBH.-1975. lfpb. £ 4.50 265pp. 6. ALLISON, D.C Jesus of Nazareth Millenarian Prophet. Fortress-1998. lfpb. £ 4.50 255pp. 7. ALTHUSIUS, J. (1557 Politica. An abridged translation of Politics methodically set £ 8.50 -1638) forth and illustrated with Sacred and Profane examples. Trans. by F. S. Carney. Liberty -1995. lfpb. 62+238pp. From 1614 edition. 8. ALVARDO, R. A Common Law, the Law of Nations and Western Civilization. £ 3.50 Pietas-1999. lfpb. 161pp. 9. AMBROSE, Isaac Looking Unto Jesus. A View of the Everlasting Gospel etc. £ 8.00 Sprinkle-1986. hb. 694pp. Large volume, Puritan devotional classic. 10. ANON The Truth of the History of the Gospel Made Out by Heathen £ 22.00 Evidence. Edin.-1741. 38pp. XL. Pam. 11. ANON Queries Concerning the Reasonableness of Reclaiming the £ 22.00 Corporation Test Acts as Far as They Relate to Protestant Dissenters. Lon.-1732. 23pp. XL. Pam. Scarce. 12. ASHTON John F. Edt. In Six Days: Why 50 Scientists choose to Believe in Creation. £ 3.50 Master Books-2001 l.f.p.b. 384pp 13. Associate Synod Act of the Associate Synod, Declaring the Grounds Upon £ 38.00 Which Supplies Were Granted to these Congregations of the Separating Brethren who Applied for the Same. And Giving the Reasons Why They Have Not Preceded at Present, in a Way of Ecclesiastick Censure Against Said Brethren. Edin.-1749. 60pp. Pam. XL. Scarce, 1 14. Associate Synod Acts of the Associate Presbytery; Viz 1. Act Concerning the £ 45.00 Doctrine of Grace; Wherein the Said Doctrine, as Revealed in the Holy Scriptures, and Agreeably Thereto Set forth in Our Confession of Faith and Catechisms.. etc. Edin.-1744. 78pp. XL. Pam. Scarce. 15. Associate Synod The Procedure of the Associate Synod, in Mr Pirie’s Case, £ 28.00 Represented etc. With an Essay on Excommunications by Alex Pirie. Edin.-1764. 42pp. XL. Pam. Scarce. 16. AUGUSTINE The City of God. Dent-1945. hb’s. 2 volumes. £ 3.50 17. BACON, R. Revealed to Babes’ Children in the Worship of God. Old Paths £ 3.00 -1993. lfpb. 75pp. 18. BAHNSEN Greg L. Van Til’s Apologetic: Readings & Analysis. P&R-1998 d.w. £ 14.95 764pp 19. BAHNSEN, G. L. Homsexuality a Biblical View. P&R.-1978. lfpb. 152pp. £ 3.95 20. BAHNSEN, G. L. Theonomy in Christian Ethics. P&R.-1984. 33+619pp. £ 4.50 expanded edition. 21. BAHNSEN, G. L. No Other Standard. Theonomy and it’s Critics. ICE.-1991. lfpb. £ 3.50 15+345pp. 22. BAHNSEN/GENTRY House Divided. The Break-up of Dispensational Theology. £ 5.50 ICE.-1997. d.w. 411pp. 23. BAILEY, K.L.E. Jacob and the Prodigal. How Jesus Retold Israel’s Story. IVP. £ 4.95 -2003. lfpb. 225pp. As new. 24. BAILY K. E. Poet & Peasant & Through Peasant Eyes. Eerdm-2003 l.f.p.b. £ 4.50 238+205pp 25. BAKER, A. L. Berkouwer’s Doctrine of Election. Balance or Imbalance. P&R. £ 3.50 -1981. lfpb. 204pp. 26. BARNETT, P. W. Jesus and the Logic of History. Apollos-1997. lfpb. 182pp. £ 3.50 27. BARTHOLOMEW, C. The Drama of Scripture. Finding Our Place in the Biblical £ 5.00 G/GOHEEN, M.W Story. Baker Academic-2004. lfpb. 252pp. 28. BAVINCK, H. The Philosophy of Revelation. Eerd.-1953. 10+349pp. d.w. £ 4.50 29. BAVINCK, H. The Doctrine of God. BOT.-1977. d.w. 407pp. £ 4.00 30. BAVINCK, J. H. An Introduction to the Science of Missions. P&R.-1960. lfpb. £ 3.00 21+323pp. 31. BEISNER E. Calvin Psalms of Promise: Celebrating the Majesty & Faithfulness of £ 3.95 God. P&R-1994 l.f.p.b. 283pp 32. BEISNER, E. Calvin Prospects for Growth. A Biblical view of population, resources £ 3.50 and the future. Crossway-1990. lfpb. 282pp. 33. BENNETT, T. The Nonjouror’s Separation From the Public Assembly’s of the £ 18.00 Church of England Examin’d and Prov’d to be Schismatical Upon their Own Principles. Lon.-1716. 62pp. Pam. XL. Scarce. 34. BICKWELL, G. Conspectus Rei Syrorum Literaiae Additis Notis £ 8.00 Bibliographicis et Excerptis Anecdotis. Monasterii-1871. 112pp. XL. Pam. 35. BOA, K. D./ 20 Compelling Evidences that God Exists. Discover why £ 5.00 BOWMAN, R. M. believing in God makes so much sense. River Oak-2002. d.w. 317pp. 36. BOCK D. L. Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide to Sources & methods. £ 4.50 Apollos-2002 l.f.p.b. 230pp 37. BOCK, B. L. Recovering the Real Lost Gospel. Reclaiming the Gospel as £ 3.50 Good News. B&H.-2010. lfpb. 5+146pp. 38. BOCK, D. L. Jesus According to Scripture. Restoring the Portrait from the £ 12.00 Gospels. Baker Academic-2002. d.w. 704pp. 2 39. BOETTNER, L. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination. P&R.-1971. d.w. £ 3.50 440pp. shkn. 40. BOHEMIAN Memorandum of the Evangelical Church of Bohemian Brethren £ 6.50 to the Governments of Churches of Great Britain and America in the Question of Teschen.(Being overtaken by Romanist Poland.) Prague-1920.12pp. Pam. Xl. Also Hussite interest. 41. BONAR, H./HODGE, Not What My Hands Have Done. Trinity-2005. lfpb. 329pp. £ 8.00 C. (The Everlasting Righteousness by Bonar. & Justification by Faith Alone by Hodge.) 42. BORG M. J. Conflict, Holiness, & Politics, in Teachings of Jesus. fwd by N. £ 3.95 T. Wright. Trinity Press-1998 l.f.p.b. 26+309pp 43. BOSTON, Thomas A View of the Covenant of Grace. Intro by Malcolm Watts. £ 3.00 Focus-1990. lfpb. 232pp. some ink. 44. BOWDER Diana edt Who Was Who in the Roman World. Phaidon-1980 large £ 6.50 volume, d.w. 296 dbl.col.pp illus & plates, maps, charts, a very useful resource for students of the Early Church. 45. BRAMHALL, John Awarning for the Church of England. (Against Presbyterianism £ 25.00 in Scotland.) Lon.-1706. Pam. 8+52pp. XL 46. BRAY John L. Matthew 24 Fulfilled. l.f.p.b. as new, 293pp 1996 £ 3.50 47. BRAY, J. L. Israel in Bible Propehcy. Bray-nd. pb. 80pp. £ 3.00 48. BRAY, J. L. Matthew 24 Fulfilled. USA-1998. lfpb. 293pp. £ 3.50 49. BRETT, Dr. (Prof.) The Publick Divine Service of the Church or the Common- £ 15.00 Prayer-Book Proved to be Taken Out the Bible. Edin.-1713. 48pp. Pam. XL.Lacks final leaf. 50. BREWER, D. J. The United States a Christian Nation. American Vision-1996. £ 3.50 lfpb. 89pp. 51. BRIDGES, J. The Pursuit of Holiness. Nav.-1978. d.w. 158pp. £ 3.50 52. BRODIE, James Queries Offered to the Publick. (Concerning the Porteous Act.) £ 35.00 With Answers to the Queries by Patrick Lindsay. Edin.-1737. 2 pamphlets. 20+20pp. XL. 53. BROMILEY, G. W. Sacramental Teaching and Practice in the Reformation Church. £ 3.00 W&S.-1999. lfpb. 111pp. 54. BROWN, John Geneva Comm- Galatians. BOT.-2001. d.w. 30+451pp. As new £ 5.00 55. BRUGGEMANN W. Tradition to Crisis a study in Hosea. JKP-1968 d.w. 164pp £ 2.00 ink underlining 56. BRUNER/WARE Finding God in the Lord of the Rings. Tyndale-2001. d.w. £ 3.95 120pp. 57. BULLOCH, James The Scots Confessio of 1560. A Modern Translation. C. of S. £ 2.50 -1984. bklt. 24pp. 58. CAIRD G. B. Black’s New Testament Commentary: Revelation. £ 3.90 Hendrickson-1999 d.w. 10+316pp 59. CAIRD G. B. The Language & Imagery of the Bible. introd by N.T. Wright. £ 5.50 Eerdm-1997 l.f.p.b. 28+280pp 60. CALAMY, Edmund A Letter to Mr. Archdeacon Echard, Upon Occasion of His £ 45.00 History of England: Wherein the True Principles of the Revolution are Defended; The Whigs and Dissenters Vindicated; Several Persons of Distinction Clear’d From Aspersions and a Number of Historical Mistakes Rectifiy’d. Lon.-1718. 121pp. XL. Scarce. 61. CALVIN, John Geneva Com.- Joel. BOT.-1958. d.w. 133pp. £ 3.95 62. CALVIN, John Geneva Com.- Genesis. BOT.-1965. d.w 584+523pp. £ 6.50 3 63. CAMPBELL, Remarks Upon Some Passages in Books Published by Mr. £ 35.00 Archibald Arch. Campbell STP Prof. of Divinity in the Univeristy of St. Andrews with Explications on Them. Edin.-1735. pam. 92pp. XL. 64. CAMPBELL, J. D. Abortion: Applyng Objective Reason to the Debate. £ 3.00 Eudaimonia-1998. bklt. 31pp 65. Chalcedon Chalcedon Contemporary Issues Series 4 vols. Christianity: £ 10.00 Bulwark of Liberty - P. A. Sandlin. The Influence of Historic Christianity on Early America - A. R. Jones. The late Great Gop- Cal. V. Doner. The Future of the Conservative Movement- A. Sandlin. Chalcedon-c200 bklts. c80pp. 4 vols. 66. CHANDLER, C. E. Immortalizing Evil. Tradtional View of Hell Verus the Biblical £ 3.50 Teaching.. etc. Morris-2001. lfpb. 249pp. 67. CHARLESWORTH, J. Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Doubleday-1992. lfpb. 37 £ 4.00 H. (Edt.) +370pp. ills. 68. CHARNOCK, Stephen Discourses Upon the Existence and Attributes of God. Baker £ 12.00 -1979. hb’s. 2 volumes. With life by William Symington, D. D. 69. CHILTON David The Great Tribulation. Dominion Press-1987 l.f.p.b.
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