Is it world or international or global English, and does it matter? TOM MC ARTHUR A discussion of the three key names for English in a ‘globalizing world’ [Developed from both a talk at the Department (often close together) in newspapers, maga- of English in the City University of Hong Kong zines, books, broadcasting, and websites, (22 Sep 03) and thoughts on completing The notably in terms of politics, economics, and Oxford Guide to World English, 2002. I am communication (see Panel 1). They are also indebted to Loreto Todd for insights during the commonly used attributively, as in world news, development of this text. Further comment is international relations, and global warming, but welcome, especially where it might fill in any their mutual relations are by no means simple. gaps in the story of the three terms.] Consider for example the five following sets: 1 world shipping, international shipping, global THIS REVIEW explores the histories and mean- shipping ings of, and similarities and contrasts among, 2 world opinion, international opinion, global three labels for English at large: world English, opinion international English, and global English, first as phrases containing the words world, interna- Here, set 1 relates to everyday life and work tional, and global, then in terms of their history and set 2 deals in abstractions. In each, how- and use, and how a range of dictionaries has dealt (or failed to deal) with them. Although TOM McARTHUR has an M.A. from Glasgow all three phrases relate to the same vast lan- University, an M.Litt. and Ph.D. from Edinburgh guage or family of languages, each has a his- University, an honorary Ph.D. from the University tory and perspective of its own: World English of Uppsala, Sweden, and is an Honorary Fellow of since the 1920s, international English since the the Institute of Linguists, London. He has been 1930s, both emerging strongly in the 1980s, Head of English at Cathedral School in and global English since the mid-1990s. The Bombay/Mumbai, India, Associate Professor of first has been used to mean both standard Eng- English as a Second Language at the Université du lish and all English; the second refers to the Québec in Canada, a Fellow at the University of multinational use of English (notably in lan- Exeter (teaching lexicography), a Distinguished guage teaching); and the third both implies Visiting Professor in the Humanities at the Chinese University of Hong Kong; and a Distinguished vast use and links the language (often nega- Visiting Professor of English in the College of tively) with socio-economic globalization. Languages and Cultures of Xiamen University, Since all three are likely to go on being used, Fujian, China. He is the founding editor of both they may need to be handled with care. ‘English Today’ (Cambridge, 1985–) and the ‘Oxford Companion to the English Language’ (1992–), and author/compiler, among other World, international, and global: are works, of ‘The Longman Lexicon of Contemporary they synonyms? English’ (1981), ‘The English Languages’ In recent times, the three words world, interna- (Cambridge, 1998), and ‘The Oxford Guide to tional, and global have had a strong presence World English’ (2002). DOI: 10.1017/S0266078404003025 English Today 79, Vol. 20, No. 3 (July 2004). Printed in the United Kingdom © 2004 Cambridge University Press 3 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 19:43:02, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266078404003025 ever, the words are synonymous and therefore World English 1: 1927–1979 freely interchangeable. But consider: In the Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition 3 world peace, international peace, global peace (OED2 1989), there is under world a sub-entry world English, and in that sub-entry there are World peace and global peace both mean free- two citations of use, the first from 1927 (a year dom from war on earth. Currently, world peace before OED1 came out), the second from 1980 is commoner, contrasting with world war. (the same decade as OED2). Both are from Global peace is not however so straightforward, journals concerned with English, and are over because its implication of non-violence goes half a century apart. The first is: beyond formal warfare, to include for example 1927 K Malone, American Speech II. 323/2 ‘He.. an end to terrorism and violent organized warns against a slavish conformity to the crime worldwide. Both are closer than either is dictionary, i.e. to the prescriptions of standard to international peace, which is less compre- English, or *world-English as some people call hensive: it can, for example, be broken if only it.’[Asterisk, hyphenation, and lower-case w as two nations engage in hostilities. The three in the original.] kinds of peace are close, but not identical, and This brief citation is tantalizing. Malone the phrases are therefore synonymic (similar in describes someone’s warning, and equates meaning) rather than synonymous. three things: ‘the dictionary’, ‘standard Eng- lish’, and ‘world-English’, but we do not know 4 world law, international law, global law whether the unknown ‘He’ was only warning Here, the second phrase is in wide use, sug- against too much dependency on dictionaries, gesting treaties and processes of law among Malone adding the rest. However, although we nations, and the first and third are dubious. are also left wondering who ‘some people’ Although they have similar meanings, they do were, we learn that world-English (hyphen- not directly relate to countries and instititu- ated, a usage I have not met elsewhere) was in tion(s): there is no body of world or global law, use in 1927 in at least one publication. This but international law is codified and there is an suggests the possibility that the phrase was International Court of Justice at the Hague. born in the USA, perhaps serving the same ends as international in the names of American 5 *world warming, *international warming, dictionaries (used to contrast them with British global warming counterparts). But that is as far as things go for In Set 5, the asterisked items make little sense. the 1920s in the OED. Its second and final cita- *World warming might be global warming tion is dated 1980, from a journal published by without the doomsday element, but *interna- Julius Gross in Heidelberg, Germany, and tional warming doesn’t work either in socio- edited until recently by Manfred Görlach. It political or geophysical terms. Global warming runs: has however a vast apocalyptic quality whose 1980 English World-Wide (EWW) Ii.80 The only near match (if one needed such a thing) categories or types of AVE. can be seen as would be planetary warming. On the other existing across a scale having ‘World English’ hand, greenhouse effect, though related, singu- (‘book English’, ‘standard English’, ‘teacher’s larly fails to be ominous. preferred English’, &c.) at one end, and a The examples indicate that relationships national variety most distinct from it at the other. [Name of author not provided] among the three words are not simple, which suggests that, when each is combined with Importantly, the 1980 citation reinforces the English, the effect could be just as complex: 1927 sense of standardness. Alas, however, the that is, from synonymy on occasion to a range only other evidence I have for the use of the of contrasts within a shared area. Sometimes phrase world English between 1927 and 1980 there may be little or no difference between is my own, in 1967: World English as the title of world English, international English, and global an article in Opinion magazine in Bombay (28 English, but we should nonetheless be pre- Feb 67). I had no precedent in mind when I pared for differences. We can now look at their used it, but didn’t assume I’d coined it. respective ‘stories’, noting that I have felt the Although the article had the wide world as its need to give world English four times the space context, I was influenced at the time by my needed for either of its ‘rivals’. work in the English Department of the 4 ENGLISH TODAY 79 July 2004 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 19:43:02, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266078404003025 Cathedral and John Connon School, Bombay. tongue, dialect, pidgin, creole, lingua franca, Our pupils came from a range of local, and, importantly, such ‘Anglo-hybrids’ as national, and international backgrounds. Most Hindlish and Spanglish, especially where the were local and multilingual, with English as a Anglo element is strong, use is communal, and second or third language, while the rest were significant social ends are being served. For small minorities: local native speakers of me, world English is both shorthand for English English (mainly Anglo-Indian), native speakers as a world language and a superordinate term from outside India, and non-native speakers for Australian English, British English, Irish from outside India. We prepared all alike for English, Nigerian English, and the like. It the Indian School Certificate, a UK-descended embraces all aspects of the language: dialect, national qualification, and most did well. The pidgin, creole, variety, standard, speech, writ- English of such students seemed to me a micro- ing, paper-based, electronic. And, within such cosm of what one might call ‘world English’, a spread, the term World Standard English for which might or might not be standard (how- me fits well for the print-linked ‘educated’ vari- ever such a matter is judged).
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