I • I , .. : ~ l : ~ t ".;:I'::::I • t , t. ,.-.,..- .:~--.- - .. --::+n:- - --- .l' I - --~ -.- .. i,d,', "..~ ... " u ••• Qfo...O ... O """ .. ~ It. ' 0 ... , ... " . ..... .............. .. "' .... -. - . ..~~iLL YOUBE I~ THIS BOAT '(' , ~~~ F~~~'t:JI~~A;'. ON TWE ••• .... ' .. .. .. ' .. .. ., . .. ROUND BOSTON to LONDON T..RIP. •. PARIS to BOSTON DEPARTURE RETURN DEC. 16 CHRISTMAS FLIGHT JAN. 2 JUNE 7 THREE MONTH FLIGHT SEPT. 12 MID JULY THREE WEEK FLIGHT EARLY AUG. JULY 21 FIVE WEEK FLIGHT AUG.2S DATES PENDING FINAL CONFIRMATION BY AIR CARRIER FLIGHT OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY and their FAMILIES. A $40. DEPOSIT WILL RESERVE YOUR SEAT on MAJOR SCHEDULED AIRLINES, FOUR ENGINE, PRES. SURIZED SUPER CONSTELLATIONS and DC7.C'S. ACCOM. MODATIONS SIMILAR TO FIRST CLASS. FREE MEALS and DRINKS. 66 LBS. LUGGAGE. CONTACT: CHARTER FLIGHTS SERVICES, PHONE 1801 BEACON ST., RE4-0391 BROOKLINE 46, MASS. YOL.44 NO.4 JANUARY 1961 EST. 1919 SENIOR BOARD The end is near. Within two weeks many of us will be able General Manage r Norm White to look forward to a long, long vacation. Some of the lucky ones Managing Editor Marsh Greenspan may remain, but,that letter in the mailbox will brine sad news to Editor Bob Nagro most. "Your friends and neighbors have chosen you to represent Stan Rosenblum Business Mgr. the United States of America in our Glorious armed forces." So Paul Rubenstein Art Consultant while you're basking in the sun down in Cuba or strolling through jungle greenery of Laos, remem ber that Phos will be guarding the JUNIOR BOARD Voo 000 beer closet eagerly awaiting your return two or three Sales Manager AI Cameron years from now. Lorenzo Freccia Joke Editor Dave Stein S.R. Make-up Editor Ernie Rogers Treasurer - Jerry Katell Circulation Mgr. Tom Morgenstern Publ icity Mgrs. Karl Genti Ii Adverti sing Treasury Sales AI Shiner Bill Klehm Art Samburg Larry Kazanowski Social Chairman Art Katz Pau I Wehrenbe rg Lenny Chess Stu Rooney Features Editor Bob Hirschfe Id Susie Evans Bob Blumberg John Meyn George Boudaiee Literary Editor - Greg Gabbard Lenny Chess Hall Pettegrove Ad Manager - Chandler K. Coyle Sue Mi Iler Joke Staff Bill Gadzuk Art Editor - Maris Peika Phi I Schmidt Ruth Gr iffi n Offi ce Manager - Howie Kessler Adlai Stevenson Di ck K irkpatri ck Subscription Governmental Rep. - Frank Ansuini Norma Rogers Bart the 3eard Dave Manchester Chaplain - M.E.C.R.C. Ann Lydia Wereminski Chuck & Maureen Publ icity Carl Dover STAFF Jim Dorr Bob Budney Art Whoopgaroo: Make Up Jeff Hogge Jim Kotanchek WiIma Katseff Bill Alexander Isaac Shanfield Bill D ic h t er Tom Thornbury John Burdsey Dave -Weisberg Doug Moffitt Pete Angevi ne Rick Sheilds Ken Jones Sonny Cohen Frank H orack Bruce Crocker Chez Dorr Robert Jahneke Tim Hart Black Mack Bob Clark Bruce MacAdam Jane Daniel Tom Ewart Chari ie Porter David Pope Steve Benton Gia Lee Vf"neklod Chri s Sprague Features Rich Weiner Eric Hoffman Dave Walden Austin Pearlman Procurement Annie, just what are you? Office Kat John Banzhaf Bob Gray Arnie Fal ick Bernie Shiffman Literary Staff Phos Tom DeFazio Edwin L. Pragla Foxy PhiJip Dangel Doug Holyman R.C.L. Peter Gozinya Bill Morton Solon Kittens Gordon Wasserman John Eulenberg Circulation Sheila Photography Lewi s S. Goldman Shei la Sennett Charles Benet 3etsy Harry Movitz Boyd Testus B.E.D. John Pryke Moonglow Allen Teach John Reed Pete Miller Stu Steve Be nton K1chl All material submitted with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Literary Editor, at this office, will receive careful consideration. We cannot acknowledge, nor can we guarantee the return of, unsolicited manuscripts. Copyright 1960, by the VOO 000 Senior Board. Published by the Senior Board at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Office: 303Walker Memorial, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts. Office hours: 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. VOO 000 is publ i shed monthlyJfrom October throueh Mav. Th irty-five cents per copy. Subscri pti on $2.50 for eight issues: $69.00 in Pago Pago. Publ ished Feb. 25, 1961. Fe b copy' inserted. Entered as second- class mail at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Represented for national advertising by Don Spencer, College Magazines Corporation, 420 Madi son Avenue, New York 17, New York \Nhen leaving for the A crowd of grubby Tech servIce It has needed for recent Xmas Vacation, Norm tools stood around the old some time ... a translation Weeks, an East Campusite entrance exams which were into Latin of A.A Milne's and bon VIvant, decided to posted opposite the reserve I'Winne Ille Pu" Honest ! spread some ex tra holiday room. Peering at the English What's more, we hear that cheer among his. close friends. section, one asked, «Hey, j t' s going to be required He took up a collection; each who wrote CHILDE HAROLD?" reading for all Harvard stu- Jf the fellows paid him 25q: .... Noone knew, but someone dents. in return, Norm took out an ventured to remark, III don't Airline insurance policy for remember his name. I do each of them, before boarding know it was the same guy who his homeward-bound Jet. He wrote OZYMANDIAS, though." made it, though. Honest! It really happened. A junior board member came bac k from the Xmas There's a very interes- Recently, while. passing Vacation to discover that the ting phone number we've dis- through Harvard yard, we weather had finally provided covered, on page 976 of the overheard two Radc liff girls him with a solution to the new Bos ton (unclassified di- discussing the recent elec- Ames St. towing menace; his rectory) If you're willing to tIOns. car's tires were eac h solidly waste a dime,call TRowbridge "You know," one said, frozen in th ree inc h es of ice, 6-7484. "voting for the first time is which had been but a puddle like los ing your virginity." when he left. We imagine «I wouldn't kno~", re- that the reas on the Cam bridge plied the other, "I've never Gendarmes didn't even tic ket voted !" the car was that they were lNe hear the snow was too busy laughing at the sight. so deep out on Bay State Road that the guys in one of Did anyone notice that the houses there were getting the Great Dome was blushing into sw imsuits and swan- just before Christmas? Seems d i vi n g out of third-story that some pledges covered windows. the floodlights with red ce 10- phane late one night, and for four days the Dome was Rumor has it that Jay salmon colored after dark. Stratton and Nat Pusey are plann ing to run for presi- A Junior Board member dent and vice president in reports that he knows a fe 1- 1964. They figure it is the low who has his cloud chamber 'INe were delighted to only way they can get their filled with vodka. Is this discover that someone has faculty members to work for disloyal? done the literary world a them. 2 M.I.T., Yoo 000 lNhile VISIting a local figured that some of our rea- On the day after Christ- supermarket recently, Phos ders might come up with some mas vacation, a few techmen picked up an entry blank for interesting replys. There- were noticed waiting outside a contest that a soap com- fore, if you have any ideas, the quiz room in Walker. When pany was running to adver- pass them along to us. If questioned if it was common tise its bath soap. Along with we can print them we will, that quizzes be given immedia- a lot of garbarge about rules but at any rate we'll laugh. tely after vacation one replied, and prizes, the blank had a HI don't know, but I'm not picture of two stary-eyed taking any chances". Hyoung matrons" with tooth- pas te smiles. One of them - called Marge - was saying to Have you heard about the other, "Joan, I'm so the new navigation aid devel- jealous! How do you manage oped by the Instrumentation to have such a lovely com- Lab? It is called the tates. T'he latest concoction, plexion?" All the contestants It is like a compass except at local s aloons appears to had to do to write a good reply that there is no magnetism in be the nCuba Servile' '.... for Joan. the needle. The needle never it's a nCuba Libre", but points in the same direction it's made with Vodka and We found that all the an- twice and so he who has a Coke. swers that the staff thought tates is lost. up were unprintable but we PIPE SALE RELAX WITH ONE OF THESE BARGAINS $1.00 Pipes now .79 2 for $1.45 $1.50 Pipes now 1.19 2 for $2.25 $2.00 Pipes now 1.59 2 for $2.95 $2.50 Pipes now 1.99 2 for $3.75 $2.69 Pipes now 2.19 2 for $3.95 $3.95 Pipes now 3.19 2 for $6.25 $5.00 Pipes now 3.99 2 for $7.75 $5.95 Pipes now 4.79 2 for $9.25 $6.95 Pipes now 5.59 2 for $10.75 $7.95 Pipes now 6.39 2 for $12.25 $10.00 Pipes now 7.99 2 for $15.65 TECHNOLOGY STORE 40 MASS. AVE CAMBRIDGE January 1961 3 'j I MI'T - THE SECOND CENTURY TUG OF WAR TEAM r.,1irror,mirror, on the wall, what's the fairest Campus of them all.
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