CONTENTS Vol. 14 S*pt*mb*r, 1950. No. 9. EDITORIAL P*g* ENROL NOW M.V. "DUNTROON"—10.500 tola Manning th* Navy 5 Good Opportunities 7 MELBOURNE Tho Navy League 7 STEAMSHIP in Heard Island 7 CO. LTD. the R.A.N.R. HEAD OFFICE: 31 King St., Melbourne. ARTICLES BRANCHES OR AGENCIES APPLICATIONS FOR ENROLMENT The Navy Calls Adventurous Boys 9 AT ALL PORTS. MANAGING AGENTS for part-lime training in the Royal Australian Tho Story of the Orient Line 13 for West African Harbours 16 HOBSONS BAY DOCK Naval Reserve are invited from— Navy League and Sea Cadet News 26 AND ENGINEERING COY. PTY. LTD. Ex-Naval Men aged 20-40 SHIP REPAIRERS, ETC OVERSEAS NEWS. Work*: New Members aged 18-35 Maritime News of the World IS Williamstown, Victoria. News of World's Navies 20 K.A.N.R. Cadets aged 1(5-18 NAVAL OCCASIONS I. Full particulars regarding pay, training and What the Navy Is Doing at See and Ashore 24 it is a conditions of service may be obtained from— GENERAL pleasure The Late Captain R. C. C. Dunn. A.I.N.A. 23 NEW SOUTH WALES QUEENSLAND to smoke Till- Ht'rrilit in;: • Wirer Thr Naval Rccruitinf: OflTicrr H.M. VS. "Ruslicuttrr" Naval Staff Oflicr IOOK REVIEWS CAPSTAN Echw.nl St.. BRISBANE Bra.li Road. KIHiKCI.IKF "The Bismarck Episode" 31 Sv.lnrv. Telephone FB 1211 Telephone B 2165 cigarettes VICTORIA WESTERN AUSTRALIA ASSOCIATIONS. CLUIS. "rin- Rcrruiling Oflirer Tin- Naval Reeriiiliti;; Officer II.M. \.S. "I.ONSI> \I.F." Pailhllrv Biiililin}!*- The Navy League 3 Rmi«e St.. PORT M KI.IK H'RNK Forrest'Plan-. I'KRTII El-Navel Men's Association of Australia 30 Telephone MX Iftlfi Telephone B 6782 SOUTH AUSTRALIA TASMANIA Tin- \ a\ a I Reeritilinj: (Iffiiir The Nasal Uirruiliii" Officer II.M. \.S. T..rr. t>-" Naval SiafT Office Pl4>hahcd by Th* Navy League, Roy«l Eicheng* Building. 54* Pitt Str**t. lleielier Si.. ItIRKI'.MII'.\l) Police liiiil-lin-. Franklin \\ liarf Sydney. N.S.W. TaUphona: BU 5!0>. South \ IIFI. Telephone J 'il2:i HOBART. Telephone llol.ail 711.1 THE EMPIRI'S FAVOURED OOAMTTft .Subscription Rati-: 12 isiu*s post fr** in th* British Empir*. 12/4: foreign, 14/-. PANB September, 1950- i The Navy Loagut H.M. The King POOLE & STEEL LTD. Hood CMSct: Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.2. Royal Banquets Aloft Great Britain, New Zealand, Ceylon, 43 STEPHEN ST., BALMAIN, Rhodesia. Affiliated League*: N.S.W. The Navy League of Canada, The Navy League of South Africa, The Navy League of Australia. THE NAVY LEAGUE General Engineers, Boilermakers, Shipbuilders, Dredge Builders OF AUSTRALIA Pt«aid«nt: Commandcr(s) J. D. Bates, V.R.D., Plans, Specifications and Estimates prepared R.A.N.R. for Mining Dredges and Plant of all kinds. Deputy Pmidtnt: Captain L. A. W. Spooner. O.B.E. Electric Welding and Oxy-Acctylene Work. R.N.(Rtd-). Hon. Secretary: Lieutenant(s) F. G. Evans, R.A.N. V.R. Telegrams: Hon. TitMim: Licutcnant(s) J. H. Paterson, M.B.E., R.A.N.R. "POOLSTEEL," BALMAIN, N.S.W. New South WaJes Division His Excellency The Governor of New South Wales PTMid.nl: T. H. Sillt, EM., M.I.C.E., M.I.N.A. W. W. Beale, Esq., O.B.E. Hon. Sknury: Commander F. W. Hiison, O.B.E Hon. iFwmtn; D'A. M. Shelley, Esq., When you travel In State Interstate C. M. C. Shannon, Esq. Victorian Division You're King and Queen for a day . His Excellency The Governor of when you step aboard your A.N.A. Skyliner. Victoria. Murdoch's Credit Plan A/c President: For example, thfe A.N.A. chefs are very Commander R. A. Nettlefold, D.S.C., V.R.D., R.A.N.R. jealous of their reputation for providing the Secretary': L. S. Dnjby, Esq. What it . finest fare in the air and the results of Hon. Treasurer: their efforts are fit to grace a royal banquet C. W. Lucas, Esq. South Australian Division Brings to you! table. So next time you travel, enjoy luxury — Patron: By making a small allotment on behalf of Murdoch's, the big uni* at no extra cost . His Excellency The Governor of South Australia. versal store, you obtain goods an credit—entirely free of inf«reetf President: Your credit builds up even while you are away from home; it pro- Commander S. R. Symonds, R.A.N. vides for the family during your absence and is handy when ttr* WING YOUR WAY WITH H<*>(Rtd.). Secretar. y : Lieut.(s) L. T Ewens, R.A.N.V.R. vicemen changc to civvies. This credit plan is very popular with Australian Sea Cadet Council British Navy peieonnel. (Representative* of The Naval Board) Director of Naval Reserves (Captain A. S. Rosenthal, D.S.O..* R.A.N., (Chairman), Commander F. R. James, m R.A.N. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS PTY. LTD. (Representative* of the Navy Let«ue) Branchet and Agent* throughout the Commonwealth Captain L. A. W. Spooner, O.B.E. R.N. (retired), L. G. Pearson. Esq , SEE CREDIT MANAGER. t (or all miiui air and ahippiag tinea. Let A.N.A. apeeialitta plan your trip. L Forsythe, Esq. Hk FLOOR. (Honorary Serretarv)* Lieut.(a) P. G. Evans, R.A.N.V.R 'Appointed by N.B. (on recommendation of the N/L Council). September, 1950- i ZINC Without this essential metal there would be NO GALVANIZED PRODUCTS and NO BRASS. ZINC is also used extensively in lead-free PAINTS and in DIE CASTING and is a basic require- ment for many industries. High-grade ZINC is produced in Australia, using zinc concentrate from Broken Hill. N.S.W.. and from Rosebery. Tasmania, and electric power generated by the Hydro-Electric Commif ion of Tasmania. Sole Australian producers ELECTROLYTIC ZINC COY. of AUSTRALASIA Ltd. Head Office —360 COLLINS STREET, MELBOURNE Works — RISDON, TASMANIA tilities. Since the last war there have been great Vol. 14 September. 1950. No. 9. levelopments in the potentialities of submarine war- fare. The present1 day submarine, with consider- MANNING THE NAVY. ably greater underwater speeds; and with greater endurance, and the ability through the agency of "KEMBLA" TPODAY the size of the active fleet of the Royal the schnorkel to remain submerged for periods up Australian Navy depends less on material to weeks in deration, is a far more potent weapon than it does on men. We are not short of ships, in naval warfare than it was even in 1945. Its in commission, in reserve, or building or under- armament also has been increased, with possibili- COPPER, BRASS AND going conversion. But the Navy is in need of ties of its use as a mobile launching platform for men, both practising tradesmen, and men without guided missiles; while the later types of mines OTHER NON-FERROUS previous experience who can be trained in spec- which have been developed add to its menace as a WIRE CABLES & TUBES ialised occupations useful to the Navy while they minelayer. are in the service, valuable to them if they wish It might be remembered that on the 3rd. Sep- later to settle down in a job ashore. tember, 1939, German submarines far out in the The Navy is not alone in this need for men to Atlantic struck at the British ocean lines of com- METAL MANUFACTURES LTD. swell its ranks. The Army and the Air Force are munication within ten hours of the declaration PORT KEMBLA. N.S.W. similarly seeking recruits; and industry generally of war. It is probable that in a future war we throughout Australia is feeling the shortage of would find Hostile submarines striking in Australian SELLINC AGENTS man power acutely. In the man power market, waters with compatable promptitude. (with DiwHbuUt. in jll S,.tw) the demand greatly exceeds the supply. The Navy must therefore be ready for instant Looking at the question from the viewpoint of service, and must be capable of rapid expansion, TV8ES X BRASS W1RF national defence, the Navy's need is the most ur especially in the field of local defence units against ' KNOX STHI APP PTY. LTD. BRITISH INSULATED gent. Should a defence emergency arise, it would submarines and mines- convoy escort vessels, anti- CALENDER'S CABLES ' LTD be on the Navy that the first responsibility would submarine vessels, and minesweepers. The nucleus Collins House, Melbourne - fall. It was so in the first World War. It was for that rapid expansion exists so far as ships are 84 William St., Melbourne so again in 1959. It would be even more so in any concerned. The kernel of an anti-submarine force Kenabla Buildup, Sydney 14 Margaret St, Sydney. foreseeable war of the future. In any such war exists in the frigates already in commission or it is likely that the submarine menace in Australian reserve, in the "Q" Class destroyers rtiade avail- waters would be immediate with the start of hos- able by the British Government for conversion to % X '••taddfimht. * -a Tk. MX Sap«*mb*r. 1950. • anti-submarine vessels, and in the frigates which when but thirty years of age. are to be built by the Commonwealth Govern- On the other hand, he can, if he wants to, re- ment. Similarly the core of a minesweeping force main in the Navy and sign on for a further per' exists in the corvettes in reserve in various Aus- iod of six years—re-engaging again for a further KOLYNOS tralian ports: vessels which are not rusting at period when the second six-year course has run.
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