PL0401646 INSTYTUT PROBLEMÓW JĄDROWYCH im. Andrzeja Sołtana THE ANDRZEJ SOŁTAN INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR STUDIES INSTYTUT PROBLEMOW J&DROWYCH im. Andrzeja Soltana The Andrzej Softan INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR STUDIES INIS-PL- 0007 ANNUAL REPORT PL-05-400 OTWOCK-8WIERK, POLAND tel.: 048 22 718 0 83 fax: 048 22 779 34 1 e-mail: sinsipj.gov.pi http:Hwww.ipj.gov.pi Editors: D. Chmielewska E. Infeld Z. Preibisz P. ?upraftki Secretarial work and layout: A. Odziemczyk K. Traczyk Cover design G. Karczmarczyk Printed by Zakfad Graficzny UW, zam. 280/2004 ISSN 1232-5309 Annual Report 2003 3 CONTENTS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 7 1- MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE 7 2. SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL 8 3. DEPARTMENTS OF THE INSTITUTE I 0 4. SCIENTIFIC STAFF OF THE INSTITUTE 5 . V IS IT IN G SC IE N T IST S ....................................................................................................... 13 6. GRANTS 15 7. DEGREES 18 8. CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED BY IPJ ........................................... 1 8 11. REPORTS ON RESEARCH BY DEPARTMENT 19 1 NUCLEAR REACTIONS I 9 2. NUCLEAR SPECTROSCOPY AND TECHNIQUE ............................................................ 35 3. DETECTORS AND NUCLEAR ELECTRONICS ............................................................... 55 4. RADIATION SHIELDING AND DOSIMETRY ................................................................. 69 5. PLASMA PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY ........................................................................ 79 6. H IG H EN E R G Y PH Y SIC S ................................................................................................... 93 7. C O SM IC R A Y PH Y SIC S ................................................................................................... 115 8. N U C L E A R T H E O R Y ......................................................................................................... 127 9. M A T ER IA L ST U D IES ..................................................................................................... <D 10. ACCELERATOR PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY ......................................................... 151 11. TRA IN IN G A N D CO N SU LTIN G ...................................................................................... (161) 12. ESTABLISHMENT FOR NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT ........................................................ 171 111. O B IT UA R IE S ............................................................................................................................ 17 7 111. AU T H O R IN D E X ..................................................................................................................... 179 4 Annual Report 2003 Annual Report 2003 5 IIIII FOREWORD PLO401647 My Forevvord to the 2002 Annual Report ended with a handful of best wishes for te year 2003. One of them, rather ighly ptched, was addressed to our funding authorities: may teir preachincy about a Knowledge Based Society in Poland" come true! There is, unfortunately, little evidence tat this preaching is taken seriously by the preachers, even though the time for that in a unifying Europe is high I hope that this Annual Report bears witness that at least we are doing our bit in this direction. Thus: We have published 203 papers i international journals. Several of them quickly gain international recognition. There was hard competition for our nternal awards. The four emerging winners are behind the contributions: on the creation of circular vortices in Bose- Einstein condensates contribution 823), on our share in the NA49 experiment at CERN (contribution 64), on our use of solid state nuclear track detectors, SSNTD, in the hostile environment of hot plasma experiments (contribution 5.5) and o some special detectors or positron emission tomography to be applied in hadron therapy contribution 37). We have also contributed to te ceneral education by, eg., having over 7000 young guests at C, t, t, t t, our Trainino, Department (see Capter I ), takingZ-1 part in the Science Festival in Warsaw ad Udi, or starting the Roland Maze project" in that city. The pr OiJect alms at involving1-1 a large number of hgh school pupils in active research concerning extensive air showers at highest energies (contribution 76). Very importantly, it has gained approval and financial support of te local authorities in L6&. Two international meetings were organized by our Institute: the XXVIII Mazurian Lakes Conference, "The Atomic Nucleus as a Laboratory for Fundamental Processes", EPS sponsored, see e.a. CERN Courier 44 2004), and the "Conference on Plasma Research and Applications, PLASMA 2003", biannual -athering of plasma physics its. Our attempts at obtaining EU contracts (see p. 17) gain momentum. This track full of urdles, expected as well as unexpected ones. Slowly, we seem to be earning how to take them. It seems to be trendy nowadays to refer to our field of research as Subatomic Pysics. Obviously, this field has very strong links and/or overlaps of interests and expertise wth several other branches of modern science. The prime example is of course astrophysics with its emerging subfields: the astro-nuclear and astro-particle pysics. Several of us have for years been involved in some astrophysics related pr Oi'ects. New, hghZ:1 expectations raised by undertakings11:1 in this drectio re described in contribution 615. We wish our colleagues every success in their planned expeditio to Chile. 6 Annual Rel)ort 2003 Our Subatomic Physics as also strong links to and involvement in various applied sciences. It is the weakness and the strenath of tis field that applications are varied and scattered throughout many industries. They fd their use i many other fields of research, notably in environmental studies and, last but not least, ae te basis of a aroe number of life saving techniques. We can provide material to illustrate the relevant statement of te President of our Academy, prof. Andrzej B. egocki: "In spite o 'inany a coninzon belief I claini that te diving force of any progress is ftindamental research. Not only does it extend our Understanding of the vvorld around its, it also is ehind all those new technologies vvhich are essential.for the advancement of civilisation" (Forum Akademickle Nr 1, 2004, p. 17). One such iustration", described in contribution 5.8, concerns a new technology of producing?- thin superconductingC, films foi- Irish energy particle accelerators. Hopefully, tis may become an important, economic method. This Foreword is not meant as a uide throuah our Report but, hopefully, should serve as an encouragement to look inside. I hope the Reader finds satisfaction in doing so. Professor Ziemowid S 'kowski Annual Report 2003 7 1. GENERAL INFORMATION The Institute is a state owned laboratory. It conducts pure and applied research oil subatomic physics, i.e. elementary particle, low and high energy nuclear physics, plasma physics and eated fields. The Institute specializes in accelerator physics and technology, material research with nuclear techniques, the development of spectrometric techniques, nuclear electronics and also in applications of nuclear techniques to environmental research, nuclear medicine etc. Apart from scientific departments, there is a separate production unit operating withi te Institute - ZdAJ (the Establishment for Nuclear Equipment). This unit specializes in medical equipment, notably in the production of linear electron accelerators for oncology. The main site of te Istitute is wierk near Otwock, but sorne of its departments (P-1, P-VI, P-VIII) are located in Warsaw, PL-00-681 Warsaw, 69 Ho2a street, and one (P-VII) in the city of L6&, PL-90-950 Udi, 5 Uniwersytecka street. 1. MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE Director Professor Ziernowid SUJKOWSKI phone: 22) 718-05-83 e-mail: sujkowskipj.gov.p1 Deputy Director, Research and Development Professor Marek MOSZYTSKI phone: 22) 718-05-86 'l: mareki .gov.pl e-mal Pi Scientific Secretary Dr. Danuta CHMIELEWSKA phone: 22) 718-05-85 e-mail: dankalpj.gov.pl 8 Annual Report 2003 2. SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL Till 30.06.2003 The previous Scientific Council was elected on the 7th of May 1999 by the scientific, technical and administrative staff of the Istitute. The Council had the ri-ht to confer PD and habilitation degrees in physics (DSc). Representatives of scientific staff: Helena Bialkowska, Assoc.Prof. Marian Pachan, MSc. Wieslaw Czarnacki, Dr. Jerzy Piekoszewski, Professor Stanislaw Gqbalski, MSc- Stanislaw Pszona, Dr. Michal Gryzifiski, Assoc.Prof. Wojciecli Ratyfiski, Professor Marian Jask6la, Professor Malpk Sadowski, Professor, Deputy Chairman Ro§cislaw Kaczarowski, Assoc.Prof. Adam Sobiczewski, Professor TadeUsz Kozlowski, Dr. Ryszard Sosnowski, Professor, Chairman Stanislaw Kulifiski Pofessor, Deput Cairman Joanna Stepaniak, Professor Jerzy Langner, Dr. Ziernowid Sujkowski, Professor Leszek Lukaszuk, Professor, Deputy Chairrnan Grzegorz Wilk, Assoc.Prof. Marek Moszyfiski, Professor Slawomir Wycech, Professor Representatives of technical personnel: Genowefa Fajkowska, Eng. Jolanta Mozdrzewska, MSc. Edward Fronczak, technician Jacek Pracz, MSc. Bogdan Gas, Ec,t" Anna Sidor Andrzej Hlger, MSc. 1wona Zawrocka, MSc. Jan Kope6, Eng. Zbigniew Zero, Eic, External members: Andrz ei Budzanowski, Professor - Institute of Nuclear Physics,(IFJ), Cracow Andrzej Chmielewski, Assoc.Prof. - Institute of Nuclear Chemistry (IChTJ), Warsaw Tomasz Czosnyka, Assoc.Prof. - Heavy Ion Laboratory, Warsaw University Jacek Fijuth, Assoc.Prof. - Institute of Oncology, Warsaw Janusz Mika, Professor - Institute of Atomic
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