Index of Names Akbar 81, 85, 86, 90, Attenborough, David Biruni, Abu Rayhan 93 99 (Alberonius) 275, Abolkhayr, Abusa’id Aurangzeb 87, 93–94, 276, 280 (Abu-Sa’id Abul- 140 Boethius 72, 73 Khayr) 283 Austin, John Bosanquet, Bernard al-Baqillani, Abu Longshaw 124 31, 34 Bakr 272 Ayer, Alfred Jules 124 Bradley, Francis al-Jabri, Muhammaed Herbert 31, 34, Abid 317 Bacon, Francis 76, 78– 223–224, 235, 236 al-Kindi, Abu Yusuf 79, 93 n.20 Ya’qub ibn Ishaq Badawi, Abd al- Braiterman, Zachary 274, 277, 278–280, Rahman 317 167–169 287 Badiou, Alain 41 Broad, Charlie Alexander (the Great) Bahaei’ (Sheikh) 298, Dunbar 235 45 299 Brunschwig, Jacques Allen, Woody 156 Bajjah, Ibn 54 Amadiume, Ifi (Avempass) 285 Buber, Martin 117–120 Baker, Osman 290 149–154, 160, 162, Amoli, Javadi Balkhi, Jalal al-Din 166, 168 (Ayatollah) 315 Muhammad Buddha 127, 184, 202 Ammonius 72 (Rumi) 294 Burnett, Charles 279 Anaxagoras 289 Barnes, Simon 102 Burnyeat, Miles 64 Aristotle 35–36, 65, Basso, Sebastien 66–68, 71–74, 78–79, 93 Caesar, Julius 47 77–79, 93, 228, 274, Benjamin, Mara Caitanya 85, 93 276, 279, 285, 288, 158–159, 160 n.35 Camus, Albert 28 291, 296, 313 Bennett, Jonathan 32 Candrakīrti 131 Aristoxenus 64 Ben-Ze’ev, Aaron 213 Carneades 47 Ashtiyani, Seyyed Bergson, Henri 8, 30 Cato 47 Jalal ad-Din 315, Berkeley, George 35, Chaucer, Geoffrey 73 316 124 n.4, 125, 128, Chomsky, Noam 191 Aurelius, Marcus 46, 131 Christ (Jesus) 58, 257, 53, 66 n.79 Berkovits, Eliezer 168 260 Arabi, Ibn (Muhi Berlin, Isaiah 51 Chrysippus 48, 54 al-Din al-Arabi) 86, Bernier, François 86– Cicero 46–48, 53 n.28, 294–296, 301 89, 95 55 n.35, 56–57, Ardibili, Safi al-Din Bhattạ̣Nārāyanaạ93 238 296 Bhattacharya, Sibesh Cleombrotus 63 Asada, Akira 22 195 Code, Lorraine 211 323 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 30 Sep 2021 at 14:33:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1358246114000150 Index of Names Cohen, Hermann Dignāga 132–136, Frege, Gottlob 91 149–150 140–141, 202 n.13 n.38, 230 Coleridge, Samuel Dilthey, Wilhelm 8 Friedman, Susan 76, Taylor 98 Dinani, Ibahim 315 91–92 Collingwood, Robin Diogenes Laertius 45, Froimont, Libert 77 George 233 47, 51 Foucault, Michel 41 Conrad, Joseph 221 Diop, Cheikh Anta Fowles, John 102 Corbin, Henri 267 118 Fukuzawa, Yukichi 5 n.4, 301 n.97, 316 Dower, John 17 Cottingham, John 77 Driver, Julia 207, 209 Galen 50 Critchley, Simon 27, Dryden, John 94 Gandhi, Mahatma 51 32 Dubos (Abbé) 248 Ganeri, Jonardon 205 Cromwell, Oliver 52 Dummett, Michael Gangeśa 79, 93 Csikszentmihalyi, 124, 226 n.7 Gani,Yạ śovijaya 90, Mihaly 152 94, 140, 141 n.33, Edwards, G. Fay 70 143–146 Damad, Muhammad Ehrenberg, Hans 157 Garber, Daniel 77 Baqir (Mir Damad) Einstein, Alfred 303 Gardiner, Patrick 39 296–299, 301, 316 Eisenstadt, Shmuel 75 Gast, Peter 244 Darius (King of Empedocles 59–60, Gassendi, Pierre Persia) 61 289 78–79, 87, 94 Daśaratha 81 Epictetus 48 n.11, Ghazzali, Abu Hamed Dashtaki, Sadr al-Din 50–51, 60, 66, Mohammad 272, Muhammad 301 68–69, 71, 239 273, 281–284, 285, Davidson, Donald Epicurus 52, 55–58, 286 n.51, 292 n.69 225 61, 65, 237–263 Gibbs, Robert Deakin, Roger 100 149–150 Deleuze, Gilles 37, Fabiani, Jean-Louis Glaucon 65 41 37 Glendinning, Simon de Man, Paul 92 Fackenheim, Emily 27 Democritus 61–62, 167–168 Goethe, Johann 69, 77, 289 Fakhry, Majid 266 Wolfgang von 193, Derrida, Jacques 29 n.3, 270 n.9, 280 239 n.7, 247 n.1, 41, 188 n.35, 284 n.48, 285 Gordon, Peter Eli Descartes, René 35, n.50, 286 n.53, 289 155–156 76–79, 83, 87, n.58, 290 Gosvāmi, Sanātanạ93 93–94, 125, 156, Farabi 274, 278–279, Graham, Angus 300 284, 286 n.53, 288, Charles 96 n. 2, 100 Dharmakīrti 131, 296 n.11, 102 135–136, 138, Fazl,Aḅ ū’l 81, 86, 93 Green, Thomas Hill 140–142, 145 Fichte, Johann 31, 34 Diderot, Denis 191 Gottlieb 8 Griffin, Michael 71 324 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 30 Sep 2021 at 14:33:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1358246114000150 Index of Names Guattari, Félix 37 Husserl, Edmund 30, Knight, A.H.J., 240, Guercino (Giovanni 34, 39, 91 n.38, 241 n.18, 261 n.95 Francesco Barbieri) 162–163 Kojève, Alexandre 30 247 Hyppolite, Jean 30 Kosaka, Masaaki 19 Gunaratnạ 129, 131 Koyama, Iwao 20 Guyau, Jean-Marie Isfahani, Mirza Kripke, Saul 234, 235, 237 Mahdi Gharavi 320 236 Gyges 65 Izutsu, Toshihiko 316 Kuhn, Thomas 301 Habermas, Jurgen 41 Jahān (Shah) 87, 93–94 Lacan, Jacques 36, 41 Hadot, Pierre 48, 53, James, Susan 78 Lahiji, Abd al Razzaq 54, 72, 241, 252, 253 James, William 8, 49 304 Hajime, Tanabe 174 Jayanta 80 Lange, Friedrich n.5, 180 Jayarāma 83, 88, Albert 242, 243 Harvey, William 87 90–91, 94 Langer, Monika 256, Hastings, Warren 94 257 Hegel, Georg Kant, Immanuel Laozi 95 Wilhelm Friedrich 31–35, 40, 42, 47, Leibniz, Gottfried 5, 8–9, 16, 30–34, 125, 149, 229, 233, Wilhelm 78, 79, 36, 39, 42, 125, 127, 250 n.57, 305, 312 125, 131, 276 128, 156–158, 237, Kaplan, Mordechai Levinas, Emmanuel 286 n.52, 296 168 149–150, 154, 159, Heidegger, Martin Kashani, Mulla 161–169, 180, 189 10–12, 30, 34, 36, Muhsin Faid 304 n.51 39, 101–102, 106, Kauffman, Walter Lewis, David 306 156, 162–163, 151 Liezi 95, 96, 107 167, 178, 186, 189, Kauśika 198–200, Linji 185 192 202–216 Locke, John 35, 79, Heraclitus 289 Kavīdra 94 94 Herder, Johann Khaldun, Ibn 271, Lorrain, Claude 247 Gottfried 16 272 n.14 Lucilius 51 Hermarchus 52 Khan, Danishmand Lucretius 52, 55–57, Heschel, Abraham 87–89, 94 65, 242, 249, 252 Joshua 168 Khan, Hulago 285 Hierocles 51, 52 n.24 Khomeini (Ayatollah) Madkour, Ibrahim Hobbes, Thomas 52, 295 317 127 Khurasani, Shaykh Mahādeva 79, 89, 94 Hobhouse, Leonard Mujtaba Qazvini Manion, Jennifer 214 Trelawny 31, 34 320 Marcel, Gabriel 28, 34 Hume, David 35, 307, Kierkegaard, Soren 10 Ma’rri, Abu al-’Ala 313 Kimura, Bin 21 309 Hussein, Saddam 312 Kiyoshi, Miki 178 Martin, Julian 78 325 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 30 Sep 2021 at 14:33:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1358246114000150 Index of Names Marx, Karl 9, 14, Murayama, Tomiichi Parmenides 157, 289 30–31, 34, 40, 42, 22 Perry, Matthew 3 237, 240, 242, Mutawakkil 280 Philodemus 57, 58 305–307, 311–313 Philoponus, John 72 Matilal, Bimal 84 Nakamura, Yujiro 21 Pishawari, Adib 309 McTaggart, John Nasr, Seyyed Hossein Plato 35, 61, 62–66, McTaggart Ellis 291, 316 67–68, 70–71, 124 Natali, Carlo 66 72–73, 233, 251 Meinong, Alexius 34 Nietszche, Friedrich Plotinus 63, 69, 70–71 n.6, 144 39, 172, 237–263 Plutarch 46 n.3, 54, Menoeceus 240, 250, Nishi, Amane 5 55, 63, 66, 68–69 262 Nishida, Kitaro 3, Pollock, Sheldon 80, Merleau-Ponty, 7–10, 13–23, 89 Maurice 28, 34, 39 171–183, 188, 189, Popper, Karl 265–268, Mill, James 211 192–193 286, 289 n.60, 309 Mill, John Stuart 5, Nishitani, Keiji 7 n.8, Porphyry 63, 69–71 313 19, 23, 175 n.7, 183, Porter, James 259 Miller, David 308 189 Poussin, Nicolas 247 n.112, 309 Nobili, Roberto 93 Prajñākaragupta Mirza, Badi’ al-Mulk Novalis (Georg 135–137 305 Philipp Friedrich Price, Henry Miskawayh, Ibn 277 Freiherr von Habberly 30 Montaigne, Michel de Hardenberg) 248 Probyn, Elspeth 215 239, 261 n.94 Nuri, Mulla Ali 304 n.42, 216 Moeller, Hans-Georg Nussbaum, Martha Putnam, Hilary 159 102, 105 n.24 215 n.40, 249, 251 Pythagoras 59–61, 77, Mohanty, Jitendra Nzegwu, Nkiru 289, 290 Nath 196, 210 119–120 Moore, George Qashqaei, Jahangir Edward 34, Odysseus 238 Khan 304 123–125, 136, 223, Okakura, Tenshin 6 Qomi, Qadi Said 304 225 Oldenburg, Henry 94 Quine, Willard Van Mookerjee, Satkari 139 Olympiodorus 71 Orman 225, 229, Motahari, Morteza Origen 60, 73 235 (Ayatollah) 269 n.8, Ovid 65 271 n.11, 272 n.13, Oyewumi, Ronke Radhakrishnan, 274 n.20, 302 n.100, 120–121 Rajagopalan 75 303 n.102, 305–306, Raghudeva 94 307 n.111, 308, Panaetius 46–47, 53, Rāma 81 310–312, 313 n.118 61 n.60, 62, 67, 69, Rashed, Marwan 61 Moyn, Samuel 74 n.60, 64 166–167 Parfit, Derek 45, 56 Rawls, John 40 326 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 30 Sep 2021 at 14:33:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1358246114000150 Index of Names Razi, Muhammad Ibn Schacht, Joseph 284, Socrates 51, 53, Zakariya (Rhazes) 285 n.49 62–67, 70–71, 287 Scheman, Naomi 219 218 Razi, Fakr (al-Khatib, Schiller, Friedrich Soloveitchik, Joseph Ibn) 272, 273, 299 248 168 Roberts, Robert Schopenhauer, Sorabji, Richard 79 207–208, 213 Arthur 39, 239 n.7, Spinoza, Benedict Roos, Richard 240 247, 248 n.46, 255 78–79, 83, 94, 239 n.12, 249 n.49, 252, n.75, 261 n.7 253, 261 n.94 Scruton, Roger 96 Śrīharsạ93 Rousseau, Jean- Searle, John 306–307 Strawson, Peter 32, Jacques 105, 239 Sellars, Wilfrid 225, 229 n.7 228 n.9 Striker, Gisela 258, Royce, Josiah 8 Seneca 49, 51, 56–57, 259 n.84 Rozenzweig, Franz 60, 63 Subrahmanyam, 149–150, 154–162, Sennert, Daniel 79 Sanjay 92 166–167 Shāh, Husain 93–94 Suhrawadi, Shihab Rufus, Musonius 51 Shakespeare, William al-Din 292–294, Rūpa 93 151, 178, 232 301 Rushd, Ibn (Averroës) Sharif, Muhammad Suri, Haribhadra 275, 278–279, 317–318 140–143, 145 285–286, 317 Shimomura, Torataro Suzuki, Shigetaka 20 Russell, Bertrand 34, 20 223–225, 230–232, Shirazi, Ghyiath Tabatabee, Allameh 235, 311, 313 al-Din Mansur 301 Seyyed Ryōsuke, Ōhashi 23 Shizuteru, Ueda 23 Muhammad
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