2 PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITUTE NIŠ ИНСТИТУТ ЗА ЈАВНО ЗДРАВЉЕ НИШ FACULTY OF MEDICINE NIŠ МЕДИЦИНСКИ ФАКУЛТЕТ НИШ SERBIAN MEDICAL SOCIETY OF NIŠ СРПСКО ЛЕКАРСКО ДРУШТВО ПОДРУЖНИЦА НИШ 50. DAYS OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 50. ДАНИ ПРЕВЕНТИВНЕ МЕДИЦИНЕ INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS МЕЂУНАРОДНИ КОНГРЕС BOOK OF ABSTRACTS ЗБОРНИК РЕЗИМЕА НИШ, 2016. Editor in Chief Уредник Prof. dr Maja Nikolić Technical Editor Технички уредник dipl. ing. Stefan Bogdanović Publisher Издавач Public Health Institute Niš - Институт за јавно здравље Ниш Faculty of Medicine Niš, University of Niš - Медицински факултет у Нишу, Универзитет у Нишу Serbian Medical Society of Niš - Српско лекарско друштво подружница Ниш For publisher За издавача Asst. Prof. dr Miodrag Stojanović Printed in Штампарија и место штампања Public Health Institute Niš, Niš, Serbia - Институт за јавно здравље Ниш, Ниш, Србија Number of copies Тираж 500 Under the patronage of Под покровитељством Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia Министарства просвeтe, наукe и тeхнолошког развоjа Рeпубликe Србиje Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia Министарства здравља Рeпубликe Србиje All abstracts are published in the book of abstracts in the form in which they were submitted by the authors, who are responsible for their content. Сви сажеци су публиковани у зборнику резимеа у облику у коме су достављени од стране аутора, који су одговорни за њихов садржај. The content of this publication is available online at www.izjz-nis.org.rs Садржај ове публикације је доступан на Интернет адреси www.izjz-nis.org.rs The continuing education program number A-1-387/16 was accredited by the decision of the Health Council of the Republic of Serbia No. 153-02-509/2016-01 from 03. 03. 2016. Програм континуиране едукације је под бројем A-1-387/16 акредитован одлуком Здравственог савета Републике Србије број: 153-02-509/2016-01 од 03. 03. 2016. године. ISBN 978-86-915991-5-7 HONORARY COMMITTEE – ПОЧАСНИ ОДБОР Ass. dr Zlatibor Lonĉar, Minister of Health of the Republic of Serbia Mladen Šarĉević, Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia Dr Vesna Knjeginjić, Assistant Minister for Public health and Health care programs of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia Dr Zoran Panajotović, Assistant Minister for Inspection Affairs of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia Prof. dr Berislav Vekić, State Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Pandrc, Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Serbia Prof. dr Dragan Antić, Rector of the University of Niš Prof. dr Dobrila Stanković ĐorĊević, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine University of Niš Asst. Prof. dr Dragan Ilić, Director of the Institute of Public Health of Serbia Academician Prof. dr Milorad Mitković Dr Aleksandar Cvetković, Chief of Nisava Administrative District Prof. dr Dragan Veselinović, President of the City branch of the Serbian Medical Society Niš Darko Bulatović, Mayor of the City of Niš Mr sc. Rade Rajković, President of the Assembly of the City of Niš Prof. dr Zorka Perošević SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE – НАУЧНИ ОДБОР Chairlady - Председница Asst. Prof. dr Konstansa Lazarević, Serbia Prof. dr Dušica Stojanović, Serbia Asst. Prof. dr Roberta Marković, Serbia Prof. dr Nataša Miladinović Tasić, Serbia Members - Чланови Prof. dr Zoran Milošević, Serbia Prof. dr Biljana Miljković Selimović, Serbia Prof. dr Dobrila Stanković ĐorĊević, Asst. Prof. dr Boban Mugoša, Montenegro Serbia Prof. dr Maja Nikolić, Serbia Asst. Prof. dr Miodrag Stojanović, Serbia Prof. dr Suzana Otašević, Serbia Prof. dr Elisabete Weiderpass Vainio, Sweden Prof. dr Branislav Petrović, Serbia Prof. dr Dragan Bogdanović, Serbia Prof. dr Zoran Radovanović, Serbia Prof. dr Carmen-Michaela Cretu, Romania Asst. Prof. dr Olivera Radulović, Serbia Prof. dr Gianfranco Damiani, Italy Asst. Prof. dr Nataša Ranĉić, Serbia Prof. dr Marina Dinić, Serbia Prof. dr Gordana RanĊelović, Serbia Prof. dr Olgica Đurković Đaković, Serbia Prof. dr Lazar Ranin, Serbia Prof. dr Ronit Endevelt, Israel Prof. dr Aleksandra Stanković, Serbia Prof. dr Angel Galabov, Bulgaria Prof. dr Holger Stark, Germany Prof. dr Eleni Jelastopulu, Greece Asst. Prof. dr Predrag Stojanović, Serbia Prof. dr Josefa Kachal, Israel Prof. dr Athanassios Tsakris, Greece Prof. dr Biljana Kocić, Serbia Prof. dr Zoran Veliĉković, Serbia Prof. dr Branislava Kocić, Serbia Asst. Prof. dr Aleksandar Višnjić, Serbia ORGANISING COMMITTEE - ОРГАНИЗАЦИОНИ ОДБОР Chairlady - Председница Prof. dr Maja Nikolić Secretary - Секретар Nemanja Stanković, dipl. bio. spec. Technical secretary - Технички секретар Stefan Bogdanović, dipl. ing. Members - Чланови dr sc med Tatjana Babić Ass. dr Milena Bogdanović Ass mr sc med dr Zorana Deljanin dr Ivana Janićijević Ivana Kamenović, dipl. hem. spec. dr Stanko Marjanović mr sc med dr Dragan Nikolić dr sc med Sneţana Savić dr Mihajlo Spasić MAIN TOPICS – ГЛАВНЕ ТЕМЕ •Environment and health Животна срeдина и здрављe •Nutrition and health Исхрана и здрављe •Microbiology today Микробиологиjа данас •Current parasitosis Актуeлнe паразитозe •Theoretical and practical problems of communicable and non-communicable disease epidemiology Тeориjски и практични проблeми eпидeмиологиje заразних и нeзаразних болeсти •Current chalenges in health care system Саврeмeни изазови у систeму здравствeнe заштитe •Information technology and health Информационe тeхнологиje и здрављe •Health promotion in the community Промоциjа здравља у локалним заjeдницама •Sexual and reproductive health оf youth Сeксуално и рeпродуктивно здрављe младих 50TH DAYS OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 27.-30. SEPTEMBER 2016. NIŠ, SERBIA TABLE OF CONTENTS A. KEYNOTE PRESENTATION ..………………………………………………………... 7 B. SESSION: ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH ……………………………………. 8-55 C. SESSION: NUTRITION AND HEALTH…………………………………………. 56-97 D. SESSION: MICROBIOLOGY TODAY (I) …………………………………….... 98-128 E. SESSION: MICROBIOLOGY TODAY (II) …………………………………… 129-138 F. SESSION: CURRENT PARASITOSIS ………………………………………… 139-155 G. SESSION: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL PROBLEMS OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASE EPIDEMIOLOGY ……………………………. 156-179 H. SESSION: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL PROBLEMS OF NON- COMMUNICABLE DISEASE EPIDEMIOLOGY ……………………………. 180-198 I. SESSION: CURRENT CHALLENGES IN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM …….. 199-241 J. SESSION: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH ………………. 242-247 K. SESSION: HEALTH PROMOTION IN THE COMMUNITY ……………….. 248-274 L. SESSION: SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH OF YOUTH ……… 275-281 A. KEYNOTE PRESENTATION KEYNOTE PRESENTATION ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS AND CANCERS Elisabete Weiderpass Vainio Department of Research, Cancer Registry of Norway, Institute of Population-Based Cancer Research, Oslo, Norway and Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Objectives: To present an overview of environmental risk of cancer globally. Methods: Comprehensive literature review of environmental causes of cancer. Results: In 2012 it is estimated that estimated 14 million new cancer cases and 8.2 million cancer deaths occurred. Globally, a substantial proportion of all cancers are attributable to the environment, including work setting. More than 100 agents, mixtures, and exposure situations are identified as carcinogenic to humans. External environmental causes of cancer are factors in the environment such as pollutants that increase risk for cancer. Approximately every tenth lung cancer death is closely related to risks in the workplace. Lung cancer, mesothelioma, and bladder cancer are among the most common types of occupational cancers. Conclusions: Cancer is a leading cause disease burden worldwide, and its important will increase in the next decades. Globally, a substantial proportion of all cancers are attributable to the environment, including work setting. Most of these cancer are preventable. Key words: cancer, environment, occupation 7 B. SESSION: ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH SESSION: ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH INVITED LECTURES ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS ON NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES Holger Stark Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany Objectives: Neurological development as well as neurodegeneration is strongly influenced by environmental factors. Not only natural factors, but with increasing influence factors from drinking water, (polluted) air, and also from agricultural products. Many studies have investigated different factors of environmental exposure on their influence on neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson´s disease. Morbus Parkinson belongs to with Alheimer´s disease to the most often neurodegenerative diseases with strong therapeutic and financial burden on the health system in general. Some studies suggest an increase in the incidence within the recent years. Whereas some pesiticides have been idenified are cause for Parkinson´s disease, the incidence for some metals are much lower and connected to higher variabilities. Materials and methods: The relationship to occupational exposure to specific metals and Parkinson´s disease has been investigated by a study on frequency mortality among individuals in Michigan countries of the United States of America (J. M. Gorell et al. 1997) with inconsistent varying results (J. A. Firestoner et al. 2010), but have been more or less confirmed on pesticides (L. S. Engel et al. 2001). In addition,the genetic variability of an genomw-wide gene-environment interaction analyiss of pesticides exposure and the risk of Parkinson´s disease has been investigated (J. M. Biernacka
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