····· 2*2*2·· European Union ·····• · ·· Ä · β Ί»Ι· Regional policy : ·■ •«•ι ···· ······· and cohesion : ! ······· ······· 2*2*2*2·2·2·2·· · 2*2····· 2·2·2·2*.· ·:·:·ι·ι· 2·2·2·2·2· 2*2*2*2·« •Ι* ·:·, 2*2*2*2*¡•••••s···*2· ••••••••τa i*2*2*2• *2*2«. '·ζ·: Regional development studies The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies Belgium Germany Denmark Germany Greece X Spain France \ Ireland^ **T>***. Luxembourg The Netherlands \ Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom\ European Commission 28 F European Union Regional policy and cohesion Regional development studies The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies Germany European Commission Already published in the series 'Regional development studies' 01 — Demographic evolution through time in European regions (Demeter 2015) 02 — Socioeconomic situation and development of the regions in the neighbouring countries of the Community in central and eastern Europe 03 — Les politiques régionales dans l'opinion publique 04 — Urbanisation and the functions of cities in the European Community 05 —The economic and social impact of reductions in defence spending and military forces on the regions of the Community 06 — New location factors for mobile investment in Europe — Final report 07 —Trade and foreign investment in the Community's regions: the impact of economic reform in central and eastern Europe 08 — Estudio prospectivo de las regiones atlánticas — Europa 2000 Study of prospects in the Atlantic regions — Europe 2000 Étude prospective des régions atlantiques — Europe 2000 Estudo prospectivo das regiões atlânticas — Europa 2000 09 — Financial engineering techniques in regions covered by Objectives 1, 2 and 5b of the Community regional policies 10 — Interregional and cross-border cooperation in Europe 11 — Estudio prospectivo de las regiones del Mediterràneo Oeste Évolution prospective des régions de la Méditerranée-Ouest Evoluzione delle prospettive delle 'egioni del Mediterraneo occidentale 12 —Valeur ajoutée et ingénierie du développement local 13 —The Nordic countries — What impact on planning and development in the Union? 14 — Development prospects of the central Mediterranean regions (Mezzogiorno-Greece) 15 —The spatial consequences of the Integration of the new German Länder into the Community 16 — The impact of the development of the countries of central and eastern Europe on the Community territory 17 — Étude prospective des régions de l'arc alpin et périalpin Studio delle prospettive delle regioni dell'arco alpino e perialpino 18 — The prospective development of the northern seaboard 19 — L'impact sur le développement régional et l'aménagement de l'espace communautaire des pays du sud et de l'est méditerranéen (PSEM) 20 — Evolución prospectiva de las regiones interiores (y de los espacios rurales de baja densidad de población en la Comunidad) Évolution prospective des régions intérieures (et des espaces ruraux de faible densité de population de la Communauté) 21 —The regional impact of the Channel Tunnel throughout the Community 22 — Prospects for the development of the central and capital cities and regions 23 — La notoriété des politiques régionales en Europe 24 — Cohesion and the development challenge facing the lagging regions 25 — In den Regionen für die Regionen Europas — Über die Aneignung eines neuen gewerkschaftlichen Arbeitsfeldes At regional level on behalf of Europe's regions — Developing a new field of trade union activity Agir dans les régions pour l'Europe des régions — Un nouveau champ d'activités syndicales 26 —The impact of structural policies on economic and social cohesion in the Union 1989-99 Die Auswirkungen der Strukturpolitik auf die wirtschaftliche und soziale Kohäsion in der Union 1989-1999 L'impact des politiques structurelles sur la cohésion économique et sociale de l'Union — 1989-1999 27 — Community involvement in urban regeneration: added value and changing values 28 —The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies 29 — Economic and social cohesion in the European Union: the impact of Member States' own policies A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu.int) and the Inforegio Website (http://inforegio.cec.eu.int). Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1999 ISBN 92-828-2695-3 © European Communities, 1999 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Cover photos: The ICE: Germany's high-speed train - The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Printed in Italy Preface Each year, the Directorate-General for Regional Policy and Cohesion of the European Commission launches a number of studies in the field of regional policy and regional planning. These studies mainly aim at providing a basis for policy formulation internally, as well as the preparation of programmes and initiatives and a basis for analysing the impact of current or planned activities. The most interesting or innovative of these are published in a series entitled 'Regional development studies'. With this series, the Directorate-General hopes to stimulate discussion and action in a wider sphere on the research results received. The publication of the studies is addressed to politicians and decision• makers at European, regional and local level, as well as to academics and experts in the broad fields of issues covered. It is hoped that by publicising research results the Commission will enrich and stimulate public debate and promote a further exchange of knowledge and opinions on the issues which are considered im• portant for the economic and social cohesion of the Union and therefore for the future of Europe. Readers should bear in mind that the study reports do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Commission but first and foremost express the opinion of those responsible for carrying out the study. Preface Contents Compendium's objectives 13 Author's note 17 A. OVERVIEW OF PLANNING SYSTEM 19 General summary 19 Introduction 19 History 20 Regional variations 20 Operation of the system 20 Defining characteristics 21 Context and principles 22 Constitution, legislation and judicial systems 22 Development process and market circumstances 25 Economic development 27 Environmental policy 27 European Union 29 Flexibility 30 Government structure and powers 31 Land policy and land and building quality 33 Market circumstances 34 Plan led/development led 35 Political priorities 36 Political system, administrative system, financial system and public participation 36 Population and statistics 39 Sectoral policy 40 Trends 41 Central — local power 41 Flexibility/certainty 41 Government structure 42 Policy 42 B. MAKING AND REVIEWING PLANS AND POLICIES 49 Overview 49 Policy institutions 49 Bund (federal/national) policy institutions 49 The Bundesministerien (federal ministries) 49 The Ministerkonferenz für Raumordnung (MKRO) (standing conference of Bund and Länder min• isters for spatial planning) 52 The Beirat für Raumordnung (spatial planning advisory council) 52 Contents Länder (State/regional) policy institutions 52 The Landesministerien (State ministries) 52 The Bezirksregierungen (district administrations) 54 The Regionaler Planungsverband/Regionalverband (regional planning associations) 54 Kommunal (municipal/local) level 55 The Landkreis (county) 55 The kreisfreie Stadt (county-free town) 55 The kreisangehörige Gemeinde (municipalities belonging to a county) '. 55 Kommunale Planungsverbände (communal planning associations) 56 Other organisations 56 The Träger öffentlicher Belange (public agencies) 56 The Bundesvereinigung der Kommunalen Spitzenverbände (federal association of local government associations) 56 Policy instruments 57 Bund (federal/national) level 57 The Raumordnungsgesetz (ROG) (federal spatial planning act) 57 The Raumordnungspolitischer Orientierungsrahmen (guidelines for spatial planning) and the Rau• mordnungspolitischer Handlungsrahmen (operational framework for spatial planning) 58 The Raumordnungsbericht (federal spatial planning report) 58 The Bund Fachpläne and Fachgesetze (sector plans and acts) 58 The Baugesetzbuch (BauGB) (federal building code) 59 Länder (State/regional) level 59 The Landesentwicklungsplan or Landesentwicklungsprogramm (State development plan or pro• gramme) 60 The Regionalplan (regional plan) 60 The Raumordnungsverfahren (spatial planning procedure) 63 Gemeinde (municipal/local) level 63 The Flächennutzungsplan (F-Plan) (preparatory land use plan) 63 The Bebauungsplan (B-Plan) (binding land use plan) 65 Informal plans 68 Development rights 69 C. REGULATIONS AND PERMITS 71 Summary 71 Main permit 71 The Baugenehmigung (building permission) for development within an area covered by a B-Plan under Section 30 BauGB (federal building code) 71 Application for a Baugenehmigung (building permission) 73 Processing the Bauantrag (application) 73 Conditions relating to the Baugenehmigung 76 Rights of appeal 76 Other permits 77 The Baugenehmigung (building permission) within built-up areas without A B-Plan under Section 34 of the BauGB (federal building code) 77 The Baugenehmigung (building permission) in the surrounding undeveloped areas without a B-Plan under Section 35 BauGB (federal building code) 78 The Bauvoranfrage (preliminary application) 79 The Vorhaben- und Erschließungsplan (project and infrastructure plan) 80 The Teilungsgenehmigung (permission to subdivide plots) 81 Permission
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