FEDERAL REGISTER \ VOLUME 2 1934 NUMBER 157 C ^A/ITEO ^ Washington, Saturday, August 14, 1937 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. plemental oral presentation of views shall be submitted to the Committee for Reciprocity Information not later than twelve Bureau of Customs. o ’clock noon, May 3, 1937. They should be addressed to “Acting rrhairma.n, Committee for Reciprocity Information, Old Land Office [T. D. 49109] Building, 8th and E Streets, Northwest, Washington, D. C.” Sup­ F oreign-T rade Agreements plemental oral statements will be heard at a public hearing be­ ginning at ten o’clock a. m., on May 17, 1937, before the Commit­ PUBLIC NOTICE OP INTENTION TO NEGOTIATE A FOREIGN-TRADE tee for Reciprocity Information, in the hearing room of the Tariff AGREEMENT WITH THE GOVERNMENT OP ECUADOR Commission in the Old Land Office Building. August 2, 1937. Form and Manner of Presentation To Whom It May Concern: The Committee for Reciprocity Information has prescribed the Pursuant to section 4 of the act of Congress approved June following regulations governing the submission of written and 12, 1934, and extended on March 1, 1937, entitled “An Act oral statements: Written statements must be either typewritten or printed. to Amend the Tariff Act of 1930” and Executive Order No. They must be submitted in sextuplícate and at least one copy 6750 of June 27, 1934, the Secretary of State on April 5, must be sworn to. Such statements will be treated as confiden­ 1937, gave formal notice of intention to negotiate a foreign- tial, for the use only of the Interdepartmental trade agreements trade agreement with the Government of Ecuador. By an organization. Oral statements may he made to the Committee at the public oversight, this notice was not published in Treasury Deci­ hearing only by persons who have filed written statements or sions at the time of its issuance, and it is accordingly repro­ briefs and who have, within the time prescribed, made written duced below. application for a hearing in order that a schedule of appearances This notice states, inter alia, that all information and may be arranged. Oral statements shall be under oath. Cordell H u ll, views in writing and all applications for supplemental oral Secretary of State. presentation of views shall be submitted to the Committee W a sh in g ton , D. C.. for Reciprocity Information not later than twelve o’clock April 5, 1937. noon, May 3, 1937, and that supplemental oral statements will be heard at a public hearing beginning at ten o’clock [F. R. Doc. 37-2528; Piled, August 13, 1937; 10:05 a. m j a. m., on May 17, 1937. The Bureau of Customs has been officially advised that in view of the fact that both of these dates have passed, the Committee for Reciprocity Informa­ [T. D. 49122] tion is prepared to receive information and views in writing Countervailing D uties on Butter F rom L ithuania and application for supplemental oral presentation of views until twelve o’clock noon, September 2, 1937, from any inter­ To Collectors of Customs and Others Concerned: ested person who was not informed of the notice given on The Bureau is in receipt of official information which April 5, 1937. In the event that any such applications are establishes to its satisfaction that a bounty or grant, within received by that date, a public hearing, at which additional the meaning of the provisions of section 303 of the Tariff oral statements will be heard, will begin at ten o’clock a. m., Act of 1930 (U. S. C., title 19, sec. 1303), is being paid or on September 9, 1937. bestowed on butter exported from Lithuania. Attention is called to two Press Releases issued by the The amount of the bounty or grant paid or bestowed at Department of State on April 5, 1937, in connection with the present time on such merchandise is estimated to be the notice of intention to negotiate with Ecuador, entitled Lithuanian litas 0.30 per kilogram of butter. “Presentation of Views,to the Committee for Reciprocity Butter from Lithuania, imported directly or indirectly, and Information with Reference to Trade Agreement Negotia­ entered for consumption or withdrawn from warehouse for tions with Ecuador” and “List of Products on Which the consumption after thirty days after the publication of this United States Will Consider Granting Concessions to Ecua­ order in the weekly Treasury Decisions will be subject to the dor.” payment of countervailing duties equal to any bounty or [seal] F rank Dow, grant found to have been paid or bestowed upon the ex­ Acting Commissioner of Customs. portation thereof, as determined or estimated and declared thereafter, whether such butter is imported in the same con­ P ublic N otice dition as when exported from Lithuania or has been changed TRADE AGREEMENT NEGOTIATIONS WITH ECUADOR in condition in a third country by remanufacture or other­ Pursuant to Section 4 of an Act of Congress approved June 12, wise. 1934, entitled “An Act to Amend the Tariff Act of 1980”, as A deposit of estimated countervailing duty, calculated at amended, and Executive Order No. 6750 of June 27, 1934, I hereby the rate of Lithuanian litas 0.30 per kilogram of butter, shall give notice of intention to negotiate a trade agreement with the Government of Ecuador. be required in respect of all butter from Lithuania im­ Time and Place for Presentation of Written and Oral Statements ported and entered for consumption or withdrawn from The Committee for Reciprocity Information has prescribed that warehouse for consumption on and after the effective date all Information and views In writing and all applications for sup­ of this order. Liquidation of entries shall be suspended 1671 1672 FEDERAL REGISTER, August 11, 1937 pending estimation or determination and declaration of the amount of bounty or grant paid or bestowed and the amount Turn«,'scnm r/ t Qs of the countervailing duty to be collected. The facts of each case shall be reported promptly to the Bureau. FEDERAL^REGISTER [seal] F rank Dow, Acting Commissioner of Customs. 1934 ¿ r iJNlTtO * Approved: August 7, 1937. W ayne C. T aylor, Published by the Division of the Federal Register, The National Archives, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. L. 500), under reg­ ulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee, with, the [F. R. Doc. 37-2529; Filed, August 13,1937; 10:05 a. m.] approval of the President. The Administrative Committee consists of the Archivist or Act­ ing Archivist, an officer of the Department of Justice designated by tjje Attorney General, and the Public Printer or Acting Public Office of the Secretary. Printer. E xemption Order P ursuant to Section 4 op the G overn­ The daily issue of the F ederal R egister will be furnished by mall to subscribers, free of postage, for $1 per month or $10 per year; ment Losses in Shipment Act single copies 5 cents; payable in advance. Remit by money order payable to Superintendent of Documents, Government P rin tin g Whereas section 4 of the Government Losses in Ship­ Office, Washington, D. C. ment Act (Public No. 192, 75th Congress, approved July 8, Correspondence concerning the publication of the F ederal 1937) provides in part as follows; R egister should be addressed to the Director, Division of the On and after the effective date of the regulations prescribed Federal Register, The National Archives, Washington, D. C. under section 1, no executive department, * * * officer, or employee shall expend any money, or incur any obligation, for insurance, or for the payment of premiums on insurance, against loss, destruction, or damage in the shipment of valu­ ables except as specificaUy authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury. The Secretary of the Treasury may give such au­ TABLE OF CONTENTS thorization if he shall find that the risk of loss, destruction, or damage in such shipment cannot be adeQuately guarded against Department of Agriculture: by the facilities of the United States or that the circumstances Bureau of Agricultural Economics: Page are such that adeQuate replacement cannot be provided under Cottonseed sold or offered for sale for crushing pur­ this Act.; poses, rules governing inspection, etc.; amend­ ment ________________________________________— 1675 and Department of the Interior: Whereas I find that the risk of loss, destruction, or dam­ Division of Grazing: age in shipments of gold and silver coin or bullion to, from, Grazing district modifications: between, or within foreign countries under the provisions Idaho, No. 1_________________________________ 1674 of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, as amended, and the Utah, No. 5_________________________________ 1674 Wyoming, No. 1______________________ 1674 Silver Purchase Act of 1934 cannot be adequately guarded National Bituminous Coal Commission: against by the facilities of the United States: North Dakota and South Dakota, hearing to deter­ It is hereby ordered that such shipments are excepted mine whether coals of such States are subject to from the prohibitions contained in the first sentence of sec­ provisions of Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, etc__ 1675 tion 4 of the Government Losses in Shipment Act.1 Interstate Commerce Commission: The Secretary of the Treasury may at any time supple­ Alleghany Corp., and Chesapeake Corp., investigation of_ 1675 ment, amend, or revoke this Order. Rural Electrification Administration: [seal] Wayne C. Taylor, Allocation of funds for loans-------------------------------------- 1676 Acting Secretary of the Treasury. August 12, 1937. Securities and Exchange Commission: Notice of and orders for hearings in the matter o f: [F. R. Doc. 37-2538; Filed, August 13,1937; 12:40 p. m.] American Utilities Service Corp_----- 1------------------- 1676 Webster and Southbridge Gas and Electric Co_____ 1676 West Penn Railways Co__________________________ 1677 WAR DEPARTMENT.
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