Registered Hostas Last updated 12-24-2008 A 1-A-Day Delight 2003 Academy Blushing Recluse 1999 A B-1 Bomber 2002 Academy Bonfire Glade 2003 A Big Splash 2004 Academy Brobdingnagian Viridity 2006 A Blue Streak 2001 Academy Celeborn 2000 A Lady in Blue 2004 Academy Chetwood 2005 A Many-splendored Thing 1999 Academy Cratered Blue 2008 A Very Good Boy 2005 Academy Devon Moor 2001 Aachen 2005 Academy Dimholt 2005 Aardvark 1991 Academy Fangorn Forest 2003 Abba Alive 1990 Academy Faux Sedge 2008 Abba Aloft 1990 Academy Fire 1997 Abba at Large 1990 Academy Flaxen Spades 2002 Abba Blue Plus 1990 Academy Flora 1999 Abba Dabba Do 1998 Academy Galadriel 2000 Abba Dew 1999 Academy Gilded Dawn 2008 Abba Fit 1990 Academy Glowing Embers 2008 Abba Fragrant Cloud 1990 Academy Gold Codswallop 2006 Abba Little Showoff 1990 Academy Golden Papoose 2004 Abba Nova 1990 Academy Grass Clippings 2005 Abba Spellbinder 1990 Academy Grins 2008 Abba Tops 1990 Academy Isengard 2003 Abbey Pond Cascades 2004 Academy Kakistocracy 2005 Abby 1990 Academy Lemon Knoll 2006 Abiqua Ambrosia 1987 Academy Lothlórien 2004 Abiqua Ariel 1999 Academy Mallorn 2003 Abiqua Aries 1999 Academy Mavrodaphne 2000 Abiqua Big Sky 2008 Academy Mirkwood 2003 Abiqua Blue Crinkles 1999 Academy Muse 1997 Abiqua Blue Edger 1987 Academy Nazgul 2003 Abiqua Blue Jay 1987 Academy Palantir 2003 Abiqua Blue Madonna 1988 Academy Redundant 1998 Abiqua Blue Shield 1988 Academy Rivendell 2005 Abiqua Delight 1999 Academy Shiny Vase 2001 Abiqua Drinking Gourd 1989 Academy Smiles 2008 Abiqua Elephant Ears 1999 Academy Speckled Caddy Spoons 2008 Abiqua Gold Shield 1987 Academy Speckled Vase 2008 Abiqua Ground Cover 1988 Academy Tousled Turkey 2001 Abiqua Hallucination 1999 Academy Verdant Spades 2003 Abiqua Miniature 1988 Academy Verdant Verge 2003 Abiqua Moonbeam 1987 Academy Weathertop 2005 Abiqua Pagoda 1989 Academy Wonky Balderdash 2006 Abiqua Parasol 1987 Ace Bill Wundram 2008 Abiqua Recluse 1989 Ace of Spades 1993 Abiqua Trumpet 1987 Achy Breaky Heart 1996 Academy Ametrine 2005 Ada Reed 1988 Academy Another 2004 Aesop 2005 Academy Aureate Piffle 2006 Aestival Festival 1996 Academy Blue Funnel 2008 Afternoon Delight 2003 Academy Blue Titan 1999 Agawa 2007 Ahamo Gold 1970 American Dream 1999 Ahwaneeh 1990 American Eagle 1999 Aidan Bryden Cleghorn 2006 American Gladiator 2007 Aksarben 1988 American Glory Be 1999 Alabama Bowl 1986 American Gold Edge 1999 Alabama Gold 1986 American Gothic 2008 Aladdins Lamp 1996 American Halo 1999 Alakazaam 2008 American Icon 2004 Alan Titchmarsh 2006 American Idol 2005 Alaskan Halo 1997 American King of the Woods 2007 Albert Lea 1999 American Masterpiece 1999 Alex 2008 American Misty 2005 Alex Summers 1989 American Mohican Halo 2000 Alexizz Madison 2005 American Pie 2007 Algonquin 2007 American Ruffled Heart 2000 Alice Blue Gown 2002 American Sweetheart 2002 Alice Gladden 1998 American Tisch Breeder 2002 Alice in Wonderland 2001 American Yeti 2007 Alinghi 2003 Americana 2006 Alison 2000 Amethyst Blue 1996 Aliyah’s Grace 2004 Amethyst Chip 2000 All Jazzed Up 2000 Amethyst Facet 2003 All Star 2005 Amethyst Jewel 1992 All that Jazz 2006 Amethyst Joy 1999 All This and Heaven Too 2003 Amy Aden 1980 Allan P. McConnell 1980 Amy Elizabeth 2003 Allegan Emperor 2000 Amy’s Green 1999 Allegan Fog 2000 Amy’s Hope 2000 Allegan Gent 2000 An Old Smoothie 2003 Allegheny River 2005 Andrew 2006 Allegiance 2004 Andrew Jackson 2001 Alley Oop 2001 Andy Taylor 1993 Alleyne Cook 2003 Angel Harp Strings 2005 Alma 1995 Angel Wings 1998 Almost 2005 Anglo Saxon 2001 Alpine Aire 1980 Ani Machi 2002 Alpine Dream 1982 Ann Kulpa 1999 Alston Glenn 1998 Anna Boynton 2005 Alvatine Taylor 1990 Anna Lindh 2005 Am I Blue 1998 Anne 2005 Amanuma 2002 Anne Arett 1975 Amazing Grace 1999 Antioch 1979 Amazing Matthew 2003 Antoinette 2000 Amber Maiden 1988 Aoki 1987 Amber Tiara 1998 Appalachian Beauty 2003 Amber Waves of Grain 2003 Appalachian Spring 2004 American Beauty 2000 Appetizer 2007 American Choice 2007 Applause 2006 American Dark Angel 1999 Apple Court 1998 Apple Green 1982 Banana Sundae 1980 April Clown 2008 Band of Gold 1999 Aqua Velva 1983 Banyai’s Dancing Girl 1987 Arc de Triomphe 2000 Barbara 1987 Arch Duke 2000 Barbara Elizabeth Hoover 2002 Archangel 2003 Barbara May 2004 Arctic Circle 2002 Barbara White 1990 Arctic Rim 1993 Barbarosa 2002 Arctic Sunset 2005 Barney Fife 1993 Arett’s Wonder 1986 Battle Star 2006 Aristocrat 1997 Bea’s Colossus 2007 Arkansas Lad 2005 Bearnasius 2000 Arnold Black 2004 Beat This Blue 2002 Artemis 2001 Beaulah 1988 Artist’s Palette 1986 Beckoning 2002 Asahi Comet 1984 Bedazzled 1999 Asahi Sunray 1984 Beer Belly Blues 2006 Aspen Gold 1986 Behemoth 1988 Athena 2005 Belinda 2003 Athletic Event 2008 Bell Bottom Blues 2004 Atlantis 2004 Belle of the Ball 1998 August Fire 2008 Belle Vernon Pride 2008 August Moon 1996 Bells of Edinborough 1993 Augustus 2003 Benedict Arnold 1996 Aunt Bea 2007 Benediction 2006 Aurora Borealis 1986 Bengee 1999 Austin Dickinson 1992 Bennie McRae 1989 Avalanche 2000 Bestman 2004 Avery Angel 2005 Betcher’s Blue 1986 Avocado 1998 Bethel Big Leaf 1979 Awakening Angel 2005 Bethlehem 2007 Awesome Illusion 2002 Betsy King 1986 Aztec Treasure 1987 Bette Comfry 2007 Azure Chalice 1996 Bette Davis Eyes 1987 Azure Cherub 2002 Betty 1983 Azure Frost 2006 Betty Darling 1989 Azure Mediterranean 1999 Bewitched 2001 Azure Snow 1991 Beyond Measure 2001 Baby Blue Eyes 2006 Big and Blue 2000 Baby Boomer 2002 Big Bad John 2005 Baby Bunting 1982 Big Boy 1980 Bacchanal 1991 Big Daddy 1976 Backyard Monster 2007 Big Dipper 1995 Bacon and Eggs 2001 Big Hearted 1983 Ballerina 1982 Big John 1986 Balloons 1994 Big Mama 1976 Banana Boat 1991 Big Mamma’s House 2003 Banana Muffins 1996 Big Mo 1990 Banana Pudding 2005 Big Old Bob 2005 Big Pizza Pie 2001 Blazing Saddles 2000 Big Sam 1986 Blessings 1983 Big Shot 1992 Blissful 2004 Big Stuff 2008 Blizzard 2003 Big Top 2003 Blockbuster 2003 Big Zach 2002 Blondie 1982 Bigfoot 1998 Blood, Sweat and Tears 2000 Bigga Luigi 2002 Bloody Mary 1999 Biggie 2003 Blooming Fool 2002 Biggie’s Breeder 2004 Blu Dort 2008 Bilben Little Atlantis 1998 Blue Angel 1986 Bill and Eleanor 2001 Blue Arrow 1982 Bill Brincka 1988 Blue Baron 2005 Bill Dress’s Blue 1999 Blue Bayou 1987 Bill Modrak 2002 Blue Beauty 1986 Bingo 1993 Blue Beetle 2005 Birchwood Blue 1986 Blue Belle 1988 Birchwood Elegance 1986 Blue Belly 2006 Birchwood Gem 1989 Blue Berry Waffles 2008 Birchwood Gold 1986 Blue Betty Lou 1987 Birchwood Green 1986 Blue Blazes 1988 Birchwood Parky’s Blue 1986 Blue Blush 1988 Birchwood Parky’s Gold 1986 Blue Boy 1986 Birchwood Ruffled Queen 1986 Blue Buns 2007 Birds of Happiness 1999 Blue Cadet 1974 Birth of the Blues 2005 Blue Canoe 1999 Birthday Cake 2007 Blue Canopy 2000 Bitsy Blue 2000 Blue Chip 1997 Bitsy Gold 1985 Blue Clown 1996 Bitsy Green 1985 Blue Danube 1988 Bix Blues 2000 Blue Delight 1993 Bizarre 1986 Blue Diamond 1988 Black Beauty 1984 Blue Dimples 1988 Black Forest 2005 Blue Dome 1980 Black Hills 1983 Blue Dragon Wings 2002 Black Jack Chew 2005 Blue Eyes 1996 Black Pearl 2001 Blue Fan Dancer 1976 Blackfoot 1994 Blue Flame 2004 Blackjack 1990 Blue for You 1991 Blast Off 1995 Blue Freckles 2004 Blaue Ruh 2003 Blue Frost 1986 Blaue Venus 2003 Blue Genes 2007 Blaufink 2003 Blue Gown 1992 Blauglut 2003 Blue Haired Lady 2004 Blaugold 2003 Blue Hawaii 1999 Blaumeise 2003 Blue Heaven 1976 Blauspecht 2003 Blue Horizon 1985 Blaze of Glory 1999 Blue Ice 1987 Blazer 2005 Blue Jay 1987 Blue June 1987 Blythe Spirit 1990 Blue Lace 1977 Bob Koffler 2005 Blue Lady 1998 Bob Olson 1995 Blue Lagoon 1972 Bob Sanders 1998 Blue Lightning 2005 Bobbie Sue 1994 Blue Line 1987 Bocka 1999 Blue Maui 2006 Bodacious Blue 1999 Blue Max 1998 Bojangles 1999 Blue Mist 2003 Bold and Beautiful 2002 Blue Monday 1998 Bold Edger 1983 Blue Moon 1976 Bold One 1978 Blue Mouse Ears 2000 Bold Ribbons 1976 Blue Mouse Ears Supreme 2007 Bold Ruffles 1975 Blue Music 2001 Bon Voyage 1980 Blue My Mind 2003 Bonanza 1997 Blue Ox 1999 Bonnie 1987 Blue Pearl 1994 Bonnie’s Bounty 2000 Blue Piecrust 1986 Boogie Blues 2005 Blue Plisse 1990 Boogie Woogie 1998 Blue Ridge Mountains 2001 Booka 1986 Blue River 1998 Boots and Saddles 1983 Blue Rock 1986 Border Bandit 1992 Blue Saucers 1977 Border Favourite 2004 Blue Shadows 1980 Borsch 1 1999 Blue Skies 1988 Borsch 4 2005 Blue Skirt 1970 Borwick Beauty 1988 Blue Sophistication 2003 Bottom Line 2003 Blue Spanish Eyes 2002 Boundary Waters 1999 Blue Splendor 2002 Bountiful 1971 Blue Star 1998 Bows and Arrows 2002 Blue Suede Shoes 2001 Brandi Nicole 2002 Blue Tiers 1977 Brandywine 1993 Blue Troll 1973 Brass Horn 1999 Blue Umbrellas 1978 Brass Ring 2000 Blue Velvet 1976 Brave Amherst 1993 Blue Vision 1976 Brave Attempt 2007 Blue Wedgwood 1988 Bravo 1980 Blue Whirls 1978 Brazen Hussy 2000 Blue without You 2000 Bread Crumbs 2003 Bluebeard’s Castle 2003 Break Dance 2001 Blueberry Pancakes 2002 Breeder’s Choice 1987 Blueberry Patch 2001 Brenda’s Beauty 1992 Blueberry Tart 2005 Brenner Pass 1972 Bluebird 1985 Bressingham Blue 1984 Bluegrass Country 2001 Bridal Veil 2003 Blueper 2007 Bridegroom 1990 Blues in the Night 2004 Bridgeville 1999 Blushing Bride 2007 Brigadier 2003 Blütenspiel 2003 Brigham Blue 2002 Bright Eagle 1998 Candy Cane 1995 Bright Glow 1986 Candy Dish 2003 Brilliance 2001 Candy Hearts 1998 Brilliant Sunset 2005 Candy Striper 2000 Brim Cup 1986 Cantabi 2001 Broad Avenue Beauty 2008 Canterbury Tales 2002 Broad Ripple 1995 Capitol Dome 1980 Broadway Frances 1997 Capitol Hill 2005 Broken Hearted 2007 Captain Atom 1999 Brooke 1987 Captain Kirk 1999 Brooklynn’s Baby Doll 2007 Captain Teach 2001 Brookwood Blue 1991 Carder Blue 1986 Brother Bunyan 2002 Cardwell Yellow 1981 Brother Ronald 1988 Carefree 1971 Brother Stefan 1998 Carisa Nichole 2000 Bruce 2002 Carl 1991 Bruce’s Blue 1991 Carl A.
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