Katavasia of the Birth of the Theotokos Chanted instead of "It is Truly Right" on September 8th and on the Wednesday of Mid-Pentecost Plagal Fourth Mode adapted from Hourmouzios Hartophylax (1780-1840) the Music Reformer and Composer translation by Hieromonk Seraphim Dedes 80 ir - ƒgin - - - i - - - - - - - - ƒƒty____ ƒƒ is ƒa state___ _________ al - - - i - ƒen____ ƒto______ ƒmoth - - - - ers, and ƒƒchildƒ- Katavasia of the Birth of the Theotokos 369 - - - - - ƒƒbirth___ ƒƒƒis for - - eign_ƒƒƒƒto those__ÌÌ ƒwho are____________Ì vir - - - - - ƒgins. But ƒƒin ƒyou,______ ______ÌÌ The - ƒo - - ƒto - - ƒkos,___ ƒƒhave ƒƒboth of___Ì ƒthese_____ÌÌ been___ ac - - - ƒcom - ƒ-ƒ -ƒ -ƒ - ƒplished. And ƒƒthereƒ-ƒfore we of ev - - - ƒ'ry race__________ÌÌ ƒƒon______ ƒ__ ƒƒearth__ÌÌ un - ƒceas - ƒ- ƒing - ly__________ÌÌ ƒƒproƒ-ƒnoun ce________ÌÌ ƒƒyou__ÌÌ _______ blest._________Ì Katavasia of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross Chanted instead of "It is Truly Right" on September 14th Plagal Fourth Mode adapted from Hourmouzios Hartophylax (1780-1840) translation by Hieromonk Seraphim Dedes 80 ƒƒhe - ƒƒo - ƒto - - - kos,__Ì ƒƒyou are____ mys - - - - - ƒtic - al____ ƒpar - - - - - - - a - - - - - ƒƒdise, ƒfor ƒwith - ƒout ƒhusƒ-ƒband - - ƒry you_________̃have ƒƒblos - - - - - ƒsomed__________Ì __ƒƒChrist, ƒby____ƒWhom____ the__ ƒver - ƒy____ ƒlife - bear - ƒƒing tree_______ _________ ƒƒof________ƒthe________Ì ƒCross ƒin thē ƒƒearth ƒƒhas_____________ÌÌ ƒbeen_ __ ƒƒplant - - - ƒƒed.___Ì As ƒƒit________Ì is___ now ƒex - - alt - - - Katavasia of the Elevation of the Cross 371 ed, we a - - -ƒƒdore______ ______Ì Him_____̃there - - - by ƒƒand______ ƒyou__________ ƒwe ƒmag - - - - -ƒƒni - - - - fy.___________Ì Q: Many times, when I chant, I feel myself being puffed up. When this happens, how should I confront the thoughts? A: When the heart becomes puffed up during psalmody, remember that it is written: “Let not them who embitter Him be exalted in themselves.” (Ps. 65:7) Embittering Him is when we sing without understanding (Ps. 47.7) and without the fear of God. If you examine yourself to see if your thoughts are wandering during psalmody, you will definitely find that they have been wandering and you are angering God. —Sts. Barsanuphius and John Katavasia of the Entrance of the Theotokos Chanted instead of "It is Truly Right" on November 21st Fourth Mode adapted from Hourmouzios Hartophylax (1780-1840) translation by Hieromonk Seraphim Dedes 80 ee - ƒing___ÌÌ how the Vir - gin__ÌÌ ƒƒen - - - ƒtered the_________̃ƒHo - - - - - ƒƒly___ ƒof ƒHo - ƒƒlies___̃th ē An - - ƒgels _______________ were struck with ƒa - maze-ment be - hold - - - - - ƒing ƒƒthē___Ì ƒen - - try ƒof_______ ƒthē ƒƒall - - - ƒpure______ ____Ì one__ÌÌ N ƒow let ƒno unƒ-ƒin - - i - - - - ƒti - ƒƒa - - - ƒted____Ì hand_ __ ƒap - ƒƒproach_ ÌÌ the liv - ing ƒArk___Ì ƒƒof______Ì̃God ƒto_____ _ touch_________Ì Katavasia of the Entrance of the Theotokos 373 ƒit.___ ƒRath - - - ƒer let be - - - liev - ƒers' lips sing__Ì out_ __ ƒin_______ÌÌ ex - ƒul - - - ƒta - - - - - tion__Ì thē ƒƒAn - - - ƒ- - gel's sal - - - - ƒu - ƒta - - - ƒtion ƒun - ƒceas - ƒ- ing - - ƒly____Ì ƒto the The - ƒo - to - kos______Ì ƒand cry_______________ out: ƒtru - - - - - ƒƒly do____ ƒyou___Ì ƒƒsur - - ƒƒpass______ all ƒcre - - ƒa - - - tion, O ƒspot - - ƒless__Ì ƒƒVir - - gin.______________Ì Just as the angels stand with great fear and chant their hymns to the Creator, likewise should we stand in psalmody. —St. Ephraim the Syrian Katavasia of the Nativity Chanted instead of "It is Truly Right" on December 25th First Mode adapted from Athanasios Karamanis (1911- ) translation by Hieromonk Seraphim Dedes 80 _______ my ƒsoul,______ÌÌ ƒƒmag - - - ni - - - - ƒƒfy______ __ her___Ì ƒwho ƒis_______ ƒgreat - - - er_____________ ______Ì ƒin________ÌÌ hon - ƒ- or________Ì and__ÌÌ in___ glo - - - - - - - - ry__Ì̃ƒthan thē ar - - - - - - - - - mies__ of________ÌÌ heav - - - - en. I see______ here_____________Ì ƒƒa_________ strange_________ and Katavasia of the Nativity 375 ƒƒpar - - a - - ƒdox - - ƒƒic - ƒƒal____________ mys - - 'try._____ÌÌ ƒFor, ƒbe - ƒ- hold,____Ì ƒthe__ _______ ƒgrot - - ƒƒto_________ is ƒheav - - - - - - - ƒƒen; che - ru - - - - - ƒbic____ƒth rone____ÌÌ is___Ì the__ÌÌ Vir - - - - gin;_____ÌÌ ƒthe man - - ƒger_____________ÌÌÌ ƒƒa___Ì grand__________ÌÌ space in which__________ ____̃ Christ ƒour___Ì ƒƒGod,_____̃ the un - - ƒcon - - tain - - ƒa - - ble_____ÌÌ re - - clined________________ ƒas______ÌÌ ƒa babe;___ ____̃ƒWhom_̃ƒin___Ì ƒex - ƒtol - - - - ƒƒling___ ƒƒdo______ÌÌ we___Ì ƒmag - - - - - ni - - - - ƒ ƒfy._____________ÌÌ Katavasia of the Nativity from the Iambic Canon Chanted instead of "It is Truly Right" on December 26th First Mode adapted from Athanasios Karamanis (1911- ) translation by Hieromonk Seraphim Dedes 80 ƒa - - gi ƒand__________________Ì Shep - - - herds_ÌÌ ƒƒcame_ÌÌ ƒto______ÌÌ worƒƒ-ƒƒship________Ì̃ƒthe___________̃Mes - - ƒsi - - - ƒah________ ƒWho ƒƒwas ƒborn___ ƒƒin__ÌÌ ƒBeth - - ƒle - - - ƒhem,______ÌÌ ƒthe cit - - - - - ƒƒy_______ ƒof__________ Da - - - -ƒƒƒvid. E as - - ƒƒi - er_______Ì ƒfor_________ ƒƒus______________Ì is____Ì from_ Katavasia of the Nativity (Iambic Canon) 377 __ ƒfear___________________ ƒƒto___Ì̃love____ÌÌ ƒƒsi - - - - - ƒƒlence, free ƒƒof an - y___Ì ƒper - - - il_____Ì as_______________Ì ƒit_______ ƒƒis,___ ƒO_ _______Ì ƒVir - - - - ƒƒgin, where - ƒas ƒto ƒƒweave____________________ÌÌ ƒstir - - - - - ƒring_____ _____ hymns____Ì ƒƒout______Ì ƒof_________ÌÌlong - - - - - - - ing________Ì ƒin ƒearn - - - - - - -ƒƒest______ÌÌ is_Ì _______Ì ƒdif - fi - - - - cult;_____Ì there - - ƒƒfore,_____ ƒO_________ ƒMoth - - - - - ƒƒer, ƒgive___________________Ì us____________̃strength________ÌÌ ƒto_Ì _____ match_____________________________________________Ì our___ÌÌ ƒƒvo - - ƒli - - - - - - - - -ƒƒtion.__ÌÌ we________ ƒpray_____________Ì you._ ___________Ì Katavasia of Theophany Chanted instead of "It is Truly Right" on January 6th Second Mode adapted from Hourmouzios Hartophylax (1780-1840) translation by Hieromonk Seraphim Dedes 80 et ƒmy ƒƒsoul mag - ƒni - fy ƒher____ _______________ who_ __Ì is________ great - ƒer ƒin___ÌÌ ƒhon - - ƒor than_ÌÌ ƒƒthē___Ì ƒar - - ƒƒmies______ ƒof__________ heav - - - - - ƒƒen. E ƒƒv - 'ry tongue____ ƒis__________________ƒdumb - ƒ found - - - - ƒƒed ƒƒto ex - - - ƒƒtol ƒƒas______ÌÌ ƒis_________ÌÌ ƒwor - - - - - thy Katavasia of Theophany 379 ƒa ƒsu - per - mun - - dane___ ƒmind___ ƒƒis ƒdiz - zied___Ì praisƒ-ƒing__ÌÌ ƒyou_ __________ ƒwith__Ì ƒhymns______Ì ƒƒO____Ì ƒƒThe - - - ƒo - to - - - - - kos. None-ƒtheƒ- less ƒac - ƒcept our________ ƒƒfaith,___ ƒsince__________Ì ƒƒyou ƒƒare full____________ÌÌ of ƒgood - - - - ƒƒness, for ƒƒyou_____ÌÌ ƒƒƒhave__ ƒseen our ƒlong - - - - - ƒing___ÌÌ in - ƒspir - - - ed_________Ì ƒby__ ____________ÌÌ God. ƒLa - ƒƒdy as ƒthe ƒpro - ƒtec - ƒƒtress___ ƒƒof____Ì Chris - - - tians, ƒƒyou______ ƒdo we ƒmag - - ƒni - - - - ƒfy._____________________ __________________ _______________Ì Bis orat qui cantat. He who chants prays twice. Katavasia of Theophany from the Iambic Canon Chanted instead of "It is Truly Right" on January 7th Plagal Second Mode adapted from Hourmouzios Hartophylax (1780-1840) translation by Hieromonk Seraphim Dedes 80 ƒmy soul___Ì mag - ƒni - - - ƒƒfy_______ ƒƒthē ƒƒev - - - ƒ- ƒer - vir - gin Maid,ƒƒwho__ƒfrom ƒƒthe curse________Ì ƒhath_____Ì re - deemed_ _________Ì us. O ______ÌÌ ƒall__________ ƒspot - - ƒless___Ì Bride,__ƒƒsurƒ-ƒpass - - ƒƒing com - - - - ƒpre - - hen - - - - - - ƒsion___ ƒare______Ì ƒƒthe___Ì won - ƒƒ- Katavasia of Theophany (Iambic Canon) 381 ƒƒders___________ ƒƒof____________Ì ƒyour__̃child - - ƒƒbirth, ƒbless - - - ƒed_Ì _____ ƒMoth - - - - - - -ƒer! ƒThrough you ƒob -ƒƒtain - - - - ƒing______Ì _________________ ƒƒcom - ƒpre - ƒƒhen - ƒsive_______Ì sal - ƒƒva - - - - - - ƒtion,_ __ ƒƒwe bring_______ ƒyou__Ì ƒa gift in ƒstrik - ƒing__Ì ƒup_________ ƒthis___ÌÌ __ƒƒwor - - thy__________ÌÌ hymn ƒƒof______ÌÌ grat - - - - i - - ƒƒtude________ ƒƒto____ ƒyou___Ì ƒƒour__Ì Ben - - e - - - - - ƒƒfac - - - - tress_Ì __________ Katavasia of the Meeting in the Temple Chanted instead of "It is Truly Right" on February 2nd Third Mode adapted from Athanasios Karamanis (1911- ) translation by Hieromonk Seraphim Dedes 80 ƒhe - ƒo - ƒƒto - - - - - kos, ƒas__________________ ƒthe____ hope____________ ƒƒof______ÌÌ ƒus ƒƒChris - - - - ƒtia ns, one________ÌÌ and__Ì ƒƒall, ƒGuard and shel - - - - - - ter ƒand________________Ì ƒƒpro - - ƒ ƒtect____________ÌÌ ƒthose_____Ì ƒwho ƒput ______________Ì their ƒhope________ÌÌ ƒin_____ ƒyou. Katavasia of the Meeting in the Temple 383 O be - ƒƒliev - ƒ- ƒers,ƒƒcome_
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