References and Notes 9. We believe the 1800 magnetic-dipole reflec- Colin, and K. L. Chan (Ames Research tions that we report to be exactly analogous Center) for lending the south polar records 1. G. L. Nelms et al., Can. J. Res. 44, 1419 with the 1800 resonant electric-dipole plasma of (1966). Alouette II; D. Stork (University of reflections routinely observed from the iono- California, Los Angeles) for use of film- 2. With the magnetic-dipole moment A of about sphere by ground-based stations. measuring equipment; and M. Mizushima 10- 0 erg/gauss, we expect approximate equal- 10. Work aided by NASA grant 237-62, con- (University of Colorado) for discussions of ity of the concentrations, of a particular tract 249-62. We thank G. L. Nelms, T. R. the of molecular species, with dipoles parallel and antiparallel magnetic properties oxygen. Hartz (both of the Canadian Defense Re- * Aided by USAF Chemical Directorate grant to the local magnetic field, both equalling search Telecommunications Establishment), and AF-AFOSR-245-65. N/2-half the total concentration. For the W. Calvert (U.S. National Bureau of Stand- particles indicated by the Alouette signal, the ards) for advice and information regarding t Supported by AEC contract AT (11-1)-1537. probability of reemission, equal to the prob- the Alouiette instrument; C. Sonett, L. 16 May 1967 M ability of absorption, in terms of the Einstein coefficient for stimulated emission, is W [27r(A2/3)/h2c](dI/dv) = 2 X 10' (dI/dv) sec' where dI/dv is the energy flux from the Geostrophic Transport Through the Drake Passage sounder-transmitter per unit frequency in- terval. The average radiated power, 300 watts, Abstract. Geostrophic transport is spread over a bandwidth of about 30 kcs. velocity and of water in the Drake Passage If one neglects absorption between the satel- relative to a newly defined zero reference layer indicate that the circumpolar lite and a point at distance R, the energy flux at R is current is basically north of 59°S, with its axis north 57°S, and that the total volume transport exceeds 200 X 106 cubic meters per second. The calculated geo- dl/dv = 10a/47rR' [erg/cm2 sec (cy/sec)] strophic velocities are consistent with results of descriptive water-structure studies. We neglect the angular dependence and as- sume that the power reflected by a popula- tion of N magnetic dipoles per cubic centi- Estimates of the total volume trans- bottom current. This calculation does meter, given by port through the Drake Passage vary not agree with the descriptive analysis P(R) = W (N/2) hv= from 0 (1) to 165 X 106 m3/sec (2). of the hydrographic data which indi- 0.5 X 109 (N/2) hIv/47r R2 (erg/cm3 sec) The uncertainty arises from a lack of cates that the bottom flow of the north- is radiated isotropically. It is assumed that direct current measurements and an in- ern Drake Passage is rapid and toward the radiated power density is approximately constant over the line width of the effective ability to define a satisfactory refer- the east, and that no zero reference radicals. The intensity of the signal arriving ence layer. The reference layer is layer exists within the water column at the satellite at time t, measured from the time at which the 100-Asec transmitter pulse needed to convert relative geostrophic of the northern Drake Passage (4, 8). begins, is given by velocities into absolute values. For this The hydrographic stations for which purpose, the level of no motion or the geostrophic calculations were perform- S(t) = [P(R)/47r R2] dV (erg/cm2 sec) zero reference layer is generally used. ed are plotted in Fig. 1. The calcu- on December 27, 2009 It can be found by various methods lated velocities are perpendicular to the where the integral is taken over the volume of origin of reemitted radiation reaching (3). the satellite at time t. This volume is a In general, velocity decreases with spherical shell centered on the satellite. For a pulse of 100 ,sec, the inner surface of the depth; therefore, any deep isobaric shell has radius Ro = c(t - 100)/2, and the surface would suffice as a zero refer- outer surface has radius R2 = ct/2, where I is measured in microseconds. By integration ence layer for the determination of sur- over the spherical angular coordinates and tise of v = 106 cy/sec, it follows that face currents. However, the depth of the zero reference layer becomes criti- IR2 S(t)=J PdR= cal for calculations of deep currents and total volume transport. Table 1 summarizes the past esti- 1.5 10 13NJ/ dR/R2 J1 mates of the total volume transport through the Drake Passage. The trans- If the signal is to be detected at the satellite, S(t) must be greater than the threshold of port values vary with changes of the the receiver, that is, S(t) - 3 X 10-15 erg/ cm2 sec. Furthermore the signal must be at reference layer, even though, in many Downloaded from least 100-Asec long, that is, t = 202 Asec. cases, the same hydrographic data are For the minimum value of detectable signal, therefore, used. Fig. 1. Hydrographic stations used in geo- strophic calculations. fRa2 The zero reference layer in the J dR/R2=6x 107and southern Drake Passage (4) is used to determine the mean density of over- N 3 * 10' cm- lying water. The reference layer may a el co I aAO 0AO, *,&f*00&* 3. L. Marshall and W. F. Libby, Nature 214, 126 (1967). then be extended northward by use of 4. See, for example, D. J. E. Ingram, Free the equivalent-barotropic assumption 2000 -SONIC DEPTH AND REFERENCE LEVEL _/ Radicals (Butterworths, London, 1958), pp. AT HYDROGRAPHIC STATION /\ / 218-22; J. Sheridan, Ann. Rept. Progr. Chem. (5). This assumption has yielded mean- Chem. Soc. London 44, 7 (1957); ingful results in stratified water (5) and ibid. 60, 160 (1963). `4000 - _ - R- ZERO 5. C. Moore, U.S. Nat. Bur. Std. Circular 467; may be of use in water of a homo- F-NEAF SCHEMATIC BOTTOM / IZED ZERO L. Wiese, M. W. Smith, B. M. Glennon, PROFILE -/ REFERENCE LAYER "Atomic transition probabilities," in NSRDS- geneous nature such as that found in NBS 4, vol. 1. the Antarctic Ocean. The assumption 2-6000 _Z 6. R. Beringer and J. G. Castle, Phys. Rev. 78, (Li L ~~~/~ aOCR was applied to the Drake Passage by C] 04 * ELTANIN 581 (1950); R. Beringer, E. B. Rawson, A. 4 ^A DISCOVERY F. Henry, ibid. 94, 343 (1954); C. C. Lin Ostapoff (1, 6); however, the initial 8000 // * WILLIAM SCORESBY and M. Mizushima, ibid. 100, 1726 (1955); H. E. Radford, ibid. 122, 114 (1961). zero reference layer was found by ex- 7. Ne III, IV, and V also show the same Lande trapolation of Defant's Atlantic Ocean 1051ACI g values, but the abundance of neon in 560S 57T 58° 590 60 61' Earth's atmosphere is marginally small for reference layer (7) into the Drake Pas- LATITUDE detection with this receiver. 8. R. W. Zimmerer, thesis, University of Colo- sage. Ostapoff's resulting velocities Fig. 2. Depth of zero reference layer in rado (1960). show a westward-flowing deep and the Drake Passage. 1732 _t~~~~~~~~/SCIENCE, VOL. 156 /0 indicated line; therefore, they represent Table 1. Estimates of the volume transport through the Drake Passage by various authors. the northeast component of the total Total geostrophic velocity. Based on the po- Reference Method volume Author Data Season layer of finding transport tential relationship between tempera- (in) reference 10" m3/ ture and salinity in the Drake Passage, sec) the zero reference layer at Eltanint 1933 Cloxves (12) Discover Summer 3500 DIS* 110 Station 91 is 2750 m (4, fig. 1). The (above mean density of the water column 3500 m) 1942 Sverdrup (13) Composite: above the zero reference layer is 27.77. mostly By use of a mean density of 27.77. Discoi ery Com- 30(00 DIS 90 the depth of the zero reference layer and Williamz posite was found for all stations shown in Fig. Scoreesb! 1959 Kort (2) Ob Winter 3000 DIS 134 1. Figure 2 is a plot of the depth of the Bottom 165 average zero reference layer. The ref- 1960 Ostapoff (1) Discoveryi Summer Variable Defant's method with 0 erence layer descends from a minimum equivalent-baro- of 1800 m in the south to over 9000 mn tropic assumption 1961 Ostapoff (6) DiscovecrY SuLmmer V'ariable Same as above 0 in the northern Drake Passage. The 2000 DIS 33 depth of the zero reference layer prob- 3000 DIS 85 ably has a time variation. The dashed Oh WN inter Variable Defant's method with 9 equivalent-baro- line shown in Fig. 2 represents an tropic assumption average condition. Extrapolation be- 2000 DIS 34 low the sea floor was necessary to cal- .000 DIS 86 cLIlate velocities relative to this refer- 1962 Xesk-in (10) Composite SLumminier 3noo DIS 150 Winteri 0 I 123 ence layer. Since the water is fairly 1965 Vorob'yev and Composite Summer Variable Defant's method 120 homogeneous in the Antarctic Ocean Gindysh (14) Winter Variable Defant's method 91 and there is only slight attenuation of 1967 Gordon (15) Oh WNinter Variable T/St relation, with 218 currents with depth (8), extrapolation equivalent-baro- techniquLes are probably valid. tropic assumption There are four sets of data: (i) Oh DIS. deep isobaric surfaces. T S.
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