, j Inside This Issue -Fall Course Critique Supplement -Final Board of Directors Feature (page 2) , -Review of All The PreSident's Men ;' (page 7) I' ,( -Thompson Finds Summer Em­ ployment (page 10) 56th Year, No. 23 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Friday, April 9, 1976 CSARSeek Fitzgerald Is Finalist To Take Over 'GTB License In Presidential Search by John Clyde The Committee to Save Alterna­ tive Radio (CSAR) will fight "the by Wayne Saitta usurpation of WGTB for parochial The Rev. Thomas R. Fitzgerald, SJ, President of Fairfield University is one interests by the University adminis­ of the three candidates for University President that the Presidential .Search tration for as long .as it takes in the Committee will submit to the Board of Directors next week, a source close to Federal Communications Commis­ the Committee revealed. sion", by applying for the WGTB Chairman of the Search Committee Fr. Michael Walsh, SJ, would neither confirm nor deny Fitzgerald's selection. The Board will meet this Wednesday wavelength, according to former station manager Ken Sleeman. to choose from among the three candidates, who will be recommended unranked. Sleeman commented that CSAR is one of the most likely candidates. Fitzgerald said in a telephone willing to negotiate with the Univer· Fitzgerald has been president at interview yesterday, "I'm not going sity Administration. However, he Fairfield since the Fall of 1973. added that he is pessimistic that such to deny it. It's common knowledge At Fairfield, Fitzgerald is credited up here on this campus." When asked negotiations would prove fruitful, with improving many of the univer­ if he would assume the presidency at and that the "only real choice is sity's financial problems and Georgetown if chosen by the Board through the FCC". balancing its budget. A Fairfield of Directors Fitzgerald replied, "As A l?pokesman for the Federal student described the Silver Fox as an things stand now, yes. I like Fairfield Communications Commission re­ administrator "who likes to have his ported that no applications have very very much and Georgetown has own way." been filed, as of yet, opposing the always been special to me." . When Fitzgerald came to George­ University's license for the wave­ Fitzgerald, who was known as town in 1964, as Dean of the length. "The Silver Fox" during his tenure at College, he was influential in forming Georgetown as Dean of the College The Review Board for WGTB the Faculty Senate. 1970 brought and later the University's Academic Search Committee Chairman came under attack by Sleeman for his greatest controversy at George­ Vice President, was widely considered conducting its hearings behind closed town. As Academic Vice President, Father Michael J. Walsh doors, to be manipulated with no Fitzgerald was forced to deal with mittee (consisting of three members chance for rebuttal. the problem of ROTC accredidation. of the Board of Directors, as well as The Catholic University station After concluding an ROTC agree­ representatives of the faculty and (WCAU) h'ad considered applying for ment, Fitzgerald came under attack students) has been meeting since last an FM wavelength, to provide a Gage Proposes Plan from certain faculty and students term establishing its own guidelines stronger and clearer broadcast. (including the Student Senate) for and interviewing candidates. WCAU broadcast on an AM frequen­ overstepping his authority. Fitzgerald The Board of Directors can either cy which reaches only a few dorms then promised to resign if one-fourth choose one of these three or return on the campus. of the Board of Directors did not all to the Search Committee. Likeli­ WCA U reportedly considered the To ·Ease Parking Ban support his decision. He was upheld. hood of the latter is considered to be WGTB frequency in particular, but The Presidential Search Com· slight, however. Catholic's FM bid was halted by their by Greg Kitsock Prospect Streets. The parking ban Committee chairman again D<"t station members in recent weeks. Student Body President Bob Gage was approved by the DC City week. A spokesman forWCAU said that is pushing a compromise on the Council Transportation Committee The stUdent body preside d said the station is entirely operated by proposed Georgetown non-residential last Thursday, and will go before the he didn't think he. would get the SG Nominates Young Alumni students and added that WGTB's parking ban, which would allow Council within a month. entire area initially requested. "How­ problems may have been partially students to park in certain blocks Gage added that chairman of the ever, I think we can get a large chunk caused by non-student control. Slee­ near the University. Georgetown Citizens Transportation of it and I'm goin~ to make sure we To University Board of Directors man, however, claimed that "the If Gage's proposal is approved, Committee John Wagley has been get enough space so everyone who University starved WGTB" and added commuters still will be able to park receptive to his proposal, and that he needs a parking spot will have one," by Wayne Sailla Gage stated that his purpose was Continued on page 3 in the area from 37th to P to 34th to would meet with the Transportation he stressed. Student Body President Bob to "get ayoung alumnus on the board. Gage added that if the compro­ Gage last week proposed six nomi· Someone involved with student con­ mise fails, he would oppose parking nees (five of them young George· cerns who would have closer contact restrictions on legal grounds. He town Alumni) to fill vacant spots with the whole campus-a variation noted that a similar parking ban was on the University's Board of Direc­ in perspective." declared unconstitutional in the case tors. Gage submitted the list to Gage admitted that he sees prob­ of Whiseman u. The State of Ohio, University President Fr. Henle, who lems in getting these nominees and added that Mayor Washington will in turn propose nominees to the approved and that he doesn't "have a violated procedure by failing to pass members of the University's Corpora­ great deal of hope of these guys the proposed restrictions from his tion who actually choose new board 'getting on the board." desk to the City Council within the members. The six names submitted alloted thirty days. were: Of the group, only one, Clifford Gage also said he might argue that • James P. Clark (C '70), first Alexander, is not a young alumnus. .: campus students are residents of president of the Unified Student Gage said that he proposed Alexan­ der, who ran for Mayor of DC, ~ Georgetown and therefore should be Government, and presently an attor­ o eligible for parking stickers under the ney in Los Angeles. because "he (Alexander) could im· restrictions. • Jack Leslie (SFS '76), presently prove community relations. He < would be like Pat Harris and bridge ~ "I'd like to prove we can work a student, ex·president of the stUdent '" out a program which accomplishes body and student representative on the gap between the community and the University," the president con­ ~ their aims and ours, to get enough the Presidential Search Committee. tinued. ~ parking space for students," Gage • Rich Burke (SBA '75), aid to ~ said. Senator Edward Kennedy of Massa­ The nominations were not sub­ He added that he agreed with the chusetts, ex-resident assistant and mitted to the student senate as committed aims of approving the ex-student government comptroller. provided for by the constitution. ban: to decrease congestion and air • Gary Lanzara (GULe '76), Instead, Gage charged ex·senator Ed pollution. However, he said that it ex-president pro-tempore of the Finneran (SBA '75) with the task of would be impossible for commuting student senate and acting vice­ drawing up a suitable list of names. GU-GW Food Groups students to move to mass transit by president of the student body. Gage claimed that he was given next year. Area bus lines operate on • Constance Casey O'Donnell only three days to come up with a list a 9 to 5 schedule which is incon­ (SLL '70). of names and therefore did not have venient for students, Gage said. • Clifford Alexander ( GULC time to gring the matter before the The student body president said '60), active in district affairs, ran for Senate. There has been no objection Form Macke Coalition he would prefer to settle the issue Mayor of Washington, DC in the raised by any senators over Gage's out of court. last election. action. by Mark McAdams area schools serviced by Macke, to rebidding Macke's contract and pian Georgetown and George Washing­ participate. to work together in evaluating their ton food committee chairmen, Mark Dunton said, "It's hard to fight respective bids. Even if Macke is not Jarmie and Drew Dunton, have Macke on your own. To make sure retained by both schools, Jarmie and formed a coalition to compare food that we're not getting screwed by Dunton say th~y will keep the Law School Students specifications and have united to deal them we have to know what the coalition to keep pressure on all the with the Macke Corporation. They other schools are getting." food services. also plan to ask American and Both George Washington and Jarmie said, "Just the idea of Catholic Universities, the two other Georgetown are in the process of students working together will blast them into serving students the kinds Balk Over SES Cards of things we want." by Greg Kitsock students to pick up tickets for other become a real headache for the Catholic University Student Gov­ Claiming that first year law students at the SEC office, even people involved because of the Student Development ernment President and Food Com­ students are misled into paying for when holding several ID and SES hassles with the SEC." mittee member Mike Hall said, entertainment they never receive, the cards.
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