Congregation A Traditional, Egalitarian, and Participatory Conservative Synagogue ADAR/NISAN/IYARO 5770rZarua NEWSLETTER/VOLUME 22:3 MARCH/APRIL 2010 We Are But of Yesterday: Yosef Yerushalmi on Jewish History, Memory and Meaning An Adult Education Course on Four Sundays Between Pesah and Shavuot by Marc Ashley ongregant Marc Ashley will transmission of our tradition. rigorously dissected but not necessarily again be offering a course Professor Yerushalmi, who passed preserved for communal memory. How did exploring pivotal issues in away only a few months ago, was a leading biblical and rabbinic texts ascribe meaning classical Jewish thought on figure of 20th-century Jewish intellectual to history? Through modern historical inves- Cfour Sundays between Pesah life and a mentor at Harvard and Columbia tigation, has the Passover story now lost and Shavuot. In “We Are But of Yesterday: to many of today’s foremost Jewish studies its capacity to inspire future generations of Yosef Yerushalmi on Jewish History, scholars. His erudite and elegant 1982 Jews? Can a dispassionate historical per- Memory and Meaning,” we will pay tribute book, Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish spective nurture a vibrant religious Jewish to the seminal ideas of the late eminent Memory, addressed the clash between col- culture? In exploring these key questions Jewish historian Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi. lective memory, in which meaning is about history, memory and meaning, we By focusing on themes reflected in attached to historical events through reli- will evaluate Prof. Yerushalmi’s lament that Professor Yerushalmi’s work, we will inves- gious rituals and discourse, and modern the modern historian’s craft has indeed tigate how Jews have traditionally imbued historical study, in which the past is scruti- become the faith of the fallen Jew. history with meaning through vehicles of nized but not revered. From his study of Classes will meet in the synagogue collective memory, and how those tradi- conversos following the Spanish Inquisition library on April 11, April 18, April 25, and tional methods of remembering and under- to his assessment of Freud’s Jewishness, May 2 at 10:00 a.m. All Congregants are standing the past have come under Prof. Yerushalmi’s wide-ranging scholarship welcome to attend, and no prior knowledge assault in the modern period. Jews have investigated the processes that help con- of any kind is required. Please join us for always been absorbed by their history— stitute Jewish identity and group memory stimulating discussions of these crucial thereby fulfilling the biblical imperative to over time. historical and religious issues in contem- “remember!”—but what we choose to We will discuss how those traditional porary Jewish life. To register, please remember and how we preserve our mem- processes have been disrupted in modern contact the synagogue at 212-452-2310, ories are critical to the future successful times, as the meaning of past events is extension 39, or at www.orzarua.org. Interfaith Special on SIRIUS XM Radio. Book Signing. Rabbi Harlan J. Wechsler co-hosted a Writer, editor, unique dialogue with the Archbishop of and OZ Congre- New York, Timothy Dolan, on SIRIUS XM gant Norman Satellite Radio on Sunday, December 20. Podhoretz will The two religious leaders shared a spirited be discussing discussion on faith and the holidays in and signing today’s world, including the importance his new book, of nurturing tradition in an increasingly Why are Jews secularized society. Rabbi Wechsler and Liberals?,at Archbishop Dolan each hosts a program of Synaplex 2010 his own on SIRIUS Radio. Rabbi Wechsler’s on Lag B’Omer, weekly program, “Rabbi Wechsler Teaches,” Sunday, May 2, airs Sundays on SIRIUS XM Stars, SIRIUS in the Or Zarua Sanctuary. Please see channel 102 and XM channel 155. page 3 for more information about this —AARON SHELDEN event and the Synaplex. 1 CONGREGATION OR ZARUA MARCH/APRIL 2010 What’s Nu at Or Zarua? Congregation by Harvey M. Brenner, M.S. Ed, FTA, Executive Director halom, and welcome to what I on the transmission of common bacteria OrZarua hope will be a semi-regular and viruses. These products are safe, A CONSERVATIVE SYNAGOGUE column whereby I can share effective and relatively inexpensive (as FOUNDED 1989 with you some of the items, well as easy to use). Just spray, rub your ideas, programs and issues I hands together and the air will dry the dis- 127 East 82nd Street S deal with on your behalf. infecting liquid in moments. New York, NY 10028 The short answer to the question in In our restrooms we have upgraded our phone: 212-452-2310 fax: 212-452-2103 my title is many things! hand soaps, dispensers, deodorants and www.orzarua.org Dina, Luisa, Anthony and I (essentially hygienic room-freshening sprays. They uni- your office and building staff) are putting formly utilize the same “orange blossom” DR. HARLAN J. WECHSLER, Rabbi into place many checks and balances that fragrance as our new “green” (environmen- ANDREW J. FRACKMAN, President will help us serve you better. We’re working tally friendly) cleaning supplies, making the HARVEY M. BRENNER, FTA, Executive Director with Jay Palmer, our webmaster, to improve entire building smell fresher and cleaner the appearance and functionality of our without the use of caustic chemicals or the ILANA BURGESS, Youth Education Director website. Our database management soft- production of noxious odors. These newer CHARLES SPIELHOLZ, Newsletter Editor ware, Chaverware, has many new upgrades products are healthier for both you, our and enhancements that we are reviewing visitors, and for our staff, who utilize the so that we can maintain our records more products daily while cleaning the premises. easily and effectively, thereby enhancing Also, by switching to larger capacity toilet OZ Committee Chairs communication with you, our members. tissue rolls, we save money and produce ADMINISTRATION Alan Ilberman Our physical plant, now about eight less post-consumer packaging waste than years old, is constantly being monitored our former products, helping us become AESTHETICS Aaron Shelden and inspected so that we can provide a more environmentally responsible citizens. BOOK DISCUSSION Reed Schneider safe, clean, attractive environment for our Over the next few months, I’ll share BUILDING Diane Okrent members and guests to frequent. We’ve with you more developments in our opera- CEMETERY Aliza Kaplan replaced HVAC motors and blowers so that tions in the hopes that it will not only Mort Schwartz our units run quieter and more efficiently show you what we are doing to improve than the OEM ones originally installed. our operating standards at OZ, but help to HESED Stephanie Failla We’ve added hygienic “hand sanitizing inspire you to share your ideas with us as HEVRA KADISHA Vera Silver stations” to the classrooms and social to how we can improve the membership Gerry Solomon hall that don’t require water yet cut down experience. HOUSE Janet Katz ISRAEL Aliza Kaplan LIBRARY Barry Feldman In this Issue MEMBERSHIP Michael Schwartz MINYAN Sheldon Adler “We Are But of Yesterday” Course ...........1 Weekday Minyan ...................................9 PROGRAMMING Sara Stone What’s Nu at Or Zarua?..........................2 Monthly Calendars ...............................10 PUBLIC RELATIONS Aaron Shelden Podhoretz on Why are Jews Liberal?........3 Book Discussions.................................12 PURIM SPIEL Arthur Rosenbloom Synaplex 2010 ......................................3 Davidson School Fellowships ................12 Bonnie Maslin Holocaust Memorial Service ...................4 Or Zarua Crafts Club ............................13 Tibor Feldman Student Siddur Ceremony.......................4 Or Zarua Newsletter Going Green..........13 Barbara Sassoon Hebrew School Calendar ........................4 Summer in the CIty..............................13 First Graders Interview Rabbi Wechsler ...5 Passover SCHOOL Betsy Dizengoff Family and Youth Activities.....................5 Guidelines.........................................14 TORAH/HAFTARAH Yaakov Shechter Join MERCAZ USA..................................6 Fast of the Firstborn ..........................14 WEBMASTER Jay Palmer Family and Friends Shabbat Dinner .........7 Congregational Second Seder .............15 JTS Party in the Garden..........................7 Omer Basics .....................................15 If you are interested in serving on a synagogue OZ Library News ....................................8 Schedule of Services .........................16 committee, please contact the office for the A Note from the Editor ..........................8 Meal Match/Hametz Forms ................17 committee chair’s email address. Or Zarua Cemetery ................................8 Or Zarua Community............................18 My Journey with AIPAC...........................9 March/April Checklist...........................20 2 WWW.ORZARUA.ORG MARCH/APRIL 2010 Eat! Play! Love! at Synaplex 2010 A cornucopia of events at Congregation Or Zarua on Lag B’Omer, Sunday, May 2 EAT… PLAY… LOVE… FOOD FOR THOUGHT PLAY, DANCE AND SING LOVE YOUR CHILDREN Norman Podhoretz discusses his with Miss Joanie in a program Noted child psychiatrist Dr. Sarah Klagsbrun new book, Why are Jews Liberal? for 5-year-olds and under. answers all your child-rearing questions. FOOD FOR THE SOUL PLAY WITH PUPPETS LOVE THAT MAGIC! Marc Ashley leads a discussion, Small Wonder Jewish Puppets An incredible magician entertains “We Are But of Yesterday: present their interactive
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