r4$$TXFFQT$PMMFHFPG"MCFNBSMF WELCOME UPQVU3FHJPOSFDPSEBUr1BDL SPRING IPMETPĒ&BTU#MBEFOr(BUPSTTIVU Te new season PVU7JLJOHTr8)4HJSMTTPDDFSUFBN arrived Sunday USJQT8FTU#SVOTXJDLr4UBMMJPOTGBMM at 7:21 p.m. Sports UP$BSPMJOB'PSFTUSee page 1-B. ThePublished News since 1896 every Monday and Tursday forReporter the County of Columbus and her people. Monday, March 21, 2011 Two arrested in December Farm Days Volume 114, Number 76 double killings Whiteville, North Carolina show attracts nTabor City-area resi- 50 Cents dents charged with two tractors, crowds counts each in deaths of Lee Otis Vereen and Je- By RAY WYCHE Inside Today rome Williams. Staff Writer The Southern Farm Days put on its dis- By BOB HIGH 4-A plays and demonstrations of how people r&TDBQFFDBVHIU Staff Writer lived and worked in former times, along with some old tractors and household equipment BU8IJUFWJMMF)JHI Two young residents of the Saturday and Sunday at Lake Waccamaw, and 4DIPPM Tabor City area have been ar- people flocked to see them. rested in the murders of two Cloudy and windy weather Sunday re- r QJMMT half-brothers on duced the total number of visitors to the third Dec. 12, 2010 in DPMMFDUFE4BUVSEBZ annual Southern Farm Days while a sunny the Ridgeland spring-like day Saturday saw brought out a Acres Trailer larger crowd. Park off Shug The third annual show at Boys and Girls N o r r i s Ro a d Homes Arena grounds bought out about 150 southeast of Ta- farm tractors, some of antique age, and the bor City. Vereen volunteers of the sponsoring agency, the Cape Jacques Ali Fear Farm Heritage Association, say that Vereen, 16, and Saturday’s crowd may have been the largest Canisha “Buck- one-day attendance in the show’s three-year wheat” LaPor- history. sha Bell, 19, are Event Coordinator Robert Mills said charged in the preliminary estimates based on ticket sales deaths of Lee show that about 3,500 people were present Otis Vereen, 42, Today’s Bell Saturday for the show that one visitor last and Jerome Wil- year described as “just like the state fair only American Profle liams, 39, during robberies of you don’t have to drive to Raleigh.” both victims. features “Where “Saturday may have been our biggest at- Bell was arrested by Horry tendance day ever,” he said. the Wild Tings County, S.C., authorities at The attendance last year of about 7,000 Atlantic Beach based on infor- Are.” Exploring was beyond the expectations of the sponsors. mation furnished by Sheriff ’s Some observers said attendance Saturday nine of the nation’s Detective Sgt. Jeff Nealey. this year was greater than in the 2010 event. Jacques Vereen, arrested in the Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist top animal attrac- Despite Sunday’s cloudy and windy Tabor City area by Nealey, has weather, the show was a success. A variety tions. a current address of Larry’s Southern Farm fun of food was available, and the bleachers in the See Two arrested, page 4-A Ricky Dow, 12, waves to friends from under a tent as his friend Ty- Boys and Girls Homes Arena offered seating DIDYOB? ler Hyatt, 13, helps to erect the canopy at the N.C. Boys and Girls in the shade for resting. Did you observe ... Homes Saturday during the Third Annual Southern Farm Days, It was part carnival, part educational, and County enjoyed by a record crowd under sunny skies. Hackney Deans and See Farm, page 8-A Will Canady singing jobless rate a duet of “Stand By shows large Me,” at Saturday’s Movie crew in downtown Area towns Cotillion dance?.... increase Maggie High having By RAY WYCHE Whiteville next week see changes her doubts about Staff Writer By FULLER ROYAL as 8 p.m. a “cradle of trust” Staff Writer In the letter, Ryan said that park- The number of Columbus i n g s p a c e in census waiting to catch her County residents seeking work lines will be It’s been years since movie crews By JEFFERSON WEAVER in January showed a big could be found on the streets of painted out Sunday?...Lepre- Staff Writer increase from the previous Whiteville. on the block chauns trashing Su- month, according to recent o f S o u t h That dry spell ends next week Several Columbus County communities figures released by the state M a d i s o n zanne Hall’s class- when the production of “Hick” comes saw surprising leaps in population, accord- Employment Security Com- b e t w e e n to town. ing to U.S. Census figures, while others saw room at Williams mission (ESC). P e c a n On Thursday, March 31, cast and declining numbers. The unemployment rate in and Com- Township School on crew will spend the day shooting The Latino population also continued to the county for January stood m e r c e scenes along the two-block section rise overall, as it did in the county and state St. Patrick’s Day, at 13.1 percent, up 0.9 percent streets. of South Madison Street from Pecan figures. from December 2010. “ O u r then leaving a box of Street to Main Street. The U.S. Census is performed every decade Statewide, the January rate m o v i e Earlier this month, Whiteville by the U.S. government to determine popula- Popcicles behind? ... was 10.5 percent, up 0.08 per- i s s e t granted a permit to Hick Picture tion and demographic changes. Census data cent over December 2010. Of in 1984 Productions to block traffic as needed is used for everything from drawing electoral the 100 counties in the state, and our and film using downtown businesses district lines to apportioning federal aid for the jobless rate increased in 99 director feels that this area County Deaths as its backdrop. highway projects. Problems with the 2000 counties, with only Washing- of South Madison is the perfect place Location manager Geoffrey Ryan census led officials to work harder for more ton County showing no change. to describe a town in Nebraska,” Whiteville delivered a letter last week to all of complete responses by using new reporting Unemployment in the Unit- he wrote in the letter. “Our scenes Sarah Lou Blackman the businesses affected by the loca- methods – which appeared to work in some ed States stood at 9.0 percent tion filming, which will start as early involve driving shots up and down Riegelwood as 7 a.m. and continue until as late See Movie, page 2-A Tomas Lewis Lane See Jobless, page 2-A See Census, page 2-A Nakina Christopher Morris Long Hallsboro Esther Mae Pride Byrd First county post ofce bicentennial is Friday Crusoe Island n‘Whitesville’ and ‘Columbus Court of the last postmark found by the N.C. Postal Lucille Godwin House’ were established on March 25, 1811. History Society. Special envelope By BOB HIGH A special bicentennial envelope – known to Staff Writer collectors as a “cover” – printed with informa- Index tion about the first post office will be postmarked Postal, city and county officials will mark the “March 25, 2011” by postal workers here. &EJUPSJBMT" 200th anniversary of the first post office in Co- The envelopes will be available for purchase 0CJUVBSJFT" lumbus County Friday at 11 a.m. with ceremonies as souvenirs through the Whiteville Chamber at the Whiteville Post Office. of Commerce. 4QPSUT# Whiteville Mayor Terry Mann At least 200 of the envelopes will be $SJNF" will speak about the history of postmarked here on the actual day -JGFTUZMFT" the first post office and the first of the anniversary, and can be at- postmaster, who was James tached to special printed sheets Bunberry White, the man who further explaining the significance founded Whiteville in the early of the event. weeks of 1811, two years and a In addition, by this week there few days after Columbus County was will be special metal logos – designed by established in 1808. Todd Collins of Collier’s Jewelers – noting the The post office was officially known as bicentennial of Whiteville, and these will also “Whitesville” and Columbus Court House until be available at the chamber offices. 1821, when the name was changed to “White- A printed copy of the Whiteville logo will ville.” However, the old name kept creeping into also be on the special envelopes that are being Information printed on special envelope to be post- use by postmasters until at least 1861 – the date See Post Office, page 2-A marked March 25, 2011. 2-A – The News Reporter, Monday, March 21, 2011 This week, on... Movie Continued from page 1-A south Madison, then dialogue Amazon.com says that as the car parks on the south- “Portes’s chilling debut tracks bound side of south Madison a 13-year-old Nebraska girl’s near Pecan Street. hard-going life on the road.” Traffic will be intermit- Leading the cast is 14-year- tently on the cross streets old Chloe Moretz as Luli Mc- March 21, 2011 while the crew films. Mullen. Moretz is a veteran Ryan asks that no vehicles of more than 30 films and Whiteville.com be parked on south Madison televison shows including Street after 10 p.m. on Wednes- “Desperate Housewives,” Reader day, March 30. Disney’s “Bolt,” “Diary of a Photos The crew will set up its base Whimpy Kid,” “30 Rock” and camp of equipment, catering “Big Momma’s House 2.” and crew in the Lewis Smith Other cast members include Shopping Center.
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