A Free Retriever's Digest "n interested Se ection of "rti! es # Ne%s Feeds Try-out Issue #3 June 15, 2017 Contents From the Editor (2) Se e!ted "rti! es # $e%s Feeds (3) May 15 – June 11, 2017 (week no.’s 20 – 23) "n In&it'tion to ' (e)'te (*) October Revolut!on 1917: $oes Marx!sm ea' to (tate )error aga!nst the ,ork!n* - ass. E+,ress- $e% .'m,h ets (/) • G.I.S.: 1"21 – )+e (tart of t+e -ounter0revo ut!on (") • Nelke: - ass (tru** es !n t+e 1.R.$. (1"25 – 1"3") 4resentat!on of 5o u&e 6. (") To,i!- 0'r+ 'nd the 1uestion o2 the St'te (11) Ma% 7e&8e (1927) or: Marx an' 9nge s versus Len!n’s ‘State and Revolution’ • 1!o*ra8+!ca ;ote# Jan <88e (13"0 – May 2, 1"35) (13) 1uoted- $'tion or C 'ss3 (14) =Aurora’ (I.-.).) on a choice the historical situation imposes upon the proletariat 1uoted- 5.ro et'rios Intern'!ion' ist's6 (17) 5ene>ue a# 4opu ar 4ower an' (oc!a !sm !n the 21st -entury – The Modern Clothes of Social !emocrac" Indi8esti) e- 9ine8'r so d 's :ine (1*) )+e (u88ort /or <nti0/asc!sm by a ?rou8 ay!ng c a!& to -ounc! -om&un!sm Last updated: 16. June 2017 2 " Free Retriever<s Digest From the Editor Friday, June 16, 2017 =>S> With the third try-out issue of this Digest, this project takes a somewhat more concrete shape. Following a large selection of publications over the past month, it presents an in&itation to a de%ate on the lessons of the October revolution 1917: (oes 0'r+ism e'd to St'te Terror '8'inst the :or?in8 C 'ss3 and a re$ated ontri%ution fro" the histori a$ )er"an-dut h o""unist $eft on the topi 0'r+ 'nd the 1uestion o2 the St'te. Two new pamphlets fro" very different groups in the German language area: one fro" the ‘Group of International -ocialists’ (G.I.S.) and one from the group ‘Social Liberation’ /-oziale Befreiung) respectively, are presented in the 34press section. The first deals #ith the lessons from the revolutionary #ave of 1917 5 1923, the second with the lass struggles in Germany in the post-war period from 1945 to the explosion of the East bloc in 1(9(. Two texts adopted in the :uoted section: the latest Aurora broadsheet of the I.C.T. and a position paper fro" a proletarian group in Venezuela 5 albeit treating different subjects 5 both highlight the actuality of deciding between proletarian internationalism or nationalism, and notably the latter’s ‘left’ varieties. Finally, a last-minute contribution has been included on the strange appearance of a group who claims adherence to council communism, yet in practice calls for an anti-fascist popular front. As I hope, this issue provides both useful and interesting reading. The Free Retrie&er hopes to be back with a new release by mid-August. Looking forward to receiving your appreciations and contributions; Intern'tion' ist 8reetin8s, @enry Cinn'mon " Free ;etrie&er<s (i8est ai"s at presenting pu%$i ations that are re$e&ant for dis ussions #ithin the interna- tiona$ist "i$ieu in genera$, and a"ong the groups and ir $es #ho $ai" adheren e to the internationa$ o""unist $eft/s0 in parti u$ar. ,t intends to pro&ide o""ents and offering a spa e for dis ussion as #e$$. ?eaders are in&ited to send in notifi ations of pu%$i ations %y e-"ai$, a%stra ts and re&ie#s of re$e&ant %oo!s, arti $es or te4ts, and presentations at dis ussion "eetings. <ontri%utions shou$d %e #ritten in 3ng$ish and "ay not e4 eed 2000 #ords. ,n $uded %i%$iographi a$ referen es and internet $in!s shou$d %e e4a t. ;rti $es and ontri%utions e4press the &ie#s of their authors. @u%$i ation is at the dis retion of the editor. *hey "ay %e free$y adopted if orre t$y Auoted #ith sour e referen e. ; notifi ation thereof is high$y appre i - ated. *he editor.s e-"ai$ address: afreeretrie&erBg"ai$. o". "n interested Selection o2 Arti! es & News Feeds 3 Se e!ted "rti! es # $e%s Feeds May 15 – June 11, 2017 (week no.’s 20 – 23) Cay 2017, #ee! no. 20 5 22 /18D08 5 61D080 ?'J;=;: L.,C@'-*E?3 D.EF3 ?G='LE*,'F -'<,;L3 ,F3H,-*;F*3 :E, C;-:E3 L3 1 *it$e: F;*,'F;L,-C3 IE?D3 -'LE2L3 D;F- L3 ?G),C3 ;--;--,F D.;--;D Language: Fren h @u%$ished on: Cay 18, 2017 ;uthor/s0: Cou&e"ent <o""unisteDIo$e!ti&nJ proti IapitK$u We% $in!: http:DD"ou&e"ent- o""uniste. o"Ddo u"entsDC<DLettersDL*C<1777L20F?&F.pdf -u%je t: War in -yria-,raA> ,"peria$ist onf$i ts and a$$ian es> the +Iurdish Auestion. <ategories: ;na$ysis> Letter Fo. 77, Cay 2017, 12 pp. Length /#ords0: 9,108 ?e"ar!s: 2 *it$e: ?e&o$ution und )egenre&o$ution Language: )er"an @u%$ished on: Cay 17, 2017 ;uthor/s0: Det$ef Mart"ann We% $in!: https:DD!os"opro$et.orgDdeDre&o$ution-und-gegenre&o$ution -u%je t: ' to%er ?e&o$ution, ?ussia 1(17, the +;grarian Auestion. <ategories: ;rti $e, ,ntrodu tion to a forth o"ing #or! %y the author, *he +Cateria$ien fNr einen neuen ;ntii"peria$is"us. proje t. Length /#ords0: 6,087 ?e"ar!s: ?e$ated to +2eyond the ;grarian :uestion. %y @. Jonas. Deser&es trans$ation 6 *it$e: OP<o"unis"o de onsejos o onsejis"oQ. 3$ perRodo de transi iSnO Language: -panish @u%$ished on: Cay 17, 2017 ;uthor/s0: ,nter-re& Foru" http:DDinter-re&.foroa ti&o. o"Df7-posi iona"ientos- riti as-re&o$u ionarias- We% $in!: de%ates 2oo! ?e&ie# %y F. <or&o of @h. 2ourrinet:T*he Dut h and )er"an <o""unist Left -u%je t: /1(00-690U - <oun i$ o""unis" or + oun i$is".Q /02D26D170 )er"an-Dut h <o""unist Left> 2oo! re&ie#> 3 ono"i s of the period of transi- <ategories: tion> Length /#ords0: 6,998 ?e"ar!s: *rans$ation 7 *it$e: La ritiAue "ar4iste de $.a$iVnation /10 Language: Fren h @u%$ished on: Cay 19, 2017 ;uthor/s0: ?o%in )ood-Fe$$o# /?)F0 https:DDdefensedu"ar4is"e.#ordpress. o"D2017D08D19D$a- ritiAue-"ar4iste-de- We% $in!: $a$ienation-1D -u%je t: ;$ienation> its ritiAue %y Car4 and %y +Car4ists.> ; tua$ity of Car4 <ategories: First part of an arti $e series. Length /#ords0: 697 ?e"ar!s: ; reader is free$y a&ai$a%$e for do#n$oad /2( pp. ;70 2 " Free Retriever<s Digest 8 *it$e: :ue aia" as refor"as Language: @ortuguese @u%$ished on: Cay 19, 2017 ;uthor/s0: @assa @a$a&ra We% $in!: http:DDpassapa$a&ra.infoD2017D08D111912 -u%je t: 2ra1i$> $ass strugg$e or anti- orruption "o&e"entQ <ategories: <o""uniAuV Length /#ords0: 1,701 ?e"ar!s: *rans$ation needed. 6 *it$e: Feue 2ros hNre: I$assen!W"pfe in der 2?D 1. *ei$: 1(78-1(9( Language: )er"an @u%$ished on: Cay 20, 2017 ;uthor/s0: Fe$!eD)ruppe -o1ia$e 2efreiung http:DDs#iderstand.%$ogsport.deD2017D08D20Dneue-%ros huere-!$assen!ae"pfe-in- We% $in!: der-%rd-1-tei$-1(78-1(9(D -u%je t: <$ass strugg$es in West-)er"any /part 10> 1(78 5 1(9( <ategories: @a"ph$et ;nnoun e"ent> *'< and a @roofreading paragraph. Length /#ords0: 8,661 ?e"ar!s: @roofreading: +*he #i$d at stri!e #a&e of 1(76.. @resentation on @age ( '!to%erre&o$utie 1(17: $eidt Car4is"e tot staatsterreur o&er de ar%ei- 7 *it$e: ders!$asseQ Language: Dut h @u%$ished on: Cay 26, 2017 ;uthor/s0: Fredo <or&oD;r%eidersste""en https:DDar%eidersste""en.#ordpress. o"D2017D08D26Do!to%erre&o$utie-1(17-$eidt- We% $in!: "ar4is"e-tot-staatsterreur-o&er-de-ar%eiders!$asseD -u%je t: Car4, Car4is"s and the -tate <ategories: 2$og arti $e> ;n in&itation to a de%ate Length /#ords0: 7(6 ?e"ar!s: *rans$ation in ‘An Invitation to a Debate’ on @age 9 9 *it$e: Can hester ;rena ;tro ity: ;n ,nitia$ ?esponse Language: 3ng$ish @u%$ished on: Cay 26, 2017 ;uthor/s0: <W'D?e&o$utionary @erspe ti&es http:DD###.$eft o".orgDenDarti $esD2017-08-26D"an hester-arena-atro ity-an- We% $in!: initia$-response -u%je t: EI: Can hester ;rena arnage> *erroris" &s. ;nti-terroris" <ategories: <o""uniAuV Length /#ords0: 1,072 ?e"ar!s: ( *it$e: 2$oeden #ij &oor $uie )rie!en die op hun 80-ste "et pensioen gaanQ Language: Dut h @u%$ished on: Cay 27, 2017 ;uthor/s0: Fredo <or&o https:DDar%eidersste""en.#ordpress. o"D2017D08D27D%$oeden-#ij-&oor-$uie- We% $in!: grie!en-die-op-hun-80ste-"et-pensioen-gaanD 3E> )ree e> ;tta !s on the pro$etariat and the so ia$ situation in )ree e> -u%je t: refutation of the nationa$ist Tspoi$ed )ree!sU a"paign <ategories: 2$og arti $e> Length /#ords0: 7,622 ?e"ar!s: ,ntegrates ontri%utions %y *@*), dFdF, CM, "n interested Selection o2 Arti! es & News Feeds 5 Can hester: un "assa re yniAue"ent uti$isV pour renfor er $.Xunion sa- 10 *it$e: rVeY entre pro$Vtariat et %ourgeoisie Language: Fren h @u%$ished on: Cay 28, 2017 ;uthor/s0: @<,ntDLe @ro$Vtaire We% $in!: http:DD###.p int.orgD -u%je t: EI: Can hester ;rena arnage> *erroris" &s.
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