ARISE OH YAH - Psalm 68 ................................................... 4 AWAKE JERUSALEM - Isaiah 52 ........................................ 9 BLESS YAHWEH OH MY SOUL - Psalm 103 ..................... 7 HEALING IN HIS WINGS - Malachi 4 ............................... 11 HOW LOVELY - Psalm 84 .................................................... 1 I WILL BLESS YAH - Psalm 34 ............................................ 6 IF I FORGET YOU JERUSALEM - Psalm 137 .................. 10 MY SHEPHERD - Psalm 23 .................................................. 8 OPEN THE GATES - Psalm 24 (capo 1) .............................. 3 SONG OF ASCENTS - Psalm 121 (capo 3) .......................... 2 YOUR LOVE ENDURES - Psalm 118 .................................. 5 HOW LOVELY - Psalm 84 G Bm MA, MA YEDIDOT (How lovely is) C G MISHKANOTECHA YHWH TSEVA’OT (Your dwelling place YHWH of Hosts) Bm NICHSEFA VE GAM KALTA NEFSHI (My soul longs and even faints) C Cm G LE’CHETZEROT YHWH, LE’CHETSEROT YHWH, (For the courts of YHWH, For the courts of YHWH) Bm LEBI OU BESARI YERANENU, (My heart and my flesh cries out) C Cm G EL EL CHI, EL EL CHI (For the Living Elohim, For the Living Elohim) Bm ASHREI YOSHVEH, YOSHVEH BETCHA (Blessed are those who dwell. who dwell in your house) C OD YALELUCHA (They’ll still be praising you) G OD YALELUCHA D OD YALELUCHA Am OD YALELUCHA Gm D OH, FOR JUST ONE DAY, ONE DAY IN YOUR HOUSE F D Dsus4 D IS BETTER THAN A THOUSAND ANYWHERE ELSE G HOW LOVELY IS YOUR HOUSE Bm FOR ALL MY DAYS I AM LONGING C Cm G FOR THE COURTS OF THE ONE, LIVING ELOHIM Bm OH HOW MY SOUL IT LONGS, AND EVEN FAINTS C Cm G FOR THE COURTS OF THE ONE, YHWH Bm MY HEART AND MY FLESH, THEY CRY OUT C Cm G FOR THE LIVING ELOHIM, THE LIVING ELOHIM G HOW BLESSED ARE THE ONES Bm WHO DWELL IN YOUR HOUSE C G THEY WILL STILL, STILL BE PRAISING YOU D THEY'LL STILL BE PRAISING YOU Am FOREVER THEY'LL BE PRAISING YOU F FOREVER WE'LL BE PRAISING YOU G Bm C Cm G OH OH! YALA LAI LAI... YALA LAI LAI... YALA LAI LAI... D FOREVER WE’LL BE PRAISING YOU... By James Block - www.selahmusic.org SONG OF ASCENTS - Psalm 121 (capo 3) Em Bm C Am Shir lama`alot ‘esâ êynai 'el-hehâryim (A Song of Ascents. I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains) C D Em Mê’ayin yâvo' ezri (From where does my help come?) Bm C Am `Ezri mê`im YHWH osêh shâmayim vâ’ârets (My help cometh from YHWH, who made heaven and earth.) C D Em Am D Em 'Al-yittên lamot raglekha 'al-yânum shomerekha (He will not allow your foot to be moved, He who keeps you will not slumber.) G D Am Em Hinnêh lo’-yânum ve lo' yishân shomêr yisrâ’êl (Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep) Am Em Am Em YHWH shomerekha YHWH tsilekha al-yad yeminekha (YHWH is your keeper, YHWH is your shade at your right hand) G D Am Em Yomâm hashemesh lo’yakekâh veyârêakh balâylâ (The sun will not strike you by day, nor the moon by night) Am Em Am Em YHWH yishmârekha mi kol-râ yishmor'et-nafshekha (YHWH will preserve you from all evil, He will preserve your soul) Am Em YHWH yishmâr-tsê'tkha uvho'ekha (YHWH will preserve your going out and your coming in) Am Em Mê`atâh ve`ad`olâm (Both now and forevermore) By Yosef Karduner OPEN THE GATES - Psalm 24 (capo 1) Am Em Bm Am Em Bm Sehu Sha’arim Sehu Sha’arim (Open the Gates, Open the Gates) C D Am Ve hinaseu pitchei olam (Be lifted up, you everlasting doors) C D Em C D Em Ve hinaseu pitchei olam Am Em Fling wide you gates Am Em Fling wide you gates G D Am Be lifted up, you everlasting doors C D Em C D Em Be lifted up, you everlasting doors A Em Sehu Sha’arim (x2) (Open the Gates!) G D A Ve yavo Melech Ha Kavod (And the King of Glory will come in!) C D Em C D Em Ve yavo Melech Ha Kavod Am Em Am Em Mi Ze Ha Melech, Melech Ha Kavod (x2) (Who is this King, the King of Glory?) G D Am C D Em Hu YHWH izuz ve gibor, Hu YHWH gibor milchma (He is YHWH strong and mighty, He is YHWH mighty in battle) A Em Sehu Sha’arim (x2) G D A Ve yavo Melech Ha Kavod C D Em Ve yavo Melech Ha Kavod A Em Fling wide you gates A Em Fling wide you gates G D A And the King of Glory will come in F G A Yes, the King of Glory will come in A Em G A SELAH SELAH SELAH By James Block - www.selahmusic.org ARISE OH YAH - Psalm 68 Em D/F♯ G Arise Oh Yah C G/B D and let your enemies be scattered Em D/F♯ G Let them flee in seven ways C G/B D At the sound of your name Em G/B D Your presence like a flame C G/B Am G Let it drive them all away (x2) G C D G We sing praises, praises to your name C D G There is no God but YHWH G C D G We sing praises, praises to your name G C D G We will fear no one but YHWH Em D/F♯ G C G/B D Yakum Elohim, ve yafutzu oivav (Arise Elohim, and let your enemies be scattered) Em D/F♯ G C G/B D Yanusu drecheem be-shiva, ley mishma Kolcha (Let them flee in seven ways, at the sound of your voice) Em D/F♯ G Nochechutcha hee kmo esh (Your presence, it is like a flame) C G/B Am G Let it drive them all away Em D/F♯ G C G/B D Arise oh yah, and show us your strength Em D/F♯ G Summon your Power, C G/B D And thunder with your voice Em D/F♯ G Assemble the armies, C G/B Am G And Let the righteous ones rejoice Am F You ride upon the heavens Am G And your strength is in the clouds Am F Your excellence is over us C G Over all, all Israel By James Block - www.selahmusic.org YOUR LOVE ENDURES - Psalm 118 E F♯ G♯ F♯ THIS IS THE DAY THAT YAH HAS MADE A B E F♯ G♯ F♯ WE WILL REJOICE AND BE GLAD E F♯ G♯ F♯ THIS IS THE DAY THAT YAH HAS MADE A B E F♯ G♯ F♯ NEGILA VE NISMECHA C♯m B A HODU, HODU LE YHWH C♯m B A GIVE THANKS, GIVE THANKS TO YHWH A/F♯ B/F♯ A/F♯ B/F♯ KI LE OLAM, FOR YOUR LOVE ENDURES A B E KI LE OLAM CHASDO E B A E YOU HAVE BECOME MY SALVATION B A YOUR ARE MY STRENGTH AND MY SONG F♯m B E C♯m YOUR RIGHT HAND HAS WON THE VICTORY F♯m B E AND WE ARE GLAD, AND WE ARE GLAD C♯m B A ELI, ELI ATA VE ODECHA C♯m B A ELOAI, ELOAI AROMEMCHA A/F♯ B/F♯ A/F♯ B/F♯ KI LE OLAM, FOR YOUR LOVE ENDURES A B E KI LE OLAM CHASDO E B A E B A B YEHI LI LE YESHUA, OZI VE ZIMRATI F♯m B E C♯m YEMIN YHWH OSA CHAIYEEL F♯m B E NEGILA VE NISMECHA C♯m B A YOU ARE MY ELOHIM AND I WILL PRAISE YOU C♯m B A YOU ARE THE ONE, I EXALT YOU A/F♯ B/F♯ A/F♯ B/F♯ KI LE OLAM, FOR YOUR LOVE ENDURES A B E KI LE OLAM CHASDO By James Block - www.selahmusic.org I WILL BLESS YAH - Psalm 34 E Esus4 E I will bless Yah E Esus4 E B I will bless YHWH at all times E Esus4 E And make my boast in the Father B the giver of life E Esus4 E B Let us exalt His Name together as one C D C Come magnify YHWH with me C D E Let's praise Him continually E Esus4 E Esus4 B Taste and see that Yah is Good E Esus4 E Blessed is the man Esus4 Asus4 A Who trusts in Him C D There is no want E For those who fear Him C D They shall not lack E Any good thing A Asus4 A I will bless Yah A Asus4 A E I will bless YHWH at all times A Asus4 A And make my boast in the Father E the giver of life A Asus4 A E Let us exalt His Name together as one C D E Come magnify YHWH with me C D E Let's praise Him continually C Those who look to Him D E Are radiant with joy By James Block - www.selahmusic.org BLESS YAHWEH OH MY SOUL - Psalm 103 D A G Bm A Barechi nafshi, oh my soul D A G Bm A Barechi nafshi, et YHWH G A Bm Barechi Nafshi et YHWH G A D Barechi Nafshi et YHWH Bm G Ve al tishkachi col gemulav (And don’t forget, All His benefits) F♯m G Hasoleach le col avonechi (The one who forgives all my iniquities) Em A Harofeh ley col tachluaichi (The one who heals all my diseases) C A A7 Hameatrechi, Chesed ve rachameem (The one who crowns me with lovingkindness and mercy) G D C Em D Barechi nafshi, oh my soul G D C Em D Barechi nafshi, et YHWH C D Em Barechi Nafshi et YHWH C D G Barechi Nafshi et YHWH Em C And don’t forget, all His benefits Bm C He alone forgives, All your crookedness Am Am/G He’s the one who heals D/F♯ All your sickness and disease F And then He crowns your head C With loving kindnesses D And gives you mercy! Am D/F♯ G D/F♯ Em Ve col kravai et shem kodsho C D G D/F♯ Em Let all that is within me bless his holy name C D G Barachi nafshi et YHWH…[chorus] By James Block - www.selahmusic.org MY SHEPHERD - Psalm 23 D D/C♯ G9 Asus4 YHWH is my Shepherd (x2) D/F♯ G Asus4 I won’t lack for anything, I need D D/C♯ G9 Asus4 YHWH makes me lie down (x2) D/F♯ G In fields of grass and pleasant green Asus4 He gives me peace D D/C♯ G9 Asus4 YHWH guides my pathway (x2) D/F♯ G Asus4 To quiet waters He will lead me, to drink D/F♯ G Asus4 And I will drink, and I will drink (x2) D D/C♯ G9 Asus4 YHWH restores my soul (x2) D/F♯ G So I can walk in righteousness Asus4 D For His name, name sake G Bm And when I walk through the valley F♯m G I will fear no evil Bm For i know you are with me F♯m G Your rod and your staff Asus4 They comfort me D/F♯ G Asus4 They comfort me, they comfort me (x2) D D/C♯ G9 Asus4 YHWH prepares a table (x2) D/F♯ G Asus4 And my cup is overflowing G Asus4 And on my head, His oil is pouring D/F♯ G Asus4 Pour over me, pour over me (x2) D/F♯ G Surely goodness and mercy Asus4 D/F♯ G Asus4 Will follow me for all my days D/F♯ G Asus4 And I will dwell in your house forevermore (x2) By James Block - www.selahmusic.org AWAKE JERUSALEM - Isaiah 52 Am D/F♯ AWAKE AWAKE, JERUSALEM G G/F C PUT ON YOUR BEAUTIFUL GARMENTS Am D/F♯ AWAKE AWAKE OH ZION G G/F C CLOTHE YOURSELF IN YOUR STRENGTH F G SHAKE OFF THE DUST Em Am F G Am F Dm E LOOSE YOUR CHAINS, OH CAPTIVE DAUGHTER OF ZION (BREAK FORTH IN SONG OH DESOLATE ONE, FOR YOU HAVE BEEN REDEEMED) C G THEREFORE MY PEOPLE SHALL KNOW MY NAME Dm7 C THEY SHALL KNOW IN THAT DAY G LACHEM YADA'AH AMI SHEMI Dm7 C LECHEM B'YOM HA HU G THAT I AM HE WHO SPEAKS TO THEM Dm7 Em7 F G HEINENI,
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