Journal of Language and Translation Volume 5, Number 2(10), (pp.87-100), 2015 The Rise of Modern Persian Literature through Translation in Iran Zahra Abdolahzadeh 1* , Hossein Sabouri 2 1 Islamic Azad university of Tabriz, Science and Research Branch 2 University of Tabriz Received: 15 May, 2015 Accepted: 15 October, 2015 Abstract Translation is an indispensable tool for communication between the diverse linguistic groups. It opens new horizons for the people living in a country so that it makes changes and improvements in their society, especially in the literature. Through the translation process, some literary principles and elements are introduced into the home literature which did not exist before. These features emerge not only as new models of reality to function as a substitute for old and established literary conventions that are no longer effective, but as a whole range of other features as well, such as compositional patterns and techniques or literary genres and forms (Even-Zohar, 1990). During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, translation from European languages caused that the Persian literature began experiencing new trends in poetry and prose, leading to the rise of modern Persian literature. This study aims to scrutinize the signifi- cant role of the translated western literature in the rise of the modern Persian literature, for this purpose, new literary genres introduced into the Persian literary polysystem through the translation of the western works have been studied. It employs Even-Zohar's polysystem theory to investigate the conditions which gave rise to the literary interference in Iran and to illuminate the main reasons which resulted in the canonization of the translated works in the Persian literary polysystem. It shows that the translations transferred new models and themes with themselves, which were decisive in shaping modern Persian literature. Keywords: Canonization, Literary interference, Literary polysystem, Modern Persian literature, Translation. INTRODUCTION elements, the target culture may willy-nilly be Translation as a means of bridging the gap be- influenced in such a way that makes those tween languages, cultures, and literatures can elements as its own (Even-Zohar, 1990). fill the vacuum existing in a target language. By Translation into Persian has a long and even- its means, cultural goods migrate between sys- tual history; it has played an important part in tems (Hermans, 1999). It brings about in a target the evolution of Iranian and Iranate civilizations culture new local elements, new linguistic struc- throughout Western Asia and beyond. Typically, tures, and new literary genres and styles that Persian translations of the late nineteenth and have never been there. Through conveying such early twentieth century were considered the best *Corresponding Author’s Email: way to inform Iranians about the west. Whether [email protected] literary, philosophical or historical, translations 88 Abdolahzadeh, Sabouri. The Rise of Modern Persian Literature through Translation in Iran were envisaged as a vehicle for social or cultural and the first Persian works which were written change. In translators' hands, translation was in an imitation of the translated works or under used primarily as a means of education, and a the influence of European works have been tool for nation building and cultural integration. studied briefly. In addition, the study employs Almost all the major translators of the time were the polysystem theory of Even - Zohar to concerned essentially with serving the Iranian discuss the conditions which gave rise to the culture through introducing European cultural literary interference in Iran and the main reasons achievements to Iranian readers. In doing so, of the canonization of translations in the Persian they helped to bring about new writing style, literary polysystem. new means and methods of communication, and It is worth noting that the study can be used eventually a new literary tradition (Karimi- to illustrate how translations can maintain a Hakkak, 2013). central position in a literary polysystem, and Notable scholars see the translations of west- thereby can participate actively in the formation ern literature as one of the key reasons that led to or reformation of the given literary polysystem. the rise of the modern Persian literature during By this study, it can be demonstrated that trans- the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. lated literature doesn’t permanently occupy a Due to the enormous wave of translations of peripheral position in the literary polysystem, western literature, later called "the translation and depending on the specific constellation of movement", Persian literature began experienc- the polysystem under study and various cultural, ing new trends in poetry and prose, leading to socio-political factors, it may maintain a central transformation of Persian literature over a short position and as such likely to be identified with period of time. This rapid transformation, being major events in literary history while these are referred to as ‘renaissance’, ‘revolution’, ‘refor- taking place. mation’, ‘reshape’, influenced both form and content of the literature: a number of new literary 2. Review of the Related Literature genres, such as drama, short story, modern poet- So far, seminal studies have been done on the ry, novel and modern literary criticism came into prominent role of translation in the rise of the existence; while modern literature embraced new modern languages and literatures of some coun- ideas and themes were interwoven with the soci- tries such as Iran, Turkey, China and etc. opolitical issues of the time. Gholam (2001) has studied the role of the trans- In spite of the broad recognition among the lation in the rise of the historical novel in Iran. culture historians of the major role played by In this study, he has also explored the role and translation in the rise of modern literature in function of initial translations in the formation Iran, relatively little attention has been paid to and evolution of various modern literary and its vital role in the introduction of new literary cultural flows, the reasons of Iranians' tendency genres into the Persian literature and various toward French literature and culture during the factors which led to the occurrence of literary 19th century and the translators' criteria in the interference in Iran and the centrality of trans- selection of works for translation in that period lated literature in the Persian literary polysys- of time. He has found that the emergence of tem. Accordingly, this study aims to explore the historical novel was influenced by the transla- significant role of the translated western litera- tion of western works. In another study, Alavi ture in the rise of the modern Persian literature. (2000) has studied the contribution of French For this purpose, it explores new literary genres literature in the emergence of the modern novel introduced into the Persian literature through the in Iran. This study has also focused on the translation. The translators or authors who expansion of novel among the works of some introduced new genres into the Persian language writers during 1961-1971. It has been noted that Journal of language and translation, Vol. 5 , No. 2(10) , 2015 89 most of Iranian intellectuals got familiar with to the emergence and development of modern new literary genres through French and Russian fiction and its various genres, such as the novel, literature. In this study, Alavi has concluded that the short story, and drama in Afghanistan. the works of most novel writers in Iran was an Bezhan has concluded that the translations imitation of western writers. provided new approaches towards literature. The influence of translation on the works of They helped Afghan authors learn more about Iranian playwrights has been studied by Ahmadi the nature of their own literary activity and (2013). He has explored the works of the great explore new structures and themes, besides they playwrights of Persia and the influence of trans- had special effects on Dari language. lation on them. Ahmadi also has explained that Fazelian (2011) has explored the translation the emergence of modern Persian drama was of western literature and its role in reforming impossible without translation and Iranian Persian literary canon. The study has identified drama is a kind of western theater, which has and analyzed the salient features of three been introduced into Persian literature through significant sets of texts: the final period of the cultural and social process of translation. In classical Persian literary canon (1800–1850); other research, Safari (2013) describes the role early translations (texts and models) from the of translation in the introduction of drama into Western literature (1850–1906); the emergence Persian literature. In the light of polysystem of modern Persian literary canon (1906–1940). theory, he explores the situation of post consti- Contrasting these three corpora, it has aimed to tutional literature and some other influential show what discursive elements and ideas of factors to prove the central position of the trans- Western literature were introduced into and lation in the introduction of drama and evolution then reshaped the Persian literary system. of Persian literature. Fazelian has also attempted to illuminate the The role of translation of French poetry in position of translated Western literature within the emergence of modern poetic themes and the Persian literary system and show that forms in Persian literature has been investigated despite an adoption of domestication strategy, by Bahrami (2013). Given the extent of the translations transferred new models and ideas influence, this study has focused only on few with themselves, which were decisive in shap- outstanding samples such as Nima, Shamloo, ing the modern literary canon. Yadollah Royaee's poets. Bahrami has found In other research, Berk (2006) has studied that the translators of French literary works the position of translated western literature introduced new socio-political and especially within the Turkish literary polysystem.
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