0320 ABENAKI/ENGLISH ô ô- usually, continually ôb- been, returning ôbôban it is first light ôbôgawasozimek one returns from the shade, a euphemism for one returns from using the bathroom ôbômamek one returns from fishing ôba- behind, in back 1 ôbad- lean ôbasas pl ôbasasak a downy wood- pecker, little one continually going ôbasawwan pl ôbasawwanak a fan, the ôbadabimek one sits leaning back one continually going around ôbadahômek one leans on someone ôbasibamek one returns from getting ôbadahon pl ôbadahonal a cane, a water to drink or use crutch ôbawazimek one returns from warming ôbadasek something that lies leaning themselves ôbadasen it lies leaning ôbawizimek one returns from picking ôbadasik one who lies leaning ôbadasin they lies leaning ôbdalem- laugh ôbadata it leans ôbadialimek one returns from hunting ôbdalôzik one laughs at something ôbagawatahigan pl ôbagawatahiganal ôbdalemômek one laughs at someone umbrella, a shade implement ôbdalomimek one laughs ôbahômômek one lures someone ôbdalomowôgan laughter ôbaiamihômek one returns from praying ôbdalomotawômek one laughs at something about someone (as laugh at ôbalôbimek one looks back someone’s joke, or outfit) ôbalôbodi pl ôbalôbodial a rear view mirror (looking to see back instrument) ôben- loosen, untie ôbalokamek one returns from work ôbalosamek one returns from walking ôbenômek one loosens or unties someone ôbam- wandering about ôbenôzik one loosens or unties something ôbamamek one wanders ôbidôgw they has a toothache ôbamakawômek one takes after ôbidôgwôgan a toothache someone in either action or appearance ôbidawas a toothache ôbamakwimek one roams, travels far ôbijibamek one resurrect, comes to life ôban dawn again ôbankamek one pays ôbijibak Easter, that which resurrects ôbankawômek one pays someone ôbijibat Easter, one who is resurrected 2 ôbijibawôgan resurrecting, the ôda No, not, neither, nor Resurrection ôbijimek one returns ôda awani no one, nobody ôbiponômek one returns from putting ôdaba kizagidôzinnok illegible down, or placing someone ôda kagakimgwezikw illiterate ôbiponôzik one returns from putting of placing something ôda kagwi you’re welcome , it’s not something, it’s nothing at all ôbkwamek one returns from chopping wood ôda lagajigw shameless, one with no shame ôbkwabimek one returns from a sit ôda lalwawinnok illicit ôbloas Ambrose ôda pegwati not even ôbodahimek one returns from visiting ôda sassagadonnok illegitimate ôbojgel- inside out, reversed, ôda tômô not any, not anywhere upside down ôda wajônmok notôgwzowôgan voiceless, not having a sound ôda wajônmok wizwôgan anonymous, ôbojgelagenôzik one turns something not having a name inside out or upside down ôbojgelakta reversed, it is wrong side out, upside down ôdab- rest, repose, sit for a time ôbojgelawitan the current goes the wrong way ôdabimek one rests ôbojgeligdahimek one jumps head first ôdabowôgan resting ôbojgeligôbimek one stands upside ôdaki than, rather than, instead of down ôbojgelimek one is reversed, upside down, wrong side out; one tumbles head ôdok- relate, tell, narrate first ôbojgelka it overturns, goes upside ôdokôdôzik one tells or explains down or inside out something ôbosamek one returns from walking ôdokôlômek one admits fault, accepts ôbtkasmimek one returns from responsibility swimming ôdokôldimek people tell stories to each other 3 ôdokôldowôgan group storytelling ôdolibiamek one paddles leaning back ôdokamek one tells a story ôdokawômek one tells someone a story ôgawa- shade, shadow, in shade ôdokawôgan a telling, a story ôdokazimek one converses ôgawabimek one sits out of sight ôdokazwôgan a conversation ôgawabowôgan act of sitting out of ôdosamek one continues walking, sight keeps going ôgawata it is out of sight ôgawatahigan pl ôgawatahiganal ôdol- leaning back, lying back, on umbrella, shade implement back ôgawatak shaded, in the shade ôgawataka it casts a shadow, they makes a shadow ôdolakamek one throws something or someone over ôgawatasek something that lies in a shadow or shade ôdolakawômek one throws something over for someone ôgawatasen it lies in the shadow or shade ôdolesek something that lies on its back, it turned over ôgawatasik someone who lies in a shadow or shade ôdolesen it lies on its back ôgawatasin they lies in the shadow or ôdolesenikhôzik one causes something shade to lean back, or lie on their back; something that is caused to lean back ôgawatasigamek one makes a shadow, acts putting down a shadow ôdolesik someone who lies on their back, is turned over, leaning back ôgawagôbimek one stands in the shade ôdolesimek one lies leaning back ôgawakwa the shade of a tree ôdolesinikhôdimek when people cause ôgawakwajoak the White Mountains of one another to lean back, or lie on their New Hampshire, the shady mountains backs ôgawas pl ôgawazak a shadow ôdolesinikhômek one causes someone ôgawasen it lies out of sight to lean back, or lie on their back ôgawasin they lies out of sight ôdolesinikhôzimek one causes them self to lie on back, lean back ôgawasozimek one goes in the shade, a euphemism for using the bathroom ôdolibiôgan pl ôdolibiôganak an oar, the leaning back paddling tool ôgawastegw pl ôgawastegok shady river, a river in the shade 4 ôgawazimek one makes a shadow ôgnawamtoimek one is peaceful by ôgawiwi do something in the shade, or nature under a shelter ôgnawamtoo they is a peaceful person ôgawlômsen sheltered from the wind by nature ôgawosamek one goes to the shade; ôgnawigôbimek one stands still one goes to the bathroom in the woods ôgnawipimek one eats peacefully ôgnawosamek one walks peacefully ôgem- snowshoe ôgnawtta it is very peaceful ôgem pl ôgemak snowshoe, a snowshoe ôgwa- lie deposited ôgemaôbi pl ôgemaôbial a snowshoe string; pl ties, or harness, used to keep ôgwaômkwit Ogunquit, Maine, sand snowshoes connected to feet deposits ôgemaôzik one uses snowshoes ôgwaômkwitak a sandbar, where sand ôgematagw pl ôgematagol snowshoe lies in the current lacing ôgwaômkwitan sand lying in a current ôgemakamek one makes snowshoes ôgwaôpônsen snow lies drifted ôgemakawôgan act of snowshoe ôgwaôpônsek where snow lies drifted making ôgwijimek one swims continually ôgemakw pl ôgemakok white ash, snowshoe wood, Fraxinus americana ôgwni since, inasmuch as, as it seems ôgemakwibeskaôtkwen pl ôhô yes ôgemakwibeskaôtkwenal an ash bough, a snowshoe tree branch ôhônkaw- a tradition, a repeated connection ôgnaw- peaceful, quiet, tranquil, still ôhônkawôbagak pl ôhônkawôbagakil a tradition ôgnawôwzimek one lives peacefully ôhônkawidbihlôk ngôniaikok within ôgnawôwzowôgan peaceful, tranquil, the tradition of the elders or quiet living ôhônkawôjmowôganowôl ôgnawabimek one sits peacefully pmôwzowinnoak traditions, the traditions of men ôgnawamto a peaceful person 5 ôhaimek one lives or stays repeatedly, keeps staying, remains ôlabidôzik one continually ties ôhidamek what one keeps saying, something repeats ôlabilômek one contually ties someone ôhlômek one repeats something ôlabizimek one is continually tied up ôladakamek one continues to act, the ôji- increasing way one acts ôlalokamek one continually work, works generally ôjikinôbaimek one emboldens ôlawôwzimek one continues to live ôjiwikaimek one fattens well, is wealthy ôjigadmômek one gets older, ages ôlawôwzowôgan well to do, affluence; ôjigek what is growing continually living well ôjigen it is growing ôlawi although, however ôjigimek one grows ôlawidahôzimek one continually ôjihômek one makes someone bigger changes their mind ôjihodimek people make each other ôlawiki although, however, nevertheless bigger ôlpmôwzimek one continues to live ôjihozimek one makes themself bigger ôlgisgak the weather continues in the ôjitôzik someone add something to same way something ôlmalokamek one continues to act ôjita they adds something to it ôlmi continuing, continue ôlmidôzik one continue working at ôjm- narrate, relate, tell a story something ôlmigadek what continues for many years ôjmimek one tells, relates or declares ôlsin continue lying prostrate; they ôjmowôgan pl ôjemowôganal the continues lying prostrate Gospel, a narration, a story, a history, a tale ôli continuing, continually ôjmowôganis pl ôjmowôganisal an ôlinôgwzimek one continues to appear anecdote, a little story in such a way ôlipimek one continues eating ôl- continue ôlitbakki during the night 6 ôllaka happens, it so happens, probably, ômilkôganipegdazigan pl perhaps ômilkôganipegdaziganal a rack of ôlosamek one continues to walk smoke-dried meat (smoke fried) ômilkamek one smoke-dries meat ôm- fish; lift, raise up ômilkan smoke-drying meat ômilkan Pôntegw Lewiston Falls, Maine, place at the falls where fish are ômaiskok pl ômaiskokak a fishworm dried and cured ômamek one fishes; New London, CT, ômilkawôgan act of smoke-drying meat fishing place; where one fishes ôman fishing ômka bet, gamble ômanosek Ammonoosuc River, New Hampshire, where there is fishing ômaskik Amoskeag, Manchester, NH, ômkaipapimek one gambles, plays a at the fishing grounds game of gambling ômawôgan the act of fishing ômkaipapowôgan gambling, a gambling game ômawômek one fishes for someone (as in a type of fish) ômkakamek one raises a bet, lifts, a raise-throw ômkakan betting, gambling, throwing ômawi- hurt, injure bets ômkamek one gambles; one lifts ômawitahômek one injures someone ômkat a gambler, one who bets by hitting ômkawôgan betting, gambling; lifting ômawitahôzimek one is wounded by ômkipoda sand falls being hit ômskamek one stands up ômawitasimek one gets injured by falling ômwaibemi pl ômwaibemial wax ômikimek one rises, gets up ômwaimelases pl ômwaimelasesal
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