Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 2-21-1989 University News, February 21 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. BSU communication lab students staff the National Condom Week information booth in the. Student Union. National Condom Week was Feb. 14-21. Photo by Mark P. Jonos Inside This is tneeu-pnoto issue, so lots and .Boise lots of photos are inside~ State Real news returns next week . .University Volume IX Issue 18 February 21;' 1989 BSU student John l.andburg plays dead for thecamem while Red,.Cross volunteers elltrnettheirpilltduringlosl. DsilCheerleader Chris Larson gives a 'News' photogmpherll speci~1 pose. Photo Brlan· Becker semester's. blood drive. by . Photo by Brian Becker ENTIRE·sIOCK CONYE.® '''TORCH SONG TRILOGY' CANVAS SHOES ISA WINNERI" Caving slides to be shown -Lisa Karlin, WABC RADIO A free slide show on caving in New Mexico's Carlsbad Caverns "THUMBSUPI will be shown Feb. 24 at 7 p.m.jn.the Student Union Nez Perce It's a very powerful human story and I liked It ••• Room. The show is geared to those interested in joining the BSU- 19.88 sponsored caving trip to Carlsbad March 25-April 2 and. is open Limited to stock 'Torch Song Trilogy' Is a. good movlel" to the public. .' . on hand. - Roger Ebert, SISKEL & EBERT Trip leaders Dave Kessner and Jim Hawthorne will present the . "HEARTFEIJ' PERFORMANCES slide show from last year's Carlsbad expedition. The Outdoor Adventure Program trip will feature a week explor- by Anne Bancroft and Matthew Broderick." ing Carlsbad while learning about the geology, biology and history . -CBS-lV, LOS ANGELES of Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Participants will go off-trail in the caverns, spend a day in Arehes National Park and another day at Roberts Rock Shelter Archeological Site. An optional workshop on caving for first-time spelunkers will be offered March 4; 5, 11 and 12. Mandatory pre-trip meetings will will be held March 2 and 16 at 7 p.m. in the Human Performance Center room 219. - toRCH Nurstnq society to hold tea The BSU Nursing Honor Society will hold a new-member tea for registered nurses with baccalaureate degrees from 7:30-9 p.m. in St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center's McCleary Auditorium Feb. 22. Eligibility requirements for the organization will be discuss- SONG ed at the tea. The society, an affiliate of Sigma Theia Tau, promotes commit- mentto and creative achievement in nursing while developing leader- TRiLOGY ship qualities and recognizing superior achievements. For more information, call Nancy Otterness of the BSU nursing Based on the AwanI.Wmning Play department at 385-3563 or 376-5931. o. ~ r.-=\~i BSU music students honored ~ ~ "F Your Bausch & Lomb- BSU music students Lesley Bean and Dee Sienknecht have been named to "Who's Who in Music," a listing of music students from Vuarnet Headquarters cu-..:ru:x OU.~N. more than 1,300 schools in many countries. .. , OPENS FRIDAY Students selected for this honor arc nominated by campus com- n~. _. 'tlJ 1-64 At r,rilin L Cole ItoIdI mittees and editors of the annual "Who's Who in Music" .direct- 313-<>00 FEBRUARY 24TH ory based on academic achievement, service to the community, ~-- leadership in extracurricular activities and potential for continued 8ROW$EVI/./.E success. 30th & Fairview' Boise' 344-3539 .Bean and Sienknecht were recommended by thcyoice faculty for their appearance at the chairman's honors recitals. Bean is treasurer of the BSU Meistersingers and has a scholar- ship from the All Saints Episcopal Choir in Boise, She is a member of its quartet of vocal soloists. Bean also has been involved in cam- pus and community music theater, including the Boise and Civic operas. Sienknecht directs the choir of Covenant Presbyterian Church, is president of the Meistersingers and has been a musical director for the Stage Coach Theater. Non-trad group offers support BSU's Non-traditional Student Support Group will offer a series of meetings which will provide non-traditional students with an opportunity to meet fellow students and discuss topics of interest. The meetings will be held the first and third Thursdays of each month from noon-I:30 p.m, in the Student Union Teton Room. The March 16 and April- 13 meetings will be held in the Student Union .Annex. For more information, contact BSU Deanof'Studcnj Special Ser- vices Margie Van Vooren at 385-1583. Idaho's future is semlnar topic "Idaho at the Crossroads: The Second Hundred Years" will be the topic of the first Idaho Conference for Students in the Social Sciences and Public Affairs. The program, hosted and planned by BSU's social science students and the School of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, will feature topical panel and round-table discus- sions by academics and practitioners, student presentations and defenses of works. The conference will be held March 3-5 at the Student Union. A $30 registration fee is required. For more information, call 385-3406 or 345-5694. Auto sellers give scholarships The Automotive Wholesalers of Idaho, Inc., recently awarded scholarships of $100-300 to students in the various automotive and small engine programs at BSU's Vo-Iech school. Students receiving scholarships are Jan Lee Wallace, auto body program; Brad Lee Patlan, heavy duty mechanics; David Nicholls, heavy duty mechanics; William ~ Lawrence, heavy duty mechanics; Kevin Blaylcck.autcmechanlcs; Charles E. Hinkle, auto mechanics; .MERCO·~Y D.A. Knighton, auto mechanics; David Hunsaker, auto mechanics; and Rudy Holmes, small engine repair. • 'LI NC.Ot..N Brickstone 19's guitarist Mike LaMorte croons at the BSU Homecoming Dance last October •. Local scouts present the state nag during the National Anthem in the Pavilion. Photo by Mark P. Jones . Photo by Brian Becker An ATV driver gocs head over cruuksluut in the snow. Photo by Brian Bocker Heud Basketball Coach Bobby Dye upplauds the Broncos from the bench. '\, by Brian Becker ESSAYS 11REPORTS 16,278 to choose Irom -all subjects Order Catatog Today wrth VIsa/Me or COD ,.. 8qnq:~,~J~~~~2 Or, rush 52.00 10' Essays & Reports 113221llaho Ave 1200SN. Los Angeles. CA 90025 EMPLOYMENT Custom research also available-ali levers OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIPS NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE COORDINATOR at tlic Unin:r.sity or Idaho Re~rts to the Student Activities Advisor and ASBSU President. and assists with all aspects of the Up 10 S2,OOOa year is available to eligible studems earolliJJs in: placement of students approved to participate in the National Student Exchange program. The . Geological, .Coordinator encourages students to utlllze NSE Metallurgical or .to attend colleges and universities ac1'08Sthe nation .Mlnlng Engineering at little or no cost above their current tultlon. For more information contact: This ISR SERVICE .AWARD position Bob Hautala, Associate Dean in I:ollege of Mines '&: Ea.nb Resources Applications ere available the ASBSU Offices Universily of Idaho on the second floorof the Student Union. Moscow. Idaho 83843 Application deadline. 208/885-6195 March 5. 1989 -- ~~" ------ ----- -- - ~----- ...~._~_._,-~-_.....,_."..-----~-:-.-~--.-,.-:'''-~!f---''''----'---'''~''''''''''__ --<l- __ ._•. __ ._. __ The latest Boise Peace Quilt was displayed at the Idaho State Capitol as part of the Dr: Martin Luther King, Jr:s Birthday celebmtions Jan. 16. Pholo by Mark P. Jonea . Boise .Mayor Dirk Kemplhome practlces free throws In an empty Pavilion. Pholo by Mark P. Jonos f_ ' Some BSU fans express an opinion about tbe U of I during a game at Bronco Stadium. Pholo by Brian Becker Participants in the Idaho Peace March converge on the Stitl~ Capitol during the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr:s Birthday celebrations Jan. 16. Pholo by Mark P. Jones "ROEG IS flS OUT·OF·CONTROL AND PERVERSELY FflSCINATING />S EVER:' -~'6f Tra....on.P£OPL.E MAGAZINE "ROEG MAKES iHIS NIGHTMARE PULSE WrrHPASllION. HE'S A GREATEROTIC DIRECTOR ... /1 • -Mlchool Wilminglon.lA TIMES " 'TRACK 29' IS THE MOST INTELUGENT PSYCHOSEXUAL . MYSTERY/SMAillOWN SOCIAL CRITIQUE SINCE 'BWE VELVET.' DID I ALSO MENTION THAT IT'S FUNNY flS HELL?" wBobSlrau».MOVI[UNE . February 21, 1989 ThiDniversity News 5 ....... ·.l~lllil·" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Traditional Indian sitar music meets Western rhythm and style to blend into an un- .paralleled genre known as Worldbeat Ethnopop when Ashwin Barish and the Musical Janitors play the Student Union Ballroom Feb. 25. Batish draws on listeners' familiarity with the styles and technology of Western music and augments this with hissitar and some African-sounding rhythms. The juxtaposition works well and is easily palatable; Batish often creates a dialogue between the sitar and rock guitar leads, all carried along by an electronic drum machine. Special guests for this performance will be Musical Janitors, who offer their own unique blend of music. Doug .Martsch and Wayne Flower (Tree People) are the Janitors, a fine representation of the Boise local color. Where punk meets folk, cut through the genius and you'll find Musical Janitors. The SPB and Electric Grapevine Productions-sponsored show will start at 8:30 p.m. Advance tickets are $8.50 at the Record Exchange, Spike's and' the Union Station. Students can get discounted advance tickets for $6.50 t the Union Station. Tickets will be $10 at the door. 'Vincent' 'Liaisons' and 'Cousins' good films , . , ' . by cnrr Hnll true love in modern marriage.
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