ACADEMIEROUMAINE INSTITUT D'ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES evue IRdes etudes sud-est europeennes ournal of South-East European Studies Danube Balkans Mer Noire Tome XXXIX, (n" 1-4) EDITURA ACADEMIEIROMANE www.dacoromanica.ro DIRECTEUR DE LA PUBLICATION PAUL HENRI STAHL COMITE CONSULTATIF SKIL AKGUN (Ankara),MATILDA CARAGIU MARIOTEANU, NADIA DANOVA (Sofia), DENNIS DELETANT (Londres), PASCHALIS M. KITROMILIDES (Athenes), ZOE DUMITRESCU BUSULENGA, ANNELIE UTE GABANY (Munich), ZORAN KONSTANTINOVIC (Innsbruck-Belgrade), M.N. KUZMIN (Moscou), PAUL MICHELSON (Huntington), EMIL NIEDERHAUSER (Budapest), ST. POLLO (Tirana), M.D. PEYFUSS (Vienne), NICOLAE $ERBAN TANA$OCA, RUMEANA STANCEVA (Sofia), POMPILIU TEODOR, BIANCA VALOTA-CAVALLOTTI (Milan), ALEXANDRU ZUB. COMITE DE REDACTION PETRE ALEXANDRESCU, VIRGIL CANDEA, SABINA ISPAS, ZAMFIRA- EUGENIA MIHAIL, GHEORGHE MIHAILA, $ERBAN PAPACOSTEA, ANDREI PIPPIDI, MARIUS SALA, LIDIA SIMION (secretaire de redaction). Redacteur editorial: ANCA MILU-VAIDESEGAN Toute commande sera adressee a: EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE, Ca lea 13 Septembrie nr.13, sector 5, P.O.Box 5-42. Bucuresti, Romania, Fax (4021) 410 39 83; Tel (4021) 410 32 00; 410 90 08: RODIPET SA, Plata Presei Libere nr.1, sectorulI. P.O.Box 33-57, Bucuresti, Romania, Fax (4021) 222 64 07, Tel. (4021) 618 51 03; (4021) 222 41 26; ORION PRESS IMPEX 2000 SRL, P.O. Box 77-19, Bucuresti 3, Romania, Tel. (4021) 301 87 86, Fax (4021) 335 02 96. La correspondance, les manuscrits et les publications (livres, revues etc.) envoyes pour comptes rendus seront adresses a la: REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES, P.O.Box 22.159, 71109, Bucuresti, ou Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, sector 5, Bucuresti. Les auteurs sont pries de presenter leurs articles en double exemplaire, espaces a double interligne. Le contenu des articles sera introduit sur disquette dans un langage connu, de preference Word 6.0. Caracteres: 11/13 points pour le texte, 12/14 pour le titre de ('article et 9/11 pour les annexes. Les notes seront placees en bas de page. ©, 2002 EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, tel. 410 32 00 Bucuresti, Romania www.dacoromanica.ro REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES Danube BalkansMer Noire TOME XXXIX 2 0 01 NOS 1-4 JanvierDecembre SOMMAIRE / CONTENTS Byzance et son heritage ALEXANDRU MADGEARU, Two Mutinies Against the Center in the Province of Scythia........... 5 TUDOR TEOTEOI, La tradition byzantine de ]'Oracle inedit de Paisios Ligaridis 19 VIRGIL CANDEA, L'hesychasme en Roumanie depuis l'epoque de Saint Gregoire Pa lamas jusqu' a nos jours 27 ZAMFIRA MIHAIL, La reception des ecrits hesychastes en langue roumaine au XVII' siècle,. 35 VALENTINA PELIN, Les ceuvres de Saint Nicodeme dans la communaute du Monastere de Neamlu 43 PETRE GURAN, Patriarche hesychaste et empereur latinophrone. L'accord de 1380 sur les droits imperiaux en matiere ecclesiastique 53 RADU G. PAUN, Reliques et pouvoir au XVIII' siècle roumain. Le dossier du probleme........... 63 A I'aube des temps modernes CRISTINA FENESAN, Quelques remarques sur l'historiographie ottomane de l'eyalet de Timisoara 75 ANDREI PIPPED!, Des Lurnieres a la contre-revolution: Alexandre Stourdza 89 LIA BRAD-CHISACOF, Rigas comme traducteurReflexes dans les Principautes Roumaines 97 Philologie et mentalites NICOLAE SARAMANDU, La carte des parlers aroumains et megleno-murrains de la Peninsule Balkanique 105 CATALINA VATASESCU, Termes autochtones et d'origine latine pour les notions d' anciennete et de vieillesse en roumain et en albanais 123 Rev. Etudes Sud-Est Europ., XXXIX, 1-4, p. 1-274, Bucarest www.dacoromanica.ro 2 CATALINA VELCULESCU, Ein Tierbuch aus den Jahrhunderten 16-20 (zwischen Damaskenos Studites und C. N. Mateescu) . 133 ELENA SIUPIUR, lntellektuelle aus Rumanien und den Sadosteuropaischen Landern an deutschen Universitaten im 19.Jahrhundert: Ill. Teil: Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat in Heidelberg 143 Discussions ANDREI PIPPIDI, La Transylvanie dans un roman francais , 197 ALEXANDRU MADGEARU, Rethinking the Byzantine Balkans. A Recent Book on the 10th- 12th Centuries. 203 STELU SERBAN, Monograph as Utopia. Reading Notes.. 213 Vie scientifique RADU G. PAUN, Deux colloques d'histoire et d'anthropologie religieuse a Bucarest 225 CATALINA VATASESCU, LIA BRAD-CHISACOF, The Conference "Balkan Linguistic and Cultural Connections", Sofia, 9-10 July 2001 235 Comptes rendus BOCO BOJOVItRaguse et l'Empire Ottoman (1430-1520). Les actes imperiaux ottomans en vieux serbe de Murad II a Selimr (Evguenia Davidova, Ivan Biliarsky) (Sofia); ZOLTAN KORPAS,La correspondencia de un soldado esparto! de las guerras en Hungria a mediados del siglo XVI. Comentarios al diario de Bernardo de Aldana (1548-1552)(Andrei Pippidi); ANTAL LUKACS,Tara Fagaratului in Evul Mediu,secolele X111XVI(AndreiPippidi); VARBAN TODOROV, Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts and Printed Books (17th-19th Centuries) The Collection in Nyiregyhaza, Hungary. Contribution to the History of the Greek Diaspora(AndreiPippidi);CORNELIA PAPACOSTEA-DANIELOPOLU, Convergencesculturellesgreco-roumaines(1774-1859)(Andrei Pippidi); STELLA GHERVAS,AlexandreStourdza(1791-1854). Un intellectuel orthodoxe facta!'Occident(Andrei Pippidi); NICOLAE IORGA,Istoria literaturii romanegi. Arta $i literatura romanilor. Sinteze paralele(Elena Siupiur); NICOLAE IORGA,Generalitati cu privire la studiile istorice(Emil Perhinschi); HANNES HOFBAUER & ANDREA KOMLOSY,Capital Accumulation and Catching-Up Development in Eastern Europe(Bogdan Murgescu);Siidosteuropa: Gesellschaft,Politik,Wirtschaft,Kultur.Ein Handbuch.Hrsg.Magarditsch Hatschikjan und Stefan Troebst (Bogdan Murgescu); PAUL H. STAHL,Triburifi sate din sud-estul Europei(Zamfira Mihail); GRIGORE BRANCUS,Concordante lingvisticeromano-albaneze(CatalinaVata§escu);JURGEN WERINHARD EINHORN,Spiritalis unicornis. Das Einhorn als Bedeutungstrdger in Literatur und Kunst des Mittelalters(Catalina Velculescu);Fiziolog. Bestiar(dd.Catalina Velculescu et V. Guruianu; excursus Manuela Anton; illustrations Mihacla Dumitru) (Zamfira Mihail); VITALIE VARATIC,Preliminarii ale raptului Basarabieiui nordului Bucovinei 0938-1940)(Constantin lordan); ANTON GOLOPENTIA,Ultima carte. Text integral al declaratiilorInancheta ale lui Anton Golopentia aflate in Arhivele SRL(dd. Sanda Golopen(ia) (Andrei Pippidi); ANNELI UTE GABANYI, www.dacoromanica.ro 3 The Ceausescu Cult. Propaganda and Power Policy in Communist Romania (Cristina Abraham); Identitati colective si identitatea national& Percepriiasupra identiteitii in lumea medievala si modern& In memoriam Alexandru Dutu (coord. Mire la Luminita Murgescu) (Mircea Stanciu); Studia et Acta Historiae ludaeorum Romaniae (6d. Silviu Sallie et Dumitru Vitcu) (Betinio Diamant); LAURENTIU VLAD, Imagini ale identiialii nacionale. Romania si expoziliile universale de la Paris, 1867 1937 (Andrei Pippidi); BORYS A. GUDZIAK, Crisis and Reform. The Kyivan Metropolitanate, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, and the Genesis of the Union of Brest (Andrei Pippidi); CONSTANTIN MARINESCU, La politique orientate d'Alfonse V d'Aragon, roi de Naples (1416-1458) (Andrei Pippidi). 239 Obituaire STEVEN RUNCIMAN (Andrei Pippidi) 273 www.dacoromanica.ro Byzance et son heritage TWO MUTINIES AGAINST THE CENTER IN THE PROVINCE OF SCYTHIA ALEXANDRU MADGEARU The relations between periphery and the centre were often defined by confronts and centrifugal trends. In the Balkans, these trends can be traced in several moments of the late ancient and medieval history and mostly during the 11th -12th centuries. However, the early Byzantine period had its own mutinies against the centre. In this study we intend to analyze two revolts aroused in Scythiat. I The so-called chronicle of Chersonesos inserted in De Administrando Imperio2 contains a relation about a war between the Roman army led by KenstaJ (Constantius Chlorus) and the Bosporan kingdom, during the reign of Diocletianus (53, 2 -123). The city of Chersonesos took part at this war. The fragment ends with the proclamation of Constantius as an emperor at a short time (met' Nligon tin crOnon) after this conflict. A recent epigraphical research3 dates the war in the interval of 286-293 and confirms the Roman military presence at Chersonesos in that period. This certifies the tradition written down in the 10th century chronicle. After the episode of the coronation of Constantius, the chronicle follows in this way: "On the death of Constans, his son Constantine became emperor at Rome, and when he came to Byzantium, and certain of those in Scythia revolted against him, he called to mind what had been said by his father Constans concerning the affection of the Chersonites and their alliance, and he sent envoys to the country of the Chersonites, with instructions that they should go to the country The first part resumes my study 0 revolts impotriva lui Constantin cel Mare in provincia Scythia, "Peuce", 12, 1996, pp. 137-148; the second is based on the study Armata din provincia Scythia in apdrarea ortodoxiei. Revolta generalului Vitalianus, "Revista de Istorie Military ", 2(66). 2001, p. 37-41. 2 About this chronicle see Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De Administrando Imperio, II, Commentary, ed. by R.J.H. Jenkins, London, 1962, p. 205. 3 T. Sarnowski, Das romische Heer im Norden des Schwarzen Meeres, "Archeologia", Warszaw, 38, 1988 (1989), pp. 96-97; Idem, Die Anfdnge der spiitromischen Milittirorganisation des unteren Donauraumes, in Akten des 14. internationalen Limes-kongresses 1986 in Carnuntum, Wien, 1990, p. 858. The balistarii troops recorded in the chronicle are mentioned
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