- From: Commanding Officer' C-Jfkl? 2% To: Chief of It'aval Operations . Vid: (1)Comxnder Carrier Division GIG3 (2) Commander aZVdiu'TH Fleet (3) Comndnder Lava1 Forces, Far Zast (4) Comnander Air Forces, Pacific Fleet (5) Corxiander in Chief, U.3. Pacific Fleet 52 Subj: Action heport for the period, 18 liusust 1951 to 21 September 1951 kef: (a) Opfu'av Instruction 3480.4 bOWNGRAbED AT 3 YEAR tNJ"A&' OECtASSIFlED AFTER 12 YEARS Encl: CVG 5 Action-neport for the period 18 Xugu&!f!DOD 1 $&f3 1 to / (1) I 19 September 1951 % 1. In accordace with reference (a), the action report for the- period 18 ++usust 1951 throurh 19 aeptember 1951 is hereby sub- mitted: PAhT I Composition of Om Forces and Ilission: 1. During the period of this repor Task Force 77 wiis com- Y posed of the followirg units: U55 SSbEii cv9 COIiC;imIV 9 nn&; J. PLhkrcY, UaN embarked: USs 3ON FiIcI-Lm w313 : us; GCIXjIi (CV21) : OiXAXliV TFhL2, kAiUi TOHLIaOX, UbN errl- barked: Us2 1; JZRdY (5152 , COT,.S3JjX LT9 VADX H* i.1. iIARTIK2n US?, embdrked; Uaa HzLdKi(C~75); cOi;CIiUDIV TEXd3, hAIJf.1. 3. L. I,13Tf, JaH, embarked: Uaa 'EL390 (C~133): Us3 LO3 XKG3LJS (CA135) and units of Jestroyer Divisions 12, 51,. 13 1329 151, 171, and Lscort Destroyer Division 11 and 21. OT'C w CGr.'X-G-ijlIVONE - 2. During the subject period, the USS ~a,53~(CVS) operated off the eat COdSt of i.orea in accordance with CTF 77 Operation order fio. 22-51, plus supplemental plas 2nd orders issued during the period . PMT I1 CHRONOLOGY 18 August OboOK - Underway fron Yokosuka, Japan for combat operat- ing area ,in accordance with CONG.%iDITI ON..; dispatch 1711542 August. During the period 18 to 21 August, 1951, the ship was ma- neuvered to avoid typhoon 111LL3GZ11*Heavy swells resulted in slight danage to the ship. See PAT IV. 21 Algust At OOUK, the ship experienced a roll of 25O, kring the afternoon the Air group conducted familiarization flights. 2O52IC, USS JDEdSGld (DrU7S6) joined the ship as escort. 22 iugust ~o'knedTF 77. ships prescnt included; U~SNJ: J destroyer divhons. Cormenced conbat air operations, No ser- ious afficultics were encountcrod at this time or subsequen'; %, ly in rneeting the operational com;litni?nts. This is attributed to the training afforded in the Hawaiian area with the ;iir Group e&arked. OTC and CTF 77 was C0I.C .ADIV 01~2, (&,DI~ J, FIW?Y) ir, CSS FSSXJGV~). Conducted air operations, Afternoon portion of flight sche- dule cxxelled due to weather. O83OK - Lost first aircraft and pilot, (Pilot LTJG FiQJJTZ) in F4U BuNo. 62920. Filot became separated Tram Flight Leader over enemy territory in vicinity of IJonsan Harbor in instrument weather and was not seen or heard fron thereafter- Condmted air operations, O&ol+K, 1 AD-4 Bu.No. 123987 lost power on'take-off (Pilot S STdICYLiKG) made water land- ing ahead of ship. Pilot rescued by helicopter, 25 Aupt Conducted air operations. 26 August Conducted zir operations. On pr awn launch, about 5 minutes after take-off, an i",D-IPJ Bu-No. 124051 was ob- semed to burst into flame in the air 'and crash: YilOt and one creman (Tilot XH, P,, ATAN) , we1-e not recovered. Replenished. 28 August I)ue to weather in target area and weathar conditions, launched only ASP fli 29 August Conducted air operations. m 2 *# y.. J heckler mission. Filot rescued by screen destroyer. ~ 31 ,+ugust Conducted air operations. 1 septernber Task-Force replenished and conducted i-4 firing practice8 2 beptember Conducted air operitions. Lost 1 F43-43 3.1No. 9753OU Pilot 58S Br,Thdi was forced to bhil out After plane caught fire enroute to tar:;ct area. Filot was recover- ed by helicopter attachsd to shore bombardment unit in "tonsan ikrbor, F2HPs tzken off all flights except Cn% due to suspected catdpult hook crhcks. 3 aeptznber Conducted ,ir operations. Lost 1 ,3 3u No. 123967 and pilot (Filot LT 5XST;idNL) he to enerny dction. Filot bi&s seen to crash apixoxirnLtely 15 miles inside I enemy territory. Lost 1 IS? I;U Lo. 125122 (Filot Lib -Ji.iATi&I\G). Control. locked, due to enemy LaLi. hl .- Pilot was 2ble to r2gLi.n control of aircraft. sailed ' out over friendly airfield, iL-3. Plane crashed and bu med .. l+ septernber Conducted dir operations. Lost 2 F9F's Bu No. 125102 and 127136 and pilots (Pilots LTJG ~X,JI?.~SLLand LTJG .h€EOi,D). 20th aircraft crashed and burned in the vicinity of iid4dngsan. 5 September Task Force replenished md conducted AL firing. 6 deptember Conducted air operations. 7 asptember Conducted air operztions. 0730-0830fi conducted AA firing practice. 1 -iD Bu KO 123950 was hit by enemy &iirifire adwas ditched off nsan Harbor. Pilot CilEr. Gh,;k'.r~~asrescued by shor bombardment destroyer. 1 8 September Conducted air operations. Lost 1 F4U-43 3u. No. 62974 due to enemy Action; pilot LTJG ,.C'F&Ll:G~was rescued by shore bombardment destroyer &ftzr flying his dma5,ed plane from over enemy territory to the vicinity of .yonsan Ydrbor. Lost 1 AD Bu KO, 3.23949 and pilot, LTGG PARS2 due to enemy action. He was . observed making a bombing run when his plano burst into flames, crshed and exploded in enemy territory, CU- 6489. F2HTs reassizned to all fliLhts with no ex- ._ ternal ordndnc e however?; 9 Yeptember Task Force replenished. 16' September .L1 September 12 September Conddcted kr ope 13 September Task Force replenished. At 15001 lcunched recco, strike flights. 14 September Conducted air operations. At 18301 lost 1 ADW EuNo. 124762. Iand- ing hook caught catapult bridle on take-off and bridle wrapped around vertical horizontal stabilizer. i-koessive vibration set in and pilot was forced to ditch inside the screen. Pilot LT OIBRISN and crewmen were rescued by-helicopter and destroyer. 15 September Air operationswerel~-~teddue to weather over the target area. Weeather recco, 3-F' and ASP only flights launched. 16 September cted air operations. At 18231 F2H SuNo. 124968 (Pilot LTJG KdJ;LL&) with air brakes extended made approach for a deferred .emergency 1mdLng having been in a mid-air collision prior to re- turn to the ship. Wheels touched deck but aircraft immediately b+ came airborne, cleared all three barriers, landed forward on flight deck, and crashed into aircraft parked forward (starboard) on flight deck. Total loss of aircraft: 2 F2H BuNos, 234978, 12&966,. and 2 F9F BuNos 235131 and 125228, destroyed by fire, Personnel casualties included 3 known dead, 4 missing and 16 injured, Damages to the ship are listed in PART IV. However, damages did not prevent continued air operations, but all starboard catapult $launches were discontinued until. inspection and testing of the starboard catapult revealed no dmage, 17 September Conducted air operations. 18 September Conducted air operations in the forenoon. At 11151 joined replen- ishment forces to 1-eplenish. 19 September Conducted air operations, At 06061 1 AD BuNo 123991 (Pilot LT BXYANT) lost power on take-off, aircraft made water landing ahead, of ship and sank. Pilot recovered by ZSS% helicopter. At 17121 GSEX left formation in company -&th US3 !%LENA, COfiTDESDIV 21 less USS 2-LL,Ld, to proceed to Yokosuka, Jnpn for limited avail- ability in acco ante with CWi7THFLT dispatch l3W8Z September. I 20 September Enroute to Ilokosuka.. Conducted iLz firing practice with towed FaXT I11 OPLD1JA-nJCE: 1. Fxpenditure of Air 0 See enclosure (1) 2. "qenditure of Ship's Ordnance for training, 20 m 11,968 rds 3If50 Cal 1,478 rds 5"38 CcKL 385 rds 3. Coment on Performance of Ordnznce ihterial md i3quipmen.t. a. 3 percent of the bomb vanes for 1,000 pound bombs were received with bad spot-welds, The vmes fell apart when tested for tightness. This is considered dangerous in that tail fuzes could be arrned in the air, %. b, Several bombs of all types were received i~thfrozcn nose cmd tail plugs, making it impossible to fuze then, c. Nark 6 and &?sk 8 parachute flares are received in doubls suspznsion. Sin- gle suspension must be jury-rigged, The suspension brnd received idth these flues cannot be locked on the wing racks. Zxperienced two cases where aircraft dropped flares on the flight deck, one on an arrested landing, 3rd one during a catapult launch . 1 d. Napalm powder received in lot f!W 5U75 and NY 5884, mznufactured by the \ Ferro Enamel Company, was in a lumpy condition, apparently due to moisture pene- tration, The color had turned a bright yellow. powder in this condition made.- a poor mixture and in most cases hd to be jettisioned. ; %& , x"'--i.---. t\ --- 8. Mark 77 fi ed impractical for carrier use, especiall? when-the reload time is short. These bombs require at least t,hree men to assemble I adconsiderable timE to fuze. During the assembly, the slightest dent or sc,&p? on the conmcting surfaces causes lezks. Jepanese tanks or >:ark 12 Sclly tanks can be hung in 10 seconds, adfilled in 7 to 10 minutes under normal operating conditions, and are inexyxnsive. f. Bomb skids should co ipped with spare hold- g. Ships should have a isposal officer md b SPOS?+~team on board.! There havo been several cases of fuzed bomk having fc..llen off aircraft on arrest- ed landings, &itpresent, there are no bomb disposcl personrel assigned. h, X nuinber of 250 poun . bombs hcve Seen recaived with spension lugs that are unsuited for use with the Lark 55 bomb rack installed in the F4U-5NL9 &2, and AD-M aircraft.
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