- Promoția 2010 - - ,,Oamenii începutului de drum” O lecție valoroasă pentru tineri, în fața istoriei și a provocărilor vieții, de la supraviețuitorii Holocaustului și de Se împlinesc 5 ani de când prima promoție, la Drepții între popoare Promoția 2010, a absolvit Liceul Lauder-Reut. Proiectul european „Podurile toleranței”, Putem spune că această promoție a fost un inițiat de de B’nai B’rith România și B’nai deschizător de drumuri sau piatra de temelie B’rith Europa, are drept scop prevenirea și combaterea discriminării, rasismului, în construirea unui lung șir de generații ce antisemitismului, promovarea înțelegerii și vor purta în suflet tradiția și amintirea respectului interetnic și interconfesional, Liceului Lauder. Multe amintiri, reușite, precum și a valorilor europene. În acest an, speranțe și proiecte de viitor. „Podurile Toleranței” a fost dedicat și evidențierii aportului istoric și cultural al comunității evreiești la dezvoltarea țării (Continuare în pagina 8) noastre, ca parte integrantă a societății și (Continuare în pagina 4) - Jubileu: Programul de burse de la Liceul Lauder- Reut, pentru elevii sectorului 3, a împlinit primii 4 ani 2011-2015: Prima generație de bursieri ai Programului The Lauder-Reut Educational Complex, part of the Ronald S. Lauder Fundation in „O șansă pentru viitorul Romania, initiated and organised the international conference which recently completed tău” a absolvit liceul și its 4th edition. The event took place under the patronage of the Romanian Parliament susține în aceste zile with the support of the Chamber of Deputies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the examenul de bacalaureat Romanian Diplomatic Institute, the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Culture and the 3rd District City Hall. (Continuare în pagina 7) (Continued on page 14) 2 - Revista Foreign Policy România premiază, pentru al patrulea an consecutiv, primele 100 de nume din România cu idei și proiecte remarcabile. În cadrul Galei Foreign Policy România 2015, desfășurată în data de 3 martie, au fost premiate 12 dintre cele mai interesante figuri, idei și proiecte remarcate anul trecut. Au fost acordate premii din categoriile Politică, Relații Internaționale, Economie, Social, Educație, Cercetare, Cultură, Media, Idei/Proiecte, Cariere. Printre laureați, s-au numărat Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, șeful Statului Major General al Armatei Române, general-locotenent Nicolae Ciucă, profesorul de filosofie Emil Moise, psihologul Daniel David, academicianul Mircea Malița, alpinistul Alex Găvan și alții. La categoria Educație, premiul a fost acordat liceului Lauder-Reut pentru: „Unicitățile din programă” – cursuri acreditate de diplomație și relații internaționale – alături de cursuri de afaceri, media, comunicare, negociere, dezbateri și vorbire publică – un demers educațional unic în România. Promovarea studiului timpuriu al diplomației, comunicării publice și afacerilor internaționale în învățământul preuniversitar românesc și internațional (peste 1000 de elevi din mai mult de 40 de școli din România, Bulgaria, Ungaria, și Israel au beneficiat de pregătire în aceste domenii prin intermediul Conferinței Globale Lauder de Diplomație și afaceri Internaționale pentru licee). (vezi și http://adev.ro/nkp65g http://adevarul.ro/international/foreign-policy/gala-fp-romania-si-a-desemnat-cei-12-castigatori-top-100-oameni-idei-misca-romania- 1_54f724da448e03c0fd38fbb3/index.html ) EGMUN 2015 – Denmark building new bridges with different people Eight students from our high school were MUNOB 2015 To be or not to be… and countries in the same way we did in privileged and had the unique chance to Challenge everyone Between the 12th and the 16th of November, a Denmark. attend this conference, and engage in delegation of eight outstanding students discussions on current issues, such as: the Since the first MUN simulation, held in 1952 from the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex BISMUN 2015 situation in the Middle East, including the at Harvard University, the phenomenon of took part in the first MUN conference of this World peace - a modern day illusion Palestinian Question (Security Council), “MUN” expanded globally and attracts a preserving the socio-cultural practices of current academic year, EGMUN 2014. This or a realistic possibility? growing number of students, especially event was a great success and it offered our religious and ethnic minorities those interested in political science, delegates the opportunity to improve their (SOCHUM) or strengthening the international relations, diplomacy, law, diplomatic and public speaking skills. Thus, global partnerships for economics and cultural studies. For the last we as teachers were so proud of them as we sustainable development for the four years the Lauder-Reut students have had the ability to observe them expressing post-2015 development agenda their ideas freely and acting as real (SPECPOL). We, as teachers, politicians debating current issues of could only observe and advise worldwide importance. However, the best them, but the best part of Model part was that they could put into practice of United Nations is that the their knowledge, social abilities and also students’ personalities and their learn more about international politics. knowledge offers them the Mihai Vrabie, one of the chairpersons for the independence to freely express their educated opinion. DISEC committee, shared his opinion about Between the 25th and 30th of March 2015, Ana Petrescu, one of the best speakers of this conference: “The multinationality of the Lauder-Reut’s students from 10th and 11th the Lauder-Reut’s delegation, expressed her participants was amazing, making this MUN a grade participated in BISMUN 2015, the viewpoint on this event: “BISMUN 2015 was great experience. Being a chair enriched my second major MUN event and the most been involved in such events which offer one of the most competitive and entertaining background and further developed my important diplomatic conference organized them the opportunity to improve their events I have ever attended. I was impressed diplomatic skills. The trip to Denmark was full by the UN Youth Association in Romania. diplomatic skills, social abilities and public by every aspect starting from the organization of surprises, people were great and the This was a great success since it offered our speaking talents. It is not an easy procedure to the chosen topics, the press representation country was spectacular.” students the opportunity to and definitely not an easy task to speak up and the themes of the social events. I strongly develop their debating skills for the country and cause that has been encourage everyone to attend future and also to improve their assigned to you. This is why students are meetings and to take the decision-making public speaking skills as they provided with a wide range of process very seriously as it is a wonderful had the opportunity to extracurricular activities in accordance to our experience for a MUN- delegate.” debate various topics of high school specific diplomacy and media. Another distinguished delegate, Alexandru current interest with Therefore, our students participated in the Selea, who won the Honorary Mention in the university students from third MUN in the 2014-2015 school year, COPUOS committee, stated that: “This year’s Romania and abroad. MUNOB 2015, which was organized by the BISMUN has been a great experience It is not an easy procedure because I got the chance to meet lots and definitely not an easy of friendly and wonderful people task to speak up for the from around the world, besides the country and cause that has experience of talking in public. I look been assigned to you. This is forward to the following MUN Another distinguished delegate, Diana why our students are offered the experience.” Cojocaru, expressed her views about opportunity to take part in various events To conclude, we can honestly say EGMUN 2014: “Denmark was a wonderful where they put into practice the knowledge that the BISMUN conference was an experience. The EGMUN event was the best they acquired during the diplomacy and outstanding experience for all the place for us to meet new people and learn media classes. other Lauder-Reut about the Danish lifestyle.” students who have Last but not least, Ella Camarascu stated participated. It was that: “EGMUN 2014 was my last high school extraordinary because MUN, so I decided from the start that it had to they were able to learn be memorable. And it was. I will definitely the way in which international miss being the President of the Crisis UN meetings are organized and Mihai Viteazu National College between the committee, feeling the suspense of the th the way in which true diplomats 30th of April and 4 of May. It was an conflict’s escalation, the memorable friends I should behave. impressive event that hosted a large variety made and the Danish spirit as a whole. I would of delegations from abroad and like to see our MUN becoming so well known consequently, it was a memorable abroad and multicultural as this one”. All in all, we are all looking forward to (Continued on page 3) 3 (Continued from page 2) journey in the diplomatic field. We are all experience for most of our students who looking forward to the next year’s attended such an event for their first time. conference. In this respect, Nicoleta Trandas, student in the 9th grade, stated that: “MUNOB 2015 was LauderMUN 2015 Equality, justice and liberty in a world of challenges For the third year in a row, but for the very first time in the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex organized the diplomacy conference LAUDERMUN 2015, which took place between the 26th and 28th of May and brought together over 100 students from different high schools in Bucharest. This a great experience for me, one I will never diplomatic event was held in partnership forget. As it has been my first MUN, I was new with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The to everything, but I had the great chance to Romanian Diplomatic Institute and the UN have Mihai Vrabie, our colleague from the 12th Youth Association from Romania.
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