. , For aeHer Sunday tistening 6.15 p.m.-Grantland Rice Story. 6.30 p.m.-Music In a THE. ,DA.ILY NEWS PRESENTS Modern Mood. GEO.THILL"Tenor 10.ao p.m.-Obsession. avallabh at 11.ao p.m.-Pepsi Sportscast. Vol; 62. No. 175 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1955 (Price'5 cents)-- Charles Hutton &Sons • U.S~ Opposed'To Restricted Shipping ~G~u~il~ty-·~I~P-r~-~e-~-.-25~O-n-. ~S~~da-y-, ~'~~o-rl~d~=e=w=C=o=m=m~a=n=d=.,e~rlcanada ~o~d Get ~ onders About ~ edding Plans I At Pepperell iCool. Reception. If Soldier Princess Mar(!aret's 25th 1Sunday scruples even the Royal court. But reaching the age of 2S birthday Sunday at Bal- ~'ami1y's grouse·shootlng picnic on le~ves Margaret free 10 give th~ .. 'F'ore'lgners" . Barred. the moors-which bas become a Privy Council 12 months' notice of moral Gastle near here WIll tradition on Margaret's birthdays her desire to marry without the Murdered be one of the quietest she has -will not take place, monarch's approval. Fr8 celebrated for "cars-despite This docs not mea~ the princess The Privy Council would pass Luke And Seaway Trade Mu.st Be J • will have no fun durmg the week· such a request on to Parliamenl the fuss the world outsIde end. But instead of taking place where the matter would 1xl debated U.S. Government Hold6 He/pless is making about the event. on Sunday night, the usual birth· by both the House of Lords and On Sunday the princess reaches day party, with Margaret and her the Housc of Commons, If both' WASHINGTON--CP' - Canada would get a cool the age wh~n she con apply to guests whirling to the skirl of reels Houses objccted .to the proposed reception from the United States if she were tb propose morry without the consent of her ployed on the bagpipes, wili be marriage, the prmcess could not Comrades sisler, Que~n Elizabeth. The, birth held Sa\lJrday. night or Monday. wed. • that the two countries bar foreign ships from traqin, T r' _' daf~ approach has touched off Only a few frIends of the Royal THIJtD IN LINf. bdween 'Canadian and American inland ports. NEVi YDRK - An army worl;I.\\,lde speculation about the Family have been invited to Bal· Another course o~n to the prln· She wouid be told that Ihe U.S. court martial Fridl16' senten- eUect it may have on MargDret'~ moral for the weekend. But among c~s~ could be to. renounce aU her ::IJI'crnmcnt is opposer! to any move :---------'--... ced Sgt James C Gallagh r often· rumored but nel'er.clarirled them are several gay bachelors !Ol' rights of sUCCCSSI?n to. Ihe tl1r~ne. to restrict the rights of foreign rr.1 .ld 7lTew'" . , '. ..~ marriage plans. Margare~ to dance with, Includmg At prese,nt she IS tlllrd In II~e. shipping in American ports on the WIol 1 '4 0 10 lIfe 1I11pl'lSOnment for klll-, The hubb!lb of pUblicity outside, h'~r comlD. John Alexander, 41. Conslituhonai cx~rts are not qlll/c Grcat Lakes and along the St. Law. ing two fellow Americun howev~r, wiil not affect the scene Ano.ther Is Dominic Elliot, 24. sure II'hat \l'ou.1d haP.l)~n thcn 1M rellce rll·cr. ___ Br:e!fis _' __ oJ 'Id' . Ch' e Co In~ide Balmoral Sunday . the hvcly son of the Earl and say It would sl111 have to go before There is no suggestion or beUe£ If so 1.ers 111 a mcs :n-. 'It II'ill be a quiet bir'thday be. Monlreal·60rn Countess of Minto. Parliament and a change in the here that the Canadian government mumsL prison camp 111 calise it falls on a Sunday. Apart lie t1a.~ taken Margaret to Ihe law proba.bly wouid he necessary. has any such proposition in mind. GOLD IN THEM CHIPS Korea. from the deeply religious scruples thealre sCl'eral times. Evcry blrthd~y for the last seven ~lol~'el'c:, Ihc q~~sti.on of .Iake •. BADEN BADEN, Gerlll4ny (AP) The 23,\·ear.old Brookh'n native Df all the Royal Family them. NO IIINT LIKELY y~ars the gossips. have been cert· ~ltlppll1g IS ~ccommg mcreasm;:iy -Baden Baden's gambling ca.!inll yowing his innocence.' sahld sh~ Jsehd'es, trhesSttblbadlh day tiinllthet hillltlh. The Impression is strong herc ~~~ ~~a~~~~~~r";t a1°1~:stt01. ~~~!~ I ImpDr~ant \\'lth Ihe start of con· G'/tlounccd Friday it will us, lIolt! wnuld take the case to t e u· ,In s 0 co an is s s I' C Y Ihat th;'! princess's birthday will • TI e h . b I structlOn on the SI. Lawrence sea· c/lips in its r I tt tabl • pr~mt Court if necessary. observed. In many homes the come and go leaving stl11 no hint ~oung men. 'tl Y a\e een prove( ,way nnd was brought to the fore. au e e . es 0tl1P' . h ff' d lib blind are dra\\' nd th b'lbl wrong every me. tl b t t' d I clal occasion The managemellt Th e elg t • 0 • IceI' court e· s n a . e e of whether or not the rumors are ~ In Lontlon th~ Dail Skctch reeen y y represen a Ions ma e . • rraled almost fl\'e hours In con· is the only book allolled to bc Itrue'that she wanls' to marry i t dB' I di tYh 'i by Canadian shipping intel'~sts to Isn't u:orned that IInyolle 10il! \'ictin~ liailagher of unpremedia. read. " Group Capt. Peter Townsend, r.~::Z:iala m~~~~eg~S I;;~'~ ~:;s~~ Canada's ro)'al commission on lrolk off trW, them, however. Th. te~ murder. Th~n It took Dnly 20 CANCEL GROUSE SIIOOTr.oIG . father of tll'O .chlldren who Is dl. during the las.t 48 hours between coastal trade. goll! ill the chipl i.~ loorth ftb ;nm~~h to deride on the sen· The princess and her .relatlyes Ivorced from hiS \I'~e. ' ... Townsend and the RO:'al Fam. W.\XT ST. LA\\'ltE:-;Cg liAR tilall IIle amollnt a player will lIet .cnc; e ma~ mum., and friends will not offend the feel. As head of Ihe Church of Eng. ny. The messages have been can, 'I'lw llilminiLlIl l\lal'ille Assoria· for cashillg tltem ill. Ih G I~.~agh~~. wr ~ ~~~~icted t 0; Ings of their highland neighbors! land, the Que~n could not consent cern~d with the d~clslon Mnrgaret liull. l'allnda's Jnrgest shippillg 17TII TEE CASE IN COURT . ra. me 0 s c les ou 0 b~' revelry. I to her sistcr marrying some one Is expected to make shortly about I i budy, nropci't!d lil the commissiLlII a prison camp hut, because he did It was learned that because of Who has been through the divorce her marria"e to him." lla.<t uiLlulh Ihat Callada aud the LONDON (AP)-Pnlice Friday nOI lI'anl to hear their moans, and " I charged an 18·year.old clerk with Ica\'ing them to die In sub.zero u.s. 1I('gotial~ a trcaly til bar ships i "The lIIurder on the 17th tee"- temperatures'fhey wer\! outside.Cpl. John William Ch arge P0 1° ICeman DEATHS, MOUNT TO" PEPPERHELL AFB - Colonel I Force. Laler he II'cnl overscas and i'o[uthcl'countriesfrom twren Can:Hlian and American trading be·in· year·oldthe April Jl!rs. 30 Elizabelhbludgeoning Currell of-ie· on Graeme S. Bond is the nclY Com· served for two ~enrs wilh the Air ~ land ports. The association slIg· .1~ne5 of Detrit. and Cpl. Donald 0 0 I I' . a suburban go if course. The ac· Thomas Baxter of Waukon, 101l'a. WIth Neall uence mander of this Northeast A!r Com· Force in t.he Far East. .: ~~sted thc line be ~raw~ at the cused man, Michael Qu-~ripel, III Thc courl 10 found Gallagher ..... t') Imand basco He succceds Bng. Gen.! After hiS rcturn to the United' mouth of the 51. LalHcoce. employee of the municipat council ;lIilty or ron:boration with the I N u, D" I"58 AS FLOODS fROLL w. H. Wise who returned to the' Statcs, he graduated from the I That proposalll'ollid lind little or II at Baroet. goes before a maei!- <'hine~e Reds. mistreating fellulI' n ... urses eat IS . United States on Aug, 18. Armed Forccs Staff College, Nor· i no slIpport in official Washington" trate today. prilOners, antI informing on them I' A Command Pilot with 24 years folk, Va., and Ihen held scrcral. Ihou;!h it is in .un~ wilh the .vi~ll·s I 1W-"S HALT PUBLICATION "lor Ihc purpose o[ sccurin~ fa· I TORONTO (CP I - Conslable, TH RO UGH 9 STAT ES service, Col. Bond entercd the staff assignments. ~Iost recently he : oC the. Lake Cal'rlcrs ASSOCiatIOn, NEW HAVEN. Conn. (AP) - IOl'ablr tr~atment by his captors." ~rllcc Priestman of suburban Easl service as a flying cadet in 1930'1 was assigned as ProCcssor of Ail': the hl.~ U.S. r,oun.tcrpart of the, T) R' tIP f '1 d L Col. Harmon Broyles, rourt pres. ~nrk township Friday, II'M com, . .. '" ' CanadIan or"amzatlOn, I Ie rtS 0 rCS$ al' to pU/J" irlent, announced Gallagher would milled for trial on a criminal ncgli. He. c~mpletcd hiS.
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