161 GuidePterois to Species volitans FAO names:Scorpaenidae - Red lionfish (En) Local name(s): Mchafe(Linnaeus,Bocho 1758) (M), Chale (K). Habitat: Dorsal10–11 fin rays with N: ; S: 13 spines and Fisheries: Benthic, associated to coral and rocky Distinctivereefs down toCharacters: 50 m. Bottom trawls, Seines. Anal fin with 3 spines Colour:and 6–7 softVariable rays; inscales colour, cycloid; usually often in with relation large tentacles above eyes. to habitat; coastal species generally darker, sometimes almost black in estuaries. Size: To 38 cm Scorpaena scrofa FAO names: Rascasse rouge (Fr) Red scorpionfish (En) Local name(s): MchafeLinnaeus,Bocho 1758 (M), Chale (K). Habitat: N: ; S: Fisheries: Over rocky, sandy or muddy bottoms, Distinctivedown to 500 Characters: m; usually down to 150 m. Bottom trawls, Seines. rays. Dorsal fin with 12 spines v;, Colour:and 9 soft rays; anal fin with 3 spines and 5 soft Dark spot often on spiny dorsal. Size: To 50 cm Scorpaenopsis diabolus (Plate II, 16) FAO names: False stonefish (En) Local name(s): Mchafe (Cuvier,Bocho (M), 1829) Chale (K). Habitat: N: ; S: Fisheries: Benthic in inshore waters, among rocks Distinctiveand corals, down Characters: to 70 m. Spears. Dorsal fin with 12 spines and 8–10 soft rays; anal fin with 3 spines and 5–6 Colour:rays; usually 18 pectoral–fin rays; back arched, with about 45 vertical scale rows. Colourful inside the pectoral fins. Size: To 30 cm 162 Bony Fishes Scorpaenopsis- Scorpaenidae - Apistidaegibbosa - Synanceiidae FAO names: Humpbacked scorpionfish (En) Local name(s): Mchafe (BlochBocho & (M) Schneider, Chale (K). 1801) Habitat: and corals. N: ; S: Fisheries: Benthic in inshore waters, among rocks Distinctive Characters: Bottom trawls, Spears. A robust fish, with a markedly humped back (size of hump increasing with17–18 age); rays. dorsal fin with 12 spines and 9 soft rays; Colour:anal fin with 3 spines and 5 rays; pectoral fins with A black spot nearly as large as eye on inner surface of pectoral fins near base of first 5 rays; no black mark inside mouth at front of upper jaw. Size: To 21 cm SL APISTIDAE Apistus carinatus Wasp scorpionfishes* FAO names: Ocellated waspfish th(En) (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) st nd Local name(s): Mchafe Bocho (M) Chale (K). 1 and 2 and 14th Habitat: Black patch between Black blotch between 8 spine Fisheries: N: ; S: dorsal spine Distinctive Benthic Characters: on soft bottoms down to 60 m. Bottom trawls, Seines. Preopercle with a strong spine and 2–3 shorter spines below; pectoral fins elongate, longest rays reaching to or beyond Colour:posterior end of anal fin; one pectoral–fin ray detached from remainder of fin. Body greyish dorsally and rosy ventrally; spiny part of dorsal fin grey, darker grey distally, and a similar barbel attached with a black patch between; pectoral fins black, A long slender barbel on chin uppermost pectoral–fin ray white. Size: To 20 cm halfway along lower jaw SYNANCEIIDAE Synanceia verrucosa Stonefishes FAO names: (Fr) Stonefish (En) Local name(s): Bloch & Schneider,Bocho (M), 1801 Poisson pierre commun (K). Habitat: N: Shinda dovi; S: Bevi Fisheries: Benthic in shallow waters, around coral Distinctivereefs, rocks andCharacters: in tidal pools. Spears. Dorsal fin with 12–14 spines covered by thick skin and 5–7 rays; anal fin Colour:with 3 spines and 5 rays usually covered with thick skin. Body brownish; pectoral, pelvic and caudal Remarks:fins tipped with white; caudal fin with subterminal 18–19 soft rays deathdark bands. in humans. Pectoral fin with Size: To 40 cm SL Fin spines venomous, sting can cause Guide to Species DACTYLOPTERIDAE Dactylopteridae - Triglidae - 163 Flying gurnards Dactyloptena orientalis FAO names: (Fr) Oriental flying gurnard (En) Local name(s): (Cuvier, 1829) Grondin volant étoilé Habitat: Benthic N: Mnuvion sandy/Vumbama bottoms (maji) in ;coastal Two spines separated from S: Panzi (M/K). rest of spiny dorsal fin Fisheries: Seines. Distinctivewaters. Characters: Heavily armored box– like body and winglike pectoral fins; anal fin with 6–7 soft rays; pectoral fins divided into 2 sections, abase short in adult anterior (much part, shorter with in 5young). rays, and a long Colour:posterior part with 27–30 rays reaching caudal–fin Prominent Usually yellowish–brown above, light Size: To 40 cm, common 20 cm brown below, with small orange spots over top of keeled spine head and back; dusky golden spots on pectoral fins. TRIGLIDAE Gurnards – Searobins Lepidotrigla faurei FAO names: Scalybreast gurnard Grondin armure (Fr) (En) Local name(s): Gilchrist & Thompson, 1914 Habitat: A N: Mnuvi; S: Panzi (M/K). Fisheries: Bottom dweller that occurs in rather deep Distinctivewaters from 50Characters: m to 175 m.Head large, triangular, Bottom trawls. with many ridges and spines, and a fissure on top, behind eyes (occipital groove); rostral process with several prominent spines; dorsal fin with 8–9 spineslarge. and 15–17 rays; anal fin with 15–16 soft Colour:rays; pectoral Mostly fins red. variable in length; body scales Size: To 18 cm Lepidotrigla multispinosa FAO names: (Fr) Indian Ocean spiny gurnard (En) Local name(s): Smith, 1934 Grondin épineux Habitat: N: Mnuvi; S: Panzi (M/K). Fisheries: Bottom dweller that occurs in deep Distinctivewaters from 230Characters: m to 335 m.Head large, triangular Bottom trawls. with many ridges and spines and a fissure on top behind eyes (occipital groove); rostral process forming a curved projection with no prominent spines; dorsal fin with 8–9 spines and 15–16 rays; Colour:anal fin Mostlywith 16–17 red. soft rays; preopercular ridge strong; body scales large. rostral process in dorsal view Size: To 15 cm 164 Bony Fishes Lepidotrigla- Triglidae - Platycephalidae spiloptera Günther, 1880 (Plate II, 17) FAO names: Grondin aile tachetée (Fr) Spotwing gurnard (En) Local name(s): Habitat: N: Mnuvi; S: Panzi (M/K). Fisheries: Bottom dweller that occurs in rather deep Distinctivewaters from 54Characters: m to 256 m. Head large, triangular Bottom trawls. with many ridges and spines, and a fissure on top, Colour:behind eyes (occipital groove); rostral process with several prominent spines; bony scales large. Mostly red with definite silvery white breast, belly and lower flanks. rostral process in dorsal view Size: To 10 cm PLATYCEPHALIDAE Cociella crocodilus Spiny flatheads FAO names: Crocodile flathead (En) Local name(s): (Cuvier,Vumbama 1829) (K). Habitat: Benthic on sandy or muddy bottoms from 1st 2nd near the shore to N: 100 Mnuvi m./ ; S: Songwe dorsal with 9 dorsal and anal fins Fisheries: spines with 11 soft rays Distinctive Characters: Bottom trawls, Gillnets. Top of head with spines Colour:and body ridges; bony ridge crossing cheek below eye with 3 spines; usually 2 preopercular spines. Small, dark spots on head and back; 4–5 brown bands crossing the back in some individuals, 19–22 rays vague or absent in others; spiny dorsal and caudal Pectoral fins with fins with a dusky band near margin; soft dorsal fin with small dark spots. Size: To 50 cm, common 40 cm Papilloculiceps longiceps FAO names: Tentacled flathead (En) Local name(s): Vumbama(Cuvier, 1829) (K). Habitat: 1st 2nd N: Mnuvi/ ; S: Songwe Fisheries: Benthic species, found on sandy bottoms dorsal with 9 dorsal and anal fins spines with 11 soft rays Distinctivenear coral reefs Characters: from 1 m to 15 m. Hooks and Line, Spears, Seines. 19–22 rays. Snout long; a prominent Colour:papilla on upper surface of eye; pectoral fins with Body brownish to green above, pale below; caudal fin with 3–4 vertical dark bands; other fins with prominent dark blotches. Bony ridges below eye with 1 spine Size: To 70 cm, common 50 cm GuidePlatycephalus to Species indicus FAO names: Platycephalidae - 165 1st st (Fr) the 1 Bartail flathead (En) Local name(s): Vumbama(Linnaeus, 1758) (K). dorsal fin with 9–10 spines, and last often separated Platycéphale indien Habitat: from other spines N: Mnuvi/ ; S: Songwe Fisheries: Benthic on sandy bottoms in shallow Distinctiveareas, also in Characters: estuaries. Maximum depth 25 m. Hooks and Line, Spears, Bottom trawls. Colour: Head with only 1 small preocular spine; pectoral fins with 17–20 rays. Brownish or greyish above, whitish below; Bony ridges on head 2nd small dark blotches on back and head; pectoral and dorsal and anal fins pelvic fins with numerous brown blotches; caudal and cheek smooth usually with 13 soft rays Size: To 100 cm, common 60 cm fin centrally yellow with black stripes on upper and lower margins. Rogadius pristiger * FAO names: (Fr) Thorny flathead (En) Local name(s): (Cuvier,Vumbama 1829) (K). Platycéphale épineux Habitat: Benthic on sandy or muddy bottoms from 2nd N: Mnuvi/ ; S: Songwe Four preopercular spines and 1 forward–pointing dorsal and anal fins Fisheries: spine on lower face usually with 10–12 soft rays Distinctive15 m to 95 m. Characters: Hooks and Line, Spears, Bottom trawls. rays. Lower opercular spine Colour:lacks serrations along base; 21–23 pectoral–fin Brownish above, white or tan below; 4–5 dark bands usually crossing back; caudal fin with Bony ridges on head a dark band near base, a light area in middle and a Size: To 17 cm dark band near posterior margin. with fine serrations Sorsogona prionota FAO names: Bony ridges on head Halfspined flathead (En) Local name(s): (Sauvage,Vumbama 1873) (K). Habitat: Benthic on sandy or muddy bottoms finely serrate; usually N: Mnuvi/ ; S: Songwe 3–4 preocular spines Fisheries: Distinctivedown to 65 m.Characters: Bottom trawls. nd dorsal and Three spines on Colour:preopercle not pointing forward; 2 anal fins with 12 rays. Brownish in colour, with 4–5 bands Under opercle a dark blotch Size: To 22 cm crossing back; spiny dorsal dusky brown, other fins interlaced with light lines dark spotted.
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