hebrides international film festival programme 19th – 22nd september 2018 Fiolmaichean an la an-diugh a’cuimseachadh air eileanan, coimhearsnachdan air an tuath agus an àrainneachd. Screening current global cimema on the theme of small islands, rural communities and the environment. hebfilmfestival.org 1 contents fàilte | welcome Welcome Short Films: Fàilte oirbh chun coigeamh Fèis Fiolm Eadar Nàiseanta Welcome to the fifth Hebrides International Film Festival. Festival information | Film Classifications ..........4 Bog Hole (Myrhull) | Hand.Line.Cod. ........................ 17 an Innse Gall. This year we have brought together another exciting programme ............................................................................ The Black Isle | MS, Mexico and Me: Aileen's Story Events 5 Tha fiolmaichean iongantach an là an-diugh againn mu of contemporary remote community and environmental films. Screenings ..............................................................6 - 7 | The Legend of Crabe Phare .................................... 18 coimhearsnachdan iomallach agus an àrainneachd phrìseil. With a strong focus on oceans and the current heightened Tickets and Bookings .................................................8 Cianalas | Mar A Thachair Do Dh'fhear A Sgur A’ togail truailleadh na mara tha fiolm Craig LeesonA Plastic awareness in plastic pollution films like Craig Leeson's A Dhol Eaglais | The Mountain of Sgaana ................ 19 Ocean agus am fiolm aig Karina HoldenBlue , ’s iad a’ toirt A Plastic Ocean, and Karina Holden's Blue bring the need to air aire gu gnìomh. Tha an èiginn anns a bheil eisg agus protect our oceans sharply into focus. The plight of fish and Documentaries: Dislocation Blues | Chacra | Daughter of the Sun .. 20 eòin-mara anns an fiolm aig Chris JordanThe Albatross ocean birds is highlighted in Chris Jordan's public art film Blue | In the Same Boat | Mountain .............................9 Hey Deer! .................................................................... 21 agus Bluefin a rinn John Hopkins. The Albatross and John Hopkins filmBluefin . Becoming Animal | A Plastic Ocean | A River Below .. 10 The Falcons | Inland Sea | In Our Hands .................. 11 Le 26 fiolm aig an Fhèis lòrgaidh sibh rud a chòrdas ribh, Our 26 feature films and linking shorts have something for Archive Screen: Under an Arctic Sky | Tongue Cutters | Blue Fin ..... 12 eadar dràma à Irania Lerd - a Man of Integrity far a bheil everyone from award winning Iranian dramas like Lerd - a Man Creel Fishing in Scotland | Salmon Fishing in Skye aon duine a dìon a thuathanas an aghaidh beartas agus of Integrity which highlights one man's struggle to protect his Sealers: One Last Hunt | The Albatross | Ashore .... 13 | Herring Harvest in Yarmouth | Toilers of the Deep cealgaireach. Fiolmaichean aithriseach mun àrainneachd land from a wealthy rival farmer, to provoking environmental ag innse mu na beathaichean anns an documentaries like charting the controversial | In Great Waters ......................................................... 21 A River Below A River Below Dramas: aibhnichean anns an Amazon agus fiolm èibhinnPork Pie ethics of protecting the pink river dolphins in the Amazon and Lerd | Leave No Trace | What Will People Say ......... 14 /Joy Ride à Seallain Nuadh a rinn Matt Murph. to add to the mix a New Zealand comedy road movie with Matt Murph's Pork Pie/Joy Ride. The Rider | Pork Pie/Joyride | The Breadwinner .... 15 Venues ................................................................22 - 23 In the Same Boat, Inland Sea, Ashore agus Becoming Sweet Country | Big Bad Fox & Other Tales | Animal a cur teaghamhan sa cheangal a tha eadar an duine In the Same Boat, Inland Sea, Ashore and Becoming Animal The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear .................... 16 Thanks List | Sponsors and Partners .................. 24 agus saoghal nàdar. Tha The Rider agus Leave no Trace all question mans relationship with the natural world in a wide Cloudboy ..................................................................... 17 agus Sweet Country coimheach le seallaidhean tiamhaidh variety of ways. We wanted to compliment these documentaries na talmhain agus seanchasan tarraingeach. with some expansive dramas, so powerful features like The Rider, Leave no Trace and Sweet Country all play against Air clàr na cloinne tha fiolm ball-coise à Innis TileThe Falcons incredible natural environments and give us dramatic substance. agus fiolm aithriseach cloinne à NirribhighTongue Cutters. They all use Tha an dealbh beo The Breadwinner gan fheadhainn òga Our children's programme brings a provoking Icelandic Football agus Big Bad Fox agus seanchasan eile rin fhaicinn. film withThe Falcons and a surprising children's documentary The Creative Cell | An Còmhlan Cruthachail from Norway called Tongue Cutters, strong content animation Tha dà thaigh deilbh ùr againn, Ionad na Bàigh ’s Na Hearadh in The Breadwinner and for younger audiences the lovely Delivering creative communications and experiences with passion. agus Grinneabhat am Bràdhghair, agus iad a-measg na tha ag Big Bad Fox and other Tales. obair gu saor thoilleach a’sgaoileadh fiosrachadh agus a toirt tachartasan gu coimhearsnachdan nan eilein. This year we are reaching out to new venues like The Bays Centre Comann Eachdraidh Loch Ròg an Ear in Harris and Grinnevat (Brager) and to our wonderful regular Tha sinn an dòchas gun còrd an tàghadh fiolmaichean ribh agus venues and volunteer local promoters who every year support bhiodh sinn toilicht ur beachdan a chluinntinn. Nam biodh sibh us make the festival accessible to everyone across the islands. cho math ’s gu lionadh sibh na bileagan aig gach tachartas, tha seo feumail airson tachartas na h-ath bhliadhna.. We hope you enjoy this unique selection of films and we would really like to hear your views on the content of the films, please MÒD GHLASCHU Anns am Pocket Cinema san Lanntair agus Pop Up Enviro an take the time to fill out the HIFF questionnaires after each TAX S Steòrnabhagh, bidh na fiolmaichean saor an asgaidh thairis screening and give is your views. (Your feedback is used each year GLASGOW MOD Baile Mòr nan Gàidheal The Heart of Gaelic Scotland Ghlaschu THE FIRST NAME IN HOUSEBUILDING air 4 là na Fèis. Bidh eòlaichean fiolm a’ còmhradh agus bidh to help inform programming for the coming year). òraidean air beathaichean fiathaich ri chluintinn.Thigeamh a ghlanadh na traighe cuide rinn aig Fèis Fiolm Eadar The pocket cinema at An Lanntair and our Pop Up Enviro Cinema Kildonan Museum will screen a free film programme in Stornoway over the 4 South Uist Nàiseanta Innse Gall. Ni sinn feum.! Festival days as well as film makers masterclasses and wildlife lectures. Please also take some time to join us for the annual HIFF beach clean! 0141 248 1033 thecreativecell.com Pavilion 2, Finnieston Business Park, 8 Minerva Way, Glasgow, G3 8AU. Muriel Ann Macleod Paul Macdonald Taylor Film Programmer & Rural Nations Creative Director Cinema Programmer Eden Court Cinemas Aidan Nicol Andy Mackinnon Cover, brochure artwork by Elaine Murray. | Brochure designed by The Creative Cell | An Còmhlan Cruthachail. Festival Producer Associate Producer Uist and Barra screening current global cinema on the theme of small islands, rural communities and the 3 2 fìosrachadh air fiolmaichean agus tachartasan: www.hebfilmfestival.org environment. for news and updated information on screenings and events visit: hebfilmfestival.org shore: how we see the sea, enviro cinema talks festival information events & lewis and harris horticultural producers Our Industry Masterclass details are not listed Tha fiosrachadh air bùth-obrach bho sàr eòlaiche shore: how we see the sea in this programme but information can be found fiolm air loidhne agus air duileag Facebook HIFF. online and on the HIFF facebook pages. The events Ged a tha tachartasan Pocket Cinema san Lanntair cladach i walk there every day in the An Lanntair Pocket cinema are free but booking saor an asgaidh, mholadh sinn gun deidheadh UK, 2018, Director: Margaret Salmon but never saw it that way in advance is recommended as space is limited. allaiseachadh a dheanamh, or chaneil moran Duration: 30 mins Recommended: PG UK, 2018, Director: Ed Webb-Ingall Duration: 23 mins Language: English shuidheachainn ann. Recommended: PG Language: English The short film screenings, lectures, workshops Thursday 20 September: 7 - 9pm, Taigh Chearsabhagh The screening will be followed by live performances and environmental promotions in the Pop up Bidh na h-òraidean, fiolmaichean goirid, bùthtean-obrach with refreshments in the Café and an opportunity Enviro Cinema in Stornoway are also free. Please agus tachartasan mun àrraineachd san Pop Up Enviro A film screening and live performance event as part of to share thoughts and reactions as part of a come and browse through the information on current an Steòrnabhagh cuideachd an asgaidh. Thigeamh a Scotland-wide tour. This special event is a screening Scotland-wide conversation about “how we see the ocean guardian and environmental campaigns. a leughadh an taisbeanadh mu na h-iomairtean of two new films by Scottish-based artists Margaret sea” and our role in preserving our endangered talmhainn agus fairge. Salmon and Ed Webb-Ingall, specially commissioned aquatic worlds. Shore: How We See the Sea is Screenings of films in all the venues can be subject by arts and science organisation Invisible Dust for curated by Invisible Dust and funded by the National to change
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