Subject Index to Volume 73 JANUARY-DE(MEMBER 1976 Introduction The terms in the Subject Index for Vol ume 73, January-December 1976, of the PROCEEDINGSOF THE NATIONALACA DEMY OF SCIENCESUSA were chosen mainly from titles and key terms of artic] es. The index terms are alphabetized by computer; numbers, conformational pref ixes, Greek letters, hyphens, and spaces between words are disregarded in alphabe tization. After each index term is printed the title of the article (or a suitable modi fication of the title) and the appropriate page number. Titles are listed in alphabe tical order under the index terms. Classifications (e.g., Physics, Mather latics) under which papers have been published are used as index terms only if it seemed this would be helpful. Papers that are concerned in some major way with methodology are indexed under "Methodology" as well as under more sj ,ecific terms. Papers relevant to human diseases are indexed under "Diseases of I iuman beings" (with some subclassifica- tions) as well as under more specific tern is. Corrections to papers in which errors occurred are indexed under the term "Coi rection" as well as under the index terms selected for the paper itself. Organisms are indexed by their scientific names when scientific names were provided in the pape rs; suitable cross-references are provided. Genes are listed together as, for example ,"Gene, lac." Because the PROCEEDINGSurges auth ors to follow the tentative rules and rec- ommendations of the nomenclature cor amissions (e.g., for biochemistry, those proposed by the International Union ol 'Pure and Applied Chemistry and the Commission on Biochemical Nomenclatu re), an effort has been made to construct an index that conforms with this policy. However, correction of errors in nomen- clature was not attempted and the index should not be looked upon as a reference for correct or recommended usage. In a ddition, some exceptions to the recom- mendations of the commissions were nece:isary. Index terms themselves are usually not abbreviated even if specific recomm endations have been made by the com- missions; and in some instances, words wit]iin an index term were rearranged. (Thus, tRNA is indexed as "Ribonucleic acid, t ransfer.") In general, analogues of com- pounds are indexed as the parent compou]id. (Thus, dibutyryl adenosine 3:5-cyclic monophosphate is indexed as "Adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate, dibutyryl-.") The "Recommended Name" from the 19' '2 recommendations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry anc Ithe International Union of Biochemistry [Enzyme Nomenclature (1973), America n Elsevier, New York] has been used for enzymes whenever Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers were published in the pa- pers, since the 1972 recommendations were followed by the editorial staff throughout 1976. EC numbers are listed a s part of the entry only if the EC number was printed in the paper. [Thus, some ei lzymes have two entries, e.g., "Adenosi- netriphosphatase" and "Adenosinetriph( )sphatase (EC"] 4715 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 4716 Subject Index Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 73 (1976) PAGINATION 0 F ISSUES Pages Issue Month Pages Issue Month Pages Issue Month 1-268 1 January 1377-1772 5 May 2945-3324 9 September 269-664 2 February 1773-2168 6 June 3325-3784 10 October 665-980 3 March 2169-2532 7 July 3785-4252 11 November 981-1376 4 April 2533-2944 8 August 4253-4792 12 December Abelian phase group Myosin-paramyosin cofilaments: Enzymatic interactions with F-actin, Relativized problems with abelian phase group in topological dynamics, 3015 1007 Actin filament Acetabularia mediterranea Polarity of actin filaments in Characean algae, 165 Temperature dependence of cycloheximide-sensitive phase.of circadian Actin-like filament cycle in Acetabularia mediterranea, 3216 Actin-like filaments and membrane rearrangement in oxyntic cells, 4032 Acetic anhydride Actinomycin D Activation of chromatin by acetylation of histone side chains, 3937 Biphasic stimulation of polyamine biosynthesis in primary mouse kidney Acetobacter xylinum cells by infection with polyoma virus: Uncoupling from DNA and Cellulose biosynthesis in Acetobacter xylinum: Visualization of site of rRNA synthesis, 4022 synthesis and direct measurement of in vivo process, 4565 Messenger RNA competition in shutoff of human interferon production, N-Acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene 1621 Synthesis of nuclear proteins during DNA repair synthesis in human Synthesis of murine leukemia virus proteins associated with virions diploid fibroblasts damaged with ultraviolet radiation or assembled in actinomycin D-treated cells: Persistence of viral N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene, 1466 messenger RNA, 1154 Acetylation Translational control in regulation of ferritin synthesis by iron, 857 Activation of chromatin by acetylation of histone side chains, 3937 Action potential Acetylcholine Membrane potential dependent binding of scorpion toxin to action see also Receptor, acetylcholine; Receptor, nicotinic acetylcholine potential Na+ ionophore, 2682 Acetylcholine receptors: Localization during synaptogenesis in retina, Spike-forming model of neural membrane: Computer simulation of 1806 additional perfused axon experiments, 100 Choline synthesized from ethanolamine in rat brain, 2181 Spike-forming model of neural membrane: Improvement in parameter Isolated acetylcholine receptor protein: Kinetics of binding of values, 2264 acetylcholine and Ca ions, 3994 Tetrodotoxin-resistant dendritic spikes in avian Purkinje cells, 2520 Mechanism of action of (-bungarotoxin on synaptosomal preparations, Tetrodotoxin-resistant dendritic spikes in avian Purkinje cells 2664 (correction), 4247 Photoaffinity labeling and quaternary structure of acetylcholine receptor Actomyosin from Torpedo californica, 2624 Myosin-mediated Ca++-regulation of Synapse and acetylcholine receptor synthesis by neurons dissociated actomyosin-adenosinetriphosphatase from porcine aorta, 2706 from retina, 2370 Acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetase Synapse formation between clonal neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid cells Activation of long chain fatty acids with acyl carrier protein: New and striated muscle cells, 123 enzyme, acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetase, in Escherichia coli, 4374 Synthesis of acetylcholine receptors by cultured chick myotubes and Acyl carrier protein denervated mouse extensor digitorum longus muscles, 161 Activation of long chain fatty acids with acyl carrier protein: New Transduction of chemical into electrical energy, 82 enzyme, acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetase, in Escherichia coli, 4374 Acetylcholinesterase (EC Acyl-coenzyme A synthetase (EC Effect, of p'prQis+ent "elective suppression of ganglionic Acyl coenzyme A synthetase activity is required for repression of yeast :.?': \i t.' I. li'lln.-t'-', on steady state and regenerating levels of acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase by exogenous fatty acids, 386 acetylcholinesterase: Function of butyrylcholinesterase and regulation Adaptation of protein synthesis, 2936 Rates, patterns, and effectiveness of evolution in multi-level situations, Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (EC 1360 Acyl coenzyme A synthetase activity is required for repression of yeast Sherpas living permanently at high altitude: Pattern of adaptation, 747 acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase by exogenous fatty acids, 386 Addendum Dietary and hormonal regulation of content of acetyl coenzyme A Porphyria variegata and porphyria cutanea tarda in siblings: Chemical carboxylase-synthesizing polysomes in rat liver, 2304 and genetic aspects (Addendum), 1323 N-Acetylglucosamine Purification of folate binding factor in normal umbilical cord serum Prediction of three-dimensional structures of enzyme-substrate and (Addendum) 2527 enzyme-inhibitor complexes of lysozyme, 4261 Adenine 1--N-Acetylglucosaminidase (EC Ultraviolet photoelectron studies of biological purines: Valence electronic Heteropolymeric hexosaminidase A in human X mouse hybrid cells, 3637 structure of adenine, 2966 Interrelationship of hexosaminidases A and B: Confirmation of common Adenine analog and unique subunit theory, 2833 Regulation of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity Specific recognition sites mediating clearance of lysosomal enzymes in and cholesterol synthesis in nonhepatic tissues of rat, 2564 uiuvo, 4045 Adenine, methyl-substituted Acrasin Hormonal control of meiosis: Specificity of 1-methyladenine receptors in Acrasin of cellular slime mold Polysphondylium violaceum, 795 starfish oocytes, 1669 Acrasinase Ultraviolet photoelectron studies of biological purines: Valence electronic Acrasin of cellular slime mold Polysphondylium violaceum, 795 structure of adenine, 2966 Actin Adenine nucleotide Asynchronous synthesis of erythrocyte membrane proteins, 3206 see also specific adenosine nucleoside phosphates A'I'l bitnding to protease-resistant core of actin, 2742 Diadenosine 5',5`'-P1,P4-.tetraphosphate (Ap4A) in mammalian cells in Calcium control of actin-activated myosin adenosine triphosphatase from levels varying widely with proliferative activity of tissue: Possible Dictyostelium discoideum, 2321 positive "pleiotypic activator", 3984 Chick cytoplasmic actin and muscle actin have different structural genes, Incorporation of adenosine into ATP: Formation of compartmentalized 2346 ATP, 3122 Free energy levels and entropy production in muscle contraction and in Adenocarcinoma related solution systems, 336 Immunological crossreactivity of antibodies to synthetic undecapeptide Free
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