18 ❚ Wednesday,February10th, 2010 •westerntelegraph.co.uk WTAd feature THE contemporaryinterior of WavesItalian Bar and Restaurant has aglorious sea viewfromits spacious, The elegantly furnished dining room. restaurant that overlooks Caldey Island Ta ste of Italywith a stunning sea views doesn’trequireaplane flight. Sheraton Park To werCasino; Les Ambassadors and the WavesItalian Bar and Restaurant has created afine rep- Royal Thames Yacht Club. Pembrokeshireview utation, with the proven qualities of exceptional dishes, So when he and his familydecided to settle in real value formoneyand attentiveand knowledgeable Pembrokeshireafew years ago, it was not too long WITH Aglass of Chianti in your hand, pasta carbonara service. beforehis background led him back into the restaurant on your plate and the glorious vista of an island set in an Set within the popular Celtic Havenluxurycottage trade. azuresea, youcould be forgiven forthinking you’re on resortatLydstep,just outside Te nby, overlooking Caldey What David enjoys about Wavesisthe range of good the Italian Riviera. Island,Wavesispopular with resortguests, tourists and food the team can offer,making considerable use of fresh, Yetvisiting such arestaurant with tempting menus and locals who have ataste foratrulyrelaxing and appetising local produce. culinaryexperience. .,'&1 (' *&..+# The strong Italian influence was the idea of Celtic Havenowner $"%0* Philip Evans and is put into prac- #5! .6!&3!"/03-..6* '&,!3 (!3/&-5&2/ &/ ,0*("&,")( tice by restaurant manager and 1!6/7$ )&,!2 &2" +738 /8!4 &66 /8! %!3/ chef David Zanato and chef +0**2110,( -0##$$ ).$%2&12(/( $0 $-*/ #'& "++ Maxine Spure. '!$ "&**2(/&,( -!02%$ (/0 !0*( Giving the menus at Waves == 0.(( '%;&!*.&10%;20!%&1 restaurant gourmet quality with '.(4%#: 0*96&1$6'7#%,6"0.#6 '#), %"$ &"#), +(!* M(4/ O"""7 an Italian theme,was just the kind !6(38+=-= =8</)- C>/#-) !'9Q)>4#)> 3-49&>5N9#$/4 4*538+=-= =8</)- K; B9>=<>)@ ?5-J>AB/>H$/Q$A E-)=Q5@G#J>$A of opportunity David was seeking ###(*)''.++)&(")(%- D>&P5Q+>49-5>6 B,2. O,% when he joined the Celtic Haven ")(%- *>)0 3#IL8 FO1:1 1"FK12 /*!.+0 ,!+/&$*)''.++)&( team last April. Pembrokeshire-born but with Italian parents, David started his training in the county and then enjoyedalengthyand successful >/9< !$ 2-/#-/ .-'# 4/#6)<+9'3 :)<'<"$ career as achef in some of RESTAURANT chef manager David Zanato (/3,% "%+!-3/- 03 2-/#-/ .-'#$ 0"1&+-5" 7-%5$ Britain’smost famous establish- 0"1&+-5");9+"$ ,*=8 !.( and chef Maxine Spure, discuss the day’sorder book ments, including Claridge’s; the 2$70!& )'+$6 at Wavesbar and restaurant in the '$!% *45%5 5(4-5735,,.&&35(*777 Cavalryand Guards Club; Celtic Haven resortatLydstep. "!&!#'$%! (&)% *45%5 5(-%4, *14#4 45.44# *#&"!% $8'6#1)"/$1+$8)0216! ''',$-'$%))&-""%*&#+$,&-,(! '"*$",! %#-)"% $+(#, +-- )$# &#*) ! "# D26 K25+2E $27>3 %*B0 /$D #'"%( "(!$'& ?E< .440 'HF7<2HE *75 ?:>H1F52H2HE (- $1,&9!@F<3 I2FE9H262!H The $2!: "2!H %<!+ AK27 '!H<F2E 8/01 *.6,4 6-.++. "1HC "2!H 'H1:1<F17!@ =@1<)F7+ ;!5+2E 5%9&%!' )(#8%) Italians G9+ 'HF7<F7+ %F+7 A#2)F8@2 LH!,)F8E &$7(! *75 I1<E G1H2J 8&( 7("32(98 are here! (!!)*')+%(#-..!#(,#-" &&&,(!!)*'),#-,'$ the restaurant that overlooks Caldey Island Great pizzas, wonderful pasta, superb steaks and delicious ARE PROUD TO BE fish dishes are just some of the highlights of our Italian Suppliers of Frozen Foods ASSOCIATED WITH restaurant at Waves –agreat night out! WAVES AT CELTIC HAVEN and Ice Cream Traditional roast servedfor to the Catering &Retail Trade alazy Sundaylunch 12.00noon –4.00pm FREEPHONE 0800 0377627 PROUD TO SUPPLYWAVES WavesisatCeltic Haven, Lydstep on the Te nbytoManorbier Road AT CELTIC HAVEN Open Mon,Thurs, Fri &Sat evenings and everylunchtime Email CaldeyIsland Bookings: 01834 870085 [email protected] Pembroke Dock • Tel: 01646 685 777 Lighthouse WTAd feature ❚ Wednesday,February10th, 2010 •westerntelegraph.co.uk 19 MANAGER David Zanato and chef Maxine Spureare pictured in the Italian-flavoured surroundings at Waves. SOME of the cottages at Celtic Haven Resort Asparagus, strawberries, all kinds of seasonal vegetables, nience and variety,aswell as top quality food and service Wavescan accommodate 50 customers and offers daily beef, lamb,pork and, of course,awealth of seafood at aprice that suits most pockets. lunch on MondaytoSaturday(noon to 2pm), including delights, giveWaves outstanding range and quality. “For example,weoffer light lunches, an excellent chil- light choices.Aspecial two-course,over60s lunch, at “Wehaveaterrific group of local suppliers,” says David, dren’smenuand dishes forpeople with special diets. Our £8.95, is available on Tu esdays and Thursdays. “and theyplayanimportant partinhelpingustodeliver pizzas arealso very popular,following traditional south- areallyspecial dining experience.” ern Italyrecipes and theyare available to takeawayfor customers’ convenience.” Enquiries and The restaurant is also awarethat resortguests may all reservations Enticing dishes, catch their ownfish and these can be prepared and cooked to order. can be made affordable prices by calling WAVES Italian Bar and Restaurant is open forlunch Special occasions 01834 870085 sevendaysaweek. Enjoyfine dining with an exquisite,yet affordablealacarte menuonMonday,Thursday, Friday WAVES restaurant also has acivil and Saturdayevenings during the autumn, winter and wedding licence and caters forwed- )+,#&".-- spring months. During summer and certain school holiday ding receptions, birthdaycelebrations weeks, it is open Tu esdaythrough to Saturdayfor dinner. and traditional events such as St. ,'*)!*.!) +,# Listed as one of the best in Wales and described as ‘sim- David’sDay with its Welsh menu. $+*#!, %!,(*! plystunning’ by Wales in Style,the restaurant offers some Apartfromthe exciting Italian dish- #.&0=&@ ,'%9.$# <0*3#*9..( "% 3%!$ enticing Italian dishes. es, it has astrong traditional British '%;.0 %&.# ,$.. '%:*' 0.'=;.$3> Forexample,atempting starter is Mussels Rimini, fresh base,offering leisurelySundayroasts #.&0=&@ ,'%9.$# 9%$'09=0. 9="? 1,'%$=#"> mussels drenched in Italian white wine and agenerous up to 4pm,Welsh dishes, music nights 0%&" ,%$@.";*'.&"=&.# 0*3)+"? ,.7$!*$3> "#1- &314#1 -, &%+#1 ,$.. 7%5%,:?%:%'*".# 9="? .;.$3%$0.$ helping of fresh cream. If seafood as amain dish takes and, coming up soon,Valentine’snight %;.$ 84-> %- /#2-3$ )%+#. !*,0 %22 your fancy,try Spaghetti vongole,anItalian coastal village with an enticing, romantic menuat 9=#?=&@ *'' *" 9*;.# "?.;.$3 %- (' /,001 7.#" ,%$ "?. ,!"!$. specialty —fresh clams in their shells, combined with £27.95 per person. 2)/6+ /)6<++ +#.%*-"# &,)$) )!(,'( garlic and wine sauce and spaghetti. Delicious! Forachange from seafood, what about Lamb Chianti, a )(",75$6%7 Wishing all "!# rump steak of lamb marinated in rich redwine and rose- From Wavesat *"!&-,%' +//#%($'& )&/(%.- maryonabed of braised cabbage? -"0'( $! .'!-, "2'" Celtic Haven Restaurant manager David Zanatoisable to recom- '99) !32#59 (1(849"( 7:;/86 . 780/9/=3 EverySuccess "< '++ #;-76 <5 mend appropriate wines from an excellentItalian-biased $5 /$1(7 8(75$38$"5 $5 in the Future selection. He can offer three palatable house wines cost- 2(!5%2 &$1(" ;61786* +7948/9 %<<-786* ing less than £3 aglass but is particularlykeen on recom- 1+/ 0'".'20 *#4)"# "!( #4!% ($0."!)' 8>786 . /61,;61786 Lydstep,Manorbier,NrTenby mending adelightful Chilean Sauvignon Blanc when white *"$2342.0 *&'22$'0 !/61/=3 ;++ 41<67 58<) ,;076 ;4 Find us on the Te nbytoManorbier Road %7+4/9 1;07= 417 &764 <5 $29-( is your choice. *-0+. 0. .* .* Tel: 01834 871475 )&$" !2/0. /.01,* +#'%$&" !(-(! .(.1-2 Apartfromarange of dessertwines and after meal spirits, customers might be inclined to tryanItalian %"#& %'"$!' liqueur called Pisa, which comes, not surprisingly, in a '22+ #*-$ ,2 /"(). $-&-' #,.)-% leaning bottle. ", -)#,%- &"()! !8)$418589 %-+<8; Underpinning the manager’spolicy is the emphasis on DIM8 F>5M (I11>)8: B.94187: J8K=.: ")0%"# "!+ .",)##%,) .*11#%). +(,*-' !",)&-)")/- affordability.“With the recession tending to curb peo- #8M=5I"84&$586 L,2G 2LE6 E5I0K94 *>$K18K>K<8 L85/$<8 "!+ %!.,"##",%2! C,!!= H# JA!!#LH>,@FJ ple’sspending,”saysDavid,“it’svital that we offer conve- .(#/ 2,3')%1 '-3-+0 "!*$#( ,-')3 )&%+&% /#! %)',' '.&.-% "%#$'&! ,H (F*HB( C,@F% ,%3 >BJC ?3LJ %F BH(C J% ,BB ,J @,A3L !3LJ,H!,'J $"+ %(((% *&-(-& HCF' F@FL=JA(FJJ E#L SHOP Treatment of the month: •Fresh Local Meat Elemis Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing facial &home kit: £80 –atotal saving of £35! HCF EAHALF4 •Hot Carvery Product of the month: •Fresh Fish 150ml Pro Radiance Cream Cleanser &facial mitt just £27 with free ProCollagen Marine Cream! CATERING The ‘cariad’ package forcouples ,5527.-8 •Suppliers of Meat &Produce to Over 200 Businesses February-amonth forromance! @<$MM<I0 ;DM7G G72K •Pig Roasts &BBQ The perfect time to sweep the love of your lifeoff their feet with aromantic treat... J-2.$9- FI)$I--24 Andrew Rees Butchers are Pleased to Supply Ahalf dayfor two in our luxurious spa with mini-facial or arelaxing back massage.You can also use all the spa facilities including the swimming pool and our very relaxing ‘bubbleroom’. Waves Restaurant at Celtic Haven and Wish Then, on top of all that, aglass of wine and lunch is included. 6/ K7I0&1 ?2-<"87GI them EveryFuture Success Perfect. Just £90 per couple (7I02<901 ,.<$M<:M- +72 Celtic Haven,, Lydstep,Tenby, 29 High Street Narberth 01834 861892 Pembrokeshire SA70 7SG @<$MM<I0 ?7$M-214 3&4 West Wales Business Park, Tel: 01834 871850 Narberth 01834 860470 www.celtichavenspa.co.uk Email: [email protected] +&!' (,$*% )"#)#( www.andrewreesbutchers.co.uk AT LYDSTEP ON THE TENBY TO MANORBIER ROAD %"!&$#"%.
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