DURHAM CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REVIEW AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2019 Durham Cathedral, AcCounts for the year ended 31 MarCh 2019 Durham Cathedral Is a ChrIsJan ChurCh of the AnglICan CommunIon, the shrIne of St Cuthbert and the seat of the BIshop of Durham. It is a focus of pIlgrimage and spIritualIty in North East England. Our Purpose Our purpose is to worship God, share the gospel of Jesus Christ, welcome all who come, celebrate and pass on our rich Chris:an heritage and discover our place in God’s crea:on. Our Vision Following the example of Saints Cuthbert and Bede, we share our faith and heritage globally and empower people to transform the communi:es in which we live and serve. Our Place We inhabit a treasured sacred space set in the natural and human landscape of the World Heritage Site. What We Do Six areas of life, experienced as strands in a rope which, as they interweave, touch and support each other, make Durham Cathedral what it is today. 1. WorshIp and SpIrItualIty We worship God through daily prayer and praise, and celebrate the contribu:ons of music and art to the spiritual life of the Cathedral. 2. WelCome and Care We welcome all who cross our threshold and express Chris:an care in all aspects of our life as a community. 3. Learning, Nurture and FormaJon We help people to encounter God and grow in faith and discipleship by offering opportuni:es for dialogue, learning and research. 4. Outreach and Engagement We work in ac:ve partnerships for the good of the Diocese and the communi:es of North East England and to contribute to Durham’s flourishing and significance. 5. Buildings, Treasures and Environment We conserve, develop and interpret our buildings, environment and historic collec:ons, while respec:ng the Church as a place of prayer. 6. FinanCe and StewardshIp 2 Durham Cathedral, AcCounts for the year ended 31 MarCh 2019 We steward our resources prudently, generously and ethically to sustain our ac:vi:es and provide extensive public benefit. Our Values In all things, we are inspired, mo:vated and challenged by the Chris:an faith and the values of the Gospel. Spirituality We recognise and respond to God’s presence in our world and among us, prac:cing a reflec:ve approach to what we do. RespeCt We recognise the image of God in all human beings, honour their dignity and treat them with courtesy. Jusce We deal fairly in our personal and collec:ve behaviours, work to the highest ethical standards, and are honest in our speech and behaviour. We think, speak and act with integrity, are professional in our conduct, and are publicly accountable for our ac:ons. Collaboraon We are a community founded on trust that prizes team working and builds partnerships that contribute to the common good. Sustainability We are business-like in our corporate life and prudent in our stewardship of resources. We pursue the sustainability of our opera:ons and environment. WelCome We are welcoming and hospitable to all. We show Chris:an love and care to our guests and those who need our help. AspIraJon We are an outward-facing Cathedral that reaches for the future with energy and courage, and reaches out to our communi:es in the hope of personal and social transforma:on. Constuon The Cathedral is governed by the Cons:tu:on and Statutes of the Cathedral Church of Christ, Blessed Mary the Virgin and St Cuthbert of Durham, which were most recently amended on 1 May 2015. The Chapter The members during the year were: The Very Revd. Andrew Tremle\ The Dean The Revd. Canon Dr David Kennedy Resigned 30 September 2018 The Revd. Canon Michael Hampel Installed 17 November 2018 The Revd. Canon Charlo\e Allen Installed 22 September 2018 Canon Catherine Barnes The Revd. Canon Rosalind Brown Re;red 31 August 2018 The Venerable Ian Jagger The Archdeacon of Durham, Re;red 3 March 2019 The Revd. Canon Sophie Jelley The Revd. Canon Professor Simon Oliver Canon Ivor Stolliday Canon Treasurer, rered 9 April 2019 3 Durham Cathedral, AcCounts for the year ended 31 MarCh 2019 Canon Andrew Thurston Canon Treasurer, installed 10 March 2019 Canon Simon Wood Members of the Chapter are also the Governors of The Chorister School. Senior Office Holders Canon Philip Davies Chapter Clerk, Re;red 1 April 2018 Senior Office Holders (conJnued) Ms. Amanda Anderson Chapter Clerk & Chief Opera:ng Officer, Appointed 19 March 2018 Mrs. Jayne Manns Director of Finance Mr. Ian Wicks Headmaster of the Chorister School Mr. Daniel Cook Organist and Master of the Choristers The Cathedral CounCIl The members during the year were: Canon Paul Chandler Chairman The Right Revd. Paul Butler The Bishop of Durham (non-vong) The Very Revd. Andrew Tremle\ The Dean (ex-officio) The Revd. Canon Dr David Kennedy (resigned 30 September 2018) Chapter Representa:ve Canon Ivor Stolliday (resigned 9 April 2019) Chapter Representa:ve The Revd. Canon Alec Harding College of Canons Representa:ve The Revd. Canon Judith Hirst College of Canons Representa:ve Dr Patrick Gray Durham University Representa:ve Miss Faye Dufferwiel Cathedral Community Representa:ve Mr. Richard Hilton Cathedral Community Representa:ve Mr. Khaiko Makwela-Wali Cathedral Community Representa:ve Dr Maria Cockerill Co-opted Members Mrs. Kate Fenwick Co-opted Members The Revd. Ruth Gee (resigned 12 July 2018) Co-opted Members Mr. Roger Kelly (deceased 12 April 2019) Co-opted Members Mrs. Jane Robinson (resigned 20 March 2019) Co-opted Members Mr. Simon S:ll Co-opted Members Mr. Philip Davies (rered 1 April 2018) Secretary Ms. Amanda Anderson (appointed 1 April 2018) Secretary The College of Canons The members during the year were: The Very Revd. Andrew Tremle\ The Dean The Revd. Canon Charlo\e Allen Installed 22 September 2018 Canon Catherine Barnes The Revd. Canon Rosalind Brown Re;red 31 August 2018 The Revd. Canon Michael Hampel Installed 17 November 2018 The Venerable Ian Jagger Archdeacon of Durham, Re;red 3 March 2019 The Revd. Canon Sophie Jelley 4 Durham Cathedral, AcCounts for the year ended 31 MarCh 2019 The Revd. Canon Dr David Kennedy Resigned 30 September 2018 The Revd. Canon Professor Simon Oliver Canon Ivor Stolliday Resigned 9 April 2019 Canon Andrew Thurston Installed 10 March 2019 Canon Simon Wood The Revd. Canon Stuart Bain Installed as a Supernumerary Non-Residen;ary Canon 29 April 2018 The Revd. Canon Sheila Bamber The Revd. Canon Dr Alan Bartle\ The Revd. Canon David Brooke Resigned July 2018 The Right Revd. Mark Bryant Bishop of Jarrow, re;red 23 September 2018 The Revd. Canon Janet Burbury The Revd. Canon Graeme Bu\ery The College of Canons (Connued) Canon Paul Chandler The Right Revd. Sarah Clark Bishop of Jarrow, Consecrated 27 February 2019 The Venerable Robert Cooper Archdeacon of Sunderland, Installed 3 July 2018 The Revd. Canon Caroline Dick The Revd. Canon Raymond Dick Re;red 24 April 2019 The Revd. Canon Vince Fenton The Revd. Canon Adrian Gatrill The Revd. Canon David Glover The Revd. Canon Jane Grieve The Revd. Canon Alec Harding Canon Dr James Harrison The Revd. Canon Judith Hirst The Revd. Canon Marilyn Jamieson The Revd. Canon Colin Jay Installed 29 April 2018 Canon Susan Marshall Installed 10 March 2019 Canon Dr Margaret Masson The Revd. Canon Heather Murray Canon Andrew Rogers The Revd. Canon John Ruscoe The Revd. Canon Valerie Shedden The Baroness Sherlock OBE Resigned July 2018 The Revd. Canon Dr Norman Shave Installed 10 March 2019 The Venerable Richard Simpson Archdeacon of Auckland Canon Professor Michael Snape The Revd. Canon Dorothy Snowball The Revd. Canon David Tomlinson The Revd. Canon Paul Tyler Canon Margaret Vaughan The Revd. Canon Michael Whitehead Deceased 22 May 2018 The Revd. Canon Elizabeth Wilkinson Installed 23 June 2019 The Revd. Canon Keith Woodhouse The Revd. Canon Caroline Worsfold Mr. Philip Davies Secretary, Re;red 1 April 2018 Ms. Amanda Anderson Secretary, Appointed 1 April 2018 5 Durham Cathedral, AcCounts for the year ended 31 MarCh 2019 ResourCes CommIWee The members during the year were: Canon Ivor Stolliday Chairman, Resigned 9 April 2019 Canon Catherine Barnes Interim Chairman, Appointed 9 April 2019 The Very Revd. Andrew Tremle\ The Dean The Revd. Canon Charlo\e Allen From 22 September 2018 Ms. Amanda Anderson Chapter Clerk & Chief Opera:ng Officer, Appointed 1 April 2018 Mr. Philip Davies Chapter Clerk, Re;red 1 April 2018 The Revd. Canon Michael Hampel From 17 November 2018 Mr. Ian Hunter Head of HR and OD Mrs. Jayne Manns Director of Finance Canon Andrew Thurston From 10 March 2019 Mr. Ian Wicks From 4 September 2018 Miss Faye Dufferwiel Secretary FabrIC AdvIsory CommIWee The members during the year were: Mr. Humphrey Welfare Chairman Mr. Andrew Boyce Dr. Mary Brooks From 9 July 2018 Ms. Sarah Brown From 9 July 2018 Mr. David Carrington Mr. Hugh Dixon Resigned May 2019 Mr. Colin Haylock Dr Julian Luxford Mr. Mar:n Roberts Mrs. Katharine Smith Secretary, resigned 24 July 2019 Ms. Amanda Anderson Secretary, appointed 24 July 2019 AudIt CommIWee The members during the year were: Canon Paul Chandler Chairman Canon Catherine Barnes Dr Maria Cockerill The Venerable Ian Jagger Re;red 3 March 2019 Mr. Simon S:ll Mr. Philip Davies Secretary, Re;red 1 April 2018 Mrs. Katharine Smith Secretary, Appointed 1 April 2018 Investment Commiee The members during the year were: Mr. Simon S:ll Chairman The Very Revd. Andrew Tremle\ The Dean 6 Durham Cathedral, AcCounts for the year ended 31 MarCh 2019 Mr. Andrew Martell Re;red 30 April 2018 The Hon James Ramsbotham Canon Ivor Stolliday Resigned 9 April 2019 Mr.
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