_ f,_ . }!?_ ? _?? i!, ·:' · , w .i¸ Psychedelic Review PUBLISHER SrJ Kr_shna Endeavors EDITOR Ralph Mefzner, Ph.D. CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Timothy Lear/, Ph.D. ART DIRECTOR Dion Wright CONSULTING EDITORS Richard Alpert, Ph.D., New York Allen Atwell, City University of New York Joe K. Adams, Ph.D., Big Sur, California Richard Baker, San Francisco, California Joseph Berke, M.D., Langham Clinic, London Joseph J. Downing, M.D., San MateD, California Lawrence Feriinghettl, San Francisco, California Gary M. Fisher, Ph.D., Los Angeles, California Joel Fort, M.D., University of California, Berkeley Stanislaus Graf, M.D., Psychiatric Research Institute, Prague David Israelstam, M.D., Berkeley, California Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Maimonides Hospital, Brooklyn, New York Pau_ Lee, Ph.D., Un_verslty of Californ_.a, Santa Cruz William H. McGIothlin, Ph.D., Rand Corporation Robert E. Mogar, Ph.D., San Francisco State College Eugene Schoenfeld, M.D., M.P.H., Berkeley, California John W. -Rpellman, Ph.D., University of British Columbia Sanford M. Unger, Ph.D., National Institute of Mental Health Alan Watts, Sausalito, California Gunther Wei_, Ph.D., Wellesley, Massachusetts Joan Wescott, Ph.D., London, England John R. B. Whittlesey, Houston Texas MANAGING EDITOR Jeremy H. Grlffith PRODUCTION MANAGER David Feig David Michaels OFFICE MANAGER Barbara Budd Typeselting by Graphic Systems, Inc. and Sorensens' Advertising Typographers PSYCHEDELIC REVIEW. Published bi-monthly. _Psychedelic Review 1969. Address a_ correspondence to 290 SeYenth Street, San Francisco, California 94103 Printed in U.S.A. ? /.! . _B_4P .4 / / " Evolution Mandala by Dion Wright Yin-Yang Mandala by Susan Fral_ Psychedelic Review NUMBER 10 / 1969 CONTENTS EDITORIAL.......................................................................................................................................................... 2 THEUSEOF PSYCHEDELICAGENTSWITH AUTISTIC SCHIZOPHRENICCHILDREN Robert E. Mogar & Robert W. Aldrich.. $ PSEUDO-NARCOSIS Inca Mandala ...................................... 14 LONELINESS Gary M. Fisher.................................... 19 LSDAND SEXUAUTY Richard Alpert .................................... 21 ORPHEUSAND EURYDICE John [-sam .......................................... 26 THEEFFECTSOF CONSCIOUSNESS-EXPANDINGDRUGS ON PRISONERREHABILITATION Timothy Leary...................................... 29 UNESWRITTENON READINGFATHERTEILHARDDE CHARDIN Paul S. Frey.......................................... 46 LSD,CHROMOSOMESAND SENSATIONAUSM Joel Fort & Ralph Metzner .................. 47 HONGHI, MEESTER? Nat Finkelstein .................................... 52 GATESOF EDEN Harold Massoon .................................. 65 NOTESON CURRENTRESEARCH Ralph Metzner .................................... 70 LETTERSTO THE EDITOR................................................................................................................................... 73 BOOK REVIEWSAND NOTES............................................................................................................................. 75 FRONTCOVER:Ed Lutz BACK COVER:Photo of Siva, Courtesy National Museum, New Delhi EDITORIAL A psychedelic experience is different for of drug-education and reform is funded by each person. It is different from trip to trip. NIMH, a branch of the Department of Health, This journal has undergone analogous Education and We]fare. Apparently the right changes, trying to follow the progressive hand does not know what the left hand is complexities of the psychedelic movement, doing. Or perhaps it does. Perhaps it knows During the year 1967, which saw the publi- too well. Goddard's statement that he'd cation of only one issue (#9), we experienced rather see his teen-age daughter smoke pot three changes of management, and one major than get drunk was no slip of the tongue, but relocation--from the tradition-bound East a calculated political remark. And in ad- to the liberating West. vocating the ratification by the Senate of an international treaty for control of "nar- Our goal and purpose continues to be cotics," Commissioner Anslinger cited the primarily to serve as information source spreading movement towards legalization at on all aspects of the consciousness revolu- home as grounds for controlling it by treaty. tion. Of necessity this implies dealing with The Senate ratified the treaty (84-0) on drugs and of necessity it requires dealing May 8, 1967, after an unannounced, hence with more than drugs: with the powerful unopposed hearing in the Foreign Relations magic of the ecstatic rock-shamans; withthe Committee. To thicken the web of contra- rediscovery of the tribe as the basic social dictions even further, in February of the unit; with ecology, as the key science, the same year, the President's Commission on study of the interrelationships of phenomena; Law Enforcement and Administration of and with ground-breaking, vision-expanding Justice strongly urged reevaluation of state developments in the natural sciences, the and federal marihuana laws. arts, philosophy, psychology. The immediate aim of the "marihuana In their response to the phenomena of lobby" is to move marihuana out of the psychedelic drugs the United States and Narcotics Bureau into the medical domain countries in its cultural circle react with of the FDA. To the Narcotics Bureau, mart- w all the heavens-and-hells that the individual huana represents 30% of their budget and undergoes in his psychedelic trip. All the 90% of their publicity. Understandably they contradictions and paradoxes are revealed, do not embrace the idea of legalization. the ambivalences magnified, the beauties The long-term aims of the lobby are to and agonies sharply felt. make marihuana legally available exactly as cigarettes, providing profits for the manu- Take the government's attitude towards facturers and tax-revenue for the govern- marihuana as an example. On the one hand ment. Rumors published in The East Village we have continued harrassment by law- Other would have it that a major tobacco enforcement agencies at alllevels, of writers company has registered Acapulco Gold and (such as Timothy Leary, Leslie Fiedler), Panama Red as trade names. Other reports musicians (such as The Grateful Dead)and would lead one to expect that the manu- "hippies" (those whohappentoexpresstheir facturers of confectionaries will not be altered vision of the world in modes of dress far behind in contributing simultaneously and hair-style). On the other hand we have to human happiness and their own profits groups such as USNSA (the National Student by developing cannabis candy, a la majoum. Association), which develops guide-lines for Marihuana seems well on the way to be- campus student-policies, recommending coming an accepted and popular "recrea- "repeal of all state legislation which pro- tional drug," according to a "secret" posi- hibits the consumption and possession of tion paper circulated in Washington and marihuana for personal use" (USNSA Back- reported in the San Francisco Chronicle. ground Papers on Student Druglnvolvement). And are the 75% of American G.I.'s smoking The interesting thing is that NSA's program pot in Vietnam, according to John Stein- 2 k_ beck's son, going back to liquor when the Becker of Northwestern University has sug- ---1 waris over? gested, develop its own way of handlingEDITORIAL casualties. The fear of the unknown will i LSD and other hallucinogens are still pressure of outside world events, the hallu- by , regarded with a rather more jaundiced eye cinogens never become legally available; Ih, by most Americans. The panic-cry of even if the vast majority of users stopusing, ,-bt "chromosome damage"--too technical for the impact of LSD on our culture, the arts, ! gradually diminish. But even if, owing to iis the man in the street to evaluate--is being media, religion, values, has already been _s i] used in exactly the same way as imaginary profound and cannot be legislated away. ,'d crime and perversion stories were used to Even a bad trip can have good consequences. _)t !t!]suppress marihuana in the thirties. The _utd- i1 predictedof LSD are consequencesalready in evidence:of this (1)suppressiona drying- whichBut itis is,at afterissue. all,ThenotpointLSD,isthethatchemical,we have an up of sources of genuine, high-quality LSD there an experience, a perception, which is r- !t (LSD 'TYCOON' HELD AFTER ORINDA as frightening to those concerned with pre- he ii RAID, said the S.F. Chronicle two days serving the status quo, as it is illuminating- _:yt. _J before Christmas); (2) concomitant expanding liberating to those who are ready to look !] use of impure chemicals and methedrine beyond. If LSD produces genetic damage on (a cheap, addicting, stimulant) as substi- (which is by no means established), then ce !1 tutes; (3) increasing involvement of gangsters other, safer methods of changing conscious- ns in supplying demand no longer satisfiable ness will be found, and this particular sub- :hea- legelegally;students(4) arrestand otherand "white-collar,"harrassment of law-col- stance relegated to use mainly in geriatrics on abiding Americans, for crimes without The explosive spread of direct and in- victims, direct effects of psychedelics in this culture, the almost total conquest of the media by It is possible the country may have to wait the consciousness-revolution (witness the 25 years, as with marihuana, before the lies transformation and visibility of The Beatles), are exposed and the new psychic instru- all point
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