Published in English, Xosa, Sesuto and Zulu.- UMTETELI ALL THE 8EST EDUCATIONAL WA SPORTING DISTRICT and -- ., COUNTRY ....--- NEWS : i~ AI.., ' • f . • WOME .... • • , • • • I • SEcnOll • - SDISCIIPTlIII .....,.!'., 11/. ,..,- -. 1/1 pi' "-If , .. The Mouthpiece - of the African PeopleL-_---'c/. 01" 1'1".,. , Authorised to publish Government Notices affeCting Africans. Vol. \8. No. 909. JOIlANlf1lSBURG, SEPTEMBER 25, 1937. R'girtared at the Bln.,.1 Po.t OffiCI U I .t •.,.,., . Price 3d. • 4 • Jap Planes Engage Tax Collection • ---- Chinese Airmen With Least Hardship --- Many Shot Down In Commission Of Desperate Duels , Enquiry's Plans STRONG departmental COm. GREAT battle between squadrons 0' the fighting planes of • A , * ,t . ' , mittee has been appointed by Japan and China took place last Sunday over Nanking. The '" - • the Minister of FiOIlOC6 (Mr. N. C. A city is well protected by Chinese anti-aircraft guns, which, THE WAR IN CHINA. Japanese destroyer is here seen Haveoga) to investigs.te the whole when fired upwards at. enemy aircralf, burst, and scatter 'rag... system of colJecting Native taxee . ments 01 iron In all directions. .. teaming up the WANGPOO River and about to sbeIl a Chinese Power Station on the opposite ahore. The committe will coosist of Mr. Some 35 Japanese planes suddenly appeared and began 10 A. F. Corbett (Commiseioner for drop bombs on the city. They were qUICkly surroUnded by I~tlle Inland Revenue), Who will be chair. white dots- where the Chinese anti-aircraft shells were bursting. mao,. Mr. A. L. Barrett (Chief The guns roared all over the city. Chinese planes went up to When Teachers' Cheques Will NatIve Commissioner, CiskeiaQ fight the invaders. Dramatic battles tpok place between Japanese Territories), Mr. R. P. Campbell and Chinese airmen. some of each being brought down In (Magistrate at Camperdown, Natal), Itames. On the whole the Japanese had the better of the light­ Be Paid Out Mr. A. M. Slade (Chief Surveyor, 'ng, about 5 of their machines being brought down while at least Louis Was Paid a dozen Chinese crashed. - Inland Revenue Department) and Captain O. Kruger, of the South The Japanese 8gain returned and bombed the city Without African Police. the Chinese planes retaliating. Probably Two Months' £26,000 The Committee invites from all Mel1'whlle, a great battle has been proceeding in North , China. --rhe Japanese with larger guns. with tanks and ae ro­ person~ !nterested, evidence upon Time the methods of collecting planes, gradually drove In the wings the Chinese army, and ~:Z:lstIDg 0' Heavyweight Star Nat! l'"e tax; and wishes uTo re­ nearly surrounded it. To avoid being surrounded It 1s retiring. REAL] ING that .many African ceive from any person desirous of At Shanghai, another centre the fighting, the request of 0' teachers are anxious to know Makes Big Money offering it, any suggestion for modi. the Japanese commander that Britain should Withdraw her war­ when their salary cuts-made duro ships up the river to avoid damage by bombs inadvertently fication Or alteration of the exist. ing the depression- will be paid out ing methods or for the intrOduction dropped In their direction, was refUsed by the British Admiral, to thE>m, ,jUmteteli" has instituted ours, the Negro Heavyweight of new methods whioh will ensure who urged the Japanese and Chinese to relraln from droppinB L bombs In their vicinity. inquiries aod finds that payment boxing champion of the world, the most efficient collection with will probably be made in some two got £26,000 out of his recent fight the infliction of the reut possible months' time. It is expla.ined tbat with Farr, while the latter got hardShip On tbe Native taxpayer." WHY RS ARE tho money win be paid from the £ 12,600. I NO THE WAR Native Development Fund. The " ' hen L ouis meets Schmeling Where To Give Evidence.. HE war between China aod T food, munition8 and other supplies Treasury has asked the Provinoi~1 next June, it is expected that the I The following itinerary haa be Q Japan continues and great from ruching China. Education Department for an estl' boxers ,,:,iIl make e~en larger Sums. arranged: Johannesburg, Octob:r forc E'S are engaged on both aides. While the Japanese army wings mate of the cost, and when that Meanw~lle Farr IS. ~o fi g h t ... to S; Pieters burg, Ootober lJ to China, a · Iand of 400 nJillions of are biting deep into the Chinese estimate is received, the amounts Sohm.eling at.the beglnDlng of next 13 ; Mafeking, October 18 to 20; people, is fighting Japan with 100 territory their central army is due will be assessed and paid. year In Amerl~~ . Kimberley. October 22 to 25; millions: but actually China h88 delivering a great offensive along .The. probabllity IS tha.tScbmellDg Bloemfontein, October 27 to 29; muoh poorer military equipment the PeiplDg.Hankow railway and ·-------_.~e~.o_-------- Will WID. and that be WIll go on to Porb Elizabeth November 1 to 3' thaD Japan which has trained and the country on each side of it on a beat Louis (whom he defeated last GrahamstowD 'November 4: to 6: equipped a gre at 8rmyand navy ) front of 50 miles. Atonga Chief year. Kingwilliamstown," November 8 to With artillery, tanks and many The first Obstacle, the Hun Ho However, as~chmehogls32years 10; Umtata, November 12 to 16; aeroplanes. The result i8 tbat the River, was or08sed at a point 40 of 8ge, and.Lou.18 23, the 18tter has Maritzburg, November 18 to 22; Japanese are steadily winnin g the Entertained youth on bls s.lde and may turn Eshowe, November 24 to 26 ; Dur. war. miles south of Peiping and the town beyond it occupied. A steady the tables on bls former oO[Jqceror. baD, November 29 to December I ; In Northern China, Japan is try. advance On three fronts in the in~ to capture a number of pro. and Pretoria, December S to 6. north is olaimed by the Japanese. Says "Johannesburg Is vinces which will not only add to Persons desiring to tender evi. her poE!l1essioD8, but also w{U pre. Three more villages on the dence should communicate with Peiping.Bankow railway have been A Wonderful City" vent Russia from sending muni. To Be Hanged For the Seoretary, Departmental Com­ tions, guns and perhaps aeroplanes taken, the Chinese offering a stiff HIEF THOWOLO, of Chinteche, mittee on Native Ta.r, Box 402, resistance 30 miles south of Peiping C Pretoria, furnishing a summary of iuto Cbina - for Russia IS keenly before Fangshan fell. Atonga Chief of 1\ yasalaod, is sympathetic to China. Japan bas be i n g e n t e r t a I ned by Murder the evidence they wish to submit. also a number of warships off the The Chuma River bas been the W.N.L.A. while on a visit to Chinese coast, and is preventing crossed, the Chinese destroying his tribesmen on the Rand He AKA SHABANGU and English jj"" four pontoons in their retreat. ---"7 ___ haa been taken to the Zoo whioh S Ndblela were sentenced to death he greatly admired. He expressed at Volksrust on Saturday by Mr. the opiDlon, too, that Johannesburg Justice Schreiner, on a oharge of Britain-Friend Of · .. Give Peace In Our Time! is u a wonder f u I city. murdering Willem Albertus) van Dyk, a farmer working at Loskop, HE leading statesmen of eight ---O()O--- Wakkerstroom, on Febru8ry 27laet The Homeless A concert W88 recently given at T countries took part in a world the W.N L.A. Compound, Johannes. Saka was arrested at Springs on peace conference, last Sunday, their burg by Mr. W. J . NjiDga. Th08e Food On The Mines Maroh 13. The u£istant magistrate WHEN the civil war io Spa.iG views being broadoast to JOO partioipating were the FJying Birds, at VoJksrust, Mr. W. C. Verschuur destroyed the homes of thou. million listeners all over the world. the Johanneshurg Renown, and tbe -- said that Saka made a confession sands of Spaniarda, Britain provid. The speakers were Mr. Cordell Hull SHOULD count myself most before him on Marcb 16, in which Luoky Stars of Benoni. The COD­ "I ed a camp in England for (U.S.A.), M. Chautemp. (France), fortunate," said the Rev. he declared tbat he and English grea~ cert was greatly enjoyed by an 4000 . SpaDlsh and girls. Sb" Mr. AnthoDY Eden (Britain), M. Shem K. Kumalo in the COWBe of a were in the conspiraoy to murder. ~oys audience which filled the hall. bas S1008 prOVided them with over VaD Zeeland ( Belgium), recent addr888 to the Cape Templats, On being found gUilty by the MI. Dancing subsequently took place a million meals and bas now found "if I could sit down day after day judges and assessors, Saka. declined Mackenzie King {Canada}, and Dr. to the music of the Rhythm Kiogs English hom88 for them for the .schuschnigg (Austria). to such food 88 they enjoy on the to say anything. EngliSh, how. o Band. I c winter, whioh in England is no. mines of the Rand. ever, remarked: "I am innocent," approachioe . o UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOH ANNESBURG, SEPTI':MBER 25, 1937. " === II/ communlcttlOfl. to b. IddrUIJ.d to B'O"S"C81'1 M.6.N40IlB, I Results Of Umteteli's Oreat Free State And Transvaal P.O. Box -1626, JOO,,:·or.8BURQ Advisory Boards Publf$htd W.lIU1. Word Competition d01l5ClUP"nON R",n8-(By Pon). One Year •• ... ... 16/. Impo[tant Resolutions At Bloemfontein .., ill: M nNTB8 .. •• • •• 7,• Full List Of Prize-Winners ... .,. , , T a representative oooference of that t his policy sh~uld be applied "UMTETELl" bllM pleBtmre in (1,:J2IJ.
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