Great Basin Naturalist Volume 40 Number 2 Article 10 6-30-1980 The genus Eriogonum Michx. (Polygonaceae) and Michel Gandoger James L. Reveal University of Maryland, College Park, and Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/gbn Recommended Citation Reveal, James L. (1980) "The genus Eriogonum Michx. (Polygonaceae) and Michel Gandoger," Great Basin Naturalist: Vol. 40 : No. 2 , Article 10. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/gbn/vol40/iss2/10 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Western North American Naturalist Publications at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Great Basin Naturalist by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. THE GENUS ERIOGONUM MICHX. (POLYGONACEAE) AND MICHEL GANDOGER James L. Reveal' Abstract.— Michel Gandoger, a notorious "splitter," proposed several new entities in the plant genus Eriogonum (Polvgonaceae) in a 1906 paper published in Belgium. Because he used the term species at two different ranks, in violation of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, manv of his names are invalid. Unlike his papers published in France, this one was apparentl\- edited so that some names were validly published and some are invalid. A review of the 1906 Eriogonum paper shows that a majority of both specific and infraspecific entities proposed are valid, but some names, long in use and assinned to be valid, are, in fact, invalid. Even so, most of his names are sviionyms. Each name proposed by Gandoger is reviewed and a nomenclatural and taxonomic disposition made. Two new combinations are made within E. hitcolum Greene, var. caninum (Greene) Reveal and var. pedunrulatum (S. Stokes) Reveal. Michel Gandoger (1850-1926), in the ond order, in addition to terming them "spe- words of Keck (1958), was a "French abbe; ciebus secimdi ordinis," he also used the term author of 'Flora Europae' (27 vols.); volumi- siibspeciebus or subspecies to refer to entities nous writer; amasser of a huge herbarium he then proceeded to treat as binomials and now at Lyon; a 'splitter' who named thou- to designate by the expression sp. n. sands of unacceptable species." Gandoger is The following year. Heller (1907) present- also mentioned in the International Code of ed a "compilation" of the Gandoger paper, Botanical Nomenclature (Stafleu et al. 1978) noting that he was presenting only "the new as an example of Art. 33.4. This article deals forms described in this paper." Heller himself with the problem of misplaced ranks such as had some difficulties with the names. He the use of the term species as a rank within a mentioned, after Eriogonum aspalathoides (as species. As noted in the code, Gandoger ap- it was called bv Heller), that this name was plied the term species and used binary no- "perhaps intended as a variety of E. fasci- menclature for two categories of taxa of con- ciilatiim, but the way the name is printed secutive rank, the higher rank being .should indicate a species." Only once does equivalent to that of species in contemporary Heller include Gandoger's terminology allud- literature, while he misapplied the same term ing to species of a lower rank, this being for to a lower rank. These latter terms are not the phrases published under E. sphoerocepha- validly published. In his 1906 paper, Gando- him, "Inter formas varias duae sequentes, ut ger used three sets of ranks, the species, spe- subspecies, praecipue distingui possunt." cies of the second order ("speciebus secundi It must be noted that Heller was merely ordinis"), and a rank which has come to be presenting Gandoger's results, and he cannot identified with the rank of variety (Heller be assumed to have validated any of the oth- 1907), although Gandoger causally refers to erwise invalid Gandoger names. this latter rank as forms ("formis," "formas Normally, Gandoger published his papers secernendas, " "formae memorabiles," "mem- in the Bulletin de la Societe Botaniqiie de orantur sequentes formae," "varieas formas," France, but for Eriogonum his choice was the "modo formae," etc.). He used the terms Bulletin de la Societe Roijale de Botanique de "varians" and "variabilis" to allude to the Belgique, and, because of this, some of the same category. As for the species of the sec- names may be validly described. Possibly 'Department of Botany, University ot Maryland. College Park. Maryland 20742, and National Museum of Natural History. Smitfisonian Institution, Wash- ington, D.C. 20560. Research supported by National Science Foundation Grant BMS75-13063. This is Scientific Article .\2714. Contribution No. 5761 of the Maryland .\gricultural Experiment Station, Department of Botany. 143 144 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 40, No. 2 they may because of the way the editor had Eriogonum angulosum var. pauciflorum the paper set, thereby removing from the Gandoger, 187, valid, a synonym of E. ma- original manuscript some of Gandoger's ec- culatum Heller. centricities. In reviewing Gandoger's papers Eriogonum angulosum var. flabellatum in the French journal, it is clear that the ma- Gandoger, 187, valid, a synonym of E. ma- jority of his names are invalidly published. In culatum Heller. reviewing a few of his articles containing Eriogonum annuum Nutt. var. pauciflorum species from the United States, I failed to Gandoger, 187, valid, a synonym of E. an- note a single instance when a species name nuum. was validly published. This little known fact, Eriogonum hitchcockii Gandoger, 187, at least in the United States and perhaps else- valid, a synonym of E. annuum. where, means that all the Gandoger names Eriogonum juncinellum Gandoger, 187, must be carefully checked before they can be valid, a synonym of E. davidsonii Greene. accepted. This is particularly true for floristic Eriogonum salicorniodes Gandoger, 187, workers. valid, a good species restricted to clay slopes Finally, it is sometimes difficult to know in southwestern Idaho and adjacent south- exactly where the various sections of Gando- western Oregon. It is most closely related to ger's paper start and end so that one can de- E. collinum Stokes ex Jones but most often termine if the name is validly published or, in confused with E. baileyi S. Wats. Synonyms fact, is not because of a sentence presented of this species include E. demissum S. Stokes several pages before. I have tried to follow (1936) and the var. romanum S. Stokes. the intent of Gandoger's paper, and hope I Eriogonum caespitosum Nutt. var. alijs- have interpreted each segment correctly. soides Gandoger, 188, valid, a synonym of E. The following treatment indicates which caespitosum. names are valid, which are not, and the tax- Eriogonum nevadense Gandoger, 188, onomic status of each name. The full author valid, a synonym of E. ochrocephalum S. citation of each name is given, and the num- Wats. var. ochrocephalum. ber following the name is the page on which Eriogonum elatum Dougl. ex Benth. var. it was proposed by Gandoger. limonifolium Gandoger, 188, valid, a syn- Erio^onum abertianum Torr. in Emory var. onym of £. elatum var. elatum. rubenimiim Gandoger, 185, valid, a synonym Eriogonum elatum var. erianthum Gando- of var. abertianum. ger, 188, valid, a synonym of var. elatum. Eriogonum aberiianum var. neomexicanum Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. var. oleifo- Gandoger, 185, valid, a synonym of var. lium Gandoger, 189, valid, a synonym of E. abertianum. fasciculatum var. fasciculatum. Eriogonum arizonicum Gandoger, non Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. var. as- Stokes ex Jones, 186, valid, a synonym of E. palathoides Gandoger, 189, valid, a synonym pharnaceoides Torr. in Emory var. pharna- of var. fasciculatum. As noted by Heller ceoides. (1907), there is some problem with this name; Eriogonum alattim Torr. in Sitgr. var. mac- that is, there is an E. prior to the epithet. douglasii (Tandoger, 186, valid, a synonym of However, based upon the rest of the text, this var. mogollonense Stokes ex Jones. is clearly as printer's error and should be list- Eriogonum alatum var. brevifolium Gando- ed as a variety and not as a species, as was " ger, 186, valid, a synonym of var. alatum. done by Heller in his "compilation. Eriogonum anemophiUim (as anemophijl- Eriogonum flavum Nutt. in Fras. var. folia- luni) Greene var. cusickii Gandoger, 186, tum Gandoger, 189, valid, a synonym of E. valid, a synonym of E. cusickii M. E. Jones. jamesii Benth. in DC. va.r. flavescens S. Wats. Eriogonum angulosum Benth. var. rectipes Eriogoni4m flavum var. linguifolium Gan- Gandoger, 186, valid, a synonym of E. ma- doger, 189, valid, a synonym of var. flavum. cukitum Heller. Eriogonum leucocladum Gandoger, 189, Eriogonum angulosum var. patens Gando- valid, a synonym of E. baileyi S. Wats. var. ger, 187, valid, a synonvm of E. maculatum divaricatum (Gandoger) Reveal. Heller. ErioEonum heracleoides Nutt. var. micran- June 1980 Reveal: Eriogonum Nomenclature 145 thum Gandoger, 189, valid, a synonym of £. Eriogonum myrianthum Gandoger, 191, in- herocleoides var. angustifolium (Niitt.) Torr. valid, a synonym of E. cffusum Nutt. var. cf- & Gray. fusum. Eriogonum hcracleoides var. viride Gando- Eriogonum sputhulare Gandoger, 191, in- ger, 190, valid, a synonym of £. umhellatum valid, a synonym of E. microthecum Nutt. Torr. var. nevadense Gandoger. var. laxiflorum Hook. The name was used by Eriogonum hcracleoides var. multiccps Stokes (1936) at the variatal rank within E. Gandoger, 190, valid, a synonym of var. hcra- microthecum, where she validated the name cleoides. as E. microthecum var. spathulure S. Stokes. Eriogonum hcracleoides var. utahensis Eriogonum intricatum Gandoger, 191, in- Gandoger, 190, valid, a synonvm of var. hcra- valid, a synonym of E. microthecum Nutt. cleoides. var. laxiflorum Hook. Eriogonum hcracleoides var. rydbergii Gan- Eriogonum Iwlichrysoides Gandoger, 192, doger, 190, valid, a synonym of var. hcra- invalid, a synonym of E.
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