APRIL Magazine En Interpreter of. the Imes APRIL SHOWERS The PARADE of Empires Does It Make tiny DIFFERENCE? • :U.O;Cent S the United States were driven to the necessity of asserting their indepen- Our Constitution---a dence, every effort which power could exercise or ingenuity devise, was brought into requisition to prevent the GLORIOUS organization of a republican govern- UR Federal Constitution was ment."—House Committee Report, 25th erected upon the strongest foundation Session. on which any political structure of HERITAGE As our forefathers fought against humanity can be built—the eternal tyranny, even the forces of nature co- rock of the divine principles of truth, ■ operated with them. Time and again justice, liberty, and equality. The did it seem as if the little Revolutionary power and influence of this document By armies were doomed to defeat and can be explained only in the light of destruction, when a great storm arose this fact. Claude E. and they escaped. General Washing- "The world has seen empires and HOLMES ton gave God the credit for His evident dynasties without number based upon intervention at Long Island, Trenton, arbitrary power. But, for the most Germantown, Yorktown, and in the part, it has seen them perish. They discovery of Arnold's perfidy. After have illuminated the page of history, tion of the morality of government. It the surrender of Cornwallis he wrote: but with the light of the comet and the `renders unto Cmsar (the political "The hand of Providence has been so meteor, not of the stars. The civiliza- state) the things which are Cstir's,' conspicuous in all this that he must be tion they have brought forth has been but in safeguarding the fundamental worse than an infidel that lacks faith." as transient as themselves. Neither moral rights of the people, it `renders In view of these facts, it is not government nor civilization contained unto God the things that are God's."' strange that the first official utterances any element of permanence until they —Beck. of our first president and first Congress came to be founded upon the princi- When God's clock struck the hour, were a great responsive dialogue re- ple of civil and religious liberty,"— announcing that the time had arrived hearsing the providence of God which Phelps. for the earth to be lightened with the attended the forming of this nation and glory of civil and religious liberty, the establishing of its institutions of there was not a nation prepared for liberty. With thankful heart Washing- The seed from which the Constitu- this tremendous task. It was necessary ton sent this message to Congress: "No tion sprang was planted nineteen hun- for the Creator to open up a new conti- people can be bound to acknowledge dred years ago upon the hills of Judea. nent on virgin soil, and to ea 1 archi- and adore the Invisible Hand which It fell from the hands of the Divine tects of liberty from the various (Continued on page 17) Sower, Jesus Christ. "Render there- nations, to erect the Lighthouse of fore unto Cesar the things which are Freedom. It was not without a struggle that ■ The monument at Lexington, Mass., Ctesar's," He said; "and unto God the where the Minute Men on April 19, 1775, things that are God's." Matthew the work was carried on even in this met the British, and the first battle of the 22:21. faraway land. "When the people of T?evolution was fought. Christ did not speak these words to the Roman governor and the Jewish Sanhedrin, instructing those authori- ties to decide for the people what they should render to Caesar and to God, but He spoke them to the people them- selves. The power to determine these important matters resides with all, not a favored few. History is one long harrowing recital of the tyranny of despotism. Designing rulers have sought ruthlessly to domi- nate their fellows. Millions of lives have been sacrificed to monarchical Molochs because men and women claimed the right to exercise the divine gift of choice in religion and state. Not till this nation arose, founded on "a new order of the ages"—the in- herent right of the people to rule them- selves—was the divine ideal of civil government realized. Entered as second-class matter, January 19, 1909, at the post office at Nashville, Tenn., under act "The Constitution is something more of March 3, 1879, by the Southern Publishing Association (Seventh-day Adventist), 2119 24th Ave. N. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. 1103, Act of than a written formula of government October 3, 1917, authorized July 11, 1918,. Published monthly (except October, when semi- —it is a great spirit. It is a high and monthly). Price 10 cents a copy, $1.00 a year. noble assertion, and, indeed, vindica- ■ Page TWO The WATCHMAN MAGAZINE —=-0 Revolutionists led by vet- erans of the Chaco War, because of dissatisfaction with the peace treaty -;-/) negotiated by the government of Presi- FLASHES dent Eusebio Ayala and indorsed by the Congress of Paraguay, overthrew the government of that nation and forced the president to take refuge upon a gunboat, while the secretary of 1- war was taken prisoner. The terms of the objectionable treaty were suggested by the delegates of American Repub- lics in session at Buenos Aires after Paraguayan troops under General Jose Felix Estigarribea were victorious in the Chaco. It is significant that laudable efforts for a just peace among warring nations have such local re- percussions. Immediate payment of the soldiers' bonus increases the total cost to the United States of the World War • to date to $45,200,000,000. But of course this does not include what must be paid out in the future for pensions and the care of the disabled, nor does S The grave of Captain Myles Standish, not it include the billions loaned to our far from Plymouth and Duxbury, Mass. A jury at Easton, Penn- allies, which they refuse to pay. And Though not of their faith, his military genius sylvania, stood eleven to one for con- made possible the protection of the Pilgrims viction of a man for receiving stolen yet some will still argue that war brings who influenced so definitely the content of our prosperity. American Constitution. goods and failure to keep proper records. One man held out for acquit- The Anti-Saloon League is tal. To determine upon a unanimous authority for the statement that from --=-0 Tuberculosis filled 75,000 verdict they resorted to the toss of a repeal to the close of 1935 the con- graves in the United States last year. coin. The eleven lost and the de- sumers had spent $5,225,000,000 for Fully half a million persons are at this fendant was acquitted. Hearing of the liquor, while during the same period moment actively sick with it—enough manner in which a decision was the government had spent over $7,000,- to populate a city the size of Washing- reached, Judge R. C. Stewart fined the 000,000 for relief and recovery pro- ton, Minneapolis, or New Orleans. twelve members $10.00 and costs each. grams. A little figuring will show how While cancer, pneumonia, and heart much could have been saved in Amer- --to The freeing of Isadore (Kid disease destroy life mostly in the older ica had it used the money worse than Cann) Blumenfeld, former bootlegger, groups, tuberculosis strikes hardest at of the charge of first-degree murder wasted upon liquor for the relief of the those in the prime of life, numbering needy, who numbered 20,000,000, Jan- in the slaying of Walter Liggett, cru- its victims in a group aged fifteen to uary 1, 1936, according to relief com- sading Minneapolis newspaper pub- forty-five years. Let public sentiment missioner Harry L. Hopkins. lisher, by a district court jury after he support the endeavors of the National was positively indentified by the widow —=0 In the year 1900 less than Tuberculosis Association, which is do- of the slain man and another eyewit- sixteen million children were enrolled ing so much to rid our nation of this ness of the machine-gun murder, leads in the public schools of the United menace to our public health. to serious question as to whether or States. In 1935 there were approxi- Dr. George Sperti, widely not our jury system is not threatened mately twenty-seven millions. What known for his work in irradiation of with a breakdown because of fear of a responsibility we place upon the foods, offers for use "vitamin-D soap" bandit threats of reprisal. shoulders of the pedagogues of this as a method of absorbing through the —=--0 The number of languages in nation! skin the health-giving qualities that which the Bible or some part of it has --=-0 Paul H. Douglas, professor cause doctors to prescribe spinach. He been published now totals 972, accord- of economics in the University of says he has discovered that vitamins ing to the announcement issued by the Chicago, has just returned from a three A and D, which are prevalent in spin- American Bible Society. Four nation- and one-half months stay in Italy. He ach and many other foods, may be alities are co-operating in the publica- says: "Grown people beg food in the absorbed as readily through the skin, tion of the New Testament and Psalms city streets; and any time you give a if not more so, than through food, and for use in Panape, the largest of the beggar anything, the doors of nearby that he has effectively treated rats Caroline Islands.
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