UPDATE COUNTRY STATS AT BOTTOM Journal of Urban Culture Research Volume 17 Jul- Dec 2018 Published jointly by Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and Osaka City University, Japan The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily re!ect the policies or opinions of the Journal (JUCR), its editors and staff, Chulalongkorn University, or Osaka City University. Authors authorize the JUCR to publish their materials both in print and online while retaining their full individual copyright. The copyright of JUCR volumes is retained by Chulalongkorn University. © 2018 BY CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY ISSN 2228 – 8279 (Print) ISSN 2408 – 1213 (Online) JUCR is listed in the following citation databases Thomson Reuters Web of Science Core Collection, Emerging Sources Citation Index – ESCI Norwegian Register for Scienti"c Journals, Series and Publishers – NSD Thai-Journal Citation Index – TCI Asean Citation Index – ACI JUCR is archived at United States Library of Congress Cornell University Library – John M. Echols Collection on Southeast Asia Publishing statistics JUCR has published 111 articles from 29 countries throughout its 17 volume history This publication is a non-pro!t educational research journal not for sale Journal of Urban Culture Research Executive Director Bussakorn Binson, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Editor in Chief Kjell Skyllstad, University of Oslo, Norway International Editor Alan Kinear, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Contributing Editors Shin Nakagawa, Osaka City University, Japan Managing Editor Pornprapit Phoasavadi, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Editorial Board Frances Anderson, College of Charleston, USA Bussakorn Binson, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Tom Borrup, University of Minnesota, USA Dan Baron Cohen, Institute of Transformance: Culture and Education, Brazil Bharat Dahiya, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Gavin Douglas, University of North Carolina, USA Made Mantle Hood, University of Putra, Malaysia Geir Johnson, Music Information Centre MIC-Transposition, Norway Zuzana Jurkova, Charles University, Czech Republic Le Van Toan, National Academy of Music, Vietnam Rachel Lev-Wiesel, University of Haifa, Israel Celine Motzfeldt Loades, University of Oslo, Norway Svanibor Pettan, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Leon Stefanija, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Deborah Stevenson, University of Western Sydney, Australia Layout & Design Alan Kinear, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Webmaster Alan Kinear, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Contact Information: Journal of Urban Culture Research Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Chulalongkorn University Phayathai Road, Pathumwan Bangkok, Thailand 10330 Voice/Fax: 662-218-4582 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cujucr.com Cover images of the historic Kundeejeen community in Bangkok were provided by Alan Kinear. Contents Editorial Calling and Connecting Cities for Peace – A Participatory Action Program for a 4 Nuclear Free World Kjell Skyllstad Editor in Chief Special Recognition Leonard Bernstein at 100 – Uniting the World Through Music 6 Kjell Skyllstad Editor in Chief Special Report When Musicians Become a Menace 8 Kjell Skyllstad Editor in Chief Articles The Recreational Landscape of Weltevreden Since Indonesian Colonization 12 Evawani Ellisa (Indonesia) A Community’s Buddhist Arts Conservation-based Voluntourism Management: 32 A New Innovation Arousing Community’s Conservational Participation Pannathat Kalaya, Yuthakan Waiapha, Parnprae Chaoprayoon & Metee Medhasith Suksumret (Thailand) Changing Perception of LGBT People Through Performances – Theater and 54 Television in America and in Japan Atsushi Fujita (Japan) LEGO as Learning Enabler in the 21st-Century Preschool Classroom: Examining 72 Perceptions of Attitudes and Preschool Practices Stephen T. F. Poon (Malaysia) Case Study *OÏVFODFTPG$VMUVSFGSPN0VUTJEFASEAN: Values, Lifestyle and Arts Study in 90 Thailand and Laos Khanobbhorn Wattanasukchai Sangvanich & Yootthana Chuppunnarat (Thailand) Conference Reports Giving People a Voice – Multilingualism and Education 106 Oslo May 2018 Kjell Skyllstad Editor in Chief Styrian Autumn Festival: A City Revisiting Its European Heritage 110 Malta January 2018 Kjell Skyllstad Editor in Chief Reviews CD Review – Narongrit Dhammabutra: Quintet for the Spirits of ASEAN 116 Kjell Skyllstad Editor in Chief Bangsokol – Requiem for Cambodia 118 Kjell Skyllstad Editor in Chief Journal Policies 122 Editorial Calling and Connecting Cities for Peace A Participatory Action Program for a Nuclear Free World Kjell Skyllstad+ Editor in Chief As I write these lines a very special ship has just docked in New York. Starting from the Japanese port of Yokohama on Sept 1 the worlds largest passenger ship sailing around the globe for peace, visiting port cities in 23 countries, arrived in New York on October 29, 2018 to coincide with a meeting of the United Nations First Committee on Disarmament and International Security , where, together with the permanent missions of Austria and Mexico, it presented the theme of “Building Momentum for the Entry into Force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons”. This 99th 8th mission of the Peace Boat is host to the “Peace Boat Hibakusha Project: Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World,” in which a delegation of Hibakusha, the name given to the survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, travel onboard to give personal testimonies and calls for the abolition of nuclear weapons. During the entire voyage they have been giving testimonies on how the bomb affected them and their families in the years that followed. + Dr. Kjell Skyllstad, Professor Emeritus, University of Oslo, Department of Musicology, Norway Editorial: Calling and Connecting Cities for Peace… | 5 Mr. Koji Ueda, born 15 February 1942 was exposed to the atomic bomb at age 3. He suffered from radiation after he entered Hiroshima City with his mother to check on the damage on their home that had stood only 400 meter from the epicenter. In Japan he speaks about his experience to many groups, including students from elementary age to university level. Ms. Terumi Kuramori from Nagasaki was 1 year old when she and her mother experienced the bomb just 5.8 km from the epicenter. Fortunately the family had already taken shelter and survived. She has devoted herself to ensuring that Nagasaki is the last place nuclear weapons are ever used. 1FBDF#PBUTÎSTUWPZBHFXBTPSHBOJ[FEJOCZBHSPVQPGVOJWFSTJUZTUVEFOUT While always a key theme, activism to support the movement for the banning of atomic weapons has been a particular central aim of voyages since 2008, when the Hibakusha Project was launched. Since then over 170 Hibakushas have participated. The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2017 to ICAN - The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons meant a special encouragement for the Peace Boat NGO that has worked in partnership with ICAN since its early years, and is a member of ICAN’s International Steering Group. Mr. Kawasaki Akira, Peace Boat Executive Committee member, served as ICAN co- DIBJSGSPNBOEQMBZFEBTJHOJÎDBOUSPMFJOOFHPUJBUJPOTUPTUSFOHUIFO the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons that was adopted by the UN last year and so far has been signed by 69 nations with Thailand among the 19 ratifying nations. "UUIFPGÎDJBM/PCFM1FBDF1SJ[FDFSFNPOZJO0TMP.S,BXBTBLJIFBEFEB group of 30 atomic bomb survivors who participated in numerous social events. The Peace Boat agenda includes a comprehensive educational program both on board in ports visited. It includes a Global University where topics studied include XPSMEDPOÏJDUBSFBTBOEJOOPWBUJWFBQQSPBDIFTUPQFBDF"OJOUFSOBUJPOBMTUVEFOU QSPHSBNJOQFBDFBDUJWJTNBOEDPOÏJDUSFTPMVUJPOJODMVEFTHJWJOHTDIPMBSTIJQT UPTUVEFOUTGSPNPQQPTJOHTJEFTPGDPOÏJDUUPQBSUJDJQBUFJOBQSPHSBNPGDPOÏJDU transformation. Every day on the ship lectures and workshops are offered on DPOUFNQPSBSZJTTVFTMJLFDPOÏJDUT IVNBOSJHIUTBOEUIFFOWJSPONFOU For additional information about the Peace Boat program please see www. peaceboat.org or contact via email at [email protected]. Special Recognition Leonard Bernstein at 100 Uniting the World Through Music Kjell Skyllstad+ (Norway) Below is excerpts from a jubilee celebratory presentation given at the 16th Urban Research Plaza Conference ,Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn Uni- versity, February 7 – 8, 2018. u.ZGBUIFSDMVOHIBSEUPUIFCFMJFGUIBUCZDSFBUJOHCFBVUZ BOECZTIBSJOHJUXJUIÞBT many people as possible, artists had the power to tip the earthly balance in favor of brotherhood and peace. After all, he reasoned , if humans could create and appreci- ate musical harmony, then surely they were capable of replicating that very same harmony in the world they lived in.” Jamie Bernstein: ”My Father’s Idealism” www. Leonardbernstein.com/at/100/humanitarian. I never had the occasion to meet and talk with Leonard Bernstein as I did with some of the other great music educators/composers of our time like Zoltan Kodaly of Hungary, Dmitri Kabalevsky of Russia and Alois Haba of Tsjekkia. Still he be- DBNFNZHSFBUFTUJOTQJSBUPSEVSJOHBDSJUJDBMQFSJPEJONZMJGF ÎSTUPGBMMUISPVHI his compositions. Experiencing the West Side StoryGPSUIFÎSTUUJNF*CFDBNF BXBSFPGUIFQPUFOUJBMPGNVTJDGPSDPOÏJDUUSBOTGPSNBUJPOJOUIFNVMUJDVMUVSBM TPDJFUZUIBUJOTQJSFENZPXOSFTFBSDI ÎSTUBOEGPSFNPTUUIFResonant Community QSPKFDU*UJTBMMBCPVUÎOEJOHBOFXXBZPGTIBSJOH PSBTUIFÎOBMTPOHFYQSFTTFT the hope of the new generation. There’s is a time for us, Some day a time for us, Time together with time to
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