12886 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE June 8, 1965 By Mr. RACE: PETITIONS, ETC. man rights in South Africa; to the Commit­ H.R. 8874. A bill for the relief of Joanne tee on Foreign Affairs. Van Den Berg; to the Committee on the Ju­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions 224. Also, petition circulated by· the West diciary. and papers were laid on the Clerk's ·desk Side Democratic Club, Fifth Assembly Dis­ By Mr. SWEENEY: and referred as follows: trict, New York County, N.Y., containing H.R. 8875. A bill for the relief of John 2,111' signatures in support of the Missis­ W. C. Wong, M.D.; to the Committee on the 223. By Mr. RYAN: Petition of the Episco­ sippi Freedom Democratic Party and the Judiciary. pal Diocese of New York urging the U.S. Gov­ challenge to the 5 Members of Congress from By Mr. THOMPSON Of Texas: ernment to show its abhorrance of South Mississippi who are presently seated in the H.R. 8876. A bill for the relief of Giuseppe Africa's racial policies and continue its work House of Representatives; to the Committee Di Paola; to the Committee on the Judiciary. for a just and equitable resolution for hu- on House Administration. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS The People of the Seventh District of sentative of the great Seventh District This free exchange of views between the of Alabama to give the people, for the people and their representative is an Alabama Speak first time, an opportunity to share with important part of the successful func­ their representative in Congress their tioning of representative government. EXTENSION OF REMARKS views on the vital issues of the day. The I want to congratulate the people of OF return on the questionnaire I sent to my the Seventh District on the thought and constituents exceeded 11 percent and is care with which they considered this HON. JAMES D. MARTIN an indication of the interest and con­ questionnaire. It is a tribute to the in­ OJ' ALABAMA cern of our people in all of the problems telligence and dedication to democratic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES facing our Nation and the world. principles of the people I have the honor In addition to answering the questions, to represent. I am sure my colleagues Tuesday, June 8, 1965 many of the returned questionnaires were would be interested in the results of this Mr. MARTIN of Alabama. Mr. accompanied by letters and remarks de­ poll and I include it as a part of these Speaker. it was my privilege as repre- tailing a specific concern of the writer. remarks: Results of 7th District, Alabama, questionnaire Percent Yes No 1. Do you believe the Federal Government must operate within a balanced budget?--------------------------------------------------------------------- 89.6 6.9 2. Do you favor a medical care program for the elderly through- (a) Increasing social security taxes? ____ ----____ ----------------___ --------------------------_---------------------________ --------_----------___ _ 16.2 18. 2 0 27.6 5. 6 ~~? ~~!t;;;. bf~:Sv!ft~~~~<;fe~~r~!~:Cfp~~:~~~~==============::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::======================::::::: 40.1 4. 2 3. Would you favor Federal aid to education even if it meant Federal control of school&- (a) For teachers' salaries?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11.8 78.4 (b) For school construction? ___ -----------------------------_ - ---_~----------------------_--------------------------- __ -----------------_-------- 16.8 'Tl. 8 ( c) For any other purpose? __________ ------------__ : _____ _______________________________________ _______ --------------__________ -----------------_ 9.1 71. 6 4. Do you favor the proposal to change the present quota system to increase immigration from the Pacific-Asian and African nations? _________________ _ 4.1 89. 6 5. Do you(a) favorForeign a sharp aid to reduction Communist ln- nations? ___________________________________________________________________ .; ___________________ __ ________________ _ 81.8 12. 9 (b) Foreign aid to our allies?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­ 63. 8 28.1 (c) All foreign aid spending?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69. 5 23. 0 6. Do you favor a minimum guaranteed living of $3,000 per year at taxpayers' expense for all Americans whether or net they earn it?__________________ _ 4. 6 91.3 7. Labor: . (a) Do you favor repeal of sec. 14B of the Taft-Hartley Act which would make State right-to-work laws illegal?_--------------------------------­ 16.4 64.0 (b) Do you favor leaving the right-to-work laws on the books under the control of the States?---------------------------------------------------- 79.2 8. 9 8. Do you favor expanding peaceful coerlstence with Soviet Russia and other Communist nations?_---------------------------------------------------- 40.0 46.8 9. Do you favor an amendment to the Constitution which again would make prayers legal in our schoolsT---------------------------------------------- 89.9 5.8 10. Do you favor- (a) Repeal of the civil rights bill? ___ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62.3 10.2 (b) Modification of the civil rights bill?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34.8 6. 5 11. Do you favor an agricultural program which will- (a) Maintain rigid supports and quotas to regulate farm economyT _________________ ___________________________________________ __________________ _ 16. 7 6.6 (b) Gradually ease supports allowing farm commodjties to seek a free market?------------------------------------------------------------------- fl0. 9 1.9 (c) Have no supports, no controls, immediate free farm economy? _________________________ __ _________________________________________ ___ ________ _ 14. 9 5.6 12. Do you favor doing away with the Army Reserve and combining its functions with the National Guard?-------------------------------------------- 36. o· 46.1 13. Do you favor a proposal now being discussed for introduction to Congress that would require you to register your firearms? _________________________ _ 38.3 54. 9 14. Do you favor reapportionment of the State legislature by- (a) Federal Government _____ __ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ ______ _____ _ 4. 7 26.4 (b) State Government_ ___________ -------_______________ _________ ________________________________ -----~--------- ___________________ ______ _______ _ 89. 0 3. 0 Duncan Urges National Research Policy higher education system-and ultimately Oregon's [Mr. DUNCAN] testimony in upon the structure of our economy. In the RECORD at this point: EXTENSION OF REMARKS testimony ·last week before the Senate URGES NATIONAL RESEARCH POLICY · OJ' Subcommittee on Employment and Man­ (Statement by Representative ROBERT · B. power he made a strong case for a co­ DUNCAN, of Oregon, before the Subcommit­ HON. AL ULLMAN ordinated policy of Federal research and tee on Employment and Manpower of the OF OREGON Senate Labor and Public Welfare Commit­ development that would recognize the tee during hearings on the impact of Fed­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES very real national danger in such con­ eral research and development policies on Tuesday, June 8, 1965 centrations and would provide that fu­ scientific and technical manpower, June 3, 1965) Mr. ULLMAN. Mr. Speaker, my dis­ ture funds for research and development be allocated in the long range national Mr. Chairman, members o.f the committee, tinguished colleague, the gentleman I appreciate your kindness in permitting me from Oregon [Mr. DUNCAN]. has recently interest. to appear before your committee this morn­ im­ expressed grave concern over the exten­ I know that this information is ing. I requeste.d t~is opportunity, not be­ sive concentration of Federal programs portant to those of our colleagues who cause I pretend to any expertise in research of scientific research and the inipact. of share a concern over the present trend, and· development policies, but because I am these concentrations on the NatiOn's and place t~e text of the gentleman from deeply concerned about the impact of these June 8, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 12887 policies on the educational, economic, and velopment funds that is correlated with the Dollars for R. & D. to profit organizations per social fabric of our Nation. broad and long-term national interest as industrial employee 1. Nevada ____________________ _ That I am not alone in this concern is contrasted with immediate, short-run agency $21, 081. 37 evidenced by the fact that you 'are holding missions. 2. New Mexico_______________ _ 10,067.71 these hearings to determine the impact of I am concerned because the information 3. Arizona __________ . _________ _ 2,556.92 the Federal Govern.ment's research and de­ available indicates that a severe imbalance 4. California ________ ,_________ _ 2,383.80 velopment policies on scientific and technical in the geographical distribution of Federal 5.' Utah _____________ ---------- 2, 201. 91 manpower. research and development funds is produc­ 6. Colorado---------·---------- 2,042.85 I hope as a result of these hearings and ing an imbalance in educational opportuni­ 7. Louisiana ____ ___ ___________ _ 1,312.23 those held last year by the Select Committee ties in our Nation. And that
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