No. of thefirms. ortheauthorizedtenderersrepresentative intending under construction of registered contractor Arunachal Pradesh invites sealed item rate tender from approved and eligible No.SCH/KPHED/NIT Package- I Sl OFFICEOF THEEXECUTIVE ENGINEER:: PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING Nameof RIDF Name of Work:- Providing water supply at The Executive Engine Deomali Township in Tirap District (Phase- II) Sub under RIDF of - Head “ Tirap District, Arunachal Pradesh, which will be opened in presence of the Work and Work Providing Sub- Head:- Construction of Sedimentation Tank cum Coagulation Tank, Aerator, Flash Mixture, / firm registered with CPWD/ PWD/ BRO/ NEEPCO/ GREF/NHPC/ MES for - Partial flume with channel and Clariflocculator GOVERNMENTOF ARUNACHAL PRADESH ANDWATER SUPPLY DIVISION KHONSA:: 77 water water supply at Deomali Township in Tirap District (Phase 7 /201 Estimated cost put er, PHE & WS Division, Khonsa on behalf of the Governor of Rs. 52,51,035.00 to tender 9 - NOTICETENDERINVITING 20 / Rs. 52,510.00 (APST) Earnest money Rs. 1,05,021.00 (General) 15 (Fifteen) months Time of completion Last date of 11/ 12/ 2019 receipt of Application DatedKhonsathe Last date for Sale/ 12/ 12/ 2019 Issue of Tender papers Last date for 13/ 12/ 2019 upto 1430 hrs. submission of tender papers 3 rd Opening of tender 2019 December’ 13/ 12/ 2019 on 1500 hrs. papers Class - I Office of the Executive Engineer I ) ” ” - PHE & WS Division, Khonsa Place dropping I sanction sanction P.O:- Khonsa and opening of II & Tirap District (Arunachal Pradesh) Bids I Pin NO. 792130 V No. Package- III Package- II Sl Name of Work:- Providing water supply at Name of Work:- Providing water supply at Nameof and Work Deomali Township in Tirap District (Phase- II) Deomali Township in Tirap District (Phase- II) Sub under RIDF under RIDF - Head Sub- Head:- Construction of Clear Water Sub- Head:- Construction of Rapid Sand Filter Reservoir (CWR) and Main/ Common RCC (RSF) Over- Head Tank at Deomali. Estimated cost put Rs. 62,24,836.00 Rs. 78,70,561.00 to tender Rs. 62,248.00 (APST) Rs. 78,706.00 (APST) Earnest money Rs. 1,24,497.00 (General) Rs. 1,57,411.00 (General) 15 (Fifteen) months 15 (Fifteen) months Time of completion Last date of 11/ 12/ 2019 11/ 12/ 2019 receipt of Application Last date for Sale/ 12/ 12/ 2019 12/ 12/ 2019 Issue of Tender papers Last date for 13/ 12/ 2019 upto 1430 hrs. 13 12/ 2019 upto 1430 hrs. submission of tender papers Opening of tender 13/ 12/ 2019 on 1500 hrs. 13/ 12/ 2019 on 1500 hrs. papers Office of the Executive Engineer Office of the Executive Engineer PHE & WS Division, Khonsa PHE & WS Division, Khonsa Place dropping P.O:- Khonsa P.O:- Khonsa and opening of Tirap District (Arunachal Pradesh) Tirap District (Arunachal Pradesh) Bids Pin NO. 792130 Pin NO. 792130 4. 3. 2. 1. No. Sl Sl Package- IV after the stipulated time limit. time theafter stipulated Bank of India at Khonsa Cash/ shape of DD (non between Tender documents can be obtained from the office of the undersigned on any working day in be o specifiedabove,thebids will further evaluation. If the office filled happens in of to post be qualified contractors closed in Arunachal onthe Pradesh. The prescribed price the bids containing only date the of opening contractors shall of be bids made as by the competent evaluation authority of and PHE & after WS Department, adopting proposals Govt. andof capability the of the post contractors/ firm and qualification The bidsTechnical their shall be opened first and evaluated worto assess the technical viability of their procedure, a short list of selected toworks. thesiteof visit projectthe for before submitting the technical bid. The firm concerned site of works and its surrounding etc. at their own cost and responsibility Theand risk bidders are required non to visit the tender sites will not be to held responsible for examine the delay, if andundersigned any, on in familiarize the or delivery of themselves before the documents stipulated or with date reach to and the time undersigne specified above. The bid placed be andshall proper in cover and sealed byseparate post so as mailed to registered authority inviting The bidders are required to submit Tender in two bids i.e Nameof and Work - Name of Work:- Providing water supply at receipt of the same on time. ofon receiptthesame Deomali Township in Tirap District (Phase- II) Sub 1000 hrs t under RIDF - Head Sub- Head:- Construction of 5 Nos. (Zonal ) RCC Over- Head Tank at ADC Office, NTC, o 1600 hrs on payment of Rs. 1,0 Notun Bosti, CF Colony and Udyog, Deomali. - d d or may be dropped in tender box made available in the office of / Deomali re Estimated cost put fundable) fundable) drawn in favour of the undersigned payable at the Rs. 92,89,928.00 to tender pened on next working day at the same time andvenue. thesame nextworkingpenedattime on day . Rs. 92,899.00 (APST) No No bidding documents shall be issued to the contractor Earnest money Rs. 1,85,799.00 (General) 15 (Fifteen) months Time of completion may contact the Assistant InEngineer Last date of 11/ 12/ 2019 receipt of Application 00.00 (Rupees schedule of quantities with rates duly Last date for Sale/ Form PWD Technical bids & Price bids. 12/ 12/ 2019 Issue of Tender papers k experience. Based on such Last date for 13/ 12/ 2019 upto 1430 hrs. submission of - 7/8 tender papers One thousand shall be opened for Opening of tender 13/ 12/ 2019 on 1500 hrs. papers - Office of the Executive Engineer Charge of ) Only PHE & WS Division, Khonsa Place dropping Each of P.O:- Khonsa and opening of State Tirap District (Arunachal Pradesh) Bids in Pin NO. 792130 5. Earnest money in the form of DCR/ DD/ FDR of nationalized scheduled banks guaranteed by the Reserve Bank of India in favour of Executive Engineer, PHE & WS Division, Khonsa must be accompanied with each tender failing which will be summarily rejected. 6. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. 7. The tender shall be opened by the undersigned in the Office of PHE & WS Division, Khonsa as schedule. 8. The Bidders may collect the hard copy of Technical Bids and Price Bids from the Office of PHE & WS Division, Khonsa on or before stipulated date and time specified above. 9. The undersigned reserves the right to extend or cancel the tender and change the venue of opening the tender without assigning any reasons. 10. Any kind of tampering and overwriting of BOQ by the bidders will cause his/ her bid to be disqualified and rejected. 11. The bidders are required to submit the original documents to the office of the undersigned on the day of opening of technical bids. 12. Bidders must submit the hydraulic design and detailed drawings and specifications of proposed structures for evaluation for economical alternative options. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: 1. The sale tax registration No./ GST No. and PAN No. must be furnished in bidding document. The documents must be authenticated by competent authority. 2. Those firms who have not completed any ongoing projects in the PHE Department within stipulated time in Arunachal Pradesh will not be eligible to participate in tendering. 3. The willing tenderers must have executed similar type of Drinking Water Project or any other important civil construction work in hilly area not less than 50.00 lakh. The certificate in respect of completion of such projects must be obtained from not below the rank of Executive Engineer of the concerned Department. 4. The firm/ bidder participating in tender must be of appropriate Class- III & IV registered contractor. 5. All register contractors in Class III & IV categories domiciled within the 54th Namsang (ST) Assembly Constituency shall be applied for tender work. 6. Class of category and that the registration is must be valid on the date of participation of tender, a copy of which must be submitted to the tendering authority. 7. Contractor shall be allowed to participate in the tender on production of proof of permanent residential certificate (PRC) in support of their claim. 8. As per Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh notification No. SPWD/ W- 66/ 2012, Itanagar, Dtd. 13th August’ 2015. The Arunachal Pradesh district based entrepreneurs and professionals (Incentives, Development and Promotional) Act No. 05 of 2015. All register contractors in class III and IV categories domiciled with 54th Namsang (ST) Assembly Constituency are eligible to participate in tender process. Sd/- (Er. Bamang Tasung) Executive Engineer PHE & WS Division Khonsa Memo No. KPHED/ SCH/ NIT- 777/ 2019- 20/ Dated Khonsa the 3rd December’ 2019 Copy to:- 1. The Chief Engineer (E/Z)/ (W/Z)/ (D&P)/ (Sanitation), PHE & WS Department/ PWD (E/Z)/, W/Z)/ Power/ Power (Civil)/ RWD/ WRD, Itanagar for favour of his information and wide circulation please. 2. The Deputy Resident Commissioner, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Guwahati/ Shillong/ Kolkata/ New Delhi for information and wide circulation please. 3. The Superintending Engineer, PHE & WS Circle, Miao/ Namsai/ Aalo (Bene)/ Nahalagun/ Rupa for information & wide circulation please. 4. The Deputy Commissioner, Tirap District, Khonsa for information and wide circulation please. 5. The Executive Engineer, PHE & WS Division, Longding/ Changlang/ Namsai/ Roing/ Hawai/ Pasighat/ Yingkiong/ Aalo/ Likabali/ Ziro/ Sangram/ Yupia/ Daporijo/ Seppa/ Bomdila/ Tawang/ Itanagar for information and wide circulation please. 6. The Assistant Engineer, PHE & WS Sub- Division, Khonsa/ Deomali for information. 7. Notice board. 8. Office copy. Executive Engineer PHE & WS Division Khonsa .
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